当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解     "Have you ever heard the old saying, "Never judge a book by its cover"?...
阅读理解     "Have you ever heard the old saying, "Never judge a book by its cover"? This is a good rule to follow when you try to judge the cleverness of others by their looks and performance. Some people have minds
that shine only in certain situations. A young man with an unusual gift in novel writing may find himself
speechless before a pretty girl. But don"t make the mistake of thinking he might not be that clever. With a
pen and paper, he can tell what he thought very well.
     Other people may fool you into mistakenly thinking they are clever by putting up a good front.
A student who listens carefully and takes notes in class is sure to make a good impression on his teachers. But when it comes to exams, he may get scores much lower than his classmates.
     We may conclude that: you can"t judge someone by appearances. The only way to tell whether a
person is clever or not is to get to know him by observing(观察) how he reacts to different situations. The more situations you observe, the more accurate your judgment is likely to be. So take your time. Don"t
judge the book by its cover.1. The best title for this passage is ______________.A. Judging cleverness                
B. Choosing a book
C. A speechless young man          
D. Putting up a good front2 The main idea of the passage is ___________.A. don"t judge a book by its cover    
B. don"t judge a person"s cleverness by appearance
C. people may fool you by putting up a good front
D. make sure you know someone well before observing him3. The young man mentioned in the passage_____________.A. is stupid              
B. is a good student  
C. is a good writer        
D. is successful with girls4. According to the passage, true knowledge of a person"s cleverness comes from___________.A. the grades he gets in school        
B. his manners at parties
C. his outward appearance          
D. how he behaves in different situations5. The passage suggests that in judging a person"s intelligence we should_____________.A. make quick judgments          
B. be creative
C. have patience and be careful      
D. give him a test
试题【阅读理解     "Have you ever heard the old saying, "Never judge a book by its cover"?】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空     What kind of person becomes an addict?Someone_1_with a lot of friends; or someone who is_2_
from the rest, with only a few friends, or none at all.The_3_I am trying to make is that anyone can
become an addict. The only way that I_4_this out was by becoming an addict myself.I used to be a guy
who was_5_in the popular crowd.Right before high school began, I started being_6_by most of my friends.
     I had never lived with the_7_that I had no friends, so I did almost anything to_8_the two good friends
     I still had.One of the things I did was_9_drugs for the first time.This was a big 10   from the way I lived
when I was younger.I was a(n)  11  , and the last thing I thought I would get into was drugs.Drugs  12 
me from being the best sports player I could be. I  13   to smoke drugs after I entered high school
because that was what my new "cool"  friends were 14  .The next three years were filled with many  15  .
     I was arrested twice, and lost my license for two years.This made me sad and  16  . I realized I could
not live this way; I must stop the  17   of using drugs. Since then, my  18   and actions have changed and so
has my direction in life.I do see a future in water skiing.  19  , I haven"t killed my chance in  20  . I know
that I must keep a clear head first.Keep coming back. It works if you work it.
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(     )1. A. interesting      
(     )2. A. free          
(     )3. A. point            
(     )4. A. brought          
(     )5. A. always          
(     )6. A. known            
(     )7. A. doubt            
(     )8. A. meet          
(     )9. A. collect          
(     )10. A. chance          
(     )11. A. doctor          
(     )12. A. prevented      
(     )13. A. decided        
(     )14. A. at              
(     )15. A. highs and lows  
(     )16. A. lonely          
(     )17. A. manner          
(     )18. A. position        
(     )19. A. Virtually      
(     )20. A. athletics      
B. anxious      
B. safe          
B. sense        
B. figured      
B. seldom        
B. attracted    
B. hope          
B. keep          
B. buy          
B. change        
B. teenager      
B. protected    
B. intended      
B. into          
B. pros and cons
B. afraid        
B. habit        
B. heart        
B. Hopefully    
B. acting        
C. popular            
C. absent              
C. subject            
C. held                
C. almost              
C. preferred          
C. fear                
C. leave              
C. try                
C. decision            
C. amateur            
C. discouraged        
C. continued          
C. on                  
C. causes and effects  
C. confused            
C. spread              
C. attitude            
C. Similarly          
C. academics          
D . eager              
D. different          
D. promise            
D. kept                
D. already            
D. rejected            
D. danger              
D. move                
D. check              
D. advance            
D. athlete            
D. sheltered          
D. pretended          
D. from                
D. days and nights    
D. depressed          
D. practice            
D. speech              
D. Luc kily            
D. promotion          
     Each year, road accidents kill a million people and injure millions more.The economic costs are
greatest for developing countries.Earlier this year, the United Nations called for a campaign to improve
road safety.
     One way to avoid accidents is better driving.Another is better roads and bridges.Engineers in the
United States have designed ten new concrete mixtures that they think could make bridges last longer.
     Professor Paul Tikalsky leads the experiments by a team at Pennsylvania State University.He says
bridges made of concrete now last about twenty-five to thirty-five years.But he says the new mixtures might extend that to seventy-five or even one-hundred years.
     Concrete is made of stone, sand, water and cement (水泥). The materials in the cement hold the
concrete together.Ancient Romans built with concrete.Yet strengthened concrete bridges did not appear
until the late 1800s.People keep looking for new ways to improve concrete.Professor Tikalsky says it is
one of the most complex of all chemical systems.
     The new mixtures designed by his team contain industrial waste products.He says these make the
concrete better able to resist damage from water and salt over time.One of the products is fly ash.This is
released into the air as pollution when coal is burned.
     Professor Tikalsky says particles (颗粒) of fly ash are almost exactly the same size and chemical
structure as Portland cement.This is the most costly material in concrete.So using fly ash to replace some
of it would save money.
     Over the next two years, engineers will study ten bridges in Pennsylvania.These were built from the
different cement mixtures designed by Professor Tikalsky"s team.He says longer-lasting bridges could
save the state more than 35 million dollars a year.And he says the materials would be environmentally
     The federal government is paying for part of the research.Engineers anywhere can use the technology.
Professor Tikalsky says some of the ideas have already been put to use in China, the Philippines and
other countries.
1. Why did the United Nations launch the campaign?
A. Because the United Nations wanted to reduce road accidents and economic costs.
B. Because two million people were killed in the accidents.
C. Because engineers wanted to design ten new concrete mixtures.
D. Because the United Nations made bridges of the new mixtures which could last for about
     20 to 35 years.
2. What does the underlined word "This" in the sixth paragraph refer to?
A. Fly ash.  
B. Portland cement.
C. Sand.  
D. Chemical.
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Ten new concrete bridges have already been built in the United States.
B. A new concrete bridge could last 50 more years than an ordinary concrete one.
C. People didn"t know how to build with cement until the late 1800s.
D. Water and salt won"t do any damage to bridges over time.
4. What can we conclude from the passage?
A. Engineers have to pay a lot of money to use the new bridge technology.
B. Pennsylvania State University is paying all the money for the research.
C. Bridges built with fly ash are cheaper than common bridges.
D. Fly ash is much more expensive than Portland cement.
5. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A. The causes of road accidents.
B. The advantages of fly ash.
C. The measures of avoiding road accidents.
D. Latest information about long-life concrete bridges.
     London has become a cycle friendly zone after the launch of a new bike hire scheme. It has been
designed to encourage more people to cycle in and around central London.
     So how does it work?First you have to sign up to the scheme to be sent a key. The key will unlock
one of the bikes,  which are kept at docking stations in and around central London. You have to pay
an access fee for the key and then you pay as you go, for the length of time you use the bike.
     Transport for London,  which runs the scheme,  are hoping to have 6,000 bikes and 400 docking
stations in place by the end of the year. The new hire system is hoping to ease congestion(拥挤)in
London and is expected to create up to 40,000 extra cycle trips a day into the city centre. London
Mayor Boris Johnston launched the scheme and said London had been "filled with thousands of
gleaming machines that will transform the look and feel of our streets and become as commonplace
on our roads as black cabs and red buses".
     However,  there have been a few problems since the scheme was launched last Friday. On the first
day some people found they couldn"t dock their bikes properly and their usage of the bikes had not
registered. Transport for London did admit they had been expecting a few "teething problems" and have
said they wouldn"t charge for the first day as a "gesture of goodwill". Some other people have criticized
the lack of docking stations and locks for the bikes as well as the price it costs to hire the bicycles.
     Despite the comments,  the greenthinking London Mayor still seems very positive about things,  
saying,  "My campaign for the capital to become the greatest big cycling city in the world has taken a big
pedalpowered push forwards."
1. London Mayor Boris Johnston launched the new bike scheme in order to ________.
A. reduce the air pollution of the city
B. encourage the citizens to take exercise
C. deal with the city"s traffic problems
D. increase employment opportunities
2. All the following are the problems of the scheme EXCEPT________.
A. the high cost to hire a bike
B. not registering their usage of the bikes
C. not charging for the first day of the scheme
D. docking the bikes properly
3. From the passage we can infer that ________.
A. London Mayor is confident of the scheme
B. the scheme will be cancelled because of the problems
C. all the citizens in London support the scheme
D. the cycling revolution is not successful
     When we offer our best wishes to others, more often than not, we say: "May you be happy every
day". But it"s easier said than done to stay happy all the time. There are always things that stand in its
     The first, perhaps the biggest is genetics. Some scientists say that some people are naturally happier
than others. Besides, major life events as well as social and economic factors can also stand in the way
of happiness, such as losing your job or a family member. Then, there is health affecting your happiness.
So, is it possible that people can find lasting happiness with so many factors preventing them?
     Positive psychologists(心理学家)believe it"s possible for people to stay happy for long periods,
although it cannot be lasting. Martin Seligman at University of Pennsylvania argues that daytoday
happiness comes from two things: pleasures and satisfactions. Pleasures are rich experiences that simply
make us feel good things like eating cake or drinking wine. While pleasures can be quite satisfying, the
enjoyment we get from them is shortlived.
     Satisfactions are activities that we like to do and we give all we have to them. They are often
challenging, and we have to draw_on personal skills and strengths to perform them. For some people,
satisfactions come with work. Doctors, for example, often become so concentrated in an operation that
hours pass without them noticing the time. For others, it may be hobbies like gardening, playing tennis or
stamp collecting. These satisfactory activities affect the mood in a way that appears to be lasting.
     Too often, people choose pleasures over satisfactions because they are easier and the effects are
more immediate. Though pleasures may work for a while, there are bad effects. Pleasurable activities
become less enjoyable if overused. Always choosing pleasures over satisfactions can also prevent people
from developing their personal strengths, which, if they"re not put to work, will die.
1. How many aspects are mentioned that affect one"s staying happy?
A. Two. 
B. Three.
C. Four.  
D. Five.
2. Compared with pleasures, satisfactions ________.
A. have immediate effect and work quickly
B. are more meaningful and last longer
C. are more easily ignored by people
D. depend mostly on one"s genetics
3. The underlined phrase "draw on" means ________.
A. learn  
B. find  
C. improve  
D. use
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A. How to Be a Happier Person?
B. It"s Impossible to Stay Happy Long.
C. Pleasures Are Different From Satisfactions.
D. The Factors That Affect Our Happiness.
根据短文内容, 从下框的A-F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项
A. The water supplying situation in Beijing
B. Water wasting in businesses
C. The consequence of the fierce drought in southeast of China
D. The efficient measures saving water
E. Much water is wasted from the old water facilities
F. Some of the businesses should be forced to close up to save water
1. ________
    The most severe drought in more than a century ravaging Southwest provinces should serve as a
reminder to other parts of the country that they need to get prepared to avert the dangers from the
water crisis, with more than 400 cities in need of water.
2. ________
     Beijing is a case in point. With per capita water resources of only 180 cubic meters, shortage of
water has been a permanent scourge(天灾). And what the city has done in saving on water is far
from enough.
3. ________
     A total of 220,000 tons of fresh water are wasted in flushing toilets every day. The amount of water
leaking in a year from the old water supply pipelines is estimated to be about 70 Kunming Lakes at the
Summer Palace. The 9,000 carwashing shops consume as much as 30 million cubic meters of water a
4. ________
     In addition, the 38 golf courses around the city use 20 million cubic meters of water a year. And at
least more than a million tons of water are needed to make artificial snow for the ski runs in the city"s
suburbs. The amount of water consumed by the more than 1,000 bathhouses is estimated at nearly 20
million tons.
5. ________
     This situation is similar in other cities badly in need of water. There is much we can to do to save
water. Of the 100 residential communities that have pipelines for treated water in Beijing, only 20
percent are using it to flush toilets. Why do we need so many golf courses to waste the precious fresh
water? Why do we allow carwashing shops to waste fresh water rather than treated water to wash
cars? Why does the government allow so many bathhouses and ski runs to operate?
All these businesses are making money at the expense of our precious resource of fresh water. We can"t
afford to wait until it is too late. Do whatever we can to save water.