当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as...
阅读理解。     There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have
generally viewed personal growth as an external (外在的) result or a product that can easily be identified
and measured. The worker who gets a rise, the student whose grades improve, the foreigner who learns
a new language-all these examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.
     By contrast (对照) , the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine, since it is a
journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way. The process is not the road itself, but
the attitudes, feelings people have , and their caution or courage, as they meet with new experiences and
unexpected difficulties. In this process, the journey never really ends; there are always new ways to
experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept.
     In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to face the
unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may "fail" at first. How we see ourselves as we try a
new way of being is necessary for our ability to grow.Do we see ourselves as quick and curious? If
so, we tend to take more chances and be more open to unfamiliar experiences. Do we think we"re shy
and indecisive? Then our sense of fear can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and we think we are
slow to adapt to change or that we"re not smart enough to deal with a new challenge.Then we are likely
to take a more passive role or not try at all.
     These feelings of insecurity (不安全) and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to
change and grow. If we protect ourselves too much, then we stop growing. We become trapped inside a
shell of our own making.1. In the author"s eye, one who views personal growth as a process would ____. A. succeed in climbing up the social ladder  
B. grow up from his own achievements
C. face difficulties and take up challenges  
D. aim high and reach his goal each time2. Which of the following can be viewed as the process of personal growing?  A. Our manager was always willing to accept new challenges.
B. Jane won the first prize in the speech competition.
C. Jerry picked up French during his stay in Paris.
D. Father"s salary rose from 5, 000 to 7,000.3. For personal growth, the author is in favor of all the following EXCEPT _______.A. being curious about more changes
B. being quick in self-adaptation
C. having an open mind to new experiences
D. staying away from failures and challenges4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?  A. It is not so easy to measure personal growth.
B. To try and fail on the new road facing the unknown is unavoidable.
C. There are only two ways to see a person"s growth.
D. If you are too shy to take any risks in life, you cannot grow up.  5. The best title for this passage should be ______.A. Facing New Challenges    
B. Growth-Product or Process
C. Two Basic Ways of Growth    
D. Overcoming Internal Fears
1-5: CADCB  
试题【阅读理解。     There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
     I Am a Pencil
     Sam Swope"s job was teaching writing to third-graders in New York City. His students were from 21 countries, speaking 11 languages, with different backgrounds. But there were a few things they had in common. Family troubles, for one. Money struggles. And poetry. Every single student, with the help of this creative teacher, came forth with awesome writing. Swope leaves the reader with the inspiring conviction (坚信) that deep within each of us lives a poet.
     Between a Rock and a Hard Place
     Aron Ralston, 28, went hiking in a remote Utah canyon without telling anyone. An unexpected catastrophe (灾难) struck. With enough supplies only for a day, Ralston knew his situation was full of danger. Sure enough, after five days he was in a fight against death. That was when he carried out a courageous plan - using a pocket knife to cut off his trapped arm. His amazing survival story rests at a place among the classics of the genre (体裁).
     Our Brother"s Keeper
     Author Jedwin Smith spent 30 years trying to repress (克制) all memories of his brother, Jeff, who was killed in Vietnam. But in Our Brother"s Keeper he tells what happens when the Internet brings him into contact with several his brother"s old Marine friends, including the guy who held Jeff in his arms as he died. First via e-mail, and then in person, Smith gets to know these men.
     The All Americans
     With his graduation from West Point, Henry Romanek sailed toward Omaha Beach on the eve of Dday. It was June 1944, and he was about to face the bloodiest battle of his life. Just yesterday, it seemed, he was a standout soldier on the Army team. Now, he was a leader of youngsters in battle, fighting, quite literally, for his country and the future of the free world. In this book, Lars Anderson retraces Romanek"s life and that of three other soldiers.
Copies in Seconds
With the push of a button, anyone can make copies of almost anything - unlike the old days, when papers had to be rewritten long-hand, carbon-copied out of fussy mimeograph machines (蜡纸油印机). In Copies in Seconds, David Owen showed how a shy engineer named Chester Carlson perfected his xerography machine (静电复印机) and shopped it around until finally hooking up with the Haloid Corporation. That partnership led to the Xerox copier and changed the face of work forever.
     State of Grace
     Back in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Lynvets was just a foot-ball team in a sandy New York City neighborhood. But to most of its members - the author, Robert Timberg, included - the team was their only experience of a happy family, their only chance to rise above lousy everyday circumstances, their only shot at being heroes. The friendships these men formed sustained (维持) them throughout their lives.
1. Tom is a teacher and interested in hiking and climbing very much. Now he is looking for a book about the hiking stories to help him in his following outdoor activities.
2. Kate is doing research into history. Recently, she becomes interested in the history about World War II. She now wants to find a book about the stories of the soldiers at that time.
3. Mark is studying science. Nowadays, he wants to reseach into the history of technological development. He first hopes to find a book about the development of the copiers which have changed our world greatly.
4. Jack is researching into education in a college. He is especially interested in the teaching methods. He wants to find a book which can tell him something about how to teach students from different backgrounds.
5. John is an expert on military affairs. He wants to find some materials about the soldiers in Vietnam War to carry on his new research.
    求书者                   书籍
1. Tom               A. I Am a Pencil
2. Kate               B. Between a Rock and a Hard Place
3. Mark              C. Our Brother"s Keeper
4. Jack                D. The All Americans
5. John                E. Copies in Seconds
                           F. State of Grace
题型:广东省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Cell phone feels like a part of your body? A global survey has found that most people can"t live
without their mobiles, never leave home without them and, if given a choice, would rather lose their wallet.
     Calling mobile phones the "remote control" for life, market research firm Synovate"s poll (民调) said
cell phones are so ubiquitous that by last year more humans owned one than did not.
     Three-quarters of the more than 8,000 respondents (受访者) polled online in 11 countries said they
take their phone with them everywhere, with Russians and Singaporeans the most attached. More than a
third also said they couldn"t live without their phone, topped by Taiwanese and again Singaporeans, while
one in four would find it harder to replace the mobile than their purse. Some two-thirds of respondents go
to bed with their phones nearby and can"t switch them off, even though they want to, because they"re
afraid they"ll miss something.
     "Mobiles give us safety, security and instant access to information. They are the number one tool of
communication for us, sometimes even surpassing face-to-face communication. They are our connections
to our lives," Jenny Chang, Synovate"s managing director in Taiwan, said in a statement.
     Mobiles have also changed the nature of relationships, with the survey finding nearly half of all
respondents use text messages to flirt, a fifth set up first-dates via (通过) text and almost the same
number use the same method to end a love affair.
     Apart from the obvious calling and texting, the top three features people use regularly on their mobile
phones globally are the alarm clock, the camera and the games.
      As for email and Internet access, 17 percent of respondents said they checked their inboxes or surfed
the Web on their phones, led by those in the United States and Britain. One in 10 respondents log onto
social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace regularly via mobile, again led by Britain and
the United States.
     "As the mobile becomes more and more an all-in-one device, many other businesses are facing
challenging times. The opportunities for mobile manufacturers and networks however are enormous,"
said Synovate"s global head of media, Steve Garton.
     Not everyone is tech savvy (科技通), however: 37 percent of respondents said they don"t know how
to use all the functions on their phone.1. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. 75 % of the respondents in Russia take their phone everywhere.
B. Over a third of Singaporeans couldn"t live without their phone.
C. About a fifth of the respondents use texting to end a love affair.
D. 10% of the respondents surf Facebook and MySpace via their phones,2. The underlined word "ubiquitous" in paragraph 2 most probably means ________.A. existing everywhere    
B. unusual    
C. a lot advanced          
D. inexpensive3. According to the passage, the first three regular functions of mobile phones worldwide are
     probably ________.A. calling, texting and emailing      
B. the alarm clock, the camera and the games
C. calling, texting and the alarm clock  
D. email, Internet access and the alarm clock4. What can be concluded from the passage?A. People could not live without their cell phones.
B. Mobile manufacturers and networks are facing challenges.
C. The more functions a mobile phone has, the more people will rely on it.
D. Quite a few cell phone users usually use the main features on their phone.5. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?A. Russians and Singaporeans depend on cell phones most.
B. People would rather lose wallet than cell phone.
C. People go to bed with cell phones on.
D. Advantages and disadvantages of cell phone
题型:广东省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。There are so many career (事业) possibilities that deciding the right career path can be scary. This is also
an exciting process, and is one that will ultimately lead you to a career that is stimulating, and right for you. Studies show that the average person will change careers at least five times, and it"s not unusual to change up to ten times. Your initial (最初的) decision will not bind you for life, but it will give you some direction
and help you start deciding what is right for you.
When you begin thinking about your career goals, it is important to explore your skills and interests. Find
out what it is you love - are you interested in math? Do you like to paint? Once you have an idea what it
is that makes you happy, research those occupations that may fit your personality and abilities. If you love working outside, perhaps accounting is not the right job for you.
After you decide what you"re interested in, you need to figure out how to accomplish (完成) those goals.
Spend time mapping out a plan for your path. Take courses in high school that will help you get ahead,
especially if you want to go to college.
You can set goals the easy way by using the SMART Goals theory. According to Paul J. Meyer, www.topachievement.com, Smart Goals are:
Specific--specific goals have a much greater chance of being accomplished. Ask yourself, who is involved in your goal, and what you want to accomplish. Also establish a time frame for the goal so you can have a deadline in which to achieve it.
Measurable-- Measurable goals help you monitor progress and keep on track. Ask yourself if your goal
is something attainable.
Attainable-- Attainable goals are goals that are reasonable enough for you to develop the abilities, skills,
and resources necessary to reach them. Mapping out a game plan helps you find opportunities you may
have overlooked.
Realistic-- Realistic Goals represent an objective toward which you are willing and able to work. You
can have a high goal which is realistic, but goals are usually only realistic if you believe that they can be
Tangible-- Tangible goals are ones whose successes you can experience and enjoy, knowing that you
completed the goal you set out for yourself.
Using Smart Goals, you can narrow down your career objectives, and find the way to make some of
your dreams into reality. This is especially useful for important goals, such as attending a dream college or
finding the career of your dreams.1. The main purpose of the text is to _____.A. introduce the Smart Goals system and give some help
B. give some advice to college graduates and make the Smart Goals system popular
C. offer suggestions for students deciding on a career and how to use Smart Goals  
D. help students to make some of their dreams into reality2. According to the text, what may affect you when you consider your career choices? A. Age and experience                
B. Personality and courses
C. Dreams and goals                  
D. Skills and interests3. The author thinks that an initial decision _______.A. will have a lifelong effect on a person
B. will benefit a person in some way
C. will not help you with your career choices
D. will reduce a person"s freedom of career choices for a short time4. Which of the following can help you to accomplish career goals according to the text?A. Spend time in planning a project for your career path  
B. Take related courses at college
C. Set goals by using Smart Goals                    
D. Enjoy your successes5. Which of the following is true according to the text?   A. Specific goals give you more chances of establishing a time frame.
B. Measurable goals depend on your abilities, skills and resources
C. Attainable goals are ones whose progress you can monitor
D. Realistic goals usually refer to those that you believe you can accomplish
题型:广东省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     When first entered, Vanak Restaurant does not look like much of a restaurant, but once the pleasant
smells of kabob (烤肉串) hit the senses, you are incapable of calling it anything less.
     Owned by a local couple, this Persian restaurant has an inviting, homelike atmosphere that many
restaurants lack. The space is small with only a few dining tables and nearly no decoration, but the
environment is truly charming. Lying in a hardly noticeable street corner, the restaurant still attracts all
customers, especially those experienced in the delights of Middle Eastern cooking.
     A common sight is that of old Persian men sitting in the corner talking loudly about world topics,
watching news events on TV, drinking a black tea known as Persian chai, reading local Persian
newspapers all the while and trying to finish off their plate piled with food.
     The variety of food at the restaurant is limited, but the amount of each dish is fairly large. Most of the
meals can serve two people and are under $10, so not only is it affordable but practical as well. The
food, especially appeals to health-conscious eaters because each dish is very healthy, made with limited
fat and oil and served straight off the grill (烤肉架).
     The main dish that the restaurant is popular for is its kabobs, which are different styles of grilled meat. One delicious and extremely healthy dish is the Joojeh Kabob, which is made of grilled chicken pieces
served with either rice or bread. Another great kabob is the Chelo Kabob, a kabob consisting of grilled
     Although the restaurant is small, the atmosphere and the food is delicious. It is a place that should not
be overlooked.1. When first entering the restaurant, one can find that it________.A. is splendidly decorated
B. has pleasant smells of kabobs
C. is crowded with dining tables
D. looks like a common restaurant2. What activity is also mentioned apart from dining in the restaurant?A. Watching news events on TV.
B. Drinking a kind of black coffee.
C. Reading local English newspapers.
D. Discussing world topics in low voices.3. What is the dish Joojeh Kabob mainly made of?A. Rice  
B. Chicken
C. Bread  
D. Beef4. It can be inferred from the passage that the restaurant _______.A. occupies a large space
B. owns a favorable location
C. is popular for its special food
D. has a quiet environment inside
题型:河北省期中题难度:| 查看答案
     根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余项。     Do you know how to be street smart? Being street smart means knowing how to keep yourself safe
from strangers when you"re alone or with other kids.    1  
     Most strangers aren"t dangerous and wouldn"t do anything to hurt kids. Unfortunately, though, some
strangers can be dangerous, and it"s impossible to tell who"s OK and who"s not. __2_  That"s why it"s
important to follow these safety rules all the time:
     Make your whereabouts known.
     The adults who"s taking care of you needs to know where you are and when you"ll be coming home.
     It"s more fun and safer to do things with friends. Traveling with a friend whenever you can is a good
idea, and traveling with a group of kids is even better.
     Safe spots are places where you can stop if you need help. Like the houses of kids you know, the
houses of your parents" friends, police stations, libraries, and fire departments. When you"re walking or
riding your bike, make a mental note of the safe spots along your route. That way, you"ll know where
they are in case you ever need one.
     You"re probably been told lots of times that you should not yell and keep quiet. But when you think
you might be in danger, it"s the perfect time to be noisy! If a stranger approaches you, follows you or tries
to grab you, yell as loudly as you can and try to get away. People in the area will hear what"s going on and help you, so make plenty of noise.A. Stick with a friend.
B. Pick out safe spots.
C. It helps you stay safe.
D. Shout "help" when necessary.
E. Go to school with your friends.
F. Make a lot of noise if you are scared.
G. A dangerous person doesn"t necessarily look scary.
题型:河北省期中题难度:| 查看答案
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