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American scientists have developed the first material that repairs itself. The material is a form of plastic that has been engineered to fill breaks in its surface.
Plastics are used today in everything from airplane wings to hundreds of object found in the home. Scientists wanted to find a way to make objects made of plastic last longer. The researchers hope their new discovery can be used to make objects that are difficult or impossible to replace.
The surface of plastic objects breaks over time. Very small breaks develop every time a plastic object is used. The researchers wanted to find out how to stop plastic from developing small breaks that weaken and destroy it. They found the answer in the chemical structure(构造)of plastic itself.
Plastic is made of monomers(单体). These monomers link together to form polymers(聚合物). Polymers give plastic its ability to be shaped and its strength. The research team found a way to make plastic that contains very small balloons filled with monomer liquid(液体). When the new plastic cracks(裂开), the monomer liquid is let out and flows into the crack. Thus the break is repaired. The repaired plastic has seventy – five percent of the strength of undamaged plastic.
The new self – repairing plastic is not yet ready for production. But it has several possible uses. One could be in space vehicles where parts cannot be repaired or replaced. Another possible use might be in bridges. And it could be used in people, to replace bone joints that have become broken or damaged.
72.Which of the following can be the best title for the article?
A.Ever-Lasting Material Invented.
B.The Chemical Structure of Plastic.
C.Plastic that Repairs Itself.
D.Small Balloons that Makes Plastic Stronger.
73.We know from the passage that the repair is done as        .
A.the cracked plastic parts are changed
B.the plastic is made
C.the liquid is put into the plastic cracks
D.the plastic cracks
74.The scientist are planning to use the new material in space vehicles, bridges and people because         .
A.the plastic parts in them are required to last longer
B.the plastic parts in them are easily broken or damaged
C.the new material cannot be used elsewhere
D.they want to experiment in these places first
75.What can we know about the new material mentioned in the passage?
A.It is a kind of liquid that is commonly used.
B.It is more difficult to make than common plastics.
C.Its surface does not crack so easily as other ones.
D.It makes it difficult or impossible to replace plastic objects.


试题【American scientists have developed the first material that repairs itself. The m】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Now more and more students become volunteers. The projects may be with their school, neighborhood, or town, but the work of all volunteers is important. Students find that there are many advantages to volunteering.
First, volunteering helps others. Many people complain about problems in our society. Volunteers are part of the solution to our problems! While it is easy to complain about things that are not right, the volunteer takes action rather than complaining. When a student spends time working at a retirement (退休) home, cleaning up a park, or teaching a younger student, the volunteer makes the world a better place.
Second, being a volunteer makes students feel good about themselves. When a student volunteer knows that his or her efforts have made someone else’s life better, the volunteer feels great. Students always hear people saying that everyone should care about other people. Volunteers make it happen. Although some volunteer work is long or tiring, student volunteers end the day knowing they did the right thing. Their parents, teachers, and the public are proud of them. Knowing they did the right thing makes them feel better, even if they are tired.
Finally, students learn that volunteering is fun. A group of students might volunteer to clean up a riverbed in early spring. It is fun to be with their friends, to enjoy the weather, and to picnic later in a beautiful, clean area. Other students might read to young children in a playgroup. It is fun to spend time with children and to have them smile and laugh. No matter what their ages or talents are, every student can be a volunteer. The work of student volunteers is a powerful force that makes the world a better place.
54. The tile of this passage is ________.
A. Free-time Jobs           B. Daily Activities          C. School Life          D. Volunteer Work
55. The writer really wants to say that ___________.
A. volunteering helps society as well as volunteers themselves
B. it is fun to spend time volunteering in a pre-school
C. some people complain instead of taking action
D. some volunteer work is long and tiring      
56. According to the passage, how are volunteers different from other people?
A. They never complain.                              B. They always feel great.
C. They take action.                                D. They enjoy teaching.
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Dance can be art, ritual, or recreation. It goes __11____________ the functional purposes of the movements used in work or athletics in order to express emotions, moods, or ideas; tell a story; __12____________ religious, political, economic, or social needs; or simply be an __13___________ that is pleasurable, exciting, or aesthetically (审美的) valuable.
Besides giving __14____________ pleasure, dancing can have psychological effects. Feelings and ideas can be expressed and communicated; __15____________ rhythms and movements can make a group feel unitied. In some societies, dancing often __16____________ trance(心醉神迷的状态)or other changed states of consciousness. These states can be __17____________ as signaling possession by spirits, or they may be sought as a means to emotional __18____________. A state of trance may enable people to perform remarkable feats of strength, endurance, or __19____________, such as dancing through hot coals. In some societies shamans (道士) dance in trance in order to heal others physically or emotionally. The modern field of dance __20 ___________ developed as a means to help people express themselves and relate to others.
11.   A. behind                     B. after                        C. beyond                     D. forward
12.   A. do                           B. have                        C. perform                   D. serve
13.   A. experience         B. emotion                   C. feeling                     D. experiment
14.   A. mental                     B. physical                   C. emotional                 D. spiritual
15.   A. hearing                    B. practicing                 C. sharing                     D. enjoying
16.   A. refers to                   B. leads to                    C. turns up                   D. makes up
17.   A. interpreted        B. interrupted        C. preferred                  D. stressed
18.   A. pressure                   B. strain                       C. recognition        D. release
19.   A. danger                     B. pleasure                   C. delight                     D. sadness
20.   A. medicine                  B. operation                  C. therapy                    D. cure
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Valentine’s Day is named for Saint Valentine an early Christmas churchman who reportedly helped young lovers. Valentine was killed for his Christian beliefs on February 14 more than 1700 years ago, but the day that has his name is even earlier than that.
More than 2,000 years ago, the ancient Romans celebrated a holiday for lovers. As part of the celebration, girls wrote their names on pieces of paper and put them in a large container. Boys reached into the container and pulled one out. The girl whose name was written on the paper became his lover or sweet heart for a year.
Lovers still put their names on pieces of paper and they sent each other Valentine’s Day cards that tell of their love. Sometimes they also sent gifts, like flowers of chocolate candy. Americans usually send these gifts and cards through the mail system. But some used another way to send this message. They have it printed in a newspaper. The cost is usually a few dollars. Some of the messages are simple and short “Jane, I love you very much”. Others say more. This one, for example, “Dan, Roses are red. Violets are blue. I hope you love me as much as I love you. Forever. May.”
Most of the newspapers that print such messages are local, but USA Today is sold throughout the United States, and 90 other countries as well. This means someone can send a Valentine message to lover in a far-away city or town almost anywhere in the world. These messages cost 80 dollars and more. An employee of USA Today says readers can have a small heart or rose printed along with their messages this year. Will this kind of Valentine’s Day message reach the one you love? Well, just make sure he or she reads the newspaper.
1. When was the day named after Valentine?
A. More than 1700 years ago before Valentine’s death  
B. More than 2000 years ago
C. On February 24                              
D. It is not mentioned in the passage.
2. Which is not true about the Roman holiday?
A. Girls put into a container large pieces of paper with their own names on them.
B. Boys and girls became sweet hearts by chance
C. Girls and boys were not lovers for a year.
D. It was celebrated as a holiday for lovers
3. What is the cost of printing a message to show one’s love? It’s _______________.
A. a few dollars                   B. 80 dollars, and more                C. very expensive
D. a few dollars in a local newspaper and 80 dollars in USA Today
4. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. The ancient Roman girls were more open and easy-going than boys
B. Valentine was killed for helping lovers
C. Readers of USA Today can send roses to their lovers along with printed messages
D. Valentine was honored by people for his firm Christian belief and warm heart
5. What is the purpose of the passage?
A. To briefly introduce the origin of Valentine’s Day and the modern style.
B. To advertise for USA Today.
C. To tell you that Americans are open to express their love
D. To sell roses on Valentine’s Day.              
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Teens who become addicted to their cell phones may be placing their health at risk by harming their ability to sleep well,a new Swedish study suggests.
"The message is that teenagers who use their cell phones excessively are much more stressed, much more restless, much more tired, and have a great tendency to develop sleep deprivation(剥夺) as a result of their calling habits, " said the study author Dr. Gaby Bader.
He focused on the experiences of 21 healthy Swedish boys and girls between the ages of 14 and 20. The teens kept what the authors described as "regular working/studying hours" and were not previously diagnosed with any particular sleep irregularity.
He observed that the above-15 call group kept more irregular sleeping hours than the lower-use group,had more difficulty falling asleep,more difficulty waking up,and experienced more sleep disruptions(扰乱).
Bader said that among young people,a relatively recent technological invention like the cell phone has quickly become existed nearly everywhere,giving rise to considerable pressure to keep in touch. And this pressure can develop into an addiction,with serious negative results for teenager health.
"We see more and more people--especially the young generation-- who grew up with these kinds of items and gadgets in their hands," Bader said. "And they become dependent on the technology. So,we have to teach young people to be structured. To know when to have the cell phone on,and when to switch it off. To avoid becoming the slave of technology,instead of the master. "
Dr. Mary Carskadon expressed little surprise with the finding. " Interpersonal(人际的)contact is one of the things that"s best at keeping us awake," she observed. "And so,a young person receiving cell phone texts or phone calls is going to have more deep disturbances. And they are going to be tired and restless,and probably,as a result,going to use more stimulants(兴奋剂).And judgment is not always the best in our teenage years. So, that"s where I think parental attention to this issue may be useful. "
72. Teens who become addicted to their cell phones will become    .
A. too anxious to relax.               B. unable to stay still.
C. unable to have real rest.             D. excited to forget sleep.
73. What we can learn from the sixth paragraph is that    .
A. more teens know how to make technology serve them
B. teens used to be taught how to use technology
C. we should make use of technology rather than be in the control of it
D. the young generation depends less on the technology to grow up
74. According to Dr. Mary Carskadon,how to deal with the problem?
A. Teenagers should judge how to use their phones.
B. Teenagers should reduce their interpersonal contact.
C. Teenagers should switch their phones off.
D. Parents should give more attention to children"s use of phones.
75.What"s the passage mainly about?
A. Too much phone time has a bad effect on teens" sleep.
B. Too many cell phone calls have cost teens too much.
C. Few cell phone calls will damage teens" friendships.
D. Too little cell phone time improves teens" attention at class.
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    Every afternoon in South Korea, when school and work finish, over 100,000 people meet on the Internet to play a game called Lineage. They meet in a virtual(虚拟的) world 500 years in the past. They form teams and fight for justice and money. They are part of one of the Internet"s many online gaming communities. The people who play these games are called gamers. Often they meet in 24-hour cafés to play Lineage, as well as other games such as Diablo, StarCraft and Counter Strike. Most gamers just play for fun, but for some people, it can become an obsession (着迷).
    When gaming becomes an obsession it can become dangerous. In Hong Kong, a seventeen-year-old boy died as a result of playing his favourite game in the café where he worked. After working for eight hours, he often stayed at the café and played Diablo II. On some nights he slept for only two hours. In May 2002, he was found unconscious at a computer after playing all night. When he died later in hospital, doctors said it was because he was exhausted.
In Korea, the dangers can come from other gamers. In the virtual world of Lineage, gamers can create new characters for themselves. High school students can become very powerful fighters and leaders. They play against doctors, businessmen and even members of dangerous gangs. But sometimes things that happen in the game affect real life. Gamers have been beaten up in real life by people they have killed online!
56. How many people play Lineage when school and work are over every day in South Korea?
57. What do people do in the virtual world of Lineage?
58. The online games mentioned in the passage are ________.
59. What does the underlined word “exhausted” mean?
60. What does the passage mainly talk about?
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