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One year, my school report made my parents angry. On Christmas Eve, all the presents were stolen, along with our TV. My parents told me that there were no presents because Santa was very angry with my behavior over the past year. The next year on Christmas Eve I slept downstairs with a plastic sword waiting for Santa to make sure that he didn"t steal the new TV. The next morning, when I woke up, I saw Santa standing there. As soon as I saw that there were no presents, I grabbed my plastic sword and ran at him, shouting angrily: "THIEF! THIEF!"
When I was young, we always had a specific room for the Christmas tree. My mom never really liked the location, so one year she moved the tree into another room. I was convinced that Santa would not know where the tree was and would get lost in our house. I was worried that he would be mad and put me on the "bad" list and would not give me any gifts because he couldn"t find the tree. I came up with the idea to make signs leading from the fireplace to the tree. They said things like: "Tree this way" or "Santa, put the gifts over here." When my big brother saw them he began to laugh his head off.
Does everyone remember going to the mall and sitting on Santa’s lap to have his picture taken at Christmas time?
Well, I used to think that if I did that, Santa would get mad bcause he would have to go all around the world and give every kid the chance to have his picture taken with him. Of course his lap would hurt and he would be very fired. I thought he might keep a copy of the picture and that would be how he decided who would be on his naughty list.
My mom couldn"t get me onto Santa"s lap until she made him promise I wouldn"t end up on his naughty list.
小题1:The real reason why Jack"s TV was taken away is that ______________.
A.his parents were too careless
B.his parents thought he had watched too much TV
C.Santa Claus was not satisfied with Jack’s behavior
D.Santa gave the TV to another child as a present
小题2:Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why Lucy didn"t want the tree to be moved?
A.Santa would not know where the tree was.
B.Santa would be angry and would not give her any gifts.
C.Her big brother might laugh at her.
D.Santa might think she was a "bad" child.
小题3:We can learn from the third story that _______________.
A.Lydia’s mother was very Strict with her
B.Lydia believed in Santa when she was young
C.Lydia was naughty when she was young
D.Lydia liked taking pictures with Santa
小题4:Why didn"t Lydia want to take pictures with Santa?
A.She was afraid that Santa would get mad with her.
B.She was afraid that Santa would get too tired and hurt himself.
C.She disliked the idea that Santa would keep a copy of her picture.
D.She feared that she would appear in the Santa"s naughty list.


小题1:B细节题。从第一段第一句my school report made my parents angry及第二句可知,jack的电视被搬走是因为他父母认为他电视看太多而假借是圣诞老人不满他的行为,因此排除C,D答案文章中没有提到。
点评:本文记录了由三个人 Jack,Lucy 和 Lydia口述回忆小时候有关圣诞老人的童年趣事及当时对圣诞老人的模糊印象。文章通俗易懂且富有趣味性。充满童真,童趣。
试题【One year, my school report made my parents angry. On Christmas Eve, all the pres】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
At one point or 36 in life, we are all 37 to make a speech to an audience on different occasions, for example, in the classroom to share successful 38 with classmates or on a wedding to send your best wishes in honor of the newly-weds. No matter 39 the audience seems to be, we are in public speaking. 40, most of us don’t do a very satisfactory job. We get nervous. We forget what to say, we 41 unnecessary words, and we 42 the audience. We feel awful, feeling like completely a loser, and wish we would never have to speak  again.
Cheer up! You are not alone and things are not 43 bad. Here are a few44 for you to 45 the pain. First, be clear about the purpose of your speech. What is the 46? Why are you speaking? Then, gather as much information 47 you can think of on your subject. It is advised that onespend plenty of your time doing some research and organizing your material so that your speech is clear and crystal. 48 many examples, pictures, charts, and graphs if possible. Most importantly, never forget your audience. Don’t talk over their heads, and don’t 49 them. Treat them with 50.During the course, let your 51 come through so that they feel as if you make person-to-person communication with them. They will surely 52 your thoughtfulness and find your speech enjoyable.
Just remember: Be prepared. Know your subject, the occasion, and the audience . If you follow these steps, you will see you don’t have to be 53.   54, you may find you more than enjoy the period and that you 55 to make more and long speeches. But don’t hog the podium and steal the show!
A.other B.others C.another D.the other
A.called in B.called upon C.called out D.called off
A.storiesB.materials C.experience D.information
A.how large B.what big size C.how much D.how many
A.HoweverB.Therefore C.But D.As a result
A.missB.avoid C.hateD.repeat
A.amazeB.bore C.amuseD.embarrass
A.that B.too much C.much too D.far from
A.advicesB.tips C.suggestion D.words
A.get across B.go throughC.get over D.go over
A.situation B.condition C.occasionD.instruction
A.which B.for which C.as D.that
A.IncludeB.IncludingC.Give D.Showing
A.talk aloud with B.talk down toC.Talk about D.talk to
A.honor B.respect C.discipline D.encouragement
A.personalityB.pointsC.speech D.opinions
A.enjoyB.appreciate C.thank D.express
A.frightened B.afraidC.enthusiastic D.relaxed
A.However B.In fact C.In other words D.similarly
A.are anxiousB.look forwardC.volunteerD.willing

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Will it matter if you don’t take your breakfast?
Recently a test was given in the United States. Those tested included people of different ages, from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Special tests were set up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect than if he or she has no breakfast.
This fact appears to be especially true if a person works with his brains, if a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention in class. Opposite to what many people believe, if you don’t eat breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch, and end up gaining weight instead of losing. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.
小题1:The results of the test show that ______
A.breakfast has great effect on work and studies.
B.breakfast has much to do with people’s health.
C.a person will work better if he has simple breakfast
D.breakfast only affects those who work with their brains .
小题2:According to the passage, many people think that if you don’t eat breakfast, you will____.
A.do your work badlyB.eat too much for lunch
C.gain weight    D.lose weight
小题3:We can infer from the passage that _____
A.one can work better with breakfast.
B.morning diet will do good to your health.
C.reducing lunch and supper will help lose weight.
D.breakfast is more important than lunch and supper.

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In an age dominated (控制的) by new media and the Internet, there are so many alternative ways of learning.Gone are the days when, if we couldn"t make it into a classroom, the only real option was to pick up a book, or when audio materials consisted of bad quality cassettes or sporadic(时有时无的) radio and TV programmes.With the appearance of broadband access to the web, we have a whole new learning domain (统领) at our fingertips.Sophisticated learning materials in the form of text or high-quality audio are now available at the touch of a button, and tests and assignments can be submitted (进行) and marked online.Questions and learning, studying away from the classroom has never seemed easier.Yet many teachers would argue that face-to-face contact between teachers and students is an essential part of the language learning experience.Enter the concept of blended (融合的) learning, an approach to education which seeks to combine the best of new technology and actual human contact.
Advocates of blended learning argue that an approach to study which combines the benefits of new technology with the best aspects of face-to-face (often abbreviated to F2F) teaching, will achieve better results.For example, there are some aspects of study, like practical sessions, dealing with more subjective questions, or meeting the needs of an individual student, which require face-to-face human interaction, whereas the more mechanical aspects of learning, such as answers to clear-cut questions, can be managed simply and effectively in a remote environment using new technology.
Blended learning approaches have proven especially appropriate in language learning.For example, in an ELT (English Language Teaching ) environment, a simple scenario (剧情概要) might be a classroom session where a teacher asks a group of students to use a wiki to create a text. Students then go away and compose and edit the text remotely.During the next F2F session, the teacher express his opinion about their work.
小题1:What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Blended learning is an effective learning approach.
B.More and more people will use Internet-based learning materials,
C.There are so many different ways of learning for people to choose in today"s world.
D.Blended learning methods have proven to be effective except in language learning.
小题2:Which of the following aspects of study doesn"t require face-to-face interaction between teachers and students?
A.Practical sessions.
B.Tackling the needs of an individual student.
C.Dealing with more subjective questions.
D.Providing answers to clear-cut questions.
小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.the radio and TV in the past were of poor quality
B.people do not get audio materials through cassettes nowadays
C.it was not convenient for people to leam outside a classroom in the past
D.it was difficult to find a classroom with good learning conditions in the old days
小题4:Which of the following can be best describe the writer"s attitude towards blended learning?
A.Critical.B.Objective (客观的) .
C.Supportive.D.Neutral (中立的) .

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In the next few years, battery technology is going to grow rapidly.
No more charging your smart phone every day...
No more “range anxiety” for electric cars, as new lithium batteries (锂电池)allow them to drive hundreds of miles on a single charge, just like a tank of gas.
And a tiny Chinese company is to be the leader of it all.
It already counts Motorola, Nokia, and Samsung as customers for its advanced batteries.
But the real money is going to come when it starts selling electric cars.
Right now, the stock is trading at an extreme discount, offering in-the-know investors a chance to get in and make a killing.
You need to know all the details about this opportunity today — and not a day later.
To do that, and to gain access to all the information you"ll need to invest confidently, simply sign up for the free e-Letter from Energy & Capital by entering your email address below...
Once you do, we"ll rush you our latest report, China"s $2.00 Lithium Linchpin.
After getting your report, you"ll begin receiving the Energy & Capital e-Letter, delivered to your inbox daily.
Become a member of Energy & Capital today. It is free and there is absolutely no obligation (责任), ever.
NO-JUNK: By no means will we EVER rent, sell or give away your email address for any reason. Unsubscribing from Energy & Capital is quick, easy, and painless... with just a few clicks. View our Privacy Policy.
小题1:What does the underlined part “make a killing” in Paragraph 7 mean?
A.Beat all other businesses.
B.Make a lot of money in a short time.
C.Force other batteries to withdraw from market.
D.Be the business leader in battery making.
小题2:What is the possible problem with online subscribing?
A.The giving-away of privacy.
B.Getting lots of junk emails.
C.Becoming a member of some organization unwillingly.
D.Not being able to unsubscribe.
小题3:Where is this material probably from?
A.A magazine.B.A newspaper.C.A website.D.A booklet.
小题4:This passage is mainly to ______.
A.advertise new batteriesB.find potential investors
C.promote Energy & CapitalD.sell new technology

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What is intelligence anyway? When I was in the army I    21  an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and, against   22  of 100, scored 160.No one at the base had ever seen a figure like that, and for two hours they made a big fuss over me.
All my life I"ve been registering scores like that,    23  I have the complacent(洋洋自得的) feeling that I"m highly intelligent, and I expect other people to think so too. Actually, though, don"t such scores simply mean that I am very good at answering the type of academic questions that are considered worthy of answers by people who    24     the intelligence tests - people with intellectual bents(天分) similar to mine?
For instance, I once had an auto-repair man, who, on these intelligence tests, could not   25  have scored more than 80,by my estimate. Yet, when anything went wrong with my car I hurried to him—and he always fixed it.
Well,then,suppose my auto—repair man   26  questions for some intelligence tests.By doing every one of them I"d prove myself a   27  .In a world where I have to work with my    28   ,I"d do poorly.
Consider my auto—repair man   29   .He had a habit of telling  30   .One time he said. “Doc, a deaf and dumb man   31  some nails.Having entered a store,he put two fingers together on the counter and made  32    movements with the other hand.The clerk brought him a hammer.He   33   his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering.The clerk   34  him some nails.He picked out the right size and left.Well,Doc,the   35  man who came in was blind.He wanted scissors.   36  do you suppose he asked for them?" I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my first two fingers.He burst out laughing and said,“Why, you fool,he used his    37   and asked for them.” Then he said smugly, "I"ve been    38    that on all my customers today." "Did you catch many?" I asked. "Quite a few," he said, "but I knew     39    I"d catch you." "Why is that?" I asked. "Because you"re so goddamned educated, Doc, I knew you couldn"t be very     40   ." And I have an uneasy feeling that he had something there.
A.failed B.wrote C.received D.chose
A.an average B.a total C.an amountD.a number
A.then B.butC.so that D.because
A.join inB.make upC.go over D.look through
A.approximately B.possiblyC.certainly D.frequently
A.answered B.practicedC.designed D.tried
A.teacher B.doctor C.winnerD.fool
A.brains B.efforts C.handsD.abilities
A.again B.as usual C.tooD.as well
A.lies B.jokes C.newsD.tales
A.bought B.testedC.foundD.needed
A.cutting B.hammering C.scissoringD.circling
A.nodded B.raised C.shook D.turned
A.brought B.packed C.sentD.sold
A.clever B.other C.rightD.next
A.What B.How C.WhoD.Which
A.imagination B.handC.voiceD.information
A.trying B.provingC.practicing D.examining
A.with wisdom B.at onceC.in reality D.for sure
A.clear B.sillyC.slowD.smart

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