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阅读理解     I am one of those people who are terrible at saying no. I take on too many projects at once, and
spend too much of my time doing things I"d rather not be doing. I get stuff done, but it"s not always the
best I can do, or the best way I could spend my time.
    That"s why my newest goal, both as a professional and a person, is to be a quitter.
    Being a quitter isn"t being someone who gives up, who doesn"t see important things through to the end.
I desire to be the opposite of that. The quitter I want to be is someone who gets out when there"s no
value in what he"s doing, or when that value comes at the expense of something more important.
    We get involved in something, realize we don"t want to be a part of it, but keep on going. We say
"Well, I"ve already invested so much time in this, I might as well stick it out." A friend of mine once told
me, "I knew I was an adult when I could stop reading a book, even after getting 500 pages into it."
Odd though it sounds, we all tend to do this.
    I propose the opposite: quit as often as possible, regardless of project status or time invested. If
you"re reading a book, and don"t like it, stop reading. Cut your losses, realize that the smartest thing to
do is stop before your losses grow even more, and quit. Instead of reading an entire book you hate,
read half of a bad one and half of a good one. Isn"t that a better use of your time?
    Step back for a second. Let"s learn how to say "no" at the beginning, or in the middle, and free up
more of our time to do the things we"d like to be doing, and the things actually worth doing.
    Saying no is hard, and admitting a mistaken yes is even harder. But if we do both, we"ll start to make
sure that we"re spending our time creating value, rather than increasing our losses. Let"s be quitters
together.1. The author wants to be a quitter, because he/she         .A. wishes to have more time for relaxation
B. hopes to improve his/her personality
C. expects to make more efficient use of his/her time
D. has found it hard to do several things at one time2. In what circumstances does the author suggest quitting is a good idea? A. When you know a task cannot be finished.
B. When you feel tired and need a rest.
C. When you meet with difficulties along the way.
D. When you realize what you are doing is not worth the time.3. The message the author tries to convey is to         .A. learn to say noB. create more value
C. live your life to the fullest    
D. stop doing many things at a time    
1-3: CDA  
试题【阅读理解     I am one of those people who are terrible at saying no. I take on too m】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解     What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, and red? If you do, you must be an
optimist(乐观者), a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you prefer
grays and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy and you would rather follow than lead. If you love
green, you are strong-minded and determined. You wish to succeed and want other people to see
you are successful. At least this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have
been seriously studying the meaning of color preference(爱好), and the effect that colors have on human
beings. They tell us that we don"t choose our favorite color as we grow up. If you happen to love brown,
you did so as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.
      A yellow room makes us feel more cheerful and more comfortable than a dark green one, and a red
dress rings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. On the other hand, black is depressing(压抑).
Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active. It is a fact that factory workers
work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black
or dark gray.
     Remember, then, that if you feel low, you can always brighten your day or your life with a new shirt
or a few colorful things. Remember also that you will know your friends and your enemies better when
you find out what colors they like and dislike. And don"t forget that anyone can guess a lot about your
character when you choose a piece of handkerchief.1. According to this passage,            .A. one can choose his color preference
B. one is born with his color preference
C. one"s color preference is changeable
D. one has to choose his favorite color as soon as he can see clearly2. The main idea of this passage is            .A. one"s color preference shows one"s character
B. you can brighten your life with wonderful colors
C. psychologists have been studying the meaning of color preference
D. one"s color preference has something to do with his character and colors have effects on human beings3. The writer believes that in realizing the four modernizations of country, we need more
     people who love           .
A. yellow
B. red
C. green
D. black
题型:安徽省期中题难度:| 查看答案

    We can see how the product life cycle works by looking at the introduction of instant coffee.When
it was introduced,most people did not like it as well as "regular" coffee and it took several years to gain
general acceptance (introduction stage). At one point,though,instant coffee grew rapidly in popularity
and many brands were introduced (stage of rapid growth).. After a while people became attached to
one brand,sales leveled off (stage of maturity). Sales went into a slight decline (衰退) when freeze
dried coffees were introduced (stage of decline).
     The importance of the product life cycle to marketers is this:Different stages in the product life cycle
call for different strategies.The goal is to extend product life so that sales and profits do not decline.One
strategy is called market modification.It means that marketing managers look for new users and market
sections.Did you know,for example,that the backpacks that so many students carry today were originally
designed for the military?
    Market modification also means searching for increased usage among present customers or going for
a different market,such as senior citizens.A marketer may re-position the product to appeal to new

market sections.
    Another product extension strategy is called product modification.It involves changing product quality,
features,or style to attract new users or more usage from present users.American auto manufacturers are
using quality improvement as one way to recapture (夺回) world markets.Note,also,how auto
manufacturers once changed styles dramatically from year to year to keep demand from falling.

1. According to the passage,when people grow fond of one particular brand of a product,its
    sales will________.A. decrease gradually  
B. become unstable
C. improve enormously  
D. remain at the same level2. The first paragraph tells us that a new product is________.A. usually introduced to satisfy different tastes
B. often more expensive than old ones
C. often inferior to old ones at first
D. not easily accepted by the public3. Marketers need to know which of the four stages a product is in so as to________.A. work out marketing policies
B. promote its production
C. increase its popularity
D. speed up its life cycle4. The author mentions the example of "backpacks" (Line7,Para.2) to show the importance of _____.A. increasing usage among students
B. pleasing the young as well as the old
C. exploring new market sections
D. serving both military and civil needs5. In order to recover their share of the world market,US auto makers are________.A. improving product quality
B. re-positioning their product in the market
C. modernizing product style
D. increasing product features
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

     I was born in North Carolina and at an early age moved to Virginia where I grew up on a dairy farm.
I"m in my thirties,  _1_.Presently I am a teacher at the elementary school_2_Indian Harbor Beach,  Florida,  where I teach the fourth_3_.I attended school at Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blacksburg,  Virginia, 
 where I_4_my husband,  who was a senior engineering_5_.When I have free time,  I like to read.  6  I"m
interested in reading English History and American Civil War stories,  __7_I like to read historical fiction
stories as well,  _8_the old South or about Kings and Queens of England from long ago.Also I like to__9_
and do needle work,  which is quite a  10   for young people today.Traveling is a hobby that my husband
and I both   11  . Perhaps we have been more in the United Kingdom than in the US. The  12   thing in our
life in Florida is that we enjoy having no 13  .When my husband and I were both  14   of Virginia and we
grew up,  we remembered having to  15   so many days of school for snow and ice,   16   it was a nice
change for us to move to Florida about sixteen years ago,    17   we enjoy swimming and tennis and boating.  18   ,  I must say that I still do miss the change of  19    and as long as I live in Florida and enjoy Florida. I will also miss the springtime flowers and the leaves   20    in the fall.

题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. married      
(     )2. A. along        
(     )3. A. class        
(     )4. A. noticed      
(     )5. A. teacher      
(     )6. A. Mainly      
(     )7. A. unless      
(     )8. A. with        
(     )9. A. travel      
(     )10. A. fortune    
(     )11. A.enjoy        
(     )12. A.normal      
(     )13. A. rain        
(     )14. A. relatives  
(     )15. A. lose        
(     )16. A. as          
(     )17. A. how        
(     )18. A. Besides    
(     )19. A.custom      
(     )20. A.falling      
B. tired        
B. in          
B. lesson      
B. met          
B. expert      
B. Specially    
B. although    
B. for          
B. read        
B. challenge    
B. expect      
B. common      
B. wind        
B. visitors    
B. miss        
B. but          
B. what        
B. Therefore    
B. seasons      
B. rising      
C. worried      
C. at          
C. grade        
C. loved        
C. professor    
C. Gradually    
C. until        
C. about        
C. swim        
C. deal        
C. dislike      
C. important    
C. storm        
C. friends      
C. find        
C. when        
C. when        
C. However      
C. food        
C. shaking      
D. puzzled      
D. off          
D. subject      
D. heard        
D. student      
D. Nearly        
D. since        
D. except        
D. sew          
D. problem      
D. require      
D. familiar      
D. snow          
D. natives      
D. value        
D. so            
D. where        
D. Otherwise    
D. scenes        
D. whispering    
     I once thought that outer beauty is the only factor to become a greatperson.When I was young,  
I read many kinds of books,  most of which described characters who are handsome or beautiful.So
I think that being beautiful is the only way to become a success.
     As I grew up,  the story of my best friend made me realize that outer beauty was not so important
to make a person successful.She was so beautiful a girl that every classmate liked to chat with her,  
but she was very arrogant.In her opinion,  she could get all she wanted because of her beauty,  but all
of her friends left her one by one!Only then did she come to know the importance of the beauty in a
person"s heart,  which c hanged her attitude and she made friends again.
     Turning on TV,  we can see many advertisements,  most of which seem to give us a feeling that
physical attractiveness is the most important thing.There_seems_to_be_a_boom_in_plastic_surgery.It
is surprising that more and more people,  especially girls and women,  try it like the first man-made
beauty in China,  Hao Lulu.It is a common sense that attractive people can easily find work.Most good
looking guys usually get higher scores in the job interviews.But,  what is real beauty? I want to say that
is inner beauty because those who have beauty in their soul are really beautiful persons.
     As is known,  the beauty judged with eyes is temporary,  so we should concentrate on inner beauty.
And if we make the efforts to make our minds beautiful,  we"ll live a happier life.
1. Why did the author want to have a good appearance when she was young?
A. Because she wanted to be one of the characters in the book.
B. Because she wanted to get higher scores in the job interviews.
C. Because she wanted to follow her friend"s example mentioned in the passage.
D. Because the successful characters in the books she read were attractive.
2. Why did the writer quote her friend"s story?
A. To show how important outer beauty is.
B. To show how terrible to be a beautiful girl.
C. To prove that outer beauty is temporary,  which is not the key factor to become a great person.
D. To show how beautiful her friend was.
3. What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph mean?
A. A large number of people pay attention to outer beauty.
B. Surgery is becoming more and more popular.
C. The price of doing plastic surgery is becoming lower and lower,  making more
     and more persons afford it.
D. The living standard has been improved over the past years.
4. Which of the following covers the passage best?
A. How do attractive persons become successful?
B. Plastic surgery is the best way to make a person become more beautiful and successful.
C. The key factor to find a good job is being attractive.
D. Inner beauty is the real beauty.
5. What do we know from the passage?
A. If you are too beautiful,  all your friends will leave you out of envy.
B. If you have a good appearance,  you must get higher scores in the job interviews.
C. Without the TV advertisements,  there wouldn"t have been a boom in plastic surgery.
D. Those who have good appearances should also develop the beauty in their hearts.
     The most unforgettable thing during my long summer holiday last year, of course is my trip_1_
England.This was my first time to go abroad, so it really made me_2_.
     There were quite a lot of interesting_3_in England, such as Oxford.When we walked around
Oxford, we saw quite a lot of ancient buildings on_4_sides of the streets.One of the most famous
tourist_5_in Oxford is Christ (基督) Church, it"s _6_one of Oxford University"s 39 colleges.There
is a huge hall in Christ Church, _7_was used as the dining hall at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter_8_.
I felt really excited when I heard this._9_place that impressed me_10_during my trip was a place
called Stratford-upon-Avon.It was a small town.Maybe you haven"t _11_it, but I"m sure you
have heard about  William Shakespeare-the great man"s   12  . In Stratford-upon-Avon, I could
  13   Shakespeare"s Birthplace, Shakespeare Countryside Museum, The Royal Shakespeare Theatre,
and a lot of places that are connected with  14  .
     I went to Shakespeare"s Birthplace.It was the house   15   Shakespeare was born and   16   his
early years.  17   sitting room, hallway (走廊), bedrooms, and kitchen were furnished (布置) in 16th
-century  18   . I also went to see the Shakespeare Exhibition.It illustrated (展示, 说明)
Shakespeare"s life and career in both Stratford and London.
     I really enjoyed this nice trip to England,   19    I learnt a lot.I"m very happy that I could visit such
an interesting   20   . I want to go there again in the future.
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(     )1. A. at            
(     )2. A. excited        
(     )3. A. trips          
(     )4. A. both          
(     )5. A. views          
(     )6. A. also          
(     )7. A. that          
(     )8. A. novels        
(     )9. A. Other          
(     )10. A. deep          
(     )11. A. thought about
(     )12. A. hometown      
(     )13. A. speak        
(     )14. A. Shakespeare  
(     )15. A. who          
(     )16. A. paid          
(     )17. A. It"s          
(     )18. A. style        
(     )19. A. for which    
(     )20. A. place        
B. for          
B. appointed    
B. places      
B. either      
B. scenes      
B. too          
B. which        
B. records      
B. Every        
B. deeply      
B. heard about  
B. office      
B. say          
B. Oxford      
B. that        
B. spent        
B. Its          
B. site        
B. which        
B. town        
C. from          
C. exciting      
C. roads        
C. neither      
C. sites        
C. still        
C. who          
C. films        
C. Each          
C. high          
C. listened to  
C. play          
C. talk          
C. England      
C. when          
C. cost          
C. It had        
C. shape        
C. from which    
C. country      
D. to              
D. appointing      
D. sights          
D. each            
D. interests      
D. yet            
D. where          
D. songs          
D. Another        
D. highly          
D. considered as  
D. theatre        
D. see            
D. Harry Potter    
D. where          
D. took            
D. It was          
D. shade          
D. in which        
D. summer