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The Fifth China International Fair for Investment and Trade is expected to expand the country’s economic relations with the international community when it opens on September 9. The four-day fair will be held in the Economic Zone of Xiamen, a coastal city in East China’s Fujian province. Compared with the previous four fairs held annually since 1997, this year’s fair will provide more detailed information and better services for the participants, according to Xi Jinping, governor of the Fujian province and director of the organizing committee of the fair.
A series of high-level forums will be held on international investment and China’s entry into the World Trade Organization. Since 1997, Xiamen has successfully hosted four sessions of the China International Fair for Investment and Trade, drawing global attention. Xiamen will redouble its efforts to offer better services for all its guests and friends attending the fair, according to ZhuYayan, the mayor. Altogether 9,141 overseas-funded projects have been negotiated at the past four fairs, with a combined overseas investment of US $ 48.3 billion.
Altogether 1,838 projects using foreign investment were negotiated with a total overseas investment of US $ 9,47 billion. The 1,261 contracts signed at the fourth fair registered a combined pledged overseas investment of US $ 5 billion. The total export and import volume reached US $ 786 million.
1. What is the best title for this passage?
A. The Fifth Fair Will Be Held.                 B. The Fair is Famous.
C. Fairs Attract the World Wide Attention.D. Xiamen is a Trade Zone.
2. How many fingers are there in the logo of the China Fair International Investment and Trade?
A. One.                B. Two.                C. Three.              D. Four.
3. Why is the golden key to success designed as the logo of CFIIT?
A. Because the fair will attract overseas investment to China.
B. Because it is a key to our home.
C. Because it is just like a key.
D. Because the fair is held on August 9.
5. What is the average of the overseas investment on one project in the past four fairs?
A. 0.00380 billion.               B. 0.00529 billion.
C. 0.00513 billion.               D. 0.00397 billion.

1----4      CBAB  

1. C。主旨题。这是一道归纳题,本文主要讲洽谈会吸引全球的关注,所以答案C。
2. B。细节题。从图标下的注解可知the figures nine and eight as well as CFIIT…可知由两个数字组成,故答案选B。
3. A。判断题。从文中第 2 段可知把商标设计为CFIIL主要是为了吸引更多的海外投资,所以答案选A。
4. B。判断题。从文中第 2 段最后一句共9 141个工程获得的资金是48.3 billion,由此可推知平均每项海外工程的资金,答案为B。
试题【The Fifth China International Fair for Investment and Trade is expected to expan】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Tales of the supernatural are common in all parts of Britain. In particular there was(and perhaps still is)a belief in fairies. Not all of these fairies are the friendly, people-loving sprites that appear in Disney films. In some folktales they are cruel and cause much human suffering. This is true in the tales about the changeling. These tell the story of a mother whose baby grows sick and pale and is changed so much that it is almost unrecognizable to the parents. It was then feared that the fairies had come and stolen the baby away and replaced the human baby with a fairy changeling. This was most likely to happen between birth and the baby’s baptism. There were many ways to prevent this from happening: hanging a knife over the baby’s head while he slept or covering him with some of his father’s clothes were just two of the recommended(推荐)methods. However, hope was not lost even if the baby had been stolen .In those cases there was often a way to get the real baby back. You could place the changeling on the fire—then it would rise up the chimney, you would hear the sound of fairies’ laughter and soon after you would find your own child safe and sound nearby. Or, if you were more cautious(谨慎),perhaps there was a magic well in the neighbourhood where you could leave the changeling overnight, and in the morning you would return to find your own baby there without a scratch(划痕)on him.
1. Another word in the passage which is closest in meaning to the underlined word sprites is ______.
A. changeling               B. baptism                    C. folktales                   D. fairies
2.The writer described ______ways to prevent babies from being stolen and ______ways to save a stolen baby.
A. Many; two               B. Two; two                  C. Two; three                D. Two; four
3.Which is not stated but can be inferred from this passage?
A. Some sick babies might have been killed with the recommended methods.
B. There are bad fairies as well as good fairies.
C. Lots of stolen babies were saved with the recommended methods.
D. Fairies would laugh if they found a changeling rise up the chimney.
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A new plan for getting children to and from school is being started by a local government in Eastern England. This could end the worries of many parents fear ful for their children"s safety on the roads.
Until now the local government have only been prepared to provide bus services for children living more than three miles from their school, or sometimes less if special reasons existed. Now it has been decided that if a group of parents ask for help in organizing transport they will be prepared to go ahead, as long as the arrangement will not lose money and children taking part will be attending their nearest school.
The new plan is to be tried out this term for children living at Milton who attend Impington School. The children live just without the three mile limit and the local government have said in the past that they will not undertake to provide free transport to the school. But now they have agreed to offer a sum of money for a bus service from Milton to Impington and back, a plan which has the support of the school"s headmaster.
Between 50 and 60 parents have said they would like their children to take part. Final calculations have still to be carried out, but a government official has said the cost to parents should be less than £ 20 a term.
They have been able to arrange the service at a low cost because there is already an agreement with the bus company for a bus to take children who live further away to Impington. The same bus would now just make one more journey to pick up the Milton children. The official said they would get in touch with other groups of parents who in the past had asked if transport could be provided for their children, to see if they would like to take part in the new plan.
1.What is the aim of the plan?
A.To prevent the students" road accident.        
B.To relieve the traffic pressure.
C.To save time for the parents and students.        
D.To help the parents save money. 
2.How can the local government arrange the new bus service at a low cost?
A.By letting the bus run in the morning only.
B.By limiting the number of the students.
C.By obtaining the support from the headmaster.
D.By lining the new bus service with the existing one. 
3.The new bus service will be paid for by  ________ .
A. the parents             B. the local government
C. the bus company         D. the local government and the parents 
4.Which of the following is possible if the plan is carried out?
A.The bus company will make much more money.
B.The children can choose whatever school they like.
C.The parents can get rid of their worries.
D.The students in Impington School can have free bus rides. 
5.This passage is most probably ________  .
A.a personal letter         B. a headmaster"s report
C.an advertisement          D. a newspaper article 
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Every year thousands of tourists visit Pompeii, Italy. They see the sights that Pompeii is famous for—its stadium(运动场)and theatres, its shops and restaurants. The tourists do not, however, see Pompeii"s people. They do not see them because Pompeii has no people. No one has lived in Pompeii for almost 2 000 years.
Once, Pompeii was a busy city of 22 000 people. It lay at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, a grasscovered volcano(火山). Mount Vesuvius had not erupted(喷发)for centuries, so the people of Pompeii felt safe. But they were not.
In August of AD 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted. The entire top of the mountain exploded, and a huge black cloud rose into the air. Soon stones and hot ash began to fall on Pompeii. When the eruption ended two days later, Pompeii was buried under 20 feet of stones and ashes. Almost all of its people were dead.
For centuries, Pompeii lay buried under stone and ash. Then, in the year 1861, an Italian scientist named Ginseppe began to uncover Pompeii. Slowly,carefully, Ginseppe and his men dug. The city looked almost the same as it had looked in AD 79. There were streets and fountains, houses and shops. There was a stadium with 20 000 seats. Perhaps the most important of all, there were everyday objects, which tell us a great deal about the people who lived in Pompeii. Many glasses and jars had some dark blue colour in the bottom, so we know that the people of Pompeii liked wine. They liked bread too, metal bread pans were in every bakery. In one bakery there were 81 round, flat loaves of bread—a type of bread that is still sold in Italy today.
Tiny boxes filled with a dark, shiny powder tell us that women liked to wear eyemakeup.
Ginseppe has died, but his work continues. One fourth has not been uncovered yet. Scientists are still digging, still making discoveries that draw the tourists to Pompeii.
1.Why do large numbers of people come to Pompeii each year?
A.To visit the volcano.   
B.To shop and eat there.
C.To watch sports and plays.   
D.To see how Pompeiians lived. 
2.Why had so many Pompeiians remained by volcanic Mount Vesuvius?
A.The city nearby offered all kinds of fun.
B.The area produced the finest wine in Italy.
C.Few people expected the volcano to erupt again.
D.The mountain was beautiful and covered with grass. 
3.Why did the city uncovered look almost the same as it had looked in AD 79?
A.Because Ginseppe and his men dug it slowly and carefully.
B.Because the city was buried alive and remained untouched.
C.Because scientists successfully rebuilt the city with everyday objects.
D.Because nobody had lived in the city ever since the volcano erupted.
4.What do we know about the Pompeiians who lived 2 000 years ago?
A.They lived more or less the same as Italians now do.
B.They liked women wearing all kinds of makeup.
C.They enjoyed a lazy life with drinking and eating.
D.They went back to Pompeii after the eruption in AD 79. 
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Professor Reason recently persuaded 35 people to keep a diary of all their absentminded actions for two weeks. When he came to analyse their embarrassing errors, he was surprised to find that nearly all of them fell into a few groups.
One of the women, for instance, on leaving her house for work one morning threw her pet dog her earrings and tried to fix a dog biscuit on her ear. “The explanation for this is that the brain is like a computer,”explains the professor.“People programme themselves to do certain activities regularly. It was the woman"s custom every morning to throw her dog two biscuits and then put on her ear rings. But somehow the action got reversed(颠倒) in the programme.” About one in twenty of the incidents the volunteers reported were these “programme assembly failures”.
Twenty percent of all errors were “test failures”— primarily due to not verifying the progress of what the body was doing. A man about to get his car out
of the garage passed through the back yard where his garden jacket and boots were kept, put them on—much to his surprise. A woman victim reported:“I got into the bath with my socks on.”
The commonest problem was information “storage failures”. People forgot the
names of people whose faces they knew,went into a room and forgot why they were
there, mislaid something, or smoked a cigarette without realizing it.
The research so far suggests that while the “central processor” of the brain is liberated from secondtosecond control of a wellpractised routine, it must repeatedly switch back its attention at important decision points to check that the action goes on as intended. Otherwise the activity may be “captured” by another frequently and recently used programme, resulting in embarrassing errors.
1.The purpose of Professor Reason"s research is  _______.
A.to show the difference between men and women in their reasoning
B.to classify and explain some errors in human actions
C.to find the causes which lead to computer failures
D.to compare computer functions with brain workings
2.Which of the following might be grouped under “programme assembly failures”?
A.A woman went into a shop and forgot what to buy.
B.A man returning home after work left his key in the lock.
C.A lady fell as she was concentrating on each step her feet were taking.
D.An old man, with his shoes on, was trying to put on his socks.
3.The word “verifying” in paragraph 3 can be replaced by _______ .
4.According to the passage, the information “storage failures” refer to _______ .
A.the destruction of information collecting system
B.the elimination of one"s total memory
C.the temporary loss of part of one"s memory
D.the separation of one"s action from consciousness
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I came to study in the United States a year ago. Yet I did not know the real American society until I was injured in a car accident because after the accident I had to see a doctor—and go to court(法庭).
After the accident, my roommate called a doctor for me. I was very grateful
and determined to repay him one day. But the next day, he asked me to pay him $ 200 for what he had done. I was astonished. He had good reason to charge me, he said. And if I wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible for my injury, I"d have to have a good lawyer. And only a good doctor can help me get a good lawyer. Now that he had helped me find a good doctor, it was only fair that I should pay him.
But every time I went to see the doctor, I had to wait about 50 minutes. He would see two or three patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see another. Yet he charged me $ 115 each time. The final examination report consisted of ten lines, and it cost me $ 215.
My lawyer was at all smiles the first time we met. But after that he avoided
seeing me at all. He knew very well the other party was responsible for the accident, yet he hardly did anything. He simply waited to collect his money. He was so irresponsible that I decided to dismiss(解雇) him. And he made mepay him $ 770.
Now I had to act as wn lawyer. Due to my inexperience,I told the insurance company the date I was leaving America. Knowing that, they played for time,… and I left without getting a cent.
My experiences taught me two things about America:firstly,in a country like America money is everything. It is more important than friendship,honour or professional morality(职业道德). Secondly, foreigners are still being unfairly treated. So when we talk about America, we should see both its good and bad sides.
1.The author"s roommate offered to help him because
A. he felt sorry for the author.
B. he thought it was a chance to make some money.
C. he knew the doctor was a very good one.
D. he wanted the author to have a good lawyer. 
2.A good doctor is essential for the author to  ________.
A. be properly treated
B. talk with the person responsible for the accident
C. recover before he leaves America
D. eventually get the responsible party to pay for his injury 
3.The word “charge” in this passage means________.
A. be responsible    B. accuse     C. ask as a price        D. claim 
4.Both the doctor and the lawyer in this passage are very ________.
A. friendly          B. greedy     C. professional         D. busy 
5. What conclusion can you draw from the story?
A. Going to court is something very common in America.
B. One must be very careful while driving a car.
C. There are more bad sides in America than good sides.
D. Money is more important than other things in the US. 
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