当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 第三节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) It is well that young men should begin at the begi...

It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the least important positions.21 of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility placed upon them at the very  22  of their career.They were  23 to the broom(扫帚), spending the first hours of their business lives   24 the office.
And here is the basic  25 of success, the great secret:  26  your energy, thought, and capital (资本) wholly on the business in which you are  27 .Having begun in one line, determine to fight it out on that  28 , to lead in it, adopt every  29  , have the best machinery, and know the most about it.
The companies which fail are those which have 30 their capital, which means that they have scattered their brains  31  .They have investments in this, or that, or  32 , here, there, and everywhere.“Don"t put all your eggs in one basket” is all  33 , I tell you.“Put all your eggs in one basket, and then  34  that basket”.Look round you and take  35 ; men who do that do not often fail.It is easy to watch and carry the one basket.It is trying to carry too many baskets  36 breaks most eggs in this country.He who  37  three baskets must put one on his  38  , which is likely to fall down.One  39 of the American businessman is lack of concentration.
Remember: put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket. 40 Emerson says, "no one can cheat you out of final success but yourselves."
21.A.None         B.Few              C.All          D.Many
22.A.beginning      B.end           C.point           D.promotion
23.A.ordered       B.promoted           C.introduced            D.stated
24.A.sweeping out   B.taking out      C.bringing out       D.picking out
25.A.inspiration     B.condition            C.plan              D.case
26.A.concentrate    B.devote             C.apply       D.bury
27.A.charged        B.engaged            C.prepared    D.done
28.A.position      B.career           C.row          D.line
29.A.improvement   B.chance           C.learning     D.rise
30.A.gathered    B.forbidden          C.got          D.scattered
31.A.also          B.either           C.neither        D.yet
32.A.one            B.the other         C.others      D.the others
33.A.apparent      B.clear            C.wrong      D.perfect
34.A.notice      B.observe            C.stare         D.watch
35.A.notice        B.comment         C.interest       D.concentration
36.A.what          B.that               C.whoever      D.whichever
37.A.brings         B.takes              C.carries      D.owns
38.A.mind         B.brain              C.head         D.hand
39.A.fault          B.advantage          C.pattern       D.model
40.A.When         B.While               C.Which      D.As

21.D 22.A 23.C 24.A 25.B 26.A 27.B 28.D 29.A 30.D 31.A 32.B 33.C 34.D 35.A36.B 37.C 38.C 39.A40.D

试题【第三节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) It is well that young men should begin at the begi】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
A flock of hungry pigeons were flying across the sky in search of food. Having traveled a long distance, they felt tired and settled down on a tree. Just below the tree, they saw grains strewn(抛洒)all over the ground. The pigeons were happy to have found enough food to eat. All the pigeons came down from the tree and started eating the grains. As they were doing so, a huge net fell on them and trapped them all.
The pigeons were taken aback. They noticed a hunter sitting at a distance from the tree, a bow and arrow in hand. The pigeons realized it was the hunter who had trapped them in the net. The hunter got up and began to move towards the pigeons.
The leader of the pigeons spoke,“ Friends, we are in great trouble. The hunter will catch us if we do not act swiftly in a few seconds. There is only one option available at this moment. Let all of us use our force together and fly up along with the net. If all of us use our force and fly together, we can fly carrying the net along with us. Let us start now.”
All the pigeons agreed with him and flew high carrying the net along with them, After traveling enough distance away from the hunter, the pigeons settled on a tree and carefully came out of the net one by one and thus escaped the evil design of the hunter.
56. Who strewed the grains over the ground?
A. A villager.      B. The hunter.       C. The pigeon owner.  D. The writer.
57. The word “_________” has the closest meaning to the underlined word “option“.
A. reason         B. choice           C. action            D. opinion
58. How did the pigeons react when they got trapped?
A. They didn’t know what to do.         B. They tried to fly in all directions.
C. They remained rather calm.           D. They decided to fight for their lives.
59. This story wants to tell us that ________.
A. two heads are better than one         B. confidence will save everyone
C. teamwork can work wonders          D. actions speaker louder than words
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Girls really do prefer pink and boys prefer blue, recent research shows.
The reasons could have its origins in the hunt for food on the African savannah(稀树草原) thousands of years ago. Evolution may have developed women’s preference for pink, perhaps because it helped them to find ripe fruit and healthy men with reddish faces, while both men and women have a natural desire for blue, according to scientists at Newcastle University.
“Everyone in today’s western culture, from parents to toy manufactures, seems to assume that little girls like pink.” Said Prof. Anya Hulbert, who wanted to find out whether the reason was cultural or to do with biology.
A love of salmon, fuchsia and coral does seem to be rooted into females, rather than picked up from their mothers.
The participants in the study were Chinese and British. The Chinese students showed a marked preference for red. “Culture may contribute to this natural female preference.” Said Pro. Hulbert.
In her experiments, 208 young adult men and women were asked to select, as rapidly as possible, their preferred color. Hulbert and her colleague Dr. Yazhu Ling marked the results and found that while men preferred blue, women tended to choose pink.
Hulbert said she could only infer about the preference for blue: “Here again, I would favor evolutionary arguments. Going back to our savannah’s days, we would have a natural preference for a clear blue sky, because it signaled good weather. Clear blue also signals a good water source.”
60.The passage mentions “the African savannah” to show that____.
A.the ancient Africa was a beautiful place.
B.human beings lived in African at first.
C.women and men have different color preferences.
D.Color preference has its historical origins.
61.It can be inferred that the underlined word “fuchsia”_____.
A.is probably a kind of toy
B.is probably pink in color
C.can be only found in Africa
D.hardly causes men’s interest
62.By saying “The Chinese students… for red.” in paragraph 5, the writer means______.
A.red is the Chinese student’s favorite color
B.the Chinese prefer red more than the British
C.culture influences people’s color preferences
D.the study was carried out by two nations
63.What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.Hulbert thinks evolution explains why people prefer blue
B.Hulbert has a strong desire for “savannah” days
C.Blue is a natural signal of many good things
D.While boys like blue, girls like pink.
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  Friendship can deeply affect the physical and mental health of both men and women. Studies show that people who have no friends or who are lonely,are more likely to die earlier,get sick more often and suffer greater physical wear and tear(折磨)than those who have a support system of friends.
  Sometimes,family members may be more likely to give you advice or tell you what you don’t want to hear. It may not be as good as a friend who will listen to you and guide you,but support your decisions anyway. The most important elements about friendship are those who suffer support and do not judge your decisions based on society.
  One reason for the link between social support and good health practice seems to be that people who feel cared for by others are less stress-out and are protected against the symptoms(症状)of depression and loneliness.
  Generally,women benefit most because of how they deal with stress. Women are more social in how they deal with stress than men, while men are more likely to have a“fight or flight”reaction.
  Women also tend to have larger,denser social network,in which more people know each other and help each other, while men typically have smaller groups of friends and will rely on their wives or other important people for more support. While all these affect people psychologically(心理上),friendship brings comfort that reduces the ill effects of stress, and the sex difference also contributes to the difference in the length of one’s life time.
63.In the author’s opinion,a real friend should _____.
A.tell you what to do even if you refuse to hear it
B.try to persuade you to change your mind quickly
C.judge your decision according to his/her experience
D.give you advice but respect your own decision
64.Women benefit more from friendship than men because_____.
A.women are always cared for by more people than men
B.women are usually less stress—out when staying with others
C.women are more likely to solve problems with friends’ help
D.women can always keep more long-life friendship than men
65.According to the passage we can infer that _____.
A.it’s good for women to tell men what they should do or not
B.friends are always more important than family members
C.men don’t want to share their problems with many people
D.the trend that women can live longer makes them more relaxed
66.This passage mainly talks about _____.
A.why people should develop friendship
B.when friendship affects people’s health
C.people’s different attitudes towards friendship
D.the friendship which can make people live longer
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Jee Hock and Meng Kim were very good friends. Jee Hock could not see. He was blind. Meng Kim could not walk. He was lame. They lived in a village near a forest. Everyone in the village was going to a rich man’s dinner on the other side of the forest. Jee Hock and Meng Kim were anxious to attend the dinner too.
Blind Jee Hock thought of a plan. He would carry Meng Kim. The lame man could tell him the way. Meng Kim said that the plan was a good one.
On the way through the forest, Meng Kim saw a tiger. He did not tell Jee Hock about it. Instead, he quietly asked Jee Hock to carry him to the nearest tree. Upon reaching an over banging branch, Meng kim quickly hauled himself up.
Then the tiger roared. Jee Hock at once knew a tiger was near. He lay down quietly. The tiger came to him and sniffed his body. The tiger’s whiskers touched Jee Hock’s nose. At once Jee Hock sneezed, “Ah choooooo!” The tiger was afraid and ran away.
Then Meng Kim came down from the tree. He asked Jee Hock about the tiger. Jee Hock said that the tiger had told him to choose his friends wisely.
45. Jee Hock and Meng Kim were good ______.
A. men          B. tigers         C. friends         D. brothers
46. They decided to go to ______.
A. a picnic       B. a dinner       C. a party         D. the cinema
47. When Meng Kim saw the tiger, he ______.
A. shouted loudly                 B. did not tell Jee Hock about it
C. quickly climbed up a tree         D. lay down quietly
48. Jee Hock knew the tiger was near. He ______.
A. went to sleep                  B. cried
C. sat down and waited             D. lay down quietly
49. Jee Hock sneezed because the tiger’s whiskers ______.
A. hurt him                     B. was very long
C. cut his nose                    D. touched his nose
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第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Many television programs are very realistic. One who watches   41  often feels that whatever happens in a film can  42  happen to him. With only a little imagination(想象力), every man in the  43  becomes a thief, a spy(间谍) or a  44  . Jane had been watching a spy film at a friend’s house. In it a girl has been  45  and murdered. She walked to the station, feeling a little frightened. She took a  46   back to the center of the city. There were a lot of people traveling with her, 47  she felt much  48 .
A man sitting opposite her,  49  a newspaper, glanced at her. She thought  50   terrible until she saw him staring at her,  51  the film and feeling very uncommon, she got  52  the train and went to the bus-shop. When he got on  53  bus as she did, she found that he was following her. As long as she was with other people, she wasn’t frightened, but when she got off the bus, the street was almost  54  . She walked as fast as possible. She could hear footsteps following her, but she dared not look behind. Reaching the front door, she  45 for her key, but she was unable to find  56 because she was so terrified. Just then she felt a hand on her shoulder. Instead of feeling hands  57  her neck, however, she heard a  58  voice.
“ I wonder  59  I frightened you. I’m your new  60  . I thought I recognized you on the train, but I wasn’t sure.”       
41.  A. films         B. TV            C. plays          D. matches
42.  A. well          B. often          C. not           D. hardly
43.  A. park          B. school         C. factory        D. street
44.  A. stranger       B. walker        C. murderer       D. passenger
45.  A. followed      B. loved         C. kissed         D. found
46.  A. bus           B. taxi           C. car            D. train
47.  A. but           B. so            C. or            D. unless
48.  A. safer          B. hotter         C. noisier         D. faster
49.  A. reads         B. reading      C. readed        D. read
50.  A. something     B. everything      C. nothing       D. anything
51.  A. Seeing        B. Remembering   C. Watching      D. Noticing
52.  A. on           B. off             C. in            D. out
53.  A. the same      B. same            C. the similar           D. similar
54.  A. noisy         B. busy             C. crowded       D. Empty
55.  A. asked          B. felt              C. called         D. waited
56.  A. her            B. him           C. it             D. them
57.  A. above          B. round            C. over          D. under
58.  A. pleasant       B. terrible         C. cold          D. loud
59.  A. and           B. if                C. because of     D. or
60.  A. friend         B. husband        C. classmate       D. neighbor
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