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阅读理解。     The Staff Room is onestopenglish"s exclusive (独家) subscription service, giving you access to our full
database of resources as well as many other benefits.
     Here is just a taste of how the Staff Room can help and enhance (强化) your teaching:
     1. Enjoy our entire database of resources
     You will be able to access our full database of over 8,000 resources, searchable by age, level,
language focus and topic; the database is added to every week, so you"re always sure to find something
new. From articles and tips on a range of teaching aspects and approaches, to ready-to-use worksheets
and lesson plans, and from games to listening materials, you"ll have thousands of fantastic resources at
your fingertips. .
     2. Find everything you need
     Whether you teach children, teenagers, adults or business executives, onestopenglish is packed with
resources for you. As a Staff Room member you"ll find a wealth of materials in the core (核心) subject
areas that matter most to you, including Grammar & Vocabulary, Exams, Business & ESP and Young
Learners. You"ll also find a special CLIL section for Content and Language Integrated 1 earning teachers, regularly updated with new materials.
      3. Organize your teaching
     Every Staff Room member can benefit from a personal, interactive (交互的) Learning Calendar. This
exciting new tool will allow you to save, organize and share all your favourite resources, and easily
schedule your lessons in advance. You can find out more about the Learning Calendar here.
     4. Refresh your classes with topical news lessons and authentic listening materials
     As part of your Staff Room subscription, we"ll publish a news lesson from the Guardian every week,
edited at three different language levels and complete with student worksheets. You"ll also find regular
news lessons from Business Spotlight as well as from Spot on, a magazine written especially for teenagers studying English.
     Our engaging listening materials include an ongoing series of authentic interviews with members of the
public, an exclusive soap opera, and our exciting mini-plays on British culture: your students will be able
to improve their listening skills with real-life contents and a huge variety of  accents.1. The purpose of the passage is to            .     A. introduce the advantages of a column in a website
B. persuade readers to join in an organization
C. give some advice on how to teach English
D. offer some suggestions on how to learn  English2. Which of the following is most likely to be the next part of the passags?A. Where the Staff Room is located    
B. H ow the Staff Room started
C. What the Staff Room will do this year
D. How to join in the Staff Room3. According to the passage ,the Staff Room is intended for            . A. students    
B. writers    
C. teachers    
D. editors4. What can"t you do in the Staff Room?A. Solve all your problems.  
B. Plan your lessons
C. Share your resources     
D. Enjoy British culture.5.The passage can be most probably found           .    A. on the front page of a newspaper        
B. on the home page of a website
C. in an English course book              
D. on the preface of a book
1-5: ADCAB
试题【阅读理解。     The Staff Room is onestopenglish"s exclusive (独家) subscription service】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读表达 。
     阅读下面短文并回答问题。(请注意问题后的词数要求)      [1] It"s hard to give the concept of being charming, in general, to be charming means to possess an
attractive and magnetic personality. There is no unflinching secret to be charming, but a positive change in
your thinking can get great benefits.
      [2] If you want to learn to be charming you have to learn the art of politeness. Nobody likes someone who is rude and grumpy all the time, and if you are cordial and polite to people around you they will
obviously appreciate your presence.
      [3] Sincerity is the key to how to become charming. If you genuinely wish to win people over and
appear charming in their eyes, you need to genuinely feel what you say to them.
      [4] The most charming men and women have the ability to make people laugh. Everyone loves to be
humorous as it can greatly remove the despair or sadness in everyone"s lives.
      [5] Learn to look at the bright side of things, and the world will be a better place. If you want to be
known as charming you have to be able to convince people, that no matter how bad things may seem at
the present moment, ______________.
      [6] Personal grooming (打扮) and appearance play a bigger role. Though it is not the most important
thing in order to be charming, it does have a certain effect.
      [7] In order to learn to be charming you need to keep all these pointers in mind. and do it all with a
smile on your face
. The point of how to be charming is not simply to attract more people towards you, it
is more concerned with living a healthy and positive life and spreading that feeling to everyone around you.
1. How does the author introduce the topic of the text? (no more than 8 words)
2. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)
3. What tips of being charming are mentioned in the text? (no more than 6 words)
4. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 7 into Chinese.
5. What is the best title of the passage? (no more than 5 words)
题型:山东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解、。    JK Rowling, the Harry Potter authof, has signed a deal with Little, Brown and Company, to publish
her first ever novel for adults, which is set to become one of the most anticipated (期望的) book in years.
The deal means that Rowling"s long-standing relationship with Bloomsbury, the London-based publisher
that launched (发行) the Harry Potter books, has come to an end, at 1east in terms of new works by the
     Rowling is keeping her fans guessing about the characters and plot of her new book. She only said
that the new novel will be nothing like the Harry Potter series, which was sold over 30 million copies in
the UK alone. She thought that with the move from children"s to adult fiction, a switch to a new publisher
seemed like a natural and reasonable step.
     She said," Although I"ve enjoyed writing it every bit as much, this book will be very different from the
Harry Potter series. The freedom to explore a new field is a gift that Harry"s success has brought me."
Ian Rankin, the Edinburgh-based author whose highly-successful detective novels are also set in the city.
suggested Rowling"s book will be a crime novel.
     "Wouldn"t it be funny if JK Rowling"s first novel for adults turned out to be a crime story set in
Edinburgh?" he said.
     Industry insiders guessed that the deal is worth more than £5 million and the new book is expected
to come out later this year.
     A spokesman said," JK Rowling"s audience is vast and her position is uniqLle. Hatry Potter books
were a global success and her fans are very loyal. Children that were eight, nine, or ten when the books
first came out in the 1990s are now in their 20s. Plenty of adults, loved the books regardless of whether
they had children, so the potential market for her is huge."1. What does the text mainly tell us?A. JK Rowling has signed a deal with a new publisher.
B. JK Rowling"s new book will be more successful than her Harry Potter series.
C. JK Rowling has to switch to a new publisher in order to publish her new book.
D. JK Rowling"s first book for adults will be published later this year.2. JK Rowlillg"s new book for adults      .A. has been sold 30 million copies in the UK alone
B. is poorly thought of by the London-based publisher Bloomsbury
C. has nothing in common with the Harry Potter series
D. is expected to bring her more money than the Harry Potter series3. The author used Ian Rankin"s words in order to      .A. tell us that some famous novelists offer to give Rowling some advice
B. show that many readers are curious about Rowling"s new book
C. tell us that many readers prefer to read detective or crime novels
D. prove that a crime story set in Edinburgh is sure to be successful4. We can leam from the text that       .A. Little, Brown and Company is specialized in publishing adult books
B. the author has no doubt about the success of Rowling"s new book
C. JK Rowling will be a crime novelist as good as Ian Rankin
D. it was in Edinburgh that Ian Rankin got to know JK Rowling5. What the spokesman said in the last paragraph tells us that      .A. JK Rowling"s fans are so loyal that they don"t care what shc will write
B. children won"t have any interest in JK Rowling"s new book
C. Rowling"s vast audience and unique position will guarantee the new book"s success
D. only readers of Harry Potter series will be interested in Rowling" s new book
题型:山东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     In the past decade, openness has become mainstream, and the vast majority of domestic adoptions
(家庭领养) are open ones. Even so, potential adoptive parents and birthparents are often fearful when
they first hear of the concept.
     Making Room in Our Hearls: Keeping Family Ties Through Open Addption answers the most
common questions about the influence of open adoption, and how it affects the lives of everyone related.
Duxbury, a family expert who specializes in adoption advice, is also an adoptive parent. Her book opens with her own family"s story.
     Duxbury surveyed 150 families, but her book is not a collection of data. Instead, it allows these
families to share their thoughts and wisdom, their joy and pain; the stories communicate the great
happiness families feel at" working together for the sake of the child" and the steady view that the
adoptive parents are the parents. They also touch on problems that can arise from opening closed
     The most convincing advocates for open adoption here are the adopted teens themselves.
Commenting on the question people always ask: "Are you confused about who is you real
mother?", Josh, age 2l now. states, "Kids aren"t stupid. I think I would be confused if my birthmother
was not in my life. But my birthmother is not another parent. Your parents are your parents. My
birthmother is really important to me. She is like a special aunt, but she is not my parent."
     "Openness gives children the gift of possibilities, for now and for the future," writes adoption expert
Patricia Martinez Dorner in her closing thoughts. "It is not a ctre-all, but it creates the possibility for a
stronger sense of permanence and identity." This book is important reading for everyone touched by
1. The first paragraph is written with the aim to        .A. advise people to open their adoptions
B. bring in the topic of open adoption
C. explain why open adoption has become mainstream
D. advertise the book Make Room in Our Heart2. What kind of view may both Duxbury and Josh agree with?A. The adoptive parents are the parents.
B. Only stupid kids may regard their birthmother as parent.
C. A collection of data of adoptive families is useless.
D. All adoptive families should share their joy and pain.3. We can learn from the text that kids of"closed adoptions"         .A. will not be told the truth of adoption
B. hate their birthparents very much
C. usually have fewer family problems
D. will become stupid with no birthparents4. The adopted children"s attitude towards open adoptio11 is          .A. ridiculous      
B. disapproving      
C. positive        
D. uncertain5. We can learn the advantages of open adoptions in           .A. paragraph 2     
B. paragraph 3        
C. paragraph 4    
D. paragraph 5
题型:山东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。(请注意 注意后的字数要求)     [1]Why play sports? You might say "to get exercise" and you"d be right. To have fun? That"s true,
too. But there"s more. In fact, there are at least 5 more reasons. According to the Wonmen"s Sports
Foundation, girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit.
     [2]Girls who play sports do better in school. You might think that athletics wi1l take up all your
study time. But research shows that girls who play sports do better in school than those who don"t.
Exercise improves learning, memory, and concentration, which can give active girls an advantage in the
     [3]Girls who play sports learn teamwork and goal-setting skills. Sports teach valuable life skills. When you work with coaches, trainers, and teammates to win games and achieve goals. you"re learning
how to be successful. Those skills will         at work and in family life.
     [4] Sports are good for a girl"s health. In addition to being fit and maintaining (维持) a healthy
weight, girls who p1ay sports are also less likely to smoke. And later in life, girls who exercise are less
likely to get breast cancer or osteoporosis (骨质疏松).
     [5]Playing sports builds self-confidence. Girls who play sports feel better about themselves. Why?
It builds confidence whe11 you know you can achieve your goals. Sports are also a feel-good activity
because they help girls get in shape. maintain a healthy weight. and make new friends.
     [6] Exercise cuts the pressure. Playing sports can reduce stress and help you feel a little happier.
How? The brain chemicals released during exercise improve a person"s mood. Friends are another
mood-lifter. And being on a team creates tight bonds between friends. It"s good to know your
teammates will support you-both on and off the field!1. What"s the main idea of the text? (no more than 8 words)
2. List three advantages that exercise can give you when you are in school. (two
words for each)
(l)                        (2)                        (3)                        
3. Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)
4. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.
5. What can lift your mood while playing sports? (no more than l5 words)
题型:山东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案

   It was my birthday last Thursday. I decided to __1__ by inviting a few friends out to supper. I chose a restaurant in a  __2__ part of town. It is one of my favorite restaurants because the food is good and the waiters are friendly. It is __3__ ever crowded, because not many people know abo5ut it, so it is not usually 
__4__ to book a table. In any case, Thursday is not a busy evening __5__ .
   When we entered the restaurant, we were surprised to find it completely __6__ . I looked around but 
no __7__ table was free. One of the waiters recognized me. He came across and explained the situation. “A party of tourists came in about half an hour ago.” he said. “It was like an invasion(侵略).  __8__  
the place was full! We can hardly manage(对付,应付)"
   The waiter then pointed to a table in the corner.  “The people there are about to __9__ “ he said,  “Just hold on and you’ll  __10__ a place there.”  He was right. Fifteen minutes later, the people __11__ the 
corner table paid their __12__ , got up and left. I led my friends across and we all sat down.
      __13__ our table was almost out of sight. We tried to call the attention of the waiter __14__ sent us there, but he, like all the other waiters, __15__ the party of tourism. They ordered lots of food. At last, an hour later, the tourists were finishing their meal and looking very __16__ with life. The waiter now very tired, appeared at our table. I advised my friends about the best dishes and finally the waiter went off with 
our __17__ .
   A few moments later he returned to our table. We could tell from his face that he had __18__ for us.  
__19__  a little sorry he told us that there was __20__ left. “All we can offer you” he said, “is an omelet(煎蛋卷) !” 

(     )1.  A. remember       
(     )2.  A. quiet           
(     )3.  A. hard            
(     )4.  A. necessary      
(     )5.  A. as before       
(     )6.  A. empty         
(     )7.  A. all            
(     )8.  A. Entirely        
(     )9.  A. start           
(     )10. A. find           
(     )11. A. by            
(     )12. A money            
(     )13. A. Luckily        
(     )14. A. whom            
(     )15. A. were kept busy  
(     )16. A. exciting        
(     )17. A. dishes         
(     )18. A. good presents   
(     )19. A. Looking       
(     )20. A. no meat or fish 

B. celebrate        
B. calm               
B. often             
B. possible           
B. as a matter of fact
B. full              
B. a                  
B. Luckily            
B. leave             
B. find out          
B. beside            
B. bill               
B. Fortunately        
B. which            
B. was busy with      
B. tired              
B. food             
B. good news          
B. Seeing             
B. no meat and fish   

C. memorize       
C. busy           
C. hardly         
C. important      
C. as usual       
C. free           
C. 不填           
C. Hopefully      
C. end            
C. wait           
C. at             
C. food           
C. Generally      
C. he             
C. kept busy with 
C. pleased        
C. order          
C. bad news       
C. Looked         
C. meat and fish  

D. congratulate       
D. silent             
D. always             
D. certain            
D. as is known to all 
D. quiet              
D. any                
D. Suddenly           
D. pay                
D. see                
D. near               
D. drinks             
D. Unluckily          
D. who                
D. were busy with     
D. disappointed       
D. menu               
D. bad presents       
D. Found              
D. not meat or fish   

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