当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解      You feel happiest when you create a healthy balance between giving and...
阅读理解      You feel happiest when you create a healthy balance between giving and receiving. If you give and
give without making time to fill your own needs, then it"s likely you will bum out, or feel upset. When you
take and take without giving anything back, you never feel fulfilled, so you are always searching for ways
to fill the void in your life.
      The way to create a healthy balance between giving and receiving is to know and then live by your
values. I break values up into two groups which I call being and having values. Your being values are the
character traits (特点 ;特征)  of the ideal person you would like to be. I suggest to my clients that they
choose three being values that they are willing to make a commitment(信奉; 信仰) to live by. An
example of some being values are: kind ,loving, generous , inspirational, peaceful, wise  and even
powerful. By acting on these values you give to others through your actions and you inspire others by
being a positive role model. Mastering being these character traits becomes your life purpose.
    Your having values are, the feelings you need to create in order to be happy. These could be
companionship , achievement , support , being  valued  or financial  security. This is what you receive.
You take responsibility for filling your own needs by taking steps to create these feelings and conditions
in your life.
     When you make a commitment to live by your being values, it becomes easier to make conscious
choices rather than reactionary ones. If your usual pattem is to talk about your problems, you could
choose to think and act like a calm person. A calm person might go for a walk, meditate (沉思 ) ,or set
a time limit before responding. If your usual pattern is to worry, you could choose to act like a
responsible or wise person. In other words, you would act like the person you choose to be this is the
key to personal power.
    When you choose to act on your values, you not only feel good about yourself, you reinforce (加强)
your chosen beliefs. Over time acting in this way changes how you see the world, and in turn the way
other people think of you.1. The main purpose of this passage is to          .    A. persuade the readers to make a commitment 
B. explain to the readers what personal values are
C.inform the readers how to be truly happy
D. instruct the readers how to make wise choices2. According to the text, living by your being values, you would       .    A. gain a lot of power
B. form positive personality
C. seek all human virtues
D. fill your own needs3.The underlined word "void" in paragraph I means "          ."  A. a feeling of emptiness
B. an absence of one"s mind
C. a break of continuity
D. a state of confusion4. What can be inferred from the text? A. Having values are better than being values;
B. A calm person does not choose to complain.
C.The way other people think of you decides who you are.
D. A responsible person does not care about financial security.
1-4: CBAB
试题【阅读理解      You feel happiest when you create a healthy balance between giving and】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
                                                                   We Are What We Do
     When was the last time you gave blood? Or donated money to charity(慈善机构) ? Or, in fact, did
anything; to benefit the world?
     And why, in this age of communication, are we still so isolated(孤立) from each other?
     More than 2 million elderly people are expected to be living alone, with no family, by the end of the
next ten years.
     It does not have to cost a fortune to make a real difference. The We Are What We Do organization
has launched a book-Change the World for a Fiver.
    Inside are 50 simple things you can do to help mankind. They include recycling books, using energy
saving light bulbs (灯炮)  and " reverse haggling" in charity shops-paying more than the asking price.
     They may seem small but they are by no means in significant(无意义的). Metro has joined forces
with We Are What We Do, a branch of the Community Links charity.
     From Monday we will be asking readers to complete an action each day and report how successful
and fulfilling it was.
     Community Links founder David Robinson said, "We are delighted to be working with Metro. With
around 2 million Metro readers, we hope that 2 million of you are inspired to act and will help to bring
this exciting vision(梦想) to life."
     The $ 5 book is on sale at Waterstones, WHSmith, Sainsbury"s, Ottakers, Borders and online at
Amazon. Co. uk.
     For more information log on (登录) to www. wearewhatwedo. org. Email us with your actions to
dostff@metro. Co. uk.
                                               Will You Remember Today Forever?
     Will you remember today forever? You went to work. The train was strangely empty. You got a very
funny email, Someone made you a perfect cup of tea. You ate a delicious sandwich. The photocopier did
not jam (拥挤). There were no delays on the trainhome. But will you remember today forever? You saw
an ad on the train that changed your life. You decided to do something about the state of the world. You
offered your professional experience to VSO. You volunteered(志愿)  to go and live and work with
people in the world"s poorest countries. You stood up not because there were no seats, but to be
counted(可靠). To say you wanted to make a difference. This is your chance. This is the ad. This is the
website:www. VSO. org. uk. This is the number: 020 8780 7500. This is the day. 1. The main purpose of the above two ads is to           .      A. ask you to spend a little money on books
B. ask you to help the poorest people in the world
C. give money to charity
D. ask you to do something to help2. If you do reverse haggling in charity(慈善) shops, you will              A. save money
B. spend extra money
C. be cheated by the shop owners
D. receive better services3. The book Change the World for a Fiver is published to           . A. help people in the poorest countries
B. inform the situation of the lonely elderly people
C. ask you to do something practical for mankind
D. give you some skills for living better4. If you want to share your experience and skills, you can       .      A. log on to www. wearewhatwedo. org
B. email dostuff@ metro. co. uk
C. log on to Amazon. co. uk
D. log on to www. VSO. org. uk
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
                                                                  Getting a Grant (补助)
     Who Pays?
     The Local Education Authority ( LEA) for the area in which the student is living.
     Who Can Get the Money?
     Anyone who gets a place on a first-degree course, although a student who has already attended a
course of advanced further education may not. Students must also have been resident(常住的) in the
UK for at least three years, which can exclude(排除)  some students from overseas.
     Special Classes
     If a Student Has Studied in a College
     A student who is 26 0r more before the course starts and who has worked for at least three of the
previous(早先的)six years will get extra money  $ 155 a year at 26, increasing to a maximum (最多的)
of  $ 615 at 29 or more.
     If a Student Is Handicapped(残疾的)
     LEAs will give up to  $ 500 to help meet extra expenses-such as buying a tape recorder for blind
students, extra heating or special food.
   Most of the big banks offer special services tostudents who open accounts(账户) (in the hope that
they will stay with the bank when they become rich officials). A student won"t usually have to pay bank
charges as long as the account stays in credit (信用). Some banks allow students to overdraw by $ 100
or so, and still don"t make charges (though they do charge interest). 1. A student from Japan who has been staying in England for a year and intends to go to college in a
few months will       .A. get money if he is taking a first degree course
B. be unable to get money from any LEA
C.get money from any LEA when he has finished his course
D. have to open a bank account before he gets any money2. A 31-year-old nurse wishes to qualify(具有……资格) as a doctor at a university. She has worked
since she was 25. How much extra money will she get a year?    A. None.                      
B. $ 155.
C. $615.                      
D. $515.3. A student who can not walk has to buy a wheel chair costing $ 750 to go to classes. How much of
the cost will he have to pay himself?    A. $ 150.                      
B. $ 250.
C. $500.                      
D. $ 750.4. You are a new student. Why may a bank welcome you as a customer?       A. They know you receive money regularly.
B.They charge students extra money.
C. They hope you will be rich in the future.
D. They need student accounts in their time.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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