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I recommend flying to Washington D.C., our nation’s capital. Like Beijing this is the heartbeat of America. While in Washing D.C. you should check out the White House, the presidential monuments, Ford’s Theatre where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated(暗杀) and the US Capital building, which is the home of the US government.
When you’re ready to leave Washing D.C., go to Chinatown and jump on a bus up to New York. These buses are really cheap and convenient.
New York is like a fantasy world where you can do almost anything! My friend from Thailand said the best Thai food she ever ate was in New York City. So eat as much as you can, see a show on Broadway and climb the stairs of the Statue of Liberty. If you really want an American experience, eat a hot dog while you watch a New York Yankee’s baseball game.
Now, because you are my friends, I will recommend to you one of the great secret places in America: New Hampshire. Even though this is my home state, I am not biased(偏爱). New Hampshire is one of the most beautiful places in the world. In the fall, hike the White Mountains and be surprised at the bright red, yellow and orange leaves on the trees. In the winter, drink a warm glass of hot chocolate before you ski through freshly fallen snow. And in the summer take a boat out of Lake Winnipesauke and enjoy crystal(水晶般的) clear water.
Actually, you’ll have a good time just about anywhere.
71. The writer thinks visitors should take a bus to New York because ______.
A. the distance is short   B. the trains are crowded
C. buses are really cheap and convenient       D. New York is like a fantasy world
72. According to the passage, ______ is a real American experience.
A. seeing a show on Broadway
B. eating a hot dog while watching a baseball game
C. eating as much as you can
D. climbing the stairs of the Statue of Liberty
73. The author of this passage is from ______.
A. New York      B. Houston   C. Washington D.C.        D. New Hampshire
74. The underlined word “you” in paragraph 4 really refers to ______.
A. writers         B. visitors         C. readers  D. the writer’s friends
75. In ______, you can see the bright red, yellow and orange leaves on the trees.
A. autumn       B. spring     C. summer          D. winter
71-75 CBDCA

试题【I recommend flying to Washington D.C., our nation’s capital. Like Beijing this i】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

In search of Mr.or Mrs.Right,dozens of Japanese are attending a new school in Tokyo aiming to turn them into marriage material.
The school offers various classes for brides and grooms at a time when many people in
Japan are either avoiding marriage or are finding it very difficult to hook up with a partner.The school which is open to men and women,teaches students how to talk,walk and present themselves elegantly(优雅)in order to capture the hearts and minds of partners and their parents.who are often a major obstacle(障碍)to successful unions.The school,opened last month.now has about 30 female students.An almost equal number of males have signed up,but those actually coming to class are much fewer than females.
“I had never thought that my boyfriend’s mother could play such a big role in my relationship.but now I’ve realized I need to start thinking seriously about how to impress my future in-1aws,”said Kozue Sugawara,29,who joined the school after her previous marriage plans failed.
Government statistics show nearly two-thirds of women under the age of 34 are unmarried.
despite some 3,800 firms in Japan offering match—making services.The average age of the school’s female students is 30.
“Before,people would find it easy to get married because families and society would connect them in some way,sometimes pushing them to get married.But now,people have too many choices to make up their minds,”said Etsuko Satake,principal of the school.
Instructors provide suggestions on students’dress,posture and even details such as how they CROSS their legs or get out of a car.Men and women are taught different skills,which range from how to set a table well to how to be more emotionally expressive.Students also simulate (模拟)dates,during which their instructors grade their performance and point out what they did wrong.
57.The new school is opened to teach students how to         .
A.get along with their parents-in—law    B.prepare themselves for their marriage
C.behave and present themselves well     D.get back to marriage after divorce
58.Nowadays many Japanese find it more difficult to get married because         .
A.they are being forced to marry by parents
B.the society and family refuse to help them
C.they have fewer and fewer partners to make
D.they have too many choices to make a decision
59.Which of the following is true?
A.Successful marriage has little to do with future in-1aws.
B.Most women under 34 find it difficult to get married.
C.The school helps men and women while they are in love.
D.The number of men and women attending class is equal.
60.The undedincd part“Mr.or Mrs.Right”probably means         .
A.a person with the family name“Right”  B.a person who is always right
C.the righi person one wants to marry    D.the couple who never tell lies
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阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Hundreds of people, adults and children, come and go every day from the Kingsley School in Evanston, and police say that right now none of them has been eliminated(排除) as a(n)  21  suspect.  22 ,police have the weapon and detectives are trying to find out to whom it last  23 .
Investigators say that  24  Tuesday morning a few minutes before lunch a second grader found the weapon in a toilet in a first floor laboratory. It is a five-shot, 38 caliber(口径) revolver that was fully loaded.  25  the 7-year-old girl reported her discovery immediately.
“We’ve taken  26  . We’ve called the police. It’s being  27  . And we are concerned,” said Evanston School’s spokesperson Jan Roy.
Wednesday school officials sent students home with a  28  addressed to their parents about the  29  .
“At this point I don’t have enough answers and I would really like to get  30 ,” said Emily Gregrich, one of the parents.
31  parents who waited for their kids Thursday afternoon still had not  32  about the gun.
The principal conducted two assemblies(集会) to put to rest rumors  33  the 475 children who  34  the school. For  35 , the police investigation is focused on interviewing adults, teachers and nonprofessional staff members who were in the building the 24-hour period  36  the weapon was found.
“Where they were, what was going on, did they see anybody, you know, anybody in the school, anything unusual  37  , and we hope to  38  information through those interviews,” said Dep. Chief Joe Bellino of the Evanston Police Department.
Thursday afternoon the school district announced  39  to improve its efforts to communicate with  40  . It will make a phone tree Thursday night, and we are told the principal has invited parents who need more information about this to meet him here at the school Friday morning.
21.A.possible    B.unknown  C.strange     D.unusual
22.A.However  B.Later C.Meanwhile       D.Still
23.A.given       B.offered     C.devoted    D.belonged
24.A.after  B.before      C.early D.late
25.A.Suddenly  B.Fortunately      C.Quickly    D.Soon
26.A.advice      B.measures   C.notice       D.notes
27.A.investigated     B.discussed  C.questioned       D.removed
28.A.book B.speech      C.letter D.record
29.A.incident    B.accident    C.discovery  D.gun
30.A.angry       B.shocked    C.less   D.more
31.A.Some       B.Many       C.Any  D.Other
32.A.heard       B.read       C.talked    D.told
33.A.in   B.among   C.between        D.within
34.A.attend    B.love       C.escape    D.protect
35.A.all B.certain   C.now       D.example
36.A.when     B.while     C.before  D.after
37.A.goes on B.went on C.were going on      D.going on
38.A.search    B.develop C.prove     D.check
39.A.news      B.plans      C.instructions    D.introductions
40.A.parents   B.teachers   C.adults     D.Students
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

The advantages and disadvantages of a large population have long been a subject of
discussion among economists. It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited. To feed a large population, poor land must be cultivated and good land made full use of. Thus, each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other economists have argued that a large population gives more opportunities for specialization such as ports, roads, and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand to justify them.
One of the difficulties in carrying out a world-wide birth control program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary from country to country depending on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials. In a developing country where a vast expanding population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, it will be the first concern of the government to place a limit on the birthrate, whatever the consequences may be. In a highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex. A decreasing birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for products. When the pressure of the population on housing declines, prices also decline and the building industry is weakened. Faced with considerations such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.
54.According to the first paragraph, a smaller population may mean______ if land is limited.
A.lower productivity, and a lower average income
B.lower productivity, but a higher average income
C.higher productivity, and a higher average income
D.higher productivity, but a lower average income
55.In a developed country, people will perhaps go out of work if the birthrate_______.
A.goes up B.goes down  C.remains stable  D.is limited
56.It is not easy to carry out a worldwide birth-control program because______.
A.there are too many underdeveloped countries in the world
B.developing countries are short of food and raw materials
C.even developed countries may have some complex problems of population
D.different governments show quite opposite views to the population
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Wouldn’t it be great if you could just look up at the sky and read the weather forecast right away? Well, you can. The forecast is written in clouds. If you can read that writing, you can tell something about the atmosphere. With some practice, you can become a pretty good weather forecaster. Who knows, you might even do as well as meteorologists.
  Meteorologists use much more information than just the appearance of the clouds to make their forecasts. They collect data from all over the world. Then they put it into powerful,  high-speed computers.
This does give meteorologists an advantage, because they can track weather patterns as they move from west to east across the country.
But you have an advantage, too. You can look at the sky and get your data directly. A meteorologist uses a computer forecast that takes several hours to make a local forecast.
What are you seeing when you look at a cloud? “A picture of what moisture is doing in the atmosphere,” says meteorologist Peter Leavitt. There’s moisture throughout the atmosphere. Most of the time you don’t see it ,because it’s in the form of an unseen gas called water vapor.
Sometimes, the temperature of the air gets cold enough to cause the water vapor to change into liquid water. That’s called condensation, and we see it happen all the time(for example, when damp air hits the cold glass of a mirror). When enough water vapor condenses, tiny drops form in the air. These drops spread light. A cloud is seen. Watching clouds over a day or two tells you a lot more than a single cloud about the weather to come. Changes in clouds show changes in the atmosphere.
You should begin to notice patterns. Certain clouds, following each other in order, can signal a coming storm. But don’t take our word for it; see for yourself.
57.This passage mainly tells us about how to_______.
A.become a meteorologist               B.keep an eye on the weather
C.be an assistant to a meteorologist        D.change water vapor into liquid water
58.According to the passage, ordinary people might do as well as meteorologists in weather forecast________.
A.with the help of the high-speed computers
B.through a complex process of calculation
C.with simple practice looking up at the sky
D.asking for information from weather station
59.Your advantage in weather forecasts is that______.
A.you have more powerful computers at home
B.your brain works as well as a high-speed computer
C.you observe the sky and obtain your data directly
D.meteorologists give their data to you as soon as they get them
60.What causes vapor to change into water?
A.A lot of moisture.      B.Thick clouds. 
C.Warm atmosphere.       D.Cold air temperature.
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At 3,500 metres, La Paz, Bolivia, is the highest capital in the world.Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent.One road in particular, is considered the most dangerous in the world.On one side there is a sudden drop, which is so great that anyone inside the vehicle is lucky to survive.
But thanks to one man, the death toll (人数) has fallen.Timoteo Apaza is a man who lives in a village near the most dangerous part of the road, known as "the Devil"s Bend".Timoteo has an unusual job — he is a human traffic signal.Every morning he stands on the bend and directs the traffic.When two vehicles approach from opposite directions, they can"t see each other, but they can see Timoteo.Actually no one pays him to do the job.Sometimes drivers give him a tip so that he has just enough money to live on.But often they just pass by, taking the human traffic signal for granted.
So why does he do it? Before Timoteo volunteered to direct the traffic, he had been a driver.Then one day he was driving a lorry load of bananas when he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain.Somehow he survived, but was in hospital for months.Then, a few years later, he was called out in the night to help pull people out of a bus crashed at the Devil"s Bend.This last experience had a profound effect on Timoteo.He realized that he was lucky to be alive himself, and felt that it was his mission in life to help others.So every morning, week in, week out, from dawn to dusk, Timoteo takes up his place on the bend.
60.Where does Timoteo work?                                                    
A.In a small mountainous village.   B.At the busiest part of a road.              
C.On a farm growing bananas.      D.At the side of a dangerous road.
61.The road is so dangerous mainly because ______.                              
A.it is steep and in bad condition        B.it is high up in the mountain                
C.there is heavy traffic                D.it is often very foggy
62.What does Timoteo get for his job?                                              
A.No payment at all.
B.A small salary from the government.              
C.A small amount of money from some drivers.
D.An award from the local people.
63.Why does Timeteo voluntarily direct the traffic?                                    
A.He loves to be a traffic policeman.     
B.He feels it his duty to help the drivers.
C.He isn"t qualified to do anything else. 
D.He can"t drive the lorry any more.
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