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It tastes just like chicken
Away from home, eating is more than just a way to keep your stomach full.It is a language all its own, and no words can say, "Glad to meet you ...glad to be doing business with you ..." quite like sharing a meal offered by your host.
Clearly, mealtime is not the time for you to say, "Thanks, but no thanks." Acceptance of the food on your plate means acceptance of host, country, and company.So, no matter how difficult it may be to swallow, swallow.Or, as one experienced traveler says, "Travel with a cast-iron stomach and eat everything everywhere."
Often, the food offered represents proudly your host country’s eating culture.What would Ataiericans think of a French person who refused to take a bite of homemade apple pie or sirloin? Our discomfort comes not so much from the thing itself; it comes from our umamiliarity with it.After all, an oyster has remarkably the same look as a sheep’s eye; and a first look at a lobster would remind almost anybody of a creature from a science fiction movie, not something you dip in butter and eat.By the way, in Saudi Arabia sheep’s eyes are a famous dish and in parts of China it’s bear’s paw soup.
Can you refuse such food without being rude? Most experienced business travelers say no, at least not before taking at least a few bites.It helps, though, to slice any item very thin.This way, you minimize the taste and the reminder of where it came from.Or, " Swallow it quickly, " as one traveler recommends."I still can’t tell you what sheep’s eyeballs taste like." As for dealing with taste, the old line that "it tastes just like chicken" is often thankfully true.Even when the "it" is really rat or snake.
Another useful piece of advice is not knowing what you are eating.What’s for dinner? Don’t ask. Avoid glancing into the kitchen or looking at English-language menus.Your host will be pleased that you are eating the food he offers, and who knows? Maybe it really is chicken in that soup.
小题1:The purpose of the article is to ____.
A.introduce unfamiliar food
B.share the writer’s personal experiences
C.suggest ways to overcome a cultural barrier
D.advise on how to politely refuse to eat foreign food
小题2:According to the writer, people hesitate at strange food mainly due to ____.
A.the way it looksB.safety worries
C.lack of information about itD.the unfamiliar atmosphere
小题3:From the article we can infer that ____.
A.an American may feel comfortable with sirloin
B.one should refuse strange food after a few bites
C.English-language menus are not always dependable
D.one needs a cast-iron stomach to travel in other cultures
小题4:One may say "It tastes just like chicken." when ____.
A.showing respect for chicken-loving nations
B.greeting people with different dieting habits
C.evaluating chefs at an international food festival
D.getting someone to try a visually unpleasant meal

小题1:细节理解题。由第三段第三句话可知人们不喜欢一些食物主要原因不在于食物本身而在于人们对该食物不熟悉unfamiliarity。由此可知C项正确人们由于对食物不了解而排斥它。答案 C
小题1:推理判断题。第三段第一、二句话的大意是在国外你所得到的食物通常都自豪地代表着这个国家的饮食文化。因此当一个法国人拒绝食用美国人家里做的苹果馅饼或牛里脊肉sirloin时美国人会怎么想呢由此可推知sirloin应该是美国人的食品他们当然应该习惯了。答案 A
小题1:细节理解题。从第四段最后两句话可知在味道方面即使盘里盛的是鼠肉或蛇肉等这句老话“吃起来像鸡肉一样”也很奏效由此可知D项正确即这样说的目的是劝对方试一试这种食物。答案 D
试题【It tastes just like chickenAway from home, eating is more than just a way to kee】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Employment practices often reflect the needs of employers several decades ago.Times have changed.And so too has the Canadian workforce.Yet many employment practices have not kept pace with this change.For example, some work environments and washrooms designed for able-bodied workers seldom accommodate people who use a wheelchair.
Modernizing these practices is what employment equality is about.For example, making sure work benches and washrooms are adapted for disabled people entering the workplace paves the way for workers who become disabled on the job.By doing so, any given group of people? formerly discriminated against-now has access to better employment opportunities.
The objective, of course, is to make the workplace reflect Canadian society.However, this does not necessarily mean setting and enforcing quotas(实行配额). Rather, it means identifying the barriers to employment and designing measures, with achievable goals and clear timetables, to remove them
For example, according to the Canadian Union of Public Employees-Canada’s largest union, it would be unrealistic in the short term to insist that because half of the working age population is women, that half of the employees of an engineering firm should be women.At this moment, there would not be enough qualified female engineers.
A reasonable numerical goal would be based on the number of women who actually are engineers (8% ) and those who are studying to become engineers (25% ).A short term goal of 13% would be appropriate without running the risk of hiring unqualified people.
Equally important is to ensure people who have been disadvantaged the chance to become qualified for new opportunities.If aboriginal people (土著居民) , for example, can’t qualify for certain jobs because they haven’t had access to appropriate educational opportunities, then an employment equality program would have to address that problem with training programs.
Employment laws in this country cannot be considered displeasing if they guarantee all Canadians fair and equal access to the workforce.
小题1:The passage is mainly about how to ____.
A.modernize equipment for the disabled at work
B.achieve equality of employment opportunities
C.protect women’s rights in employment
D.complete a job training program
小题2:The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 3 refers to ____.
小题3:The example of women shows that ____.
A.only a small percentage of women engineers will get promoted
B.13% of the working age women should be hired as engineers
C.policy makers should adopt a practical and flexible approach
D.the quota of women for employment should be raised
小题4:The underlined word "address" in Paragraph 6 probably means _
A.put forwardB.run intoC.find outD.deal with

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Who buy the presents? How much should we spend? Questions about money like these ___50___ during the holidays, and they can turn this wonderful season into the most ___51___ time of the year.
The ___52___ cause of holiday stress is money issues, according to a recent poll by the American Psychological Association (APA). The survey found that 61 percent of Americans ___53___ lack of money as the top cause of family tensions, holiday blues and depression.
“People believe that they can go out and buy gifts because it’s the holidays, ___54___they can’t afford to do so,” says Dorothy Cantor, a noted psychologist and former APA president. “Not only is it stressful to feel that you have to buy everyone an expensive gift, but you will also be stressed for the rest of the year trying to pay your ___55___. You can show love and caring by giving something that you know is meaningful and ___56___ that doesn’t have to cost a lot.”
While managing money issues during the holiday season can be a ___57___, financial experts agree that you can ___58___ pressure by planning ahead, exhibiting patience and managing expectations to make the holiday season enjoyable and worry-free.
For starters, make an agreement with family members to discuss holiday spending and finances before you make any ___59___. The goal here is to learn one another’s thoughts and feelings about priorities and wishes. Be realistic, decide together on a budget and only use cash, rather than using credit cards. Avoid getting ___60___ unreasonable expectations. It makes no ___61___ to buy gifts you can not afford and put additional financial and emotional stress on yourself and your family that will cause problems long after the holidays are over.
Other ways to ___62___ the burden of money-related holiday blues include an understanding that everyone faces money problems at one time or another. It’s important to keep your ___63___ situation in perspective, to learn from experience and then to proceed with your life.
And lastly, make focusing on financial solutions a part of your New Year’s resolution. It’s the perfect time to take a __64___ approach by doing some soul-searching, forgiving yourself, letting go of the past and dealing with your financial problems in a businesslike manner each day.
A.break upB.pop upC.put outD.wipe out
A.as ifB.even ifC.as long asD.if only
小题7:A. resistant       B. random           C. personal     D profitable
A.caught up inB.ended up withC.put up inD.made up for

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The two-week vacation at the end of summer school ended yesterday. Kevin had gone nowhere during his vacation. He had the money, but he hated to travel alone. He used to take vacations with Gary, his youngest brother, but they had a big argument at the end of their last vacation. Each of them had spent the last three years waiting for the other to apologize.
Kevin did not feel good about being on non-speaking terms with his favorite brother. But he was not going to ask for forgiveness when, in his mind, this whole misunderstanding was his brother’s fault.
So Kevin’s summer vacation was spent in his own “back yard.” As usual, he had planned to clean up his apartment. As usual, two weeks later his apartment looked just as it had two weeks before.
He did do one thing new and different during his vacation. There was a new coffee shop on Foothill Street. It served 25 varieties of delicious coffee at reasonable prices, and the staff was genuinely friendly. The shop was air-conditioned at a slightly chilly temperature. About eight small round tables were inside. Outside were four bigger tables. Each had four white metal chairs around it, and several big umbrellas provided shade. Even on hot afternoons, there was usually a pleasant breeze.
Kevin visited the coffee shop four times during his vacation. He always sat at a table outside by himself and read the free daily paper. Each day he was there, he read most of the newspaper articles while he enjoyed two cups of coffee.
Between articles, he took breaks by watching the nearby traffic and pedestrians. The coffee shop was next to a huge parking lot. The lot was for customers of a grocery store, movie rental store, pharmacy, bank, and restaurant. Kevin considered his outdoor seat the perfect place for one of his favorite activities—people watching.
The coffee shop, with its excellent location and coffee, had helped make his vacation a pleasant one. But he knew in his heart, had his brother been there to join him just one day, his vacation would have been a perfect one.
小题1: Why didn’t Kevin go anywhere during his vacation?
A.Because he was short of money.B.Because he didn’t like traveling.
C.Because he had no company.D.Because he had to clean up his apartment.
小题2: What did Kevin do in his vacation?
A.He cleaned up his apartment.B.He had a big argument with Gary.
C.He worked in a parking lot.D.He stayed at home most of the time.
小题3: Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the coffee house?
A.It served delicious coffee of different flavors.
B.It had an effective air-conditioning system.
C.It was often crowded with local customers.
D.It provided free newspapers for customers.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.
In order to present the best presentation and eliminate room for error, you need to keep in mind certain guidelines. Here"s are some of my ideas for presenting quality presentation that demand genuine attention from your listeners.
Picking out a topic is the hard part, when it comes to choosing from a list of presentation subjects. It has to be interesting, impactful and unique, therefore it is crucial to choose something you care about rather than randomly selecting one. Ask yourself if it covers angles -is it informative? Will it keep my listeners hooked? Will it create an air of boredom? Will I be able to get all my facts and research done? Is it appealing to me, but not to them?
There"s nothing more annoying than have someone blabber on about a topic he/she hasn"t done extensive research on. It is obvious from the way they speak, how monotonous their tones sound and how robotic their movement and gestures are. So don"t be that someone. Take the effort to learn as much as you can. Make it matter to you, and remember how it can impact your listeners, and enlighten them on things they didn"t know about at all.
No one is perfect, and there are bound to be mistakes or circumstances that you didn’t count on and couldn’t avoid. You could stutter with a word, mix up slides, or forget some important sheets of your presentation and so on. Straighten up. Crack a minor joke in your defense. In other words improvise and don"t beat yourself up about it or else your presentation will end in disaster. Don"t let it ruin the rest of it, and finish the presentation as planned, so that people think more of how well it ended.
The best thing about presenting a topic is eye contact. If you are able to say it by heart, and not by looking at a piece of paper, you will have mastered the most effective presentation technique. Memorize your lines, and points, and only glance at your notes occasionally if you think you may forget something. In the end, if you think that you are well prepared to answer questions, then by all means invite them.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
It’s difficult for doctors to help a person with a hurt brain.  36  enough blood, the brain can live only three to five minutes. Usually doctors can’t fix the hurt  37  such a short time.
Dr Robert White thinks he knows a  38  of help. He thinks doctors should make the hurt brain  39  to live for 30 minutes without blood. This gives the doctor  40  time to do something for the brain. Dr White experimented his  41  on fifteen monkeys.  42  he taught them to do different jobs. Then he operated on them. He made the monkeys’ blood go  43  a machine. When the brains’  44  was 10℃, he stopped the blood to the brain. After 30 minutes, he turned the blood back on. He  45  the blood again. After their operations, the monkeys were almost  46  before. They were healthy and busy. Each one could still do the job the doctor  47  them.
Dr White’s idea works well on monkeys. He thinks it will work on  48 . He think it will help with heart problems. A person  49  die when his heart stops; doctors can  50  it again. The problem comes: when the brain is without blood for about 5 minutes, it  51 . If doctors start the heart again after 5 minutes, the person has  52  body but a dead brain. Maybe in the future, doctors will  53  Dr White’s idea. When the person’s heart stops the doctor will  54  cool the brain. They will have 30 minutes to start the heart again. Maybe there will be no  55  the brain.
A.Don’t haveB.WithoutC.Having notD.Only with
A.too coolB.enough coolC.cool enoughD.that cool
A.a longerB.enoughC.a shorterD.another
A.to B.acrossC.throughD.onto
A.the same asB.different fromC.used toD.cleverer than
A.was taughtB.was teachingC.was to teachD.had taught
A.other peopleB.human beingsC.other thingsD.more people
A.doesn’t have toB.needn’tC.will be able toD.is afraid to
A.noB.a deadC.a livingD.a lively
A.get B.acceptC.keepD.try
A.soon B.quickly C.slowlyD.rapid
A.use forB.wrong withC.value toD.problem with

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