当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)出可以填入空白的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I...
It is not polite to arrive at a dinner party more than 15 to 20 minutes late. The host or hostess usually waits for all the guests to arrive before __21__ the meal. If someone is late, the food may be spoiled, and so might the host or hostess’s __22__. If you have to be late, call and tell them to __23__ you.
It’s even __24__to be early! The host or hostess will probably not be__25__. If you are early, drive or walk around the block a few times, or just sit in your car __26__the right time.
Though it is often important to arrive on time, yet__27__, for open houses, the host or hostess invites guests to arrive and leave __28__a certain time. You can arrive at any time __29__the time he or she gives you.
It’s polite to bring an empty stomach, but it’s even nicer to bring a small present. The present should not cost__30__, or you might embarrass the host or hostess. Flowers, wine, or a box of candy will __31__. Never bring money as a present.
In an introduction, the order of a name: (1) the given name, (2) the family name. In other words the given name comes __32__. It’s important not only to learn and remember names, but to__33__them often in conversation. After the __34__we usually call friends by their given names. __35__may want you to call them by their titles and__36__, such as “Mr. Jones” “Mrs. Johnson” or “Dr. Brown”.
A maiden name is a woman’s family name __37__. In the United States and Canada, after a woman marries, she __38__the family name of her husband__39__her maiden name. It is now becoming __40__, however, for women to keep their maiden names after getting married.
21. A. making                              B. serving                            C. doing                               D. cooling
22. A. soul                                    B. spirits                              C. thought                           D. idea
23. A. have with                    B. have without                 C. start with                 D. start without
24. A. nice                              B. nicer                       C. worse                        D. bad
25. A. back                            B. in                             C. up                               D. ready
26. A. until                                    B. after                                C. before                          D. by
27. A. in the other hand  B. on the other hand        C. in another hand   D. on another hand
28. A. between                     B. among                   C. for                                    D. at
29. A. within                                B. by                                     C. on                                     D. in
30. A. many                                  B. a little                              C. a lot                                 D. a few
31. A. be well                               B. be right                           C. do well                            D. do fine
32. A. after                                   B. before                             C. first                                  D. later
33. A. recall                                  B. respect                           C. speak                             D. retell
34. A. meeting                            B. conversation              C. introduction                   D. dinner
35. A. Older people                   B. Young people                 C. Gentlemen                   D. Doctors
36. A. given names                    B. first names                   C. family names                 D. nick names
37. A. on birth                    B. from birth            C. with birth                 D. at birth
38. A. gives                                  B. brings                        C. carries                   D. takes
39. A. instead                              B. in place of                       C. takes place                   D. in place
40. A. important                         B. necessary                       C. special                   D. common
21-25 BBDCD        26-30 ABA AC        31-35 DCBCA       36-40 CDBBD

In urban China,where English is almost the official second language,many Chinese people have learned to speak as professionally as native speakers. However they may have an accent and make a few minor grammatical mistakes.Years ago many people used a certain Chinese-English dictionary or a series of textbooks and accepted their teachings. Consequently,language learners developed a peculiar vocabulary. Some people call these word choices “Chinglish”. The words are not incorrect—native speakers still understand them—but they stand in the way of using standard English. Here are some common examples, both from written and spoken English:
Clever (adj.): Native speakers usually say “smart” instead. “Smart” is a broader and more common word. “Clever” suggests an ability to think your way out of a specific problem or take advantage of a specific situation. Being smart serves you for life.
Examination(n.): Use “exam”, the short form of it, or the more common word, “test”. (The verb for all three words is “take”.) Another word you may hear is “quiz”. It means a short and relatively unimportant test that the teacher often gives as a surprise.
Film: This is largely a technical word. The common term is “movie”. (Native speakers often say “short film for the movie”.)
House (n.): a stand-alone building with its own street entrance that is home to one family. A home in a building full of families is an “apartment” or a “flat”. When in doubt, just say “home”.
Puzzled (adj.): We use this word to describe mild reactions to difficult math problems, and not even very often for this purpose (we say “I’m stumped” or “I have no idea” instead). But when we’re addressing a life issue such as whether to pursue (从事) a graduate education or go straight to work, we say “confused”. This is a stronger word as well as a more common one.
49. The writer wrote this passage to______.
A. prove there are so many Chinese people learning English in a wrong way
B. teach us to choose correct and exact English words to express ourselves
C. tell people that if we want to speak English as well as native speakers we must memorize as many English words as possible
D. explain what Chinglish is
50. According to the passage, which of the following is more common?
A. Would you like to go to the film tonight?
B. He will take an examination next week.
C. Tom is cleverer than his brother.
D. He felt confused whether he would go abroad for further study.
51. This passage suggests that______.  
A. native speakers say “I’m puzzled with this math problem.” more often used than they say “I’m stumped with the math problem.”
B. the word “home” is much often used than the word “house” in spoken and written English
C. the word “examination” is more common than its short form“exam”
D. we can say “do a quiz”
52. We can infer from the passage that______.  
A. native speakers can understand “Chinglish”
B. saying “take a test” is more common
C. to English learners, developing more English vocabulary doesn’t mean speaking good English
D. it’s easy to learn English words well
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The First of May is a Bank Holiday—the first public holiday of the year in England. Most people consider it a special day, the beginning of summer, a day when the light lasts long into the evening, and when we can look for warm weather. We don"t always get it. We feel disappointed, but not surprised if there are cold winds and frosts at night in May. Winter should be over. Most people know that in the past, when farming occupied almost everyone, the changing seasons were of great importance. In that older time there was every reason to celebrate May Day. Customs of those celebrations remain.
Of these customs, the best known is the choosing of a May Queen and the dancing round Maypole. Even these customs are little more than memories now—but in the last century it was quite common in villages and small towns, and even in schools and colleges, for a pretty and popular girl to be chosen Queen of the May. It was a great honour to be chosen. For a day she wore a light and flowery dress, carried garlands(花环), and was ceremonially crowned with flowers. She presided over a procession, as a rule with a number of attendants, and over the Maypole dancing and all kinds of entertainment. The Maypole was slender(苗条的.&) tree trunk, cut off its branches, with beautiful ribbons fastened to the top. The dancing was designed in such a way that the dancer"s movements move the ribbons into a pattern. This, as you can imagine, required skill from the dancer, and was not achieved without practice.
It"s the Celtic people who celebrated the First of May as a spring festival. Their celebration seems to have had little to do with taking pleasure in early, beautiful flowers and in warmer weather! They called it Beltane—the fire of the god Bel. They lit fires, in the expectation that their blaze would help the sun in its struggle to regain its strength. They drove their cattle between banks of flame in the expectation that the terrified beasts would be purified and protected from disease. A tree, which must have been blackened with smoke, stood in the middle of the fires, and is thought to have been the origin of the Maypole. Their priests(牧师) made sacrifices to the goods in the hope of good harvests and sufficient store of food for the winter. There was dancing certainly, but it was noisy and cheerful, since its purpose was not to weave a pattern of colored ribbons, but to drive out evil spirits from the earth and to arouse those kind spirits.
57. The main purpose of the passage is to show ________.
A. the reason why they celebrate May Day
B. the start and customs of May Day
C. the way they celebrate May Day
D. the choosing of a May Queen during May Day
58. According to the passage, which sentence is NOT true?
A. In the old days they celebrated May Day for the changing of the seasons.
B. In England summer begins at the first of May.
C. The custom of the choosing of a May Queen still exists in the present May Day celebration.D. The Celtic people celebrated the first of May as a spring festival.
59. From the surrounding words and sentences we know that the word “presided” means ____.
A. 管理    B. 越过   C. 指挥   D. 主持
60. The best title for this passage is ________.
A. The First of May     B. The Beginning of Summer
C. May Queen       D. The Holiday of the Year
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
While scientists are worried that humans are causing higher temperatures on the Earth, a Maryland man, Ace, thinks we can save the world by spraying(喷射)huge amounts of water into the air.
Ace told the McClatchy News Service that at least 1,000 places should be chosen to spray water. The water would be sprayed between 20 and 200 feet into the air. Thousands of tons of seawater would be sprayed for years at a time.
The 1,000 sites would be picked after more studies. They would be mostly in the Northern Hemisphere(北半球). Ace says he would avoid tropical(热带的)areas of the globe. He says water turns to rain too quickly in these areas for his plan to work.
The water would be changed into vapor. That process requires heat. The water vapor would rise above the Earth. The water vapor would form clouds. The clouds would help in several ways. They would cool the Earth by reflecting sunlight. They would later turn into rains. The rains would provide another way of cooling the Earth.
Ace’s plan has gotten some support from a limited scientific study. Kenneth Caldeira is a climate scientist. He works at the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology at Stanford University in California. Caldeira tested some of the Ace’s figures on a computer program. The computer model is used by top scientists to study global climate change. The model showed that the plan might work.
“More tests are planned in 2009. Ideas like Ace’s should be considered carefully and with an open mind,” Calderira said. “Every brilliant(卓越的)invention in the history of technology looked a little bit mad when first put forward.”
65.What’s the purpose of Ace’s plan?
A. To reduce air pollution.                      
B. To make summer cooler.
C. To offer dry areas more rain.                  
D. To solve the problem of global warming. 
66.According to Ace’s plan,___________.
A. planes would be used to spray water.       
B. it would be best to spray water on rainy days.
C. seawater would be sprayed high into the sky
D.1,000 sites in the Southern Hemisphere would be chosen.
67.Why wouldn’t Ace spray water in tropical areas?
A. Water is changed into vapor too quickly.      
B. Water turns to rain too quickly.
C. It is hard for vapor to form clouds.           
D. It is bad for local plants to have too much rain.
68. It seems that Caldeira ____________.
A. takes Ace’s plan seriously                 
B. thinks Ace’s idea too crazy
C. doesn’t believe the computer’s result        
D. agrees to carry out Ace’s plan right away
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

The United States has about 475,000 school buses -- all painted yellow. Each day they carry more than 25,000,000 children, half of all schoolchildren in the country. But these buses, on average, use four liters of diesel (柴油) fuel to travel less than sixteen kilometers. When the school year began last fall, diesel averaged 55 cents a liter nationally. The price nearly doubled, to a dollar and 8 cents, by the end of school in June.
Bob Riley speaks for the American School Bus Council. He says fuel prices for schools arc not much lower than others have to pay. As a result, schools are looking for ways to reduce transportation costs. Bus routes are being redrawn or, in some cases, canceled. Some areas are buying buses that use natural gas or other alternative fuels. Other steps include fewer field trips and less travel by sports teams. And some school districts may end any bus service not required by law.
Studies show that school buses are the safest form of transportation to and from school. The American School Bus Council says cuts in bus service are bad for children and possibly the environment. It says removing buses from the road will mean an increase in other vehicles transporting students. Spokesman Bob Riley says another concern is that reducing bus services might reduce attendance.
But it could also get more children to walk or bicycle to school. And that would surely make people happy at the National Center for Safe Routes to School. More kids walking or biking safely to school is the aim of a three-year-old federal program, part of an international movement. The goal is to increase physical activity and reduce air pollution. The United States will celebrate Walk to School Day on October eighth this year. But for some students, high fuel prices could make every day a walk-to-school day.
68. What does this passage mainly tell us?
A. High fuel prices" influences on school buses.  B. New measures to transport school students.
C. The safest form of student transportation.          D. The origin of Walk to School Day.
69. Which of the following information is implied in the first paragraph?
A. There are too many school buses in the United States.
B. There are too many students in the US.  
C. Diesel prices are going up too rapidly in the US.
D. School buses consume too much diesel in the US.
70. In order to cut down transportation cost, many schools take the following measures EXCEI _____.
A. changing some bus routes               B. stopping some bus routes
C. asking parents to drive children to school     D. using other types of fuels
71. The National Center for Safe Routes to School encourages more children to walk or bike to school in order to ________.
A. save more fuels and diesel for the country.
B. keep the children safe on their way to school
C. make the children live a simple life
D. keep the children healthy and the environment clean
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There is much discussion today about whether economic growth is desirable. At an earlier period, our desire for material wealth may have been justified. Now, however, this desire for more than we need is causing serous problems. Even though we have good intentions, we may be producing too much, too fast.
Those who criticize economic growth argue that we must slow down. They believe that society is approaching certain limits on growth. These include the fixed supply of natural resources, the possible negative effects of industry on the natural environment, and the continuing increase in the world’s population. As society reaches these limits, economic growth can no longer continue, and the quality of life will decrease.
People who want more economic growth, on the other hand, argue that even at the present growth rate there are still many poor people in the world. They believe that only more growth can create the capital needed to improve the quality of life in the world. Furthermore, they argue that only continued growth can provide the financial resources required to protect our natural surroundings from industrialization.
This debate over the desirability of continued economic growth is of vital importance to business and industry. If those who argue against economic growth are correct, the problems they mention cannot be ignored. To find a solution, economists and the business community must pay attention to these problems and continue discussing them with one another.
60. According to those who argue against economic growth we must slow down for the following reasons EXCEPT that___________.
A. our natural surroundings are in danger of being destroyed by industry
B. the fixed supply of natural resources marks a point beyond which economic growth cannot continue
C. the world population is ever increasing
D. more efforts should be made to improve the quality of our material life
61. Those who want more economic growth believe that continued economic growth ________.
A. is essential to the well-being of society as a whole
B. can provide the solution to many of our social problems today
C. can protect our environment from being polluted by industry
D. can provide us with more natural resources for industrialization
62. The passage is mainly about___________.
A. the contradiction between economists and the business community
B. the present debate on economic growth
C. the advantages and disadvantages of economic growth
D. the importance of the debate on economic growth
63. We may infer from the passage that ___________.
A. the author describes the case as it is
B. the author is for economic growth
C. the author is against continued economic growth
D. the author is very much worried about the problems caused by continued economic growth
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