当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > Born in America, I spoke English, not Chinese, the language of my ancestors. Whe...
Born in America, I spoke English, not Chinese, the language of my ancestors. When I was three, my parents flashed cards with Chinese  21  at my face, but I pushed them  22  . My mom believed I would learn  23  I was ready. But the  24  never came.
On a Chinese New Year’s Eve, my uncle spoke to me in Chinese, but all I could do was 25 at him, confused, scratching my head. “Still can’t speak Chinese?” He  26  me , “You can’t even buy a fish in Chinatown .”
“Hey, this is America, not China. I’ll get some   27  with or without Chinese.” I replied and turned to my mom for  28  .
“Remember to ask for fresh fish, Xin Xian Yu,” she said, handing over a $20 bill. I  29  the words, running downstairs into the streets of Chinatown.
I found the fish  30  surrounded in a sea of customers. “I’d like to buy some fresh fish,” I shouted to the fisherman. But he  31  my English words and turned to serve the next customer. The laugh of the people behind increased  32  their impatience. With every  33  ,the breath of the dragons on my back grew stronger—my blood boiling—  34  me to cry out. “ Xian Sheng Yu, please.” “Very Xian Shen ,” I repeated. The crowd erupted into laughter. My face turned  35  and I ran back home  36  , except for the $20 bill I held tightly in my pocket.
Should I laugh or cry? They’re Chinese. I should feel right at  37  . Instead, I was the joke , a disgrace (丢脸)to the language.
Sometimes, I laugh at my fish  38  , but, in the end, the joke is on  39  . Every laugh is a culture  40  ; every laugh is my heritage (传统) fading away.
A.success B.studyC.time D.attempt
A.aim B.joke C.nodD.stare
A.cared about B.laughed atC.argued withD.asked after
A.right nowB.from now C.at times D.in time
A.repeatedB.reviewed C.spelledD.kept
A.farmB.standC.pond D.market
A.byB.asC.with D.from
A.forcing B.allowing C.persuadingD.leading
A.brightB.blankC.pale D.red
A.service B.home C.risk D.root
A.tradeB.deed C.challengeD.incident
A.thrownB.lost C.dividedD.reflected


小题1:C根据本段第一句中the language of my ancestors可知,这里父母是想利用有汉字的闪存卡放在我面前。故选C项。其余三项不符合语境
小题1:D由本句中but这个转折连词可知,这里表明作者没有看它,而是将其放在了一边。put aside意为"把某物放到一边",符合语境,故选D项。put ahead意为"拨快";put around 意为"传播"。
小题1:A由本句中I was ready可以推断出:我母亲认为当我准备好的时候,我才会学,此处只有when符合语境。故选A项。
小题1:B A项意为"关心";B项意为"嘲笑";C项意为"与……争论";D项意为"问候,问安"。由本句中You can’t even buy a fish in Chinatown可以推断出,叔叔是在嘲笑我。故选B项
小题1:A由本句中I’ll get some___ with or without Chinese.及联系下段可知,我想证明给我的叔叔看,我现在就能去唐人街买到鱼。right now意为"现在,立即",符合语境。故选A项
小题1:A由上句母亲话中的Xin Xian Yu及我没有学习汉语可以推断出:我为了防止忘掉要买的东西的名字,而不断重复着母亲的话。故选A项。
小题1:B A项意为"农场";B项意为"货摊";C项意为"池塘";D项意为"集市,市场"分析句子结构可知:我发现鱼摊被很多顾客围着。故选B项
小题1:D由第二段中You can’t even buy a fish in Chinatown及本句中turned to serve the next customer可知,这个卖鱼人没有在意我说的话,即无视,不理睬。只有D项符合句意
小题1:C本句中The laugh of the people behind increased表明我身后的人因为失去耐心而开始笑起来。with impatience意为"因为不耐烦"。故选C项。
小题1:A由本段的第三句中turned to serve the next customer及本句中the breath of the dragon on my back grew stronger可知,当我再一次问的时候,我生气了。second表示"在一"的意思。故选A项
小题1:A由本句中my blood boiling可知,我被激怒了,因此我强迫自己大声喊出我要买的东西。B、C、D三项不符合作者当时的心情,故排除。
小题1:D由上句中The crowd erupted into laughter可知,因为我说错了汉语而引来了大家的哄堂大笑,这让我十分难堪,故我的脸变红了。因此答案为D。
小题1:C上段中母亲让我买Xin Xian Yu及由本句中expect for the $20 bill可知,我没有买到鱼,而是空着手回家的。故选C项
小题1:B由本段中They’re Chinese. I’m Chinese可知,同为中国人,我应该感到自在、自如才对。这与后面的Instead , I was the joke……形成对比。故选B项。
小题1:D A项意为"交易,买卖";B项意为"行动,所做之事";C项意为"挑战";D项意为"发生的事(常指小事)"。由本句中I laugh at可知,作者时常以自己买鱼的那件小事自嘲。故答案为D项
小题1:B分析句子结构可知,该空应与fading away意思相近。A项意为"被扔掉";B项意为"被丢失";C项意为"被分开";D项意为"被反映的"。因此B项符合语境和句意。
试题【Born in America, I spoke English, not Chinese, the language of my ancestors. Whe】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
By far the most common difficulty in studying is simple failure to get down to regular concentrated work. This difficulty is much greater for those who do not work to a plan and have no regular routine of study. Many students muddle (胡乱对付) along, doing a bit of this subject or that, as the mood takes them, or letting their set work pile up until the last possible moment.
Few students work to a set timetable. They say that if they did work out a timetable for themselves they would not keep to it, or would have to change it frequently, since they can never predict from one day to the next what their activities will be.
No doubt some students are more willing to accept a regular routine than others. There are many who shy away from a self-controlled weekly timetable, and dislike being tied down to a fixed program of work. Many able students state that they work in cycles. When they become interested in a topic, they work on it attentively for three or four days at a time. On other days they avoid work completely. It has to be admitted that we do not fully understand the motivation (动机)to work.. Most people over 25 years of age have become used to routine, and the majority of real productive workers set aside regular hours for the more important areas of their work. The “tough-minded” school doesn’t fully accept the idea that good work can only be done naturally, under the influence of inspiration.
Those who believe that they need only work and study as the fit takes them have a mistaken belief either in their own talent or in the value of “freedom”. In fact, freedom from control and discipline(纪律)leads to unhappiness rather than to “self-expression” or “personality development”. Our society insists on regular habits, timekeeping and punctuality (准时), and whether we like it or not, if we mean to make our way in society, we have to meet its demands.
小题1:The most widespread problem in applying oneself to study is ______.
A.changing from one subject to another
B.the failure to keep to a set timetable of work
C.the unwillingness to follow a systematic plan
D.working on a subject only when one feels like it
小题2:Which of the following is true?
A.Many students are not interested in using self-controlled timetable.
B.Many students don’t like being told to study to a fixed timetable.
C.Most people of over 25 years of age don’t work to a set timetable.
D.Tough-minded people agree that good job is done naturally
小题3:The underlined part “as the fit takes them” in paragraph 4 probably means ______.
A.when they have the energy
B.when they are in the mood
C.when they feel fit
D.when they find conditions are suitable
小题4:A suitable title for the passage might be ______.
A.Attitudes to StudyB.A study Plan
C.The Difficulties in StudyingD.Study and Self-discipline

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This brief book is aimed at high school students , but speaks to anyone learning at any stage of life.
Its formal ,serious style closely matches its content ,a school-masterly book on schooling .The author , W .H . Armstrong ,starts with the basics : reading and writing . In his opinion , reading doesn’t just mean recognizing each word on the page ; it means taking in the information, digesting it and incorporating it into oneself just as one digests a sandwich and makes it a part of himself .The goal is to bring the information back to life , not just to treat it as dead facts on paper from dead trees . Reading and writing cannot be completely separated from each other ; in fact ,the aim of reading is to express the information you have got from the text .I’ve seen it again and again :someone who can’t express an idea after reading a text is just as ineffective as someone who hasn’t read it at all.
Only a third of the book remains after that discussion, which Armstrong devotes to specific tips for studying languages, math, science and history. He generally handles these topics thoroughly and equally, except for some weakness in the science and math sections and a bit too much passion regarding history. Well, he was a history teacher---if conveyed only a tenth of his passion to his students, that was a hundred times more than my history teachers ever got across .To my disappointment, in this part of the book he ignores the arts. As a matter of fact, they demand all the concentration and study that math and science do, though the study differs slightly in kind. Although it’s commonly believed that the arts can only be naturally acquired ,actually ,learning the arts is no more natural than learning French or mathematics.
My other comment is that the text aged. The first edition apparently dates to the 1960s—none of the references(参考文献)seem newer than the late 1950s. As a result, the discussion misses the entire computer age.
These are small points, though, and don’t affect the main discussion. I recommend it to any student and any teacher, including the self-taught student.
小题1:According to Armstrong, the goal of reading is to________.
A.gain knowledge and expand one’s view
B.understand the meaning between the lines
C.express ideas based on what one has read
D.get information and keep it alive in memory
小题2:The author of the passage insists that learning the arts_________.
A.requires great efforts
B.demands real passion
C.is less natural than learning math
D.is as natural as learning a language
小题3: What is a shortcoming of Armstrong’s work according to the author?
A.Some ideas are slightly contradictory.
B.There is too much discussion on studying science.
C.The style is too serious.
D.It lacks new information.
小题4:This passage can be classified as________.
A.an advertisement
B.a book review
C.a feature story
D.A news report

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Once upon a time in a land far away, there was a wonderful old man who loved everything:animals, spiders, insects...
One day while walking through the woods the nice old man found a cocoon(茧)of a butterfly. He took it home. A few days later, a small opening appeared; he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther. Then the man decided to help the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon.
The butterfly then emerged(露出)easily.
But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract(收缩) in time. Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings.
It never was able to fly.
What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were Nature"s way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were allowed to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been.
And we could never fly.
小题1:In the story, what happened to the cocoon of the butterfly after the man’s help?
A.The cocoon was broken and the butterfly died.
B.The man helped the butterfly out of the cocoon more easily
C.The butterfly couldn’t fly for ever normally.
D.The butterfly should spend more time practicing flying.
小题2:What would have happened to the butterfly without the old man’s help?
A.It would have died in the cocoon.
B.It would have become a true butterfly.
C.It would have been strong enough to go farther.
D.It would have stopped struggling through the cocoon.
小题3:The underlined word “cripple” in Paragraph 7 probably means ______.
小题4:What can we learn from this story?
A.Man can never go against nature.
B.It’s necessary to live with some difficulties.
C.One cannot help others without thinking twice.
D.Mankind should take good care of insects.

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In the north of Scotland there is a lake called Loch Ness. It is the biggest   36  in Britain. It is over thirty kilometers 37 and in some places nearly 300 meters deep . It is cold and dark and not many people went there until after 1930. Then a road was made   38  the lake.
Holiday makers began to use the road, and this was when the   39  began. Someone said that he had seen a monster(怪兽) in the lake. He said it was twelve meters long. It had a long   40  and a small head. Then someone else said he had seen 41 . Others said the same thing and in 1933 a London doctor took a  42 . It  43  like a monster with a long neck and a thick body but the photo was not too   44 . The newspapers printed the picture and   45  it the Loch Ness monster, or "Nessie".
Then the argument(争论) began.   46 people, however, were certain there was something living in the lake. Others said there was   47  there.
In 1961, a lot of people joined together to make a real  48  to see and photograph the monster to find  49  there was one! Several times people thought they saw something but after ten years there was  50  no real proof (证据).
Later underwater television cameras were used, but   51   found any real proof. However, they   52  find something interesting: a huge underwater cave. It was big enough to be   53  of a monster, but of course, this was not a proof.
In 1975, however, some American scientists  54  a search group. They used an underwater camera. It took pictures every seventy seconds. Some of the pictures seemed to show a red-brown creature. Its body was about four meters long  55  had a very ugly head on the end of a four -meter neck. Many people then began to believe in the monster. But even today we can"t be certain.
A.someoneB.no oneC.anyoneD.we

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Drunken driving — sometimes called America’s socially accepted form of murder — has become a national epidemic (流行病). Every hour of every day about three Americans on average are killed by drunken drivers, adding up to an incredible 250,000 over the past ten years. A drunken driver is usually referred to as one with 0.10-blood alcohol content or roughly three beer glasses of wine or shots of whisky drunk within two hours. Heavy drinking used to be an acceptable part of the American manly image and judges were lenient in most courts, but the drunken killing has recently caused so many well-publicized tragedies, especially concerning young children, that public opinion is no longer so tolerant.
Twenty states have raised the legal drinking age to 21, reversing a trend in the 1960s to reduce it to 18. After New Jersey lowered it to 18, the number of people killed by 18-20 years old drivers more than doubled, so the state recently upped it back to 21.
Reformers, however, fear raising the drinking age will have little effect unless accompanied by educational programs to help young people to develop “responsible attitudes” about drinking and teach them to resist peer pressure to drink.
Though new laws have led to increased arrests and tests in many areas already, to a marked decline in accidents, some states are also punishing bars for serving customers too many drinks. A bar in Massachusetts was fined for serving six or more double brandies to a customer who was “obviously drunk” and later drove off the road, killing a 9-year-old boy.
As the accidents continue to occur daily in every state, some Americans are even beginning to speak well of the 13 years national prohibition of alcohol that began in 1919, which President Hoover called the “noble experiment”. They forgot that legal prohibition didn’t stop drinking, but encouraged political corruption(腐败) and organized crime. As with the booming drug trade generally, there is no easy solution.
小题1:What can be inferred from the fact of the traffic accidents in New Jersey?
A.many drivers were not of legal age.
B.young drivers were often bad drivers.
C.Drivers should not be allowed to drink.
D.the legal drinking age should be raised.
小题2: The underlined word “lenient” in the first paragraph means “_________”.
A.seriousB.cruel C.mercifulD.determined
小题3: In America, public opinion about drunken driving has changed because __________.
A.judges are giving more severe sentences
B.new laws are introduced in some states
C.the news media have highlighted the problem
D.drivers are more conscious of their image
小题4: Why is the problem of drinking and driving difficult to solve?
A.Because alcohol is easily obtained.
B.Because drinking is linked to organized crime.
C.Because legal prohibition has already failed.
D.Because making laws alone is not sufficient.

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