当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读表达。阅读短文,并按照题目要求用英语回答问题。     In order to be a success in the American business ...
     In order to be a success in the American business world, you must get along with people. You must
learn to behave yourself in such a way that you earn the affection and respect of others. As we have
already pointed out, Americans mix business and pleasure. Therefore, learning how to chat informally
(非正式地)can be a help with your American business contracts. Americans like to talk about a number
of different topics-sports, politics, cars, popular movies, television shows and personal interests.
     Many large American cities have sports teams. If you are working with Americans in the United
States, it would be a good idea to find out about the local sports teams so that you can join in the almost
inevitable discussions about "What our team will do this year." Politics can be a sensitive topic unless
everyone is of the same mind politically. Limit your discussions to asking questions of your friends. Most
Americans are car owners and some are even obsessive(着迷的)about the subject. You can contribute
to the discussion by talking about cars you have owned or by sharing information you have had in
automotive magazines. Americans watch television almost every night and attend movies regularly, so
naturally TV programs and the latest movies become topics for discussions.
     If you are unable to watch American television or attend American movies, reading the entertainment
section of such magazines as Time and Newsweek will keep you up to date on what is popular in
1. What"s the best title of the passage? (No more than 10 words)
2. Why should people be careful with the topic-politics? (No more than 8 words)
3. If you want to keep you up to date on what is popular in America, what should you do?  (No more
    than 10 words)
4. The underlined word "affection" in Paragraph 1 refers to ________.(No more than 4 words)
5. Suppose you are doing business in America, what would you do to be a success in business world?
    (No more than 20 words)

1. How to Be a Success in American Business World
2. Because politics is a sensitive topic.
3. Read the entertainment section of magazines.
4. care/ concern and love
5. I"d learn how to chat informally and talk about different topics, such as sports, cars, popular movies,etc.
试题【阅读表达。阅读短文,并按照题目要求用英语回答问题。     In order to be a success in the American business 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解     Across the United States, there are several places where two independent towns grew together to
become one city-but kept both their names.
     WinstonSalem is one of them. It"s a midsized city in what"scalled the plateau(high land), between the
Atlantic Coast and the inland mountains in the state of North Carolina. TheWinston part is a relatively
new place, founded early last century. It"s home to the nation"s biggest openair tobacco market.
     The giant R. J.Reynolds Tobacco Company"s headquarters is in WinstonSalem, and Winston is the
name of one of Reynolds" bestknown cigarette brands. Fastgrowing Winston soon surrounded the much
older town of Salem, so in 1913, people in the area voted to combine them into a single place.
      From a historical and tourist point of view, Salem, or Old Salem, as it"s called today, is the interesting
and unusual part of town.
      Salem was founded in the 1700s by the Moravians. They spoke German, and their community was
religiously based, with single men and single women living apart in separate dormitories. The Moravians
greatly valued women"s work and brainpower. In fact, one of the nation"s oldest boarding schools for
young women-the Moravians" Salem Academy founded in 1772-is still in operation.
      Over the years, Salem lost its Moravian character.That all changed, though, when a nonprofit group
began to rehabilitate the historic area.These days Old Salem is what"s called a living history museum,
with exhibits, music, and tours of 18thcentury houses, taverns and Moravian dormitory buildings just
seven blocks from the tallest skyscraper in WinstonSalem.
     The historic community is booming again.Just as R. J.Reynolds is taking in millions of dollars making
cigarettes across town, Old Salem is generating about DS| 15 million a year in tourism revenue and

1. From the passage we can know that________.
A. WinstonSalem is the name of a city
B. Salem is home to the tobacco market
C. the city WinstonSalem has two names
D. Old Salem is the name of a tobacco brand

2. It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that ________.
A. the two cities benefited each other
B. Salem developed faster than Winston
C. R.J.Reynolds Company has moved into Salem
D. the combination meets the wishes of the people

3. The city Salem is special for its________.
A. boarding school                
B. lifestyle and tradition
C. respect for brainpower                  
D. religious belief

4. The underlined word"rehabilitate"in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to "________".
A. reconstruct                          
B. evaluate
C. enlarge                              
D. decorate

5. What will probably be talked about in the following part?
A. Some other attractions in WinstonSalem.
B. How Winston makes profits from tourism.
C. Other examples of cities combined by two parts.
D. Something about the boarding school for women.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     A vuvuzela is a horn, about a meter long, usually made of a colorful cheap plastic. When it"s blown by
thousands of supporters at the same time, it"s loud, very loud.It sounds a bit like an air horn and you can
hear it a lot during the 2010 World Cup.
     The vuvuzela was originally made from a kudu horn and was traditionally used to summon people to
gatherings.Butthe horn you see at soccer matches in South Africa today originated from a tin horn that
became popular with South African soccer fans around 15 years ago.A sports company began to
massproduce a plastic version in the South Africa colors, and this is what you see (and hear) at every
soccer match.Now it"s become an official symbol of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa and more
popular around the world.
The vuvuzela will be ubiquitous during the 2010 World Cup.There was a call for FIFA to ban the
vuvuzela during the Confederations Cup that took place in South Africa in June 2009.European
journalists got into a tizzy(紧张) about the noise.The Guardian reported:"It sounds like extremely
terrible."But FIFA stood its ground, as Mr.Blatter, FIFA"s president says"Vuvuzelas, drums and singing
are part of African football culture.It is part of their celebration, it is part of their culture, so let them blow
the vuvuzelas."
     Adam Carnegie, a graphic artist from Cape Town, founded the Kelp Environmental Learning Project.
The project employs local men and women to collect kelp, dry it and then hand paint colorful designs on
it.The mission is simple."We want to create jobs, make a noise, make people laugh, remind people to be
in the moment."
     Like most trumpets, getting any noise from a vuvuzela requires significant pursing of the lips and the ability to blow with force.Your cheeks will be zinging afterward.You can personalize your vuvu blowing techniques with a lot of practice, but generally it produces one big sound.

1.Which of the following sentences can be used to fill in the blank in the first paragraph?
A. It was chosen by FIFA as the unique musical instrument.
B. It has been used at soccer matches for thousands of years.
C .It is the choice of noisemaker for South African football fans.
D. It is a traditional instrument South African soccer fans use to celebrate victory.

2.The vuvuzela  ___ .
A.is usually made of metal
B.has a length of two and a half feet
C.was first used in a local sports game
D.is one of the official symbols of the 2010 World Cup

3.The underlined word "ubiquitous" in the 3rd paragraph probably means"   ".
A. banned                  
B. heard everywhere
C. extremely expensive                  
D. strictly limited

4.Why did FIFA stand its ground on the issue of the vuvuzela?
A. Because the vuvuzela is typical of African football culture.
B. Because it is the host country"s right to make their choice.
C. Because the vuvuzela will make the 2010 World Cup special.
D. Because more member countries support the use of the vuvuzela.

5.What can we learn from the passage?
A. It requires effort to get noise from vuvuzela.
B. Vuvuzela will be banned after the 2010 World Cup because it is too noisy.
C. The Kelp Environmental Learning Project employs many people to sell vuvuzela.
D. Vuvuzela is too noisy for both the players and the audience.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     In the decade of the 1970s, the United Nations organized several important meetings on the human
environment to study a very serious problem.We humans are destroying the world around us.We are
using up all of our natural resources.We must learn to conserve (保护) them, or life will be very bad for
our children and grandchildren.
     There are several major aspects of this problem.
     1.Population.Most problems of the environment come from population growth.In 1700 there were
625 million people in the world;in 1900 there were 1.6 billion;in 1950,2.5 billion;and in 1980,4.4
billion.In the year 2200 there will be 6.3 billion.More people need more water, more food, more wood,
and more petroleum.
     2.Distribution(分布).Scientists say there is enough water in the world for everyone, but some
countries have a lot of water and  some have only a little.Some areas get all their rain during one season.
The rest of the year is dry.
      3.Petroleum.We are using up the world"s petroleum.We use it in our cars and to heat our buildings in
winter, Farmers use petrochemicals to make the soil rich.They use them to kill insects on those plants.
These chemicals go into rivers and lakes and kill the fish there.Thousands of people also die from these
chemicals every year.Chemicals also go into the air and pollute it.Winds carry this polluted air to other
countries and other continents.
     4.Poverty.Poor farmers use the same land over and over.The land needs a rest so that it will be better
next year.However, the farmer must have food every year.Poor people cut down trees for firewood.In
some areas when the trees are gone, the land becomes desert.However, people need wood to cook their
food now.Poor people cannot save the environment for the future.
     We now have the information and the ability to solve these problems.However, this is not a problem
for one country or one area of the world.It is a problem for all humans.The people and the nation of the
world must work together to conserve the world"s resources.No one controls the future, but we all help
make it.

1.According to the passage, our world is being destroyed mainly because  ____ .
A. pollution is getting worse and worse
B. population is increasing greatly
C. we humans are using up all of our natural resources
D. distribution is not reasonable

2.Most environmental problems come from   ____ .
A. forests  
B. population growth
C. too much rain  
D. poor distribution

3.Good distribution means  ____ .
A. having things in the right place at the right time
B. cutting down forests and selling them to other countries
C. building water systems to carry water to farms
D. conserving our natural resources

4. In the writer"s opinion  ____ .
A. all the countries in the world should cooperate to save our world
B. the countries that have more ability should do more to protect our environment
C. only poor farmers are destroying the environment
D. it"s unfair for some countries to have more water

5.The best title of the passage should be "  ___ ".
A. The World Being Destroyed
B. Conserving the World"s Resources
C. Aspects that Destroyed Our World
D. A Serious Problem We Should Pay Attention to
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     The Internet and advances in technology are transforming fashion, making it easier for designers to
create collections and less expensive for them to show and sell their work, experts say.
      Instead of spending tens of thousands of dollars on a show at New York Fashion Week, some
designers presented collections for spring and summer 2010 online, while others are expanding their
brand by making it easier for shoppers to buy their clothes online.
     "It is the technology that is changing our lives, "said Designer Norma Kamali, who displayed her
spring and summer 2010 collection as well as exclusive lines(专卖品) for eBay Inc and Walmart.com
at the Apple store in Manhattan"s Soho Neighborhood.
     Kamali"s iPhone application has a"Try Before You Buy"option, which allows clothes to be sent
overnight to a customer, who provides her credit card information, so she can try them on at home
before deciding to buy.
     Menswear designer Miguel Antoinne and womenswear designer Marc Bouwer both put on virtual
fashion shows, while models at fashion designer Vivienne Tam"s show carried a laptop computer
adorned with a Tam design.
     Mazdack Rassi, cofounder and creative director of Milk Studios, a downtown space that showed
about 70 collections during New York Fashion Week, was considering projecting shows on the side
of a building so people at a nearby park could watch.
     With cable TV and the Internet, designers know that their shows can be seen by many more people
than just the editors and the media who attend.
     Designers are finding that technology can also help the actual design work by allowing artists to
explore new ideas and processes.
     But Simon Collins, the dean of fashion at Parsons-the new school for design, said even though
technology is helpful, there is still no substitute for talent and hard work."Absolutely, there"ll be people
out there that have successful businesses that don"t know the first thing about draping and construction,
just think it up, put it on the computer, fire it off the factory and it works, "Collins said."But they"re the
exception, not the rule."

1.According to the passage, one advantage of the Internet is that it allows the designers to    ___.
A. share their collections with other designers
B. display their work at a lower cost than usual
C. get information about the popular fashion trend
D. inform the editors and the media of their collections

2.Which of the following is TRUE about Kamali?
A. She"s aware of the importance of the Internet.
B. She"s strongly against buying clothes online.
C. She thinks highly of New York Fashion Week.
D. She" s running a "Try Before You Buy" website.

3.We can infer from the passage that   ___.
A. it"s difficult to become a wellknown designer
B. it"s very dangerous to do online shopping now
C. few people pay attention to virtual fashion shows
D. designers are struggling to promote their shows

4.According to the passage,    ___values people"s natural gift and hard work.
A. Norma Kamali    
B. Miguel Antoinne
C. Mazdack Rassi    
D. Simon Collins

5.The purpose of the writing is to   __ .
A. celebrate the success of New York Fashion Week
B. stress the important role of the Internet and technology in fashion
C. introduce the activities in New York Fashion Week
D. advertise New York Fashion Week on the Internet
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空     Shopping habits in the United States have changed greatly in the last quarter of the 20th century.Early
in the 1900s most American towns and cities had a Main Street.Main Street was always in the heart of a
town.This street was   1  on both sides with many    2   businesses.Here, shoppers walked into stores to
look at all sorts of merchandise:clothing, furniture, hardware, groceries.  3  , some shops offered  4  .
These shops included drugstores, restaurants, shoerepair stores, and barber or hairdressing shops.  5  in
the 1950s, a change began to  6  .Too many automobiles had crowded into Main Street while too few
parking places were    7  shoppers.Because the streets were crowded, merchants began to look with
interest at the open spaces  8  the city limits. Open space is what their cardriving customers needed.
      And open space is what they got when the first shopping centre was built.Shopping centres, or rather
malls,  9  as a collection of small new stores  10  crowded city centres.  11   by hundreds of free parking
space, customers were drawn away from  12  areas to outlying malls.And the growing 13  of shopping
centres led  14  to the building of bigger and better stocked stores.By the late 1970s, many shopping
malls had almost developed into small cities themselves.In addition to providing the   15  of one stop
shopping, malls were transformed into landscaped parks, with benches, fountains, and outdoor
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(   )1. A. built      
(   )2. A. varied  
(   )3. A. Apart from
(   )4. A. medical care  
(   )5. A. Suddenly
(   )6. A. be taking place  
(   )7. A. available for  
(   )8. A. over  
(   )9. A. started  
(   )10. A. out of  
(   )11. A. Attracted  
(   )12. A. inner  
(   )13. A. distinction  
(   )14. A. on  
(   )15. A. cheapness  
B. designed        
B. various        
B. However        
B. food            
B. Abruptly        
B. take place      
B. available to    
B. from            
B. founded        
B. away from      
B. Surprised      
B. central        
B. fame            
B. in turn        
B. readiness      
C. intended
C. sorted  
C. In addition  
C. cosmetics  
C. Contrarily
C. be taken place  
C. used by  
C. out of  
C. set up
C. next to  
C. Delighted
C. shopping
C. popularity
C. by turns  
C. convenience  
D. lined              
D. mixed up            
D. As well            
D. services            
D. But                
D. have taken place    
D. ready for          
D. outside            
D. organized          
D. near                
D. Enjoyed            
D. downtown            
D. liking              
D. further            
D. handiness