当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。     For several years, Ameri...
为多余选项。     For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshoppingwatching TV and buying things by phone.
   1     In a number of European countries, people can turn on their TVs and shop for clothes ,jewelry,
food, toys, and many other things.
       2     For example, the biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in 15 European
countries, and in one year it made $100 million. In France there are two teleshopping channels, and the
French spend about $ 20 million a year to buy things through those channels.
     In Germany, until last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for 1 hour every day. Then
the government allowed more teleshopping. Other channels can open for telebusiness, including the
largest American teleshopping company and a 24hour teleshopping company.     3  
     Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without leaving their
homes. With all the problems of traffic in the cities, this is an important reason, but at the same time,
other Europeans do not like this new way of shopping.    4    Many Europeans usually worry about the
quality of the things for sale on TV. Good quality is important to them ,and they believe they cannot be
sure about the quality of the things on TV.
      5    They will have to be more careful about the quality of the things they sell. They will also have to
work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see in person.
试题【阅读理解。     根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。     For several years, Ameri】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
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A. Now teleshopping is starting in European.
B. They call teleshopping "Junk on the air".
C. Teleshopping is becoming popular in Sweden.
D. German businesses are hoping this new teleshopping    will help them sell more things.
E. The need for high quality means that European teleshopping companies will have to be different
     from the American companies.
F. Teleshopping is popular among people.
G. German teleshopping business is controlled by American.
1-5: ACDBE
     Lights on thousands of miles of major roads in England could be dimmed (变暗)
    during quiet periods in a bid to save money and reduce carbon emissions from various
      The Highways Agency suggests reducing light levels on A-roads when traffic levels
  Are" very low".  I:ocal transport minister Norman Baker said he supported the. Move on
  condition. that safety was not compromised.
      Research into when and where lights could be dimmed will begin in May,2012.
      Mr.Kawczynski, a MP (国会议员), asked Transport Minister Norman  Baker
  "what plans he has to change guidance on the, minimum amount of lighting required on A
  roads".  In reply, Mr. Baker wrote:"The Highways Agency has plans to reduce the
  level of lighting on A-roads when traffic levels are far below road capacity.  The agency
  has no plans to reduce the level of lighting on A-roads during the peak (高峰) periods
  that occur during the hours of darkness or to temporarily switch A-roads lighting off
  when traffic flows  are  low. "The  level  of  light. reduction will  be  based upon
  internationally agreed standards and made after discussion and  agreement with the UK"s
  Institution of Lighting Professionals."
      Mr. Baker added:"It is right that lighting authorities consider, in the interests of
  cost-saving and the environment, whether lighting can be sensibly dimmed or turned off .
  with proper safety brought into full consideration."
     A Highways Agency spokesman said:"This is not about switching off lights on A-
roads.  Any changes to light level will be determined after discussion and agreement
with industry experts and will meet internationally agreed standards to ensure there will
be no influence on safety for road users."
1.  What is the text mainly about?
A.  A bid for cost-saving and the environment by cutting light levels.
B.  A research on when and where to reduce the light levels.
C.  A discussion about changing the standard of lighting.
D.  A move on the safety of A-roads.
2. Lights on major roads in England could be dimmed _____.  
A. in broad daylight.
B.  during the peak periods
C.  when traffic levels are very low  
D.  when there is power failure
3.   According to Mr. Baker, the level of light reduction will_. 
A.  be determined after discussion and agreement with industry experts
B.  be made only after discussion and agreement with the MP
C.  surely have much influence on safety for road users
D.  be based on internationaay agreed standards
4.   It can be inferred from the passage that
A.  major roads in Britain may be less safer after reducing light levels
B.  air pollution in Britain is becoming a big headache
C.  Britain is suffering from heavy traffic
D.  Britain is faced with a shortage of power
    In the current economic downturn, many American schools are adding a new
Subject: financial literacy (理财). One program in Virginia even gets students out of
the classroom for a day to learn how far their money will go in the real world.  What
looks like a shopping mall is actually an educational field trip experience for a group of
young people.
    Finance Park is a special place where students apply what they have been taught in
class about money management.  The facility (设施) opened last year in Fairfax,
Virginia.  It is the fifteenth Finance Park built in the last decade by Junior Achievement
USA, a non-profit organization helping to prepare young people for financial success.
"Since the financial crisis (危机), the demand for Finance Parks around the country
has grown," says Ed Grenier, president of the Washington, DC chapter.
    Financial literacy has only recently become part of the regular subjects in Fairfax
County. "Some students, some teachers, some schools did it, but now it is much
more systematic," Reilly says, "and it can ensure that all students get this background
information." That is why every eighth grade student in Fairfax County will eventually
spend a day here.
    Thirteen-year-old Sam says she has learned an important life lesson. "I didn"t know
how expensive everything would be." Anthony, also 13,is looking forward to telling
his parents what he learned."I"11 probably tell them I want to stay a kid a little longer
and take my time to become an adult." This isn"t the end of financial studies for
Anthony and the other students here.  Virginia is one of 23 states which requires
students to take a financial education class in high school in order to graduate.
1. The purpose of opening financial literacy is to _____.  
A.  help students learn how to make money
B.  tell students what the financial crisis is
C.  change the current economic downturn
D.  prepare young people for financial success
2.   From the text we know that Finance Park is _____.    
A.  an actual shopping mall
B.  a profit-making organization
C.  an educational field trip experience for students
D.  a special place for students to spend money freely                  
3.  We can infer from the text that _____.    
A.  financial literacy will be popular all over America
B.  but for the financial crisis Finanle Park wouldn"t have been opened
C.  students can graduate after taking a financial literacy class in Finance Park
D.  students are interested in Finance Park and have the benefit of it
    When we think about happiness, we usually think of something extraordinary, a
pinnacle (顶点)of delight.  And those pinnacles seem to get rarer the older we get.
        1    I remember playing policemen and robbers in the woods, getting a speaking
part in the school play.  Of course, kids also experience lows, but their delight at such
peaks of pleasure as winning a race or getting a new bike is unreserved.
    For teenagers, or people under 20 the concept of happiness changes.   2   I can
still feel the pain of not being invited to a party that almost everyone else was going to.
I also remember the great happiness of being invited at another event to dance with a
very handsome young man.
    In adulthood the things that bring great joy-birth, love, marriage also bring
responsibility and the risk of loss.   3   For adults, happiness is complex.
       4   But I think a better explanation of happiness is" the ability to enjoy
something".  The more we can enjoy what we have, the happier we are.  It"s easy to
overlook the pleasure we get from loving and being loved, the company of friends, the
freedom to live where we please, even good health.
    While happiness may be more complex for us, the solution is the same as ever.
Happiness isn"t about what happens to us; it"s the ability to find a positive for every
negative, and view a difficulty as a challenge.  5 
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A.  Love may not last; loved ones die.
B.  For a child, happiness has a magic quality.
C.  Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life.
D.  Being happy doesn"t mean that everything is perfect.
E.  The dictionary explains "happy" as "lucky" or "fortunate".
F.  It"s not wishing for what we don"t have, but enjoying what we do possess.
G.  Suddenly it"s conditional on such things as excitement, love, and popularity.
     When you see homework covering the kitchen table and toys are piling up around the sofa, you
probably wish there was a bit more space. You are not alone. Nearly a third of parents say they feel
squeezed into their homes but cannot afford to move to a bigger property,a report reveals today.
     Twenty-nine percent say "their property is too small to fit the size of their family"-rising to 40 percent
for those 34 and under. One in four children is "forced to share"a bedroom, according to the
Finda-Property. Com website. Property analyst Samantha Baden said:"Afford-ability remains a key issue
for families, with the average cost of a three-bedroom home around £ 193,000."Very few can afford
to buy - or to rent - a property of the size they want and in the area they desire to live in, according to
Miss Baden.
     A recent report, from investment firm LV, also found that many "space-starved parents"are pushed
into a two-bedroom home which was perfect when they were a young couple, but has no space for three
or so children. Grown-up children who cannot afford to leave home are also adding to the problem facing
families in Britain"s "big squeeze".
     For a home to be the correct size, which means it is not overcrowded, parents must have their own
bedroom. Children under ten can share, as well as same-sex children between ten and 20.Any-one over
21 also needs their own room.
     The report comes as official figures, published yesterday by the Land Registry, revealing house prices
are falling sharply in every region except London. The worst - hit area is the North East, where average
house prices have fallen to below £ l00,000 for the first time in seven years. However, they remain
unaffordable for millions.
l. According to Paragraph l, the report reveals               .
A. children like to do homework in the kitchen
B. some families can"t afford a bigger property
C. only a few families have housing problem
D. people are satisfied with their living condition
2. What Miss Baden said in Paragraph 2 means               .
A. most families don"t have enough money yet
B. no family could afford a three - bedroom home
C. it is common to live in a three - bedroom home
D. the price of a bigger property is still acceptable
3. The report from the investment firm LV shows                .
A. young couples should live in a two - bedroom home
B. families with three or so children couldn"t afford a home
C. parents should buy houses for their grown - up children
D. some grown - up children couldn"t afford a separate home
4. According to the passage,the right size for a home means                .
A. parents should have a bedroom of their own
B. anyone over 2l needs to live in their own home
C. children under ten should share parents" bedroom
D. children under 20 should have their own bedroom
5. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A. House prices are falling down everywhere.
B. People are able to buy a home of correct size.
C. The house prices in London has not fallen down.
D. The North East is now an area suitable to live in.
     Occasional sleepwalking does not tend to present a problem and most children grow out of it. If it
happens every night and causes problems, then sleep disorder specialists suggest that parents spend a
week noting the time when sleepwalking tends to happen, and then gently wake the child about fifteen
minutes before this time. This will often break the cycle.
    So what should you do if you find your relative sleepwalking? For a start, they are in such a deep sleep
that they will probably not notice you, even if you try to wake them. If you do succeed in walking them,
they will become distressed. Everyone has experienced that feeling of confusion when the alarm awakens
you from deep sleep, instead of the lighter sleep we are usually experiencing by the time our alarms
sound. I once had the shock of being woken by a crash and found myself in the kitchen, standing
barefoot and surrounded by broken glass. I"d tried to get a glass of water while sleepwalking, but like
most sleepwalkers I failed to turn on the light, and had smashed the glass against the tap.
    Walking a sleepwalker will not cause them to have a heart attack, but the kindest thing to do is not try
to wake them at all. Lead them gently back to bed so that they do not hurt themselves. They will remain
deeply asleep, and it is likely that will not remember a thing in the morning.
1.What do the specialists advise the parents to do to avoid their children"s sleepwalking?
A. Go to bed with their children at the same time.
B. Keep a record of the time when children wake up.
C. Take 15 minutes to wake children from sleepwalking.
D. Try some time to break the cycle of the sleepwalking.
2. When a sleepwalker is suddenly woken, he is most likely to   ___  .
A. die from heart attack    
B. do some cooking
C. feel lost    
D. become relaxed
3.What should we do to deal with a sleepwalking relative?
A. Do nothing but take him back to bed.
B. Try every means to wake him at once.
C. Leave your relative where he stays.
D. Send him to a specialist immediately.
4. What is the best title for the text? 
A. Sleep Disorder  
B. Sleepwalking    
C. Sleep Advice    
D. Sleepwalkers