当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解.     It is a matter of common observation that although money income keeps ...
阅读理解.     It is a matter of common observation that although money income keeps going up over the
years, we never seem to become richer. Prices are rising continuously. This condition is what
we call inflation (通胀) the money supply is becoming inflated so that each unit of it becomes
less valuable. We have got used to higher and higher rates of inflation in recent years. What
could be bought twenty years ago for one pound now costs well over 2 pounds. And at present
this rate of inflation seems to be rising rather than falling. If in the real world our money incomes
go up at the same rate as prices do?One might think that inflation doesn"t matter. But it does .
     When money is losing value it also loses one of the qualities of a good money-stability(稳定)
of value. It is no longer acceptable as a store of value; and it becomes an unsuitable means
of delayed payment. Nobody wants to hold a wasting possession, so people try to get rid
of money as quickly as possible. Inflation therefore simply simulates(刺激)our spending and
discourages saving.1.From the passage we can know that inflation is a situation in which________.A. everyone"s incomes rise
B. money will hold its value
C. we can watch our money grow
D. money constantly loses its value2.In the writer"s view, if incomes and prices rise at the same rate, ________.A. inflation maybe still be a problem
B. we have nothing to worry about
C. inflation is no longer a problem
D. we will become richer and richer3.Under inflation people are likely to ________.A. go to the bank more often than usual
B. save more money since their incomes rise
C.spend money quickly rather than to save it
D.keep money at home instead of going to banks4.We can conclude according to the passage that ________.A. the writer is a government official
B. the writer is worried about inflation
C. the writer encourages people to spend money
D. the writer has become richer because of inflation5. Which of the following words is omitted (省略) at the end of the underlined sentence
"But it does"?______.A. Matter.
B. Goes.
C. Rises.
D. Falls
试题【阅读理解.     It is a matter of common observation that although money income keeps 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解      Homebuyers nationwide are watching housing prices going up, up, and up."How high can they go?"
is the question on everyone"s lips."As long as interest rates stay around 5 percent, nothing might be able
to prevent housing prices going up, " said one house seller in Santa Monica, California.
     "It"s crazy, " said Tim, who is looking for a house near the beach."In 1993, I bought my first place,
a twobedroom flat in Venice, for $70,000.My friends thought then that I was overpaying.Five years later,
I had to move.I sold it for $230,000, which was a nice profit.Last year, while visiting friends here, I saw
in the local paper that the exact same flat was for sale for $510,000!"
     It is a seller"s market.Homebuyers feel like they have to offer at least 10 percent more than the asking
price.Donna, a new owner of a onebedroom flat on Venice Beach, said, "That"s what I did.I told the
owner that whatever anyone offers you, I"ll give you $20,000 more under the table, so you don"t have
to pay your house seller any of it.I was tired of negotiating with the house sellers."
     Tim says he hopes he doesn"t get that desperate."Whether you decide to buy or not, you still feel like
you made the wrong decision.If you buy, you feel like you overpaid.If you don"t buy, you want to kick
yourself for passing up a great opportunity."
     Everyone says the bubble (气泡) has to burst sometime, but everyone hopes it will burst the day
after they sell their house.Even government officials have no idea what the future will bring."All we can
say is that, clearly, these things go in regular cycles, " said the state director of housing."What goes up
must come down.But, as we all know, housing prices always stay up a little higher than they go down
(被接受). So you can"t lose over the long run.Twenty years down the road, your house is always worth
more than you paid for it."
1. If Tim had sold his flat last year, he could have earned________.A. $510,000  
B. $440,000  
C. $280,000  
D. $160,0002. Donna paid another $20,000 to the owner secretly because________.A. she felt like offering 10% more
B. secret money made low price
C. the owner asked for the money
D. she was bored with bargaining3. We can infer from Tim"s words in Paragraph 4 that________.A. homebuyers feel hesitate facing rising house prices
B. buying a house is always a great opportunity
C. homebuyers never make the right decision
D. both sellers and buyers become desperate4. Which of the following is TRUE about the housing bubble?A. It is something everyone hates to see.
B. Only experts know when it will burst.
C. It is unavoidable in the regular circles.
D. It usually stays for about twenty years
题型:陕西省同步题难度:| 查看答案

     More and more people are annoyed at the continually rising house prices.They want to know
who is to blame for it.Local governments, developers and speculators (投机商) share a vested (既
得的) interest in it.People who are really in need of homes are most likely to suffer heavy losses.
     Many local governments depend on selling land to keep its normal operation.The higher land
prices, the more money.Therefore, developers back the local governments by buying land at high
prices.In return, the governments make favorable policies to help the developers.For example, drive
all the possible home buyers to this nasty (危险的) market.They even encourage large numbers of
speculators to catch more people.
     Rising house prices have already become the fence which divides the Chinese society.It has
caused widespread dissatisfaction.The government will lose the support of the common people if
leaving house prices out of control.Besides, rising house prices will stop us building the new
countryside as the present policy actually forbid people to flow freely from cities to the countryside.
     Collecting taxes on houses can fundamentally solve this problem.On one hand, it will discourage
the speculators.On the other hand, it will offer a stable tax resource apart from reducing the sales
cost of the developers.Secondly, stop the developers selling the houses before completion.If so, the
developers will certainly try their best to sell all their houses once completed.And this will also lower
speculators" expectation of price rising, which will decrease speculations.

1. The only victims of rising house prices are________.A. governments  
B. real home buyers
C. developers  
D. speculators2. The local governments reward the developers by________.A. offering enough land  
B. allowing sales in advance
C. providing enough buyers  
D. making favorable policies3. We can infer from the passage that continually rising house prices will________.A. benefit the government
B. draw more home buyers
C. help the housing industry develop soundly
D. affect the sound development of the Chinese society4. Collecting taxes on houses has all the following effects except________.A. making the developers do their best to sell their houses
B. cutting down speculations
C. supplying a stable tax resource for the government
D. decreasing the sales cost
题型:陕西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解.     America has long been considered the land of opportunity(机遇)by those from
other countries. Americans, too, believe that the United States gives almost limitless
opportunity for those who want to open business on their own.
     Today, Americans are still fond of trying their hand at becoming small business
people, even though only one out of two survives in the first two years. Many of these
people start their business for the wrong reason: to get away from the paper work of
their present jobs or to exchange the responsibility(责任)of their present jobs for free
life styles. But more, not less paper work and responsibility come with the ownership
of a small business.
     Not all small businesses succeed. Fifty percent of the 4,550,000 that start in the
United States ever fail(失败). Still ninety-five percent of businesses in the U.S. can
be regarded as small, and these businesses altogether produce forty percent of
America"s total national products.1. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?______A. People from other countries and Americans think there are a lot of
opportunities in theU.S.
B. Only the Americans think the U.S. can give them many opportunities.
C. Both people from other countries and Americans believe they have many
opportunities in the U.S so that they can do whatever they like.
D. People from other countries and Americans all think the U.S. the place where
they can realize their dreams.2. From this passage, we know that ____.A. many people from other countries think that in the past there were many
opportunities in the U.S. but not now
B. now Americans don"t believe the U.S. can give them a lot of opportunities
C. people from other countries still think they have more opportunities in the
U.S. than in their own countries
D. Americans think they have more opportunities to start their own business than
those from other countries3. According to this passage, many American people like to start their own
business because ____.A. they want to become rich soon
B. they not only dislike their present job but also want a free life style
C. they don"t want to do paper work
D. they want to have more chances4. From this passage, we can get the idea that ____.A. it is easy to do business successfully in the U.S.
B. it is easy to start a business but hard to make it successful
C. there are more big businesses than small businesses in the U.S.
D. only big businesses can succeed in the U.S.
题型:甘肃省同步题难度:| 查看答案

     For many managers,"team building" means two days spent doing role-playing exercises
in a conference hotel far from head office.But perhaps a more effective way to build teams is
simply by playing real team sports,such as soccer,cricket or softball.
     David Clark,a project manager at Atisreal UK,is one of the organizers of the company"s
two soccer teams.He says the main point is fitness but it also has another advantage:"It gives
the guys a chance to meet and relax with their peers (同等地位的人) from other departments.
It builds cross-company relationships."
Louise Aston,a human resources director,takes a similar view,pointing out that as well as
bringing_disparate_divisions_together,sport cuts through hierarchies (等级制度):"Not only
does it promote health,it can knock leadership on the head.The person who"s best at soccer

could well be a person who works in the warehouse (库房).Then his confidence will be built."
     Another reason companies would like to promote team sports is that they are relatively
cheap.Peter Mills,chief health officer at Vielife,says:"The contributions a company might make
towards running a sports team-paying its league fees,for example-are pretty small compared
to other expenditure in the field of well-being."
     However,he warns,there is a potential downside.Sports are,by their nature,competitive
and not everyone is good at them:"There are people who can be a bit selfconscious and you
need to ensure you don"t marginalize (忽视) them.So you might use introductory days that
only beginners go to.""The emphasis was on sports such as soccer and netball,but by way
of recognition that not everyone likes sweaty exercise,there was also chess,"he added.

1.How many advantages of team sports are mentioned in the passage?_____A.Two.
D.Five.2.The underlined part"bringing disparate divisions together"might refer to________.A.building cross-company relationships
B.cutting through hierarchies
C.promoting health
D.bringing fun to the employees3.We can learn that by cutting through hierarchies,________.A.the ordinary employees may be more confident
B.the employers" positions will be threatened
C.everyone will be equal regardless of sex,age and income
D.no one will be prejudiced inside the company4.The disadvantage of team sports is that________.A.people who like sports are too competitive
B.someone bad at sports might not feel at home when playing sports
C.self-conscious people are not competitive
D.chess is not included in the team building programs5.The purpose of the passage is to________.A.introduce the meaning of "team building"
B.explain why team sports is a new way of "team building"
C.narrate the characteristics of the team sports
D.stress different people have different characters
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Four American college students learned last week that free music downloads can carry
a hidden price tag-US $ 12,000 to $ 17,500,to be exact.

     Major record companies accused the students of fueling music piracy (盗版) by
runningfile-sharingnetworksoncampusallowinghundredsofsongsto be downloaded for free.
     Last Thursday,the four promised not to violate the companies"copyrights.Although they
did not admit any wrongdoing,they each agreed to pay thousands of dollars to the Recording
Industry Association of America (RIAA).
     "I don"t believe that I did anything wrong," said Daniel Peng at Princeton University,one
of the four."I hope that for the sake of artists,the larger issues can soon be resolved." None
appears to have made any money off the file-sharing systems they operated,which were
confined to their campus"s computer networks.
     The payments mark the first time record companies have recovered money from
individuals in the US accused of piracy on file-sharing networks.This may be a sign of
things to come,as the industry starts taking its battle against online piracy directly to users.
     Many record-company executives blame the long slump in CD sales on file-sharing
networks,which let users copy songs from each other"s computers for free.
     Matt Oppenheim,senior vice president of business and legal affairs for the RIAA,said the
settlements,although well below what the companies could have asked for,were "the right
amount" given the situation.
     He also noted that since the four lawsuits were filed,at least 18 campus file-sharing
networks have been taken down by their operators.1.What does "a hidden price tag" (Paragraph 1) mean?______.A.Record companies intentionally hide the high price of the music.
B.It happens that the music price tag isn"t obvious.
C.One has to pay for having downloaded music freely at last.
D.One has to pay for the music in the future even if it"s allowed to be downloaded freely now.2.Which of the following is true?______.A.The four students planned to violate the company"s copyright.
B.They realized they had done a wrong thing.
C.They refused to pay money to RIAA.
D.They didn"t make any money on file-sharing networks.3.What"s the probable meaning of "slump" (Paragraph 6)?

C.Keeping the same.

4.What can we conclude from Paragraph 6?A.Slump in CD sales is caused by the fact that people can copy songs free of charge on
      file-sharing networks.
B.Many record-company executives should bear the blame for long slump in CD sales.
C.People have no desire to buy any CD.
D.Nowadays CDs are not as popular as before.5.What"s the main idea of the whole passage?A.The students should be responsible for their behavior.
B.It"s too late for record companies to protect their rights.
C.Record companies have taken action to protect their copyrights by accusing individuals
    of piracy on file-sharing networks.
D.Some record companies wanted to earn money by accusing people of pirating music.
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