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阅读理解     There was room for all of us, and sleeping bags kept the night chill away.We would listen to the
sound of the river, and hear the coyotes(丛林狼) howling along the hills not far away.
      Those were the cool summer nights of the mid nineties in Southern Alberta, Canada, when the fou
r children were young and we would lie on the trampoline(蹦床) in the backyard late at night, for the
sun would not set till late in July and August.We would look at the stars up above.It was a simple
painting of little white dots on a black canvas, but we would never grow tired of looking at it.As our
eyes surveyed that starry wonder we would see streaks of lights as meteors(流星) hit the atmosphere
and burn up, or we would follow the meteors"steady path across the sky till it would also disappear.
      These were the times when I would tell the stories of my own childhood and teach the kids life"s
lessons that have been remembered to this day.I chuckle, as I recall the time when we heard a coyote
not far away, that I started a story about a bear sneaking (溜)up to the trampoline.The closer the bear
came (in the story )the closer the kids snuggled up to mom and I, until suddenly I let out this big daddy
growl and grabbed all the kids.They would startle and jump up and then all laugh, "Daddy, you scared
     Now the children are in their mid and late teens, but they fondly remember the starry nights on that
trampoline.Recently my oldest daughter on her wedding day sang a song for her parents, entitled I"ll
always be your little girl.She wrote the music and words;it included a memory of those starry nights.
     I have learned as a parent that one of the greatest gifts we can give our children as they are growing
up is the time to tell them stories, or if telling stories is not that simple, perhaps read them a story.They
can read their own books and it will benefit them greatly academically, but telling or reading them a story
will create an inseparable bond(联系) with pleasant memories such as those late summer nights in the
starry sky.

1. The best title for this text should be ________.
A. An Important Lesson
B. A Father"s Frightening Story
C. Memories of Starry Nights
D. A Parent"s Story

2. What"s the importance of telling or reading stories to children?
A. It can teach them much knowledge while they are listening to stories.
B. It will improve their listening abilities as well as their understanding abilities.
C. It will help them remember their happy moments in past days.
D. It can build up good links between parents and their children.

3. In this story, the writer compares the night sky to ________.
A. a black canvas with little white dots
B. little white dots
C. streaks of lights
D. the satellites"path

4. How did the writer feel when he was telling  the story on the dark night?
A. Frightened.  
B. Happy.
C. Sad.  
D. Worried.
1-4: CDAB
试题【阅读理解     There was room for all of us, and sleeping bags kept the night chill aw】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解    Many parents don"t love to read to their children.But there are so many professionals and PhDs doing
the opposite thing.And they really promote reading to children, which is so good for children.I have found
that this is true with my own children.
     I am not sure if it is the book or the fact that you are spending quality time with them, undivided time
that they will remember for their entire life.Reading to children is one of the most bonding experiences you can have.
      Children enjoy sitting on your lap while your voice flows over them.As the reader it is fun to watch
their littl e faces as they are moved with the flow of the story.They are laughing one moment and on the
next page the story has moved them to tears.As the storyteller, I am just as moved as they are;I am
caught up in the story as our emotions flow up and down.You can easily lose a whole afternoon in reading.
      This is an experience that children then try to pass on to younger children, reading books to them.My
daughter was so into reading that if she couldn"t line up some neighbors"children she could be reading her
books to, she would line up her stuffed animals and read to them.Well, she also tried to teach her neighbors and teddy bears math, and "ocean science "as she called it.She would read anything she could to them.
And to my astonishment the neighbors"parents told me they really appreciated the fact that their children
were doing so much better in school.

1. The writer mentions the idea of professionals and PhDs so as to ________.
A. introduce his own viewpoint
B. show the importance of his idea
C. please readers
D. attract the attention of readers

2. The writer mentions his own children in this text for the purpose of ________.
A. showing the cleverness of his children
B. explaining the advantages of reading to children
C. telling the importance of studying together with parents
D. showing his children were interested in reading

3. The writer thinks that ________.
A. you should place your children on your lap while reading to them
B. children"s feelings change while you read books to them
C. it is easy to kill time while you are reading books to children
D. reading to children is one of the most interesting experiences

4. According to the text, which of the following is NOT true about the writer"s daughter?
A. She lined up some neighbors"children and read to them.
B. She lined up her stuffed animals and read to them.
C. She would teach her teddy bears math and "ocean science".
D. She would read anything she could to her parents.
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
A. The best of Keith Jarrett
The maestro of jazz piano continues to astound audiences around the world. This collection of
his greatest work includes The Koln Concert, Part 1 and extracts from the Paris Concert as well.
Excellent value and a must for all jazz lovers.  £12.99
B. Richard Thompson 1980-2000
     Thompson’s stunning electric guitar playing, and his folk-rock songs, are gathered together on a
2-CD collection that shows the best of his work over the last two decades.  £18.99
C. Richard Clayderman
     French pianist known for his relaxing piano music, has this new collection out on CD. Ideal as a
present for the person who likes relaxing background music.  £ 9.99
D. The Monteverdi Vespers of 1610
     This new recording of Monteverdi’s great choral work is excellent with great singing from the Milton
Keynes Chorus. Classical music lovers will want to add this one to their collections. 
£ 24.99 for the 2-CD set
E. The Best of Paco Pena
     The great classical guitarist shows all his brilliance in this new collection. Works by Vila-Lobos and
Haydn, amongst others. Great value at only £ 9.99
F. Wynton Marsalis
     The great jazz trumpeter (吹号手) has put together some of his best-known numbers and a few
new pieces on this magical set. Perhaps not as classy as his last offering, but all jazz aficionados will
want this one anyway.  £ 13.99
 fair     good     excellent
1. Carol Morgan likes many kinds of music, but her favo
urite is jazz. The only music
she really doesn’t like is piano music, even if it’s jazz.
2. Mark Moloney doesn’t care very much about music, but he does like to have soft, gentle music
playing in his flat sometimes. He isn’t keen on classical or jazz music, but he likes piano playing.
3. Andrea Bolton likes all kinds of music, but her favorite instrument is electric guitar - she’s a big fan
of Eric Clapton, for example. She also quite likes jazz and folk music.
4. Dave Stone only likes instrumental music - he never buys anything vocal (嗓音). He likes rock and
pop, but his preference is for classical music.
5. Sally prefers classical music to jazz and folk. As a teacher, she thinks choral art is the most operable
art form for the education of emotion and beauty appreciation. So she likes to enjoy songs performed
by a chorus.
题型:广东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解                                                      COOL INVENTIONS
     For light sleepers
     Millions of people have trouble falling asleep each night, which is why Light Sleeper was created.
     Developed in the United Kingdom, LightSleeper"s makers say it can help a person fall asleep and also
help a person fall back to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night.
      LightSleeper works by projecting(投射) a light onto the ceiling while the person is lying down.The
idea is to watch the light, because the light moving in a circle has a relaxing effect.
     One of the advantages of the product is that it won"t disturb other people in the room.The product can be easily moved and will switch itself off after 30 minutes to save power.
     Stop the snoring(打鼾)
     Here"s a new product designed to slow down the frequency and level of your snoring.The Snore
Stopper has a sensitive instrument that will detect when you"re snoring.Once it does that, it will send a
very mild electronic signal to your wrist.This consequently changes your sleeping position to stop you
from snoring.The Snore Stopper won"t cause any damage to your body.
     Get your true colors
     Photoshop features a pen that will copy the color settings of what you are monitoring onscreen to use
as a color in your program.Now an offline product allows you to pick a color when not using the computer software.
     The Color Picker is a concept pen.After placing the pen against an object, the user just presses the
scan button.Color sensors(感应器) inside the pen send information to a box, which then mixes red,
green and blue to produce the desired ink color.
     Keep it fresh
     More high technology products are showing up in the kitchen.A new Bagel dome(圆顶形物)
advertises that it will keep your baked goods fresher for longer periods of time.The product, which is
able to remove air, works for bread rolls, cakes and other perishables.To use it, you just push a button
at the top.

1. How can LightSleeper help a person fall asleep?
A. Its light makes people feel calm.
B. It doesn"t make any noise.
C. It is fixed on the ceiling.
D. Its light moves fast.

2. What do we know about the Snore Stopper?
A. It will cause slight damage to a person"s body.
B. It will wake a person up once he starts snoring.
C. It can make sure a person doesn"t snore all night.
D. It can make a person snore less by changing his sleeping position.

3. The Color Picker will probably be used while you"re ______.
A. using the computer  
B. drawing pictures
C. collecting information
D. designing a program

4. The underlined word "perishables" in the last paragraph refers to foods which ________.
A. are easy to keep  
B. go bad easily
C. are rich in vitamins
D. keep you thin
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.(                                                                              1    
     The Chinese have a set of proverbs that I feel truly reflects what lifelong learning attributes(特征)are.
The following are some explanations of what they mean.  
     In Mandarin(中文), it is pronounced "Huo Dao Lao, Xue Dao Lao". Learning is an important part
of existence. As we live and grow old, we should never stop learning. In every life stage, there are more
things to learn. It shouldn"t stop.
     There Are No Limits To Learning
     In Mandarin, it is pronounced "Xue Wu Zhi Jing". It means there are no limits to learning. The earlier
lifelong learning attribute speaks about continuity.This speaks about no boundaries. You should not limit
the fields of what you learn.     3    
     The Love For Learning Never Tires You
     Pronounced "Hao Xue Bu Juan" in Mandarin it is loosely translated, as the love for learning should
never tire you. The first two lifelong learning attributes talk about continuous learning and no boundaries.
Learning is dynamic. It is ever moving, ever changing.     4     When you have the perseverance for
self-cultivation then the rewards are becoming more and more in life.
     Only After Learning, Do You Know What You Do Not Know
         5     Self-reflection is an important process in self-directed learning. In Mandarin it is pronounced,
"Xue Er Hou Zhi Bu Zu". Translated - it means that only after learning we know what we do not know.
This lifelong learning attribute of self-reflection creates a sense of insufficiency and thus generates an inner want to learn.
A. This lifelong learning attribute forces you to self-reflect.
B. Proverbs about life learning and career.
C. Continue to learn in the journey of Life.
D. Therefore, we should never be tired of it.
E. Three Persons Walking One Is Bound To Be My Teacher.
F. In life, if we are to improve ourselves, learning is infinite.
G. Lifelong learning attributes for career advancement.
题型:河北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     It"s early July right now and all I can think of is how I"m going to live through the year financially. 
1  prices rising as fast as ants on bread, I wonder how we can 2 it. I can"t imagine what a five-person
family with one income is   3  right now. You could buy so many things with ten dollars in the past, but
today ten dollars in my pocket 4  I worked overtime last week!
     In the past, I 5 turned the light off when I left a room or turned my computer off when I wasn"t using
it, but these days, I open the fridge and 6 it as quickly as I can. I  7  more heat because lowering the
temperature means a 8  electric bill.
     We have a budget. Prices keep  9 and our pay doesn"t. Don"t get me wrong. We have enough to 
 10  our bills, keep food in the house, and put 11  in our cars, but that"s about it. There hasn"t been much
 12  in our house for the past few months.
      13 going out to dinner, we invite people over "potluck(百乐餐,自带饮食的聚会)". I"ve never
been a potluck person. I always had more than   14  food at any event I held at my house. 15  now I
ask everyone to bring something. I hate to do it, but I can"t 16  not to do it.
     We aren"t having a big family vacation this year instead of taking a weekend to go camping on days
we already have   17  . We are eating lots of pasta(意大利面食) these days.
     As John Mayor sings it-"waiting on the world to change". I am   18  wondering whether it"s going to
change for the better or continue to get   19  . All I know for sure is that we have to change our budget
more  20  , turn more lights off and eat more pasta!
题型:黑龙江省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
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(     ) 1. A.With    
(     ) 2. A.get along
(     ) 3. A.dealing
(     ) 4. A.remains  
(     ) 5. A.even    
(     ) 6. A.widen    
(     ) 7. A.took    
(     ) 8. A.higher  
(     ) 9. A.raising  
(     )10. A.buy      
(     )11. A.paint    
(     )12. A.extra    
(     )13. A.No more  
(     )14. A.much too
(     )15. A.Though   
(     )16. A.stand    
(     )17. A.off      
(     )18. A.expecting
(     )19. A.best    
(     )20. A.easily  
B.get over
B.In place
B.too much
C.get across
C.will take
C.Instead of
C.many too
D.get through  
D.have taken  
D.Except for  
D.too many    