当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     Chrysanthemums (菊花) are to the fall what tulips are to the spring.    ...
阅读理解。     Chrysanthemums (菊花) are to the fall what tulips are to the spring.
     In ancient China, chrysanthemums (or "mums" for short) were first planted thousands of
years ago. People chose the chrysanthemum as their Flower for October, a symbol of the rest and ease
that followed the season"s final harvest. Then they symbolized a scholar in retirement (隐居) and were
one of the four noble plants, along with bamboo, the plum flower, and orchid.
     The Japanese hold the chrysanthemum as a symbol of the sun. They consider the orderly unfolding of
its petals to be a symbol of perfection. They also think that a single chrysanthemum petal placed in the
bottom of a wine glass encourages a long and healthy life. The Japanese even have a National
Chrysanthemum Day on September 9, known as the Festival of Happiness.
      In the United States during colonial times, its popularity grew such that mums now reign as "Queen of
the Fall Flowers." Mums remain the most widely grown pot plant in the country and the largest
commercially produced flowers. Chrysanthemums generally represent cheerfulness and rest. So they are
welcomed throughout the British Isles and North America for any occasion, such as football games and
parties. In other countries such as Italy, Belgium and Austria, however, their association with the dead
makes chrysanthemums acceptable only for funerals and graves. 1. Why did people in ancient China choose the chrysanthemum as their Flower for October,
    a symbol of ________? A. having a month of celebration.  
B. having relaxation after one year"s of hard work.
C. loving this kind of flowers during this month.
D. having another good harvest the next year. 2. The Japanese consider the chrysanthemum as a symbol of the sun because________.A. people like the flower just as they like the sun
B. the flower with its nice petals represents a symbol of perfection
C. people find the flower having no perfect petals when it is unfolding
D. the flower unfold its petals orderly just like the sun  3. Mums are loved not only in the Unite States but in the British Isles  as they stand for ________.  A. cheerfulness and rest    
B. happiness and joy
C. wealth and health        
D. luck and chance 4. In some European countries people use chrysanthemums to express  their feeling of _______.  A. regret     
B. cold    
C. sorrow  
D. approval
1-4: BBAC
试题【阅读理解。     Chrysanthemums (菊花) are to the fall what tulips are to the spring.    】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     People celebrate birthdays in almost every country on earth. And they celebrate them in many
different ways.
     In China and in Japan, for example, the arrival of New Year is more important than a person"s
birthday. So everyone adds a year to celebrate their ages on New Year"s Day, instead of on their
     In Brazil, the special birthday food isn"t cake, but special candles. In China, it"s long noodles-for
long life. In Iceland, people have pancakes with candies rolled inside them on birthdays.
     In Britain, a birthday is an all-day celebration. At school, the birthday child is lifted up and "bumped"
by his classmates. This means the child is lifted by the feet and arms and bumped to the ground, once for
each year once for good growth. In Israel, the same custom is followed, except the birthday person is
lifted and lowered while sitting in a chair.
     In Holland, children not only get presents, but also give things out. They give cakes, cookies and
candles to their classmates and teachers on their birthdays.
     In Mexico, it"s good luck to give birthday greetings as early in the day as possible. So it"s usual for the
birthday child to be woken up at midnight by fiends singing birthday songs.
In India, birthday celebrations also begin before dawn. Prayers and blessings must be said before morning comes.
     In Thailand, two tall candles are lighted the night before the birthday. One is as tall as the birthday
person. If it goes out early, it"s bad luck. Another customs of Thailand is that they buy live fish and birds
for the birthday person and then the birthday person frees the animals, and it brings good luck.
     In Nigeria, people in a certain age group celebrate their birthdays together, on a certain day.
     In many countries birthday customs are changing. Old customs are giving way to western style of
birthdays, with candletopped cakes. But one thing never changes-birthdays are special days for everyone!1. It"s a custom to lift and lower the birthday person in a chair in _____. A. Britain
B. Israel
C. Britain and Israel
D. Israel and Thailand2. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. In Thailand people give fish and birds to the birthday person as presents.
B. In Holland people give presents to unbirthday persons on their birthdays.
C. In Nigeria people who were born in the same period may celebrate their birthdays on the same day.
D. In Thailand a candle will be lighted on the birthday night.3. What does the text mainly talk about?A. Different countries have different birthdays.
B. Celebrating birthdays is exciting.
C. Different ways of celebrating the birthday in different countries.
D. Everyone likes celebrating his or her birthday.
题型:海南省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Early in the 16th century men were trying to reach Asia by travelling west from Europe. In order to
find Asia they had to find a way past South Africa. The man who finally found the way from the Atlantic
Ocean to the Pacific was Ferdinand Magellan.
     Magellan sailed from Seville in August 1519 with five ships and about 280 men. Fourteen months later, after spending the severe (凌冽的) winter on the coast of Patagonia, he discovered the channel (海峡)
which is now called Magellan Straits. In November 1520, after many months of dangers from rocks and
storms, the three remaining ships entered the ocean on the other side of South America.
     They then continued, hoping to reach Asia. But they didn"t see any land until they reached the islands
off the coast of Asia. Before they arrived at these islands, later known as Philippines, men were dying of
starvation. While they were in the Philippines., Magellan was killed in battle.
     The remaining officers then had to get back to Spain. They decided to sail around Africa. After many
difficulties, one ship with eighteen men sailed into Seville after leaving. They were all that remained of
Magellan"s expedition (探险队).1. Magellan Straits were discovered by Magellan ______. A. in August 1519
B. in October 1520
C. in November 1520
D. in December 15202. The number of the ships lost on the whole expedition was ______. A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?A. Dangers from rocks and storms
B. Lack of fresh food and water
C. Severe winter in Patagonia
D. The death of Magellan
题型:海南省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。   The common cold is the world"s most widespread illness, which is plagues (疫病) that people receive.
   The most widespread fallacy (谬误) of all is that colds are caused by cold. They are not. They are
caused by viruses(病毒) passing on from person to person. You catch a cold by coming into contact,
directly or indirectly, with someone who already has one. If cold causes colds, it would be reasonable
to expect the Eskimos to suffer from them forever. But they do not. And in isolated arctic regions
explorers have reported being free from colds until coming into contact again with infected people from
the outside world by way of packages and mail dropped from airplanes.
     During the First World War soldiers who spent long periods in the trenches (战壕), cold and wet,
showed no increased tendency to catch colds. In the Second World War prisoners at the Auschwitz
Concentration Camp (奥斯维辛集中营), naked and starving, were astonished to find that they seldom
had colds. At the Common Cold Research Unit in England, volunteers took part in experiments in which
they gave themselves to the discomforts of being cold and wet for long stretches of time. After taking hot
baths, they put on bathing suits, allowed themselves to be with cold water, and then stood about dripping wet (湿透) in drafty (通风的) room. Some wore wet socks all day while others exercised in the rain
until close to exhaustion. Not one of the volunteers came down with a cold unless a cold virus was
actually dropped in his nose.
    If, then, cold and wet have nothing to do with catching colds, why are they more frequent in the
winter? Despite the most pains-taking research, no one has yet found the answer. One explanation
offered by scientists is that people tend to stay together indoors more in cold weather than at other time,
and this makes it easier for cold viruses to be passed on.
    No one has yet found a cure for the cold. There are drugs and pain suppressors(止痛片) such as
aspirin, but all they do is relieve the symptoms. 1. The writer offered _______ examples to support his argument.A. 4            
B. 5              
C. 6              
D. 32. Arctic explorers may catch colds when _______.A. they are working in the isolated arctic regions
B. they are writing reports in terribly cold weather
C. they are free from work in the isolated arctic regions
D. they are coming into touch again with the outside world3. Volunteers taking part in the experiments in the Common Cold Research Unit probably _______.A. suffered a lot                      
B. never caught colds
C. often caught colds                  
D. became very strong4. The passage mainly discusses _______.A. the experiments on the common cold
B. the fallacy about the common cold
C. the reason and the way people catch colds
D. the continued spread of common colds
题型:黑龙江省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Good manners play an important part in maintaining (保持) peace in society. A man with good
manners doesn"t hurt others" feelings, and therefore he"s on good terms with everyone. In this way he
helps to keep the peace in society.
     But a man with bad manners has no respect for others. He uses words carelessly and behaves rudely
towards others and causes a lot of unpleasantness. In the end, he himself will suffer the most. Everyone
avoids him and he is forced to live alone.
     To live well in society, money alone is not enough. Even the richest man cannot afford to have bad
manners. He may have enough money to buy all things he wants; but if his manners are bad, he will have
no friends, and no one can live happily without friends.
     We should have good manners, for it"s human nature to try to get friendship; and friendship has to be
earned (获得)through our own attitude towards others. If we are kind to others, they will be kind to us,
and kindness is the most basic quality of good manners. Bad manners drive away friends as well as our
own family members.
     On the other hand, a man with good manners has many friends. He commands the respect of all those who come into contact (联系) with him. He doesn"t talk ill about others. Even when he"s provoked, he
tries his best not to upset others. He also feels sorry about the weak and the disabled.
     There are, however, many people who behave so well outside their homes that they are respected by
everyone outside. But in their own homes they are worse than the devil (魔鬼). Such people cannot be
said to have good manners. Their behavior will soon be discovered by others.
If one"s manners are good, one behaves well everywhere, even when one is away from the critical (爱挑剔的) eyes of others. Only such a person can live well in society.1. People with good manners bring society _____.A. peace
B. enjoyment
C. respect
D. friendship2. What does the author mainly want to tell us in Paragraph 4 ?A. People are born friendly.
B. Bad manners make people lose friends.
C. Money is not the most important.
D. Kind people will be treated kindly.3. The underlined word "provoked" in the passage may mean _____.A. tired
B. sad
C. made angry
D. left alone4. What"s the main idea of the passage ? A. Kindness is important.
B. Friendship is important.
C. Good manners are important.
D. People with bad manners can"t live well.
题型:湖北省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     For the most part, you are probably only exposed to the music that is played on your favorite radio
stations and TV shows, music Web sites, or the music that your friends and family members enjoy. While
you probably know a lot about your favorite type of music, it can be a rewarding experience to enlarge
your horizons (眼界), discovering artists and types of music that you"re not familiar with. Who knows,
you might discover you like certain types of music you never even considered.
     Have you ever wondered about the history and influences of your favorite types of music ? For
example, did you know that rock "n" roll originated (起源) from the blues, and that the blues began as a
form of musical expression for African Americans during slavery (奴隶制度)? Did you know that most
hip-hop is heavily influenced by early rhythm blues and jazz ?
     There are many fun ways to learn about different musical styles and their historical roots. For example,
if you like hip-hop, listen to some of your favorite CDs and take note of the samples the performers used
to create the songs. There is a possibility that the artist used parts of older songs to create the music. You
can go to the library or online to learn more about the artists and listen to more of their music by checking out CDs from the library or downloading songs online for a small fee.
     You can learn so much about culture and history just by paying attention to different types of music
and what is being expressed in the songs. There are so many different styles of music to learn about, and
you owe(欠)it to yourself to make an effort to listen to and learn about them.1. The main topic of this passage is _____.A. creating music
B. performing music
C. enjoying your favorite music
D. learning about music2. What music did African Americans use to express their feelings of being slaves ?A. Rock "n" roll.
B. The blues.
C. Hip-hop.
D. Jazz.3. How can you learn about culture and history through music ?A. By writing down the names of the music.
B. By creating music from older songs yourself.
C. By caring about what is being expressed in music.
D. By keeping a record of fees after downloading songs online.4. By saying the underlined sentence in the last paragraph, the author probably means that _____.A. you should try harder to learn about music
B. you should return something to music
C. you should borrow music CDs from others
D. you should buy music CDs yourself
题型:湖北省期中题难度:| 查看答案
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