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Dear Editor,
Brockingham is run by people who are more interested in tourists than its residents. The problem is that the people running the government refuse to accept new ideas. By banning(禁止) all fast-food restaurants and discount stores, they take away all the places kids can afford to shop.
These people forget that when they were young, they could go to the South Street Soda Fountain and get an ice-cream soda for 25 cents. Today you can’t find an ice-cream soda anywhere in Brockingham for less than $2! Where can kids go for a snack?
There is not a single restaurant in Brockingham where a family of four can eat dinner for less than $100. Add a 15% tip and sales tax and you have spent nearly $125 to eat a meal you could prepare at home for about $12. Have you noticed that Brockingham families never dine in Brockingham?
Fast-food restaurants are also a good place for school kids to get an after-school job. Fast-food restaurants are busiest during the early supper hours when students are able to work, whereas the fancy food restaurants cater to late-night diners. Working in one of these establishments requires working shifts that are too late for most students.
The City Council claims that local merchants, rather than national chains, should benefit from the tourist business. I agree that it is important to support local businesses, but I think the fast-food restaurants would encourage more people to shop in Brockingham.
Another thing that disturbs me is that we must travel 25 miles to the nearest discount store. If I need a tire for my bike, I have a choice of buying one at Surf and Peddle Sport Shop for $15 or driving to Parkersburg Discount Center where I can buy the same kind of tire for $9. Again, I think the ban on all food chains and discount houses is counterproductive for our city.
Wes Woodrow
9th-Grade Student at Brockingham High School
小题1:Why does Wes Woodrow write this letter to the editor?
Because the government bans all fast-food restaurants and discount stores in Brockingham.
Because the writer can’t find an ice-cream soda anywhere in Brockingham for less than $2.
Because a family of four can’t find a restaurant in Brockingham to eat dinner for less than $100.
Because the writer has to travel 25 miles to the nearest discount store.
小题2:     From the letter we can infer that _____.
the writer used to buy a lot of ice-cream soda
the students refuse to work in fancy food restaurants
the government’s ban benefits local merchants much
discount stores usually offer a discount of 40%
小题3:     The underlined word “counterproductive” in paragraph 6 of the letter probably means _____.
A.cheap, not expensiveB.surprising, not expected
C.harmful, not helpful D.doubtful, not sure
小题4:     One way the writer of this letter tries to convince the reader is by _____.
complaining that someone has to drive him to Parkersburg
getting an after-school job in fast-food restaurant himself
suggesting that many businessmen have the same opinion
giving specific examples of the high costs in Brockingham


小题3:猜测词义题.从上文得知政府限制连锁店的经营,实施地方保护主义,作者写信反映之一情况,在信的结尾说"I think the ban on all food chains and discount houses is counterproductive for our city." 可知“counterprodutive”一次表现了作者的观点。
试题【Dear Editor,Brockingham is run by people who are more interested in tourists tha】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Brand is often regarded as the creation of western advertisement industry. However, the earliest “brand” could be traced back to the early civilization in China and Egypt. Earthenware(陶器)made in China thousands of years ago had signs or symbols of pottery makers, and domestic animals branded with marks could also be seen on wall paintings of ancient Egypt. These might be the first “brand” in history.
Time passes and the situation has changed. Nowadays Americans have “Cadillac”, Japanese have “Toyota”, Cermans have “Mercedes-Benz”, and they are all proud of the big brands they own. Chinese national brands are pale in comparison to their global counterparts. It is a reality which we cannot deny and have to face. With the globalization of brands and the internationalization of global competition, foreign brands are making constant efforts in attacking the Chinese market. Under the circumstances, the question that we must ask is:How can Chinese brands be ready for the challenge posed by foreign brands?
Many Chinese enterprises are single-minded in getting the attention of the international market and going into metropolises(大城市). Successful though they seem, they act ill-advisedly. We should be aware that it is the home market, especially the rural market with a population of 900 million people that provides the real development opportunity for Chinese national brands. That is why many powerful foreign brands are trying, with every possible means, to develop the Chinese rural market.
Quality is the life of a brand and consumers always choose products with first-class quality. The quality of Chinese products is very unstable so that it seriously affects the establishment of Chinese brands. Therefore, for those national brands determined to challenge foreign brands, the top task is to improve product quality. It must be clearly understood that, for a consumer who has bought a product, defects in 1% of your products mean 100% loss. Only if we create products with quality better than that of foreign brands can national brands be successful in competition.
小题1: What is the question that we have to ask in face of foreign brands?
A.How to run a company in foreign countries.
B.How to stay in harmony with the foreign brands.
C.How to catch up with the foreign company in service and price.
D.How to compete against the foreign brands.
小题2:Which of the following would the author agree with?
A.Quality is the most important element for a brand.
B.China’s international market is fully feveloped.
C.China’s products are matchless in the international market.
D.China’s goods are always of bad quality.
小题3: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Metropolitan areas are what many Chinese enterprises focus on.
B.Pottery made in ancient China had signs or symbols of the makers.
C.The top target of foreign enterprises in China has been the rural market.
D.Chinese enterprises should try to get into the home market.
小题4:What can be concluded from the passage?
A.There’s no need for foreign brands to make constant efforts to compete with Chinese brands.
B.Ancient Chinese and Egyptians knew how to mark or symbolize their works.
C.Chinese enterprises can hardly build big brands people trust due to quality problems.
D.Chinese brands can only be successful in domestic market.

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Leaders and officials from foreign countries have extended congratulations on China’s successful launch(发射)of its first manned spacecraft.
Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro called the launch of the Shenzhou V “a great feat” and said it showed China’s space science and technology has reached a very high level. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his congratulatory letter to President Hu Jintao that China as a member of space club was conducive(有助于)to maintaining world peace and developing technology. The European Union(EU)also hailed China’s first successful manned space flight.
“The successful launch and safe return of a Chinese astronaut represents an important event for space exploration. Human space flight is a dream for all of us and opens a new chapter(篇章)for scientific and technological exploration of space,”EU research commissioner Philippe Busquin said in a statement.
“For the European Union, it remains a goal to be achieved. This effort can bring nations together and opens up new opportunities for scientific and technological cooperation,”he said.French  Minister for Science Research Claudie Haignere, the first woman astronaut in Europe, said with China’s successful launch of the manned spacecraft,“the space age has entered a new historic period.” Other countries have also extended congratulations to China.
“ The successful launch of Shenzhou V is an honour for China,”said the newspaper on its front page, citing(引用)Chinese President Hu Jintao.
“October 15, 2003 is not only a date to be remembered forever by the Chinese people, but also ‘a splendid moment’in the history of space flight of mankind,”said the newspaper in its editorial section.
小题1: The news covers_________.
A.opinions about different countries
B.different opinions about China’s first manned spacecraft
C.congratulations from world leaders
D.China’s congratulations on the successful manned space flight
小题2:When the Japanese leader said “a great feat”(in paragraph 2), he meant________.
A.a great failure
B.a defeat after success
C.something above sea level
D.something difficult well done
小题3: Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Shenzhou V is China’s first manmade spaceship.
B.Shenzhou V is a manned spacecraft.
C.Russian President praised Hu Jintao for his speech.
D.China, as well as many other countries, realized the dream of space flying.
小题4:On which day, the Chinese people have realized their dream of space flying?
A.On April 12th, 1961
B.October 1st, 1949
C.October 16th, 1964
D.October 15th,2003

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Are you single and dreaming of an exciting voyage vacation, but unsure of the next step? You’re not alone! Many single travelers wonder which voyage will have the most singles on board, how they’ll meet other singles, what the voyage will cost and whether they’ll enjoy themselves.
Our hosted singles voyage is ideal for singles of all ages. No other form of travel affords as many opportunities to meet people and make friends. In fact, our Singles Division can help you find a singles voyage on a ship that’s just right for you and make sure you meet many other singles on board.
We’ve scheduled singles voyage on sailings throughout 2005, to all of the world’s greatest destinations. And we’ve selected popular itineraries(旅行路线)on large, newer ships for different audiences, so you can find one that suits your tastes.
If you’re looking for a roommate to cut costs, our Match Program can pair you with a samesex single in one stateroom(on hosted sailings only),enabling us to offer you the same perperson pricing that couples receive. We guarantee to find you a roommate, whenever you signup before the cutoff date. If we don’t, you only need pay the perperson, doubleoccupancy rate. If you prefer the privacy of your own stateroom, the single supplement rates will apply.
Either way, we’ll provide our own onboard host to organize singles cocktail parties, mixers, games, singlemingle dining and more. Once you’ve booked your voyage, we’ll also give you private access to our singles chat site where you can get to know other singles before you depart.
We expect our staterooms on these sailings will fill quickly, so please book early to avoid disappointment. To get started, click on any singles voyage in the calendar to the left. Hope to see you onboard!
Note: If you can’t take advantage of one of our hosted singles cruises but still wish to travel as a single, click here for more information.
小题1:The voyage which is strongly recommended in the text is for________
A.young singles
B.singles of all ages who want to meet people and make friend
C.single travelers
D.singles who intend to go to the world’s greatest destinations
小题2: What can Match Program do for travelers according to the text?
A.To match a single man with a proper woman.
B.To match a single woman with a proper man.
C.To have a match between samesex singles in one room.
D.To pair a willing person with a samesex single in one room.
小题3: Which activity is NOT included in the voyage?
A.Having singles cocktail parties.
B.Having private access to our singles chat site.
C.Mixers, games, singlemingle dining etc.
D.Finding a roommate.
小题4:The text probably comes from_____________.
A.a guide book
B.an ad on newspaper
C.a website
D.a magazine

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When we think of  leadership ,we often think of strength and power .But what are these really ,and how do they operate?
Leadership today is not about forcing others to do things .If this is even possible .it is short-term ,and tends to backfire. If you order someone to do something against their will, they may do it because they feel they must , but the anger they feel will do more harm in the long-term ,They will also experience fear.
Fear causes the thinking brain to shut down , making the person unable to function at his or her best .If they associate you with this emotion of fear. They will become less functional around you ,and you will have succeeded in not only shooting yourself in the foot .but possibly making a very good employee or partner unable to perform effectively .Fear has no place in leadership.
The way we influence people in a lasting way is by our own character, and our understanding and use of emotion .We can order someone to do something ,which may be part of the work day; or we can employ them at the emotional level ,so they became fully devoted to the projects and provide some of their own motivation(积极性)。Today’s work place is all about relationships as a human being as well as a worker .Everyone produces just a bit more for someone they like .Leaders understand the way things work .They know the pay check is not the single most motivating factor (因素) in the work life of most people.
The true strength of leadership is an inner strength that comes from the confidence of emotional intelligence---knowing your own emotions, and how to handle them, and those of others . Developing your emotional intelligence is the single best thing you can do if you want to develop your relationships with people around you , which is the key to the leadership skills .
小题1: An employee may have a feeling of fear in the work place when___.
A. he is forced to do things
B. be cannot work at his best
C. he feels his brain shut down
D he thinks of his work as too heavy
小题2: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A People tend to associate leadership with fear
B Working conditions affect people’s physical health
C Good relationship is the key to business success
D Smart people are more functional in the work place.
小题3: To positively influence employees a leader should first of all __
A provide better suggestions
B develop his own personality
C five his employees a pay raise
D hide his own emotion of fear
小题4:Good leadership is mainly seen in a leader’s ability to___
A.provide a variety of project for employees
B.help raise employee’s living standards
C.give employees specific instructions
D.deal wisely with employees’ emotions

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China"s government has issued a severe weather warning after the heaviest snowfalls in decades. The country is experiencing transport delays and power cuts as millions of people prepare to make long journeys home for the Chinese New Year. This report from Quentin Summerville: China hasn"t experienced weather this bad in decades. And as the country prepares for Chinese New Year, the disruption couldn"t come at a worse time. Over 100,000 people are stranded(搁浅) in Guangzhou railway station in the south. It may climb to as many as 600,000 as more people arrive to make their journeys home for the Spring Festival. Travellers have been evacuated to nearby sports stadiums and exhibition centres.
Across China around nineteen airports have shut because of the weather. Around half the provinces in the country have had to start rationing power(定量供电), according to the state media. The government has suspended(暂停) coal exports in favour of home consumption. At least a dozen people died over the weekend because of heavy rains and the snowfall.
The Spring Festival is China"s most important holiday when people journey home to be with their families. For millions of the country"s migrant workers it"s their only holiday. Some two billion journeys were made during the festival last year, making it the largest migration of people on the planet. And even without the severe weather, conditions on overcrowded trains and buses are terrible. The holiday stretches China"s transport system to its very limits
小题1:Choose the best title for this passage.
A.Heavy snow hits China
B.Chinese New Year in snow
C.China’s terrible translation system.
D.An accident
小题2:Which is not true according to the passage?
A.The heavy snow is the worst disaster in decades in China.
B.No other cities in the world have more travellers in festivals than in China.
C.The government doesn’t care for people’s life in disaster areas.
D.The country’s migrant workers have more than one holidays to celebrate, according to the passage

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