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阅读理解。     One of the main decisions you must make when traveling is deciding where to stay. A good place to
stay can often make a holiday. Whether you are looking for a classy hotel or a night under the stars, we
can guide you through your different options.
     Bed and Breakfast
     An English invention, bed and breakfasts offer exactly what they suggest, a bed for the night and
breakfast in the morning. People who hate the anonymity of hotels but want more luxury than a hostel
often choose to stay at bed and breakfasts. "B&B"s", usually someone"s private home, are often found
in the countryside.
     For those traveling on a tight budget, hostels are the best accommodation option. Informal places
usually with a friendly youthful vibe(氛围), they offer dormitory beds for rent. Bathrooms are usually
down the hall.
     Remember to check reviews by previous guests online before you book your hostel.
     Couch Surfing
     An unusual but interesting option, couch surfing is a growing trend among young internationals. The
idea is that you become a member of the online couch-surfing community (www. couchsurfing. com)
and then when you travel, look up other members in that country and ask to stay on their couch (沙发).
Most hosts will suggest sightseeing trips and take you out in the evening, making it a great way to see
things that aren"t in your guidebook. And remember, it may be free but don"t forget to offer to buy your
host a drink or dinner.
     Sleeping under the stars! For budget travelers staying at camping grounds is the cheapest way to
travel. The drawback is that you have to carry a tent with you. Camping grounds can be found across
Europe, America and Australia. However, if you intend on camping in busy cities, check first where the
nearest campsite is. More often than not, they are on the outskirts, which can mean lengthy bus rides into
town when you want to eat or see the sights.1. Hostels are popular among budget travelers because they provide  _____.A. a friendly atmosphere   
B. dormitory beds for sale
C. reviews by previous guests  
D. beds and bathrooms as well2. The advantage of couch surfing is that  _____.
  A. you don"t have to pay any money
B. you can have a couch to sleep on
C. you can explore the nightlife there
D. the host will charge you for sightseeing3. The disadvantage of camping is that you have to ______.  A. sleep in the open air
B. take some extra articles
C. camp near big cities for safety
D. take a long distance bus to the campsites4. You want a better but not too expensive place to stay, you may choose _____.  A. Bed and Breakfast    
B. Hostels    
C. Couch Surfing  
D. Camping
1-4: ACBA
试题【阅读理解。     One of the main decisions you must make when traveling is deciding whe】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空。     We should show respect to everybody, especially our elders because they are ahead of us—in age,
 in wisdom and maturity, in experience and education. Our     1     have done a lot for us, directly or 
indirectly and most of us     2     everything to their kindness and love.
     When we     3    them respect, whether it is by bowing to them, or     4      them with a smile, or 
offering them any help they need, it is one way of     5     our own love and gratitude to them.     6    , 
elders have also been through all the years you are     7     and know a little more about the world than 
you do.        
     It is     8     that you do not agree with the belief of your elders, but this is nothing new. All younger 
generations have always     9     with their elders and it is these differences that bring changes in human 
   10    . However much you disagree with them, give them credit for their     11    .       
     With changing times and    12    influences, youngsters no longer know what is interpreted as 
disrespect to elders. Youngsters should     13     express their views and if there are arguments, they 
should not     14    their voices.
     If there is no space on sofas or chairs, children will immediately     15    their places, and sit on the
 carpet. In buses and trains, youngsters are     16     to give up their places to older people. This is
 not a     17     of who has more rights. It is simply that those who are younger have the strength to
 bear     18    , or tolerate unpleasantness, so it is natural to show consideration to those who are older 
and perhaps at a     19     disadvantage.
     When you do simple things as a mark of respect, elders become     20     that youngsters care for
 them, and they respond with affection and kindness. (     )1. A. youngsters    
(     )2. A. devote      
(     )3. A. show        
(     )4. A. greeting    
(     )5. A. expressing     
(     )6. A. However        
(     )7. A. experiencing with
(     )8. A. maybe      
(     )9. A. quarreled  
(     )10. A. community   
(     )11. A. experience
(     )12. A. cultural  
(     )13. A. quietly    
(     )14. A. rise    
(     )15. A. give away    
(     )16. A. expected    
(     )17. A. doubt      
(     )18. A. suffering    
(     )19. A. serious      
(     )20. A. aware     B. elders   
B. owe    
B. explain    
B. receiving
B. describing
B. Therefore
B. going through
B. likely
B. dealt  
B. organization
B. reality  
B. special  
B. slightly
B. raise  
B. get rid of  
B. forced
B. question
B. upset  
B. light    
B. alive     C. parents  
C. pay     
C. exhibit   
C. declaring
C. sending
C. Besides
C. suffering from
C. possible  
C. lived  
C. society
C. emotion
C. environmental
C. silently
C. support
C. give up
C. needed   
C. wonder  
C. trouble
C. heavy  
C. knowing D. juniors    
D. contribute    
D. point        
D. showing      
D. suggesting  
D. Though    
D. worrying out  
D. probably      
D. disagreed    
D. public      
D. information  
D. position  
D. coldly        
D. force          
D. send out    
D. reminded  
D. challenge      
D. discomfort    
D. slight        
D. sensible      
题型:山东省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Some people are lucky enough to be born with a good sense of direction and even if they have only 
visited a place once, they will be able to find it again years later.
      I am one of those unfortunate people who have poor sense of direction and I may have visited a
 place time after time but I still get lost on my way there. When I was young I was so shy that I never 
dared ask complete strangers the way and so I used to wander round in circles and hope that by some 
chance I would get to the spot I was heading for.
      I am no longer too shy to ask people for direction, but I often receive replies that puzzle me. Often 
people do not like to admit that they didn"t know their hometown and will insist on telling you the way, 
even if they do not know it; others, who are anxious to prove that they know their hometown very well, 
will give you a long list of directions which you can not possibly hope to remember, and still others do not
 seem to be able to tell between their left and their right and you find in the end that you are going in the
 opposite direction to that in which you should be going.
      If anyone ever asks me the way to somewhere, I always tell them I am a stranger to the town in order 
to avoid giving them wrong direction but even this can have embarrassing results.
     Once I was on my way to work when I was stopped by a man who asked me if I would direct him
 the way to the Sunlight Building. I gave my usual reply, but I had not walked on a few steps when I
 realized that he had asked for directions to my office building. However, at this point, I decide it was too 
late to turn back and search for him out of the crowd behind me as I was going to meet with someone at
 the office and I did not want to keep him waiting.
     Imagine my embarrassment when my secretary showed in the very man who had asked for directions
 of my office and his astonishment when he recognized me as the person he had asked. 1. Why did the writer consider himself to be an unlucky dog?A. Because of his poor sense of direction.
B. Because he always forget the way to home.
C. Because he did not have any friend.
D. Because he used to be shy and dared not ask others the way. 2. How did the visitor feel when he was showed into the very room? A. He felt strange.        
B. He felt embarrassed.
C. He felt very sad.        
D. He felt astonished. 3. Who showed the right way to the interviewee according to the passage? A. Someone we don"t know.     
B. The writer did it for himself.
C. The secretary did so.    
D. A warm-hearted old lady did such a thing.
题型:山东省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     "Life is speeding up. Everyone is getting unwell."
     This may sound like something someone would say today. But in fact, an unknown citizen who lived 
in Rome in AD 52 wrote it.
     We all love new inventions. They are exciting, amazing and can even change our lives. But have all
 these developments really improve the quality of our lives?
     Picture this: You"re rushing to finish your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings, a 
QQ message from your friend appears on the screen, the noise from the television is getting louder and
 louder. Suddenly the computer goes blank and you lose all your work. Now you have to stay up all
 night to get it done. How calm and happy do you feel?
      Inventions have speeded up our lives so much that they often leave us feeling stressed and tired. Why
 do you think people who live far away from noisy cities, who have no telephones, no cars, not even any
 electricity often seem to be happier? Perhaps because they lead simpler lives.
     One family in the UK went "back in time" to see what life was like without all the inventions we have
 today. The grandparents, with their daughter, and grandsons Benjamin, 10, and Tomas, 7, spent nine 
weeks in a 1940s house. They had no washing machine, microwave, computer or mobile phones.
     The grandmother, Lyn, said, "It was hard physically, but not mentally." She believed life was less 
materialistic. "The more things you have, the more difficult life becomes," She said. The boys said they 
fought less to fight over, such as their computer. Benjamin also noticed that his grandmother had changed 
from being a "trendy (时髦的), beer-drinking granny, to one who cooked things."
     Here are some simple ways to beat the stress often caused by our inventions!
     Don"t be available all the time. Turn off your mobile phone at certain times of the day. 
     Don"t check your e-mail every day. Don"t reply to somebody as soon as they leave a text message
 just because you can. It may be fun at first, but it soon gets annoying. 1. The passage is mainly about _______. A. problem with technology     
B. improvements of our life with technology
C. the important roles technology plays in our everyday life
D. major changes which will be likely to happen to technology2. The writer quoted (引用) what a citizen in ancient Rome said at the beginning of the story 
     in order to _________. A. share a truth about life          
B. tell us what life was like long time ago
C. make us wonder what causes such a thing to happen
D. point out that you experience some big problems and they may be the same 3. Why did the family choose to spend some time in a 1940"s house? Because ________. A. they liked to live simple lives
B. they were curious about how people lived without modern inventions
C. they were troubled by modern inventions
D. living in a different time would be a lot of fun for them 4. What do you think the underlined word "available" in the first suggestion offered by the writer mean? A. Busy on line
B. Free
C. Be able to
D. Be found by others.
题型:山东省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Do you have bright ideas? Ideas or inventions that change society or, at least, make life easier for
somebody? Perhaps we all do sometimes, but we don"t often make the idea a reality. Recently, in Britain,
there was a competition called British Designers for Tomorrow. The competition encourages young
people to carry out their bright ideas. There were two groups in the contest: Group One was for
schoolchildren under 16; Group Two was for schoolchildren over 16, and there were eleven
prize-winners altogether.
      Neil Hunt, one of the prize-winners, was called "Sunshine Superman". It"s important when people
study the weather to be able to record sunshine accurately. We need to know how many hours of
sunshine we have and how strong it is. Most sunshine recorders only record direct sunlight. Neil"s is more
accurate and this is very important for research into the way of using solar power.
     You can do so much with animated cartoon. Look at Simon West"s idea for animated road signs. He
uses pictures which appear to move as you go nearer to or farther from them. This isn"t a new idea. But it
is new to use these pictures on road signs. "We found that people were more likely to see moving signs,"
said Simon. So now, you can really see rocks falling, trains moving, horses running or a car falling over
the edge of a cliff. Quite a warning!
     The ideas in the competition were so inventive that we are surprised that British industry doesn"t ask
more schoolchildren for suggestions. Perhaps this will be the start of "pupil power!"1. The writer seems to be encouraging the British industry to         .A. help schoolchildren in their studies
B. take better care of schoolchildren
C. stop asking schoolchildren for suggestions
D. pay more attention to schoolchildren"s inventive power2. Neil Hunt"s design would finally lead to the improvement of the way of        .A. recording direct sunshine
B. knowing how strong sunlight is
C. using the energy of the sun
D. recording the hours of sunshine3. The organizers of the competition hoped the schoolchildren would      .A. become good designers for future Britain
B. win as many prizes as they could
C. design something useful for the next day
D. invent something for immediate use4. What"s the use of Simon West"s animated road signs?A. To add to the beauty of a city.
B. To warn people on the roads of the danger ahead.
C. To help make a car trip more exciting.
D. To warn people to be careful while working.5. The writer holds that people seldom      .A. make their life easier
B. turn their bright ideas into reality
C. have bright ideas
D. think of inventing something
题型:山东省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读表达。     All people have dreams and they obey the rule that if you can dream it, you can achieve it!Here are
four goals for people to reach a perfect life in their future.
     The first goal common to all of us is health and energy. We all want to be healthy and fit, to have high
levels of energy and to live free of pain and illness. Today, with the incredible advance in medical science,
the quality of our health and fitness, and our lifespan is largely determined by design, not by chance.
People with excellent health habits are far healthier, have more energy, and live longer and better than
people who have poor health habits. Remember that health is not everything, but without health everything
is nothing!
     The second goal that we all have in common is to enjoy excellent relationships-intimate, personal or
social-with the people we like and respect, and who in turn. Fully 85% of your happiness will be
determined by the quality of your relationships at each stage, and in each area, of your life. How well you
get along with people, and how much they like and respect you, have more impact on the quality of your
life than perhaps any other factor.
     The third common goal is to do work that we enjoy, to do it well, and to be well paid for it. You want
to be able to get and keep the job you want, to get paid more and promoted (晋升) faster. You want to
earn the very most that is possible for you at each stage of your career, whatever you do
     The fourth goal we all have in common is to achieve financial independence. You want to reach the
point in life where you have enough money so that you never have any financial worries. You want to be
completely free of them. You want to be able to order dinner in a restaurant without referring to the price
listings to determine what you want to eat.1. What does this passage chiefly talk about? (no more than 12 words)
2. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)
3. Complete the following sentence with proper words according to the underlined sentence
    in Paragraph 4.  (no more than 6 words)
 Everybody wants to make _________________  no matter what job he is engaged in.

4.Why does the author put health ahead of other goals?(no more than 20 words)

5.What does the underlined word"them"in the last paragraph probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)
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