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Influenced by their families and society, many youths are infatuated with expensive famous brands. But not every youth is as rich as a millionaire and people are getting worried about this.
According to a recent survey, one out of five pupils wears clothes of well-known brands, including a belt worth 560 Yuan, more than an ordinary worker’s salary. Among the 100 middle school students surveyed, as many as 70 own famous-brand clothes, 60 have famous-brand watches and 45 possess famous-brand bicycles. Two of them even wear over 1500 Yuan worth of suits.
Most young people who come from ordinary families will try to steal money to have better food and clothing if their parents don’t satisfy their needs. A boy named Chen even killed another boy simply for 500 Yuan and was sentenced to nine years’ imprisonment.
People wonder how these teenagers can be independent in the future, while parents are calling for help from schools, governments and the society.
which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A.More than 50 percent of the students surveyed possess things of famous brands.
B.An ordinary worker owns less than 560 Yuan each month.
C.Suits may cost as much as 1500 Yuan.
D.Young people now are as rich as millionaires.
68 What does “be infatuated with” mean according to the context?
A.be anxious about
B.be filled with a strong unreasonable feeling of love for
C.have a strange and unusual way of
D.be low in spirits; sad for
69 As a result, the boy mentioned in the passage will       .
A.steal money for better food and clothing
B.kill another boy for 500 Yuan
C.stay in prison for nine years
D.ask his parents to satisfy his needs
70 The best title for the passage would be        .
A.Youths Run After Famous Brands. 
B.Youths Should Own More Money
C.Youths As Rich As Millionaires     
D.Youths Must Be Taken Good Care of

67---70   DBCA 

试题【D Influenced by their families and society, many youths are infatuated with expe】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

The resounding film Avatar has been very popular in the UK and around the world, becoming the fastest film ever to earn $1bn(7bn yuan) in ticket sales.  
But as well as being an entertaining feast for the eyes, the sci-fi epic(叙事诗)also introduces the audience to a brand new language invented especially for the film.
The movie is set on an alien planet called Pandora which is inhabited by many strange species. The most humanoid of the planet’s inhabitants are the Na’vi, and it is the struggle between the Na’vi  and human invader that forms the main story of the film.
The film has been released in 2D and 3D versions.
In order to add a sense of reality to his vision of an alien race the film’s director James Cameron asked a professor of language form the University of Southern California to invent a language for the Na’vi.
Professor Paul Frommer worked with James Cameron for four years to build upon the original 30 words or so that the director had already come up with for the language.
According to Professor Frommer, the most important aspect of the Na’  vi language was that it could be pronounced.
“This is an alien language but obviously it has to be spoken by human actors,” Professor Frommer told the BBC, “it has to be sounds that human beings are comfortable producing.”
The language currently has around 1,000 words but Professor Frommer hopes to expand it in possible sequels(续集)to the film and in video games.
The professor hopes that one day his creation will have a high level of the Klingon alien language from the Star Trek films.
“There’s a translation of Hamlet into Klingon,” says Professor Frommer.
“If anything happened like this with Na’vi I’d be delight.”
60. The underlined word “resounding” in Paragraph 1 mean_________.
A. later   B. scientific    C. hit     D. surprising
61. Which of the following is Right according to the passage?
A. A kind of new language was invented especially for the film
B. The film Avatar is as good as a film as the Star Trek
C. The creation in Alien Language is different from that in human beings.
D. Avatar is one of an excellent films invented by Pandora.
62. The most challenging part in the creation of the language is_________.
A. that Professor Frommer needs to create 1,000 words for the film Avatar by himself.
B. that the language is based on that of the Alien planet called Pandora
C. that James Cameron introduces a new style of language to the audience
D. that an Alien language is created to be spoken by human beings.
63. We can infer from the passage that_________.
A. the film Avatar has been released in 2D and 3D versions.
B. the most important aspect of the Na’vi language was that it could be pronounced.
C. Professor Paul Frommer believe his language creation in the film Avatar is very successful.
D. Professor Paul Frommer worked with James Cameron for four years for a sense of reality of the film.
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American Watersports
Located on the beach of the Sea Gardens Beach Resort, there are fun things to rent for the whole family. They offer rentals for kayaks, jetskis, and even parasails! Enjoy the water upclose or from a bird’s eye view! No matter what activity you’re enjoying, be sure to protect yourself and your family from the sun’s powerful rays and apply plenty of sun block!
15th Street Boat Company
15th Street Boat Company offers rental boats of all kinds. They’re sure to have what you are looking for, whether it’s a small boat for a quick and simple outing or a luxurious boat with comfortable seats with a stereo(立体声)and high tech navigation(导航). You can rent a boat for half a day, a couple days, or even weeks at a time. If you want it, they’ve got it. It’s fun for everyone!
Coconut’s Watersports
9a.m.-5p.m. Monday through Sunday
Coconut’s Water sports is open 7days a week for your convenience and offers tons of water fun for the whole family. Jet ski activities last 30 minutes or 1hour and can make stops along the way. You must be at least 14years of age to ride alone and can be as young as 3 to ride along with an adult. Everybody is required to wear a life jacket and a license is required to operate the jet ski. Bathing suits and shorts are recommended.
Jet Ski Tours of Miami
Thursday- Sunday 10 a.m.-7p.m
Jet Ski Tours of Miami includes onsite parking, indoor restrooms, lockers, and life jackets for participants. You may choose a one or two hour tour and each jet ski can hold up to 3 people. You must be at least 18 years old in order to ride. As long as you are accompanied by an adult, there is no age limitation for any passenger. There is a restaurant nearby to eat at. The tour visits 6 different islands and passes by Bayside and Hard Rock. You may even catch a glimpse of dolphins playing or a manatee resting in these fabulous Florida waters.
68. What activity is convenient for the visitors to have lunch?
A. Jet Ski Tours of Miami           B. Coconut’s Watersports
C. 15th Street Boat Company        D. American Watersports
69. To satisfy your son’s curiosity about marine animals, you_________.
A. will rent a boat to ride with him
B. prefer a high-living boat with comfortable seats with a stereo
C. would like to prefer American Watersports to Florida waters
D. can choose the tour to Bayside and Hard Rock
70. If you like to sail a boat, you can_________.
A. go to the Sea Gardens Beach Resort     B. visit 15th Street Boat Company
C. choose Jet Ski Tours of Miami          D. go to Coconut’s Watersports
71. To ride alone in the jet ski activities, _________.
A. you have to be at least 14 years old     B. you can choose to wear a life jacket or not
C. you must be over 18 years old         D. you have to be with parents
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New research at Yale University has provided the strongest evidence that humans are evolving(进化)- and suggests that women of the future will be shorter, heavier, and healthier, and will have children for longer.
As medicine has allowed people who would previously have died young to live to childbearing age and beyond, many have assumed that natural selection no longer works on our species. But Prof Stephen Stearns, the evolutionary biologist at Yale University behind the study, says: "That"s just plain false." While survival to reproductive age(生育年龄) is no longer such a barrier(障碍) for humans, other evolutionary pressures – including sexual selection and reproductive fitness – are still working away in full force. If the trends the research detected are representative and continue for another 10 generations, Prof Stearns says that the average woman in 2409AD will be 2cm shorter and 1kg  heavier, will bear her first child five months earlier.
Prof Stearns and his team studied the medical histories of 14,000 residents of the Massachusetts town of Framingham, using medical data from a study going back to 1948 and spanning three generations. It looked at 2,238 women past reproductive age – so that they had had all the children they were going to – and tested their height, weight, cholesterol(胆固醇), blood pressure, and other traits, to see if there was a correlation with the number of children they had borne. It found that shorter, heavier women had more children than lighter, taller ones. Women with lower blood pressure and cholesterol were also more likely to have large families. Women who gave birth early or had a late menopause were likely to have more children as well. More importantly, however, these traits were then passed on to their daughters, who also, on average, had more children.
The study has not determined why these factors are linked to reproductive success, but it is likely that they indicate genetic, rather than environmental, effects. Prof Stearns’ team controlled for other factors, including social and cultural change.
Research suggesting humans are evolving has been carried out before, but this is believed to be the first that directly compares reproductive success of individuals with physiological changes(生理变化).
72. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Natural selection no longer works on our species, especially the woman.
B. Woman of the future will be shorter, heavier, and healthier, and will have children for longer
C. Some genetic, rather than environmental effects has more influence on the evolvement of the humans.
D. Evolutionary pressures are still working in full force on the evolvement of the humans.
73. Which of the following statements is False about the women’s evolvement according to the research?
A. women will shorter
B. women will be fatter
C. The time for the women to have baby will be longer
D. women will be cleverer
74. Which factor is the most promising related to reproductive success?
A. Genetic        B. Social         C. Environmental        D. Cultural
75. This passage may most likely be taken from           .
A. a geography magazine
B. a medicine and technology research journal
C. a daily newspaper
D. an entertainment book
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The holiday is upon us. Finally, after months of study, you have some time to yourself. So, why not read a book? Well, some people will say, "Why bother with books? We have the Internet and other media that offer a lot more colorful entertainment. Books are history!" But don"t be fooled. I"m sure there"s still a lot to be said for reading.
One clear reason is that a well-chosen book is a wonderful source of vocabulary, so long as you have a good dictionary, of course. Believe me, it"s far easier to get new English words and phrases from a book or an article than it is from the TV or the Internet.
But another more important point is that books give you something that modern media simply can not. The average webpage is picture-heavy and the text is often designed to make it as easy to read as possible. While "easy" may be attractive, unfortunately it"s of little use for any long-term development of reading skills and the general language level. Because of that, there"s still no substitute (替代品) of a book.
But perhaps the best single reason is that simply choosing what you read and doing it independently means that it"s something you do by and for yourself. You can choose what you want to read. It"s hard work, but somewhere down the line, you"ll find that what once seemed like a duty is now a pleasure.
41.How many reasons for reading a book does the author mention in the passage?
A.Three         B.Two     C.One      D.Four
42.According to the passage, we basically need a ____ in reading.
A.television          B.pencil    C.notebook  D.dictionary
43.In the author"s opinion, reading on the Internet may____.
A.develop long-term reading skills    B.improve the general language ability
C.not take the place of reading books   D.be an effective way of reading
44.The passage is written mainly to ____.
A.share the pleasure of reading books
B.advise readers to read books
C.stress the importance of reading online
D.help readers to choose good books
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Forgiving someone who has hurt you or let you down is never an easy thing. Several new studies, however, say that it could have a lot of health benefits. When you think of forgiveness, you probably don’t think of it as being a health or medical problem. Studies from Stanford University, on the other   hand, show that something like anger can change your well-being.
When cartoon book characters like the Incredible Hulk get angry, they change colours and often gain special power. In the real world, anger is less obvious and may be more dangerous. That’s why Professor Fred Luskin, founder of the Stanford Forgiveness Project and author of Forgive for Good, says holding on to anger and hatred can harm your physical and mental health. Two new studies seem to show the same idea.
The studies find that people who are able to forgive feel less stress, less back pain, and less depression. They also have fewer headaches, lower blood pressure, and fewer problems on sleeping.
So it doesn’t matter if your anger is caused by the traffic or other things. Learning to let it go is important. Techniques such as deep breath or thought can help. Or just ask yourself if it’s worth hurting yourself by staying angry with someone else.
Forgiveness does not mean that you simply accept what happened and say it’s OK. Instead, it’s a way of making peace with yourself about what happened in the past.
45. The author of the passage tries to make his viewpoint clear ______.
A. by raising his own examples.       B. based on his own experience.
C. by mentioning some studies.       D. by mentioning some typical patients.
46. The example of the cartoon book characters is taken in the passage to____.
A. support the viewpoint that anger and hatred harm physical and mental health.
B. introduce a famous expert.
C. let the reader know the different colours of cartoon faces.
D. show how to control one’s temper.
47. The underlined phrase “holding on to” in this passage possibly means“__”.
A. removing.    B. keeping up.    C. getting rid of.    D. learning about.
48. The best title for this passage is probably _______.
A. Forgiveness.                        
B. Forgiveness Is Good for Health.
C. A Secret to Keeping Health.           
D. Anger Is Bad for Health.
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