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Two farmers in northeast China Heilongjiang Province have been sentenced to nine and five years in jail because of eating a tiger, the local court said on Tuesday.
Zhang Licheng and Gong Weisheng, both farmers in Dongning County, were put into prison for the crime of illegally hunting and killing endangered wild animal species, according to the People’s Court of Dongning County.
The Siberian tiger, mistakenly trapped but intentionally(故意的)eaten by the farmers, was an endangered animal which is under the first-class state protection in the country. The farmers, living in a village very close to forests, used to trap wild animals like roe deer and hares when the dying tiger unfortunately caught in their trap in February 2003.
Knowing that tiger trade was illegal, Zhang and Gong, however, thought eating a dead tiger’s meat was not breaking the law. They decided to cover it up and therefore did not report to the relevant authorities, the court said.
Six days later they secrectly carried home the tiger that had died of hunger as they had expected.The two farmers burnt the tiger’s skin, ate its meat and hid away the bones, according to the court. The crime was uncovered and reported to the police about a year later and the transgressors(违反者)were arrested on Jan.16, 2004.
64.When the two farmers found the tiger trapped, they ______________.
A.wanted to kill it for its skin
B.were pleased to have the chance to eat its meat
C.hoped to sell it at good price
D.reported the case to some departments of the government
65.After reading the passage, we know that ___________.
A.roe deer are being well protected
B.the Siberian tigers do no harm to people
C.China values the protection of endangered animals
D.farmers in Dongning County won’t like endangered wild animal species any longer
66.What is the best title for the passage?
A.Tigers Are Endangering
B.Two Unlucky Farmers
C.Tigers Are Well Protected in China
D.Two Farmers Jailed for Eating Tiger
67.The right statement of the following about the tiger is ____________.
A.It died of hunger.
B.It was eaten by the farmers unintentionally.
C.Before dying, it had eaten roe deer and hares.
D.It was skinned and its bones and meat were sold.

64---67   BCDA    

试题【CTwo farmers in northeast China Heilongjiang Province have been sentenced to nin】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

One of the goals of American education officials is to have all public schools connected to the Internet computer system and have computer for all students .Government studies show that in 1994 only thirty-five percent of American public schools were connected to the Internet .Last year, that number reached eighty-nine percent.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute of State University is a large university in the southern state of Virginia. Officials at Virginia Tech say computers are very important to a student’s education. All students at Virginia Tech have been required to have a computer since 1998.
Each student’s living area at Virginia Tech has the necessary wires to link a computer to the Internet .The students can send and receive electronic mail, use the World Wide Web part of the Internet and link with other universities, all without leaving their room .They can also use their computers to send electronics copies of their schoolwork to their teachers .And they can search for books in the school’s huge library.
Most major American universities and colleges strongly urge or require new students to have a computer. Most colleges and universities also have large rooms where students can use computers for class work.
American high schools also have computers .Many have their own areas on the World Wide Web. If you have a computer you can learn about Fremont Union High School in Sunnyvale, California, for example .Its Web site provides information about the school, the teachers and their electronic mail addresses .It also lists student events and organizations.
Young children also use computer in school. Smoketree Elementary School in Lake Havasu, Arizona has given us a good example .The school also has a World Wide Web site .It tells about the school and the teachers and has a area for young children .These young children use computer in school to learn numbers and letters .They also learn how to use the computer they will need later in their education.
72.From the passage we know_________.
A.so many students in the world have learnt how to use computer to connect to the Internet
B.students in Virginia Tech can use computer to send electronic copies of their homework
C.the government have encouraged students to connect them and teachers by computers
D.the teachers in high schools in America are asked to use computer to give their lessons
73.What is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Every student in Virginia has access to the Internet.
B.All students at Virginia Tech have been given a computer.
C.Students at Virginia Tech can search for books in their school library in their own room.
D.If you want to learn about Fremont Union School, you can read information in its Web site.
74.Which of the following statements is NOT right according to the report?
A.It is required that new university students have a computer of their own.
B.Pupils in Smoketree Elementary use computer to learn maths.
C.Every pupil in Smoketree Elementary School knows how to send electronic mail.
D.Many high schools have their own areas on the World Wide Web.
75.Which is the best title of the newspaper report?
A.Every Student Should Have A Computer              B.Computer Is Used By University Students
C.Every School Has Connected to the Internet  D.Computer Use In American Schools
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Economists usually study markets.Now,two Americans have won the Nobel Prize in economics for not studying markets.They will share almost one and a half million dollars for their analysis of economic governance(治理).The winners are Elinor Ostrom of Indiana University in Bloomington and Oliver Williamson of the University of California,Berkeley.The prize in economic sciences has gone to 63 men since it was first awarded 40 years ago.Elinor Ostrom is the first woman.And,like other winners over the years,her training is not limited to economics.She is a professor of political science and of public and environmental affairs.
Today,economic theory suggests that good resource management requires ownership,either private or public.If not,the thinking goes,then self-interest will lead to overuse and destruction of shared resources.Ecologist Garrett Hardin described this idea in 1968 as“the tragedy of the commons.”
Elinor Ostrom showed how local decision making can lessen the tragedy.Her research has deepened understanding of how people balance their needs with those of others who depend on the same resources.    
She studied communities like farmers in Southern  California who depended on a common water supply. She documented how people who use resources often develop ways to share them.One example is forest management.She says,“One of the absolutely key,most important variables(变量)as to
whether or not a forest survives and continues is whether local people monitor each other and its use.Not officials,locals.”
Oliver Williamson has studied big companies and found that they often are better than markets at doing complex jobs.Under his theory,businesses act as structures for conflict resolution.
For example,companies that own their suppliers can avoid long-term contracts and disputes over prices.This can make production more efficient and make better use of limited resources.But businesses can also abuse their power.Professor Williamson says the best way to deal with this is not by limiting the size of companies,but through industry regulation.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said economists need to do more than study markets and prices.The Nobel judges urged more research like the kind they recognized with this year’s award.
60.According to Elinor Ostrom,                .
A.the tragedy of the commons is caused by local decision
B.private ownership can cause the tragedy of the commons
C.overuse of shared resources can cause the tragedy of the commons
D.it is not the officials but the local people who can do something to avoid the tragedy
61.This year’s Nobel Prize for economics is shared by        .
A.Elinor Ostrom and Oliver Williamson   B.Elinor Ostrom and Garrett Hardin
C.Oliver Williamson and Garrett Hardin   D.63 economic scientists
62.Professor Williamson proved that long-term contracts and disputes over prices can be
avoided by big companies by                  .
A.1imiting the size of other companies
B.providing sufficient production
C.sharing resources with their own suppliers
D.setting up their own industry regulation
63.Which of the following can serve as the best title for the passage?
A.Two American Economists Won the Nobel Prize for Studying Markets.
B.Researchers of Economic Governance Won the Nobel Prize for Economics.
C.First Woman to Win the Nobel Prize for Economic Strategies.
D.The Tragedy of the Commons and the Big Businesses.
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Men and women who serve in the United States armed forces are proud of the names like
doughboy and GI Joe.The names have come from the American Civil War.
After the American Civil War in the eighteen sixties,a writer in a publication called Beadle’s Monthly used the word doughboy to describe Civil War soldiers.But word expert Charles Funk says that early writer could not explain where the name started.
About twenty years later,someone did explain.She was the wife of the famous American general George Custer.Elizabeth Custer wrote that a doughboy was a sweet food served to Navy men on ships.She also said the name was given to the large buttons on the clothes of soldiers.For example,the soldiers enjoyed their new GI very much.They looked smart and felt comfortable.Elizabeth Custer believed the name changed over time to mean the soldiers themselves.
By World War Two,soldiers were called other names.The one most often heard was GI, or GI Joe.Most people say the letters GI were a short way to say general issue or government issue.The name came to mean several things.It could mean the soldier himself.It could mean things given to soldiers when they joined the military such as weapons,equipment or clothes.And,for some reason,it could mean to organize,or clean.Soldiers often say,“We GI’d the place.”And when an area looks good.soldiers may say the area is“GI.”Strangely,though,GI can also mean poor work,a job badly done.
Some students of military words have another explanation of GI.They say that instead of government issue or general issue,GI came from the words galvanized iron.The American soldier was said to be like galvanized iron,a material produced for special strength.The Dictionary of Soldier Talk says GI was used for the words galvanized iron in a publication about the vehicles of the early twentieth century.
Today,a doughboy or GI may be called a grunt(咕哝声).Nobody is sure of the exact beginning of the word.But,the best idea probably is that the name comes from the sound that troops make when ordered to march long distances carrying heavy equipment.
68.Originally the word“doughboy”referred to             .
A.the American Civil War             B.a word expert in the 1860s
C.the American Civil War writers      D.a sweet food and the buttons
69.It was           who found how the name doughboy came about.
A.Elizabeth Custer                        B.George Custer
C.Charles Funk                                 D.Beadle"s Monthly
70.What does GI mean in the example in Paragraph 4 ?
A.Clothes.                                B.Weapons.               
C.Government issues.                    D.Vehicles.
71.Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Navy soldiers used to 1ike sweet food a lot in the wars.
B.Much noise was made when soldiers carried equipment.
C.Galvanized iron was a symbol of the soldiers.
D.A US soldier can be called a doughboy,a GI or a grunt.
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Cancun is a seaside town in Mexico, where most tourists come here to enjoy the beach, water sports and night life. In fact, it is so modern and Americanized that you might think you were in southern California or Florida.
But just a short two-hour hike from the town lie the ruins of the city of Chichen-Itza, one of the capitals of the lost Maya(玛雅)civilization. The center of the ruins of this city is the pyramid of El Castillo. The ancient Mayan religious people climbed this pyramid during festival to honor the Sun god. Tourists today climb it to view the architectural achievements of Chichen-Itza and to prove their fearlessness of heights and steep (陡峭的)climbs. There is a sign in Spanish, admonishing visitors “It’s dangerous to go up.” I gladly ignored it and started my climb.
The climbing was tough. The steps were higher than one might normally take., but the climb was not fearful at all. From the top of the pyramid, I had a wonderful view of the ruins of this Mayan city. What was most striking to me was that just beyond the ruins of splendid structures, gardens, temples and what looks like a modern sports stadium, you could only see forests for miles and miles. It was almost as if some race had mysteriously come out of nowhere, built it up and then suddenly disappeared from the planet, leaving only stones in its space.
The only remains on the top of the pyramid were the Temple of Kukulcan. During the festivals to worship the Sun god, only the high ranks would have the right to enter this temple.
After shooting a few pictures, I realized it was time to go down. Only then did I discover that what people fear about the climb is not the trip going up, but the way going down. I saw a few brave souls who were walking down as if they were in their own house. Looking down at the steepness of the pyramid, I desperately feared this great height. My first desire was to joke with a few people, “Where is the elevator(电梯)?” I figured that a civilization that was this advanced would have had the foresight(预见) to construct an elevator. Lacking such modern equipment, I had to use the chain provided by the Mexican tourist authorities and climb down on all fours.
My climb was complete eventually. I quickly got on the bus back to my comfortable hotel. Leaving the ruined city, I was still wondering what possibly happened long ago. But a few hours later, I was back in the modern world drinking cocktails on the beach, bathing in the sunshine before boarding the plane and waiting for my trip back home to the US, where all the modern things such as elevators are available!
57. Why did the writer pay a visit to the ruined city of Chichen-Itza?
A. He wanted to climb the pyramid of EL Castillo and know about the Mayan civilization.
B. He would got to the Temple of Kukulcan to attend a religious festival to honor the Sun god.
C. He thought the city of Chichen-Itza was quite different from the modern town of Cancun.
D. He was attracted by the ruined ancient buildings there and wanted to take some photos.
58. The underlined word “admonishing” in Paragraph 2 probably means “___________”.
A. urging          B. forcing          C. warning         D. frightening
59. Which of the following best shows climbing the pyramid of EL Castillo is a difficult task?
A. The steps are very high and it is much more scaring to climb to the top.
B. The climbing calls for courage and patience, and also takes a long time.
C. When tourist climb up to the top, there is no elevator to take them down.
D. The pyramid is high and steep, and climbing down is much more fearful.
60. From the last paragraph, we can infer that the writer ______________.
A. had a bad impression of the visit and decided to leave as soon as possible.
B. thought modernization could offer people comforts and conveniences.
C. got tired of the modern life and tried a different one in his own way.
D. enjoyed himself in the climb though it was very tiring and dangerous.
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Bargaining is an art at Xiu Shui Market in Beijing. The following tips can help you get good offers for most things you buy, especially for clothing.
Be aware that the starting price offered by the seller is at least 40% over the general price acceptable. It’s usually 80% over. It can be up to 150% over. So, always try to drop the seller’s offering price as much as possible before opening your mouth with a price.
Have an idea of the value of what you want. You can consult your Chinese friends or the hotel staff about the price. You may not be able to get the lowest prices stated at Xiu Shui Market, especially on weekends or festival seasons when there are lots of tourists around.
Do walk away once you’ve offered your final price while the seller is not ready to accept. If you get called back, you know you are close. If you do not get called back, go to a similar stall(摊位) and try again with a slightly higher price. Note that if you’ve made a deal, you am then expected to buy the item.
You will help your chances at getting a good price by being confident, patient, and friendly. Treat it as a kind of game to get the most out of it—getting angry or rode will never help to bring the price down.
56. When can you get the lowest price at Xiu Shui Market according to the passage?
A. When the sellers are busy.                       B. On crowded weekends.
C. When there’re few buyers.                       D. On festival seasons.
57. The underlined part “a deal” (in Paragraph 4) most probably means      .
A. an appointment with someone                    B. an agreement in business
C. a choice in shopping                            D. a delivery of goods
58. ff the seller accepts your final price, you should       .
A. walk away and wait for the seller to call you back
B. go on bargaining for a lower price
C. go to a similar stall for a better price
D. pay the seller for what you want
59. From the tips we can learn that the seller’s offer may be affected by       .
A. the buyer’s manners    B. the seller’s position   C. Chinese friends     D. hotel staff
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