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When you are curious about something, and want to know more about it, you can use the way of asking questions. Asking questions is the first step to make discoveries and find interesting answers. The steps below can guide you during the research.

Step 1 On a note card or piece of paper, write down the subject that you are interested in. Just get the main idea down. For example, you might write:

Discover more about dinosaurs.

Step 2 Next, stop and think for a moment about what you already know about your subject. List what you already know like the sentences below:

1. Dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeared.
2. Dinosaurs lived on the earth for more than 150 million years.
3. Some dinosaurs fed on plants, some on meat.

Step 3 What can you do with what you want to learn? By asking questions. On your paper, start writing down questions about the dinosaurs as you think of them:

1. What’s the best weather for dinosaurs to live in?
2. How many kinds of dinosaurs are there?
3. Have dinosaurs really disappeared?

Step 4 Armed with your list of questions, you can now go to the nearest library or computer to begin your research. As you learn more about your subject, you’ll probably discover some new questions.

For example, you might discover that dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago. Why? What happened? Asking new questions can help you research your subject more widely.
The next time you find something interesting to research, take time to organize your thinking by asking good questions. And remember—learning more always bring more questions.
小题1:When you do some research, you should take the following steps:                .
①list what you want to know      ②choose a research subject
③list what you already know      ④discover new problems
小题2:What does the underlined sentence “Armed with your list of questions” mean?
A.Putting your list of questions under your arm.
B.Discussing your questions with your classmates.
C.Writing down your list of questions.
D.Taking your list of questions with you.
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.You can find all the answers online.
B.Learn more, and you’ll have no questions.
C.During the research, you may keep finding new questions.
D.Asking questions is the only way for research.
小题4:. The best title for this passage is              .
A.Discovering DinosaursB.Asking Good Questions
C.Finding SubjectsD.Having Interesting Answers


试题【When you are curious about something, and want to know more about it, you can us】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
American cities are similar to other cities around the world. In every country cities reflect the values of the culture. Cities contain the very best aspects of a society: opportunities for education employment and entertainment. They also contain the very worst parts of a society: violent crime, racial(种族) conflict and poverty. American cities are changing just as American society is changing.     
After World War II city residents became wealthier. They had more children. They needed more space. They move out of their apartments in the city to buy their own homes. They bought houses in the suburbs areas near a city where people live. These are areas without many offices or factories. During the 1950s the American “dream” was to have a house in the suburbs.
  Now things are changing. The children of the people who left the cities in 1950s are now adults. They unlike their parents want to live in the cities. Many young professionals, doctors, lawyers and executives(主管人员) are moving back into the city. Many are single; others are married but often without children. They prefer the city to the suburbs because their jobs are there; they are afraid of the fuel shortage; or they just enjoy the excitement and opportunities which the city offers.
This population shift(转变) is bringing problems as well as benefits. Countless poor people must leave their apartments in the city because the owners want to sell the buildings or make apartments for sale instead of for rent. In the 1950s, many poor people did not have enough money to move to the suburbs; now many of these people do not have enough money to stay in the cities.
Only a few years ago, people thought that the older American cities were dying. Some city residents now see a bright, new future. Others see only problems and conflicts. One thing is for sure:many dying cities are alive again.
小题1:What does the author think of cities all over the world?
A.They are alive.B.They are hopeless.
C.They are similarD.They are different.
小题2:Why did American city residents want to live in the suburbs after World War II?
A.Because older American cities were dying.
B.Because they were richer and needed more space.
C.Because cities contained the worst parts of society.
D.Because they could hardly afford to live in the city.
小题3:According to the 4th paragraph, a great many poor people in American cities ___________. 
A.are faced with housing problems
B.are faced to move to the suburbs
C.want to sell their buildings
D.need more money for daily expenses
小题4:We can conclude from the text that ____________.
A.American cities are changing for the worse
B.people have different views on American cities
C.many people are now moving from American cities
D.the population is decreasing in older American cities

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A new power plant in Nakoso, Japan, might someday change everything for coal plants.Since the new power plant fired up in September, the designer, Mistubishi, is expecting to prove it"s possible to burn coal without polluting.This technology is known as integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC).Proving IGCC works should give Mitsubishi"s US partner, NRG Energy, the jump other hurdles to building new clean plants.
The project promised to solve the problem of the ages for power plants: how to produce cheap, clean, reliable electricity.No existing technology can do all three perfectly.
The problem is IGCC isn"t there yet.It costs about 20 percent more than traditional plants.And even though it"s easier to collect the resulting carbon dioxide from an IGCC plant than a traditional plant, there"s no proven way to get rid of the greenhouse gas.One plan is to drill a shaft(通道) to pump the carbon dioxide underground, into saltwater formations.But there"s no guarantee it will remain underground forever.
NRG administrators think solving the IGCC riddles is worth the trouble because they expect the U.S.will soon limit the amount of carbon dioxide that power generators may give out .
"With the additional cost of IGCC, to just voluntarily build something that"s 20 percent more expensive, that’s commercial suicide," NRG chief administrator, David Crane said.
NRG administrators expect the cost to decline after six or seven plants are built.But other industry experts think it will take about a dozen plants for the price to be competitive with traditional coal plants.
Takaya Watanabe, a vice general manager of Mitsubishi, admits that the cost challenges are difficult.“It’s good for a company to say we want to be green, but unless someone is willing to pay, it"s a dream.It won"t keep our family eating rice," he said.
小题1:What is expected of the new technology?
A.To make electricity without polluting the air.
B.To produce energy without burning coal.
C.To keep the use of electricity cheaper.
D.To pump carbon dioxide more easily .
小题2:What"s the biggest problem the companies are faced with?
A.How to pump greenhouse gases.
B.How to deal with the high cost.
C.How to get along with other partners.
D.How to improve the new technology.
小题3:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.New technologies are unacceptable to people.
B.It"s unlikely to build more new power plants.
C.The companies are run on a tight budget.
D.Going green is easier said than done.

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The Global Heritage Fund organization recently released a list of cultural treasures in the developing world that are in danger of disappearing. These“On the Verge” places face many threats. They included war, development pressures, stealing and misuse by visitors. The Global Heritage Fund says these places are important because they are records of our human civilization. And the group says countries can learn to use these treasures to help support responsible development in the future.
One such place is the town of Lamu. Lamu was once a very important trading center in East Africa. This ancient city became part of the United Nations Heritage list in 2001. But it still faces threats. For example, a modern port might be built nearby.
Other endangered places include Ani, a city in Turkey, the town of Maluti in India, the ancient city of Ninevah in northern Iraq, the Sans-Souci palace in Haiti, and the former capital of Ayutthaya in Thailand.
The Global Heritage Fund is nonprofit organization based in California. The group says it only focuses on developing countries which often have few resources to protect places of cultural importance. And, other major cultural organizations often pay more attention to protecting places in the developed world. For example, the fund points out the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has forty-five World Heritage places in Italy. UNESCO has forty-two in Spain. But Peru, famous for its ancient Incan buildings, has only nine World Heritage places. Guatemala has only three.
The Global Heritage Fund says its new report tries to place a value on cultural places so that they can also be considered as economic resources. It estimates that by 2025 these places of cultural importance could produce one hundred billion dollars a year in income for developing countries.
小题1: The underlined part “On the Verge” in Paragraph 1 is used to show the places are _____.
小题2: The town of Lamu faces danger from ________.
A.development pressuresB.stealing
C.misuse by visitorsD.a war
小题3: We can know that The Global Heritage Fund organization mainly _____.
A.protects places of cultural importance in developing countries
B.protects places of cultural importance in developed countries
C.provide resources to protect cultural places in every country
D.helps people know the importance of protecting cultural treasures
小题4: Which of the following countries has the fewest World Heritage places?
小题5: According to The Global Heritage Fund organization, saving the places of cultural
A.has attracted a lot of attention worldwide
B.will start to benefit developing countries in 2015
C.is mainly to increase income of developing countries
D.can help developing countries make money out of them

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Alaska Inside Passage Craises
Most cruises(游船) are seven nights long and typically begin an4 end in either Vancouver or Seattle.This "roundtrip" travel plan makes this a very popular cruise vacation because of the convenient flight schedules and affordable roundtrip airline tickets into and out of Vancouver and.Seattle.Longer 10-night and 11-night Inside Passage Cruises are available from California.Depending on your ship and your plan, a typical Alaska Inside Passage Cruise spends the first day cruising the famed Inside .Passage, a narrow waterway nestled between towering mountains, waterfront communities, and the Pacific Ocean.
Alaska Glacier Cruses.
Alaska Glacier Cruises are also known as Gulf of Alaska Cruises.Every cruise line has a different name for it, but they all mean the same thing —they are cruises that sail one-way through the Gulf of Alaska where you"ll find the greatest number of glaciers(冰川), mountains, wildlife and scenery.
Unlike an Alaska Inside Passage Cruise, an Alaska Glacier Cruise does not do a U—turn back to the; departure port.Alaska Glacier cruises are one way journey that sail from.North to South (Southbound Glacier Cruises) or South to North (Northbound Glacier Cruises).These routes allow you to spend more days in Alaska ports or National Glacier Parks as there are fewer days at sea compared to other cruises.If you only have a week and want wonderful glacier viewing and time on land, this is your best choice for an Alaska Cruise Vacation.
Regent Home Alaska Cruises
For a close and personal contact with the Great White North, step aboard the All-inclusive, 700-guest Seven Seas Mariner.You can watch seabirds perform beautiful dances or a group of playful whales swim by as you"re eating breakfast in your private room. 
小题1:What is "Inside Passage" according to the text? 
A.It"s the name of a typical cruise ship.B.It"s a popular hiking route in Alaska.
C.It"s the name of a famous tourist company.D.It"s a body of water with beautiful scenery.
小题2:If you are interested in sightseeing on foot, which cruise might be a better choice than others?
A.Alaska Inside Passage Cruises.B.Gulf of Alaska Cruises.
C.Regent Home Alaska Cruises.D.None of the above.
小题3:Which of the following cruises repeat its routes?
A.Alaska Inside Passage Cruises.B.Southbound Glacier Cruises.
C.Northbound Glacier Cruises.D.Seven Seas Mariner.
小题4:What"s the purpose of this passage?
A.To explore the natural beauty of Alaska.
B.To introduce the ways of traveling in Alaska.
C.To attract tourists to cruise vacations in Alaska.
D.To offer advice to people traveling in Alaska.

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Over the last 25 years, British society has changed a great deal. In some ways, however, very little has changed. Ideas about social class whether a person is “working-class” or “middle-class” are one area in which changes have been extremely slow.
In the past, the working-class tended to be paid less than middle-class people, such as teachers and doctors. As a result of this and also of the fact that workers’ jobs were generally much less secure, distinct differences in life-styles and attitudes came into existence. The typical working man would collect his wages on Friday evening and then give them to his wife, leaving a little for drinking or betting.
The type of what a middle-class man did with his money was perhaps nearer the truth. He was and still is likely to take a longer-term view. Not only did he regard buying a house to provide him and his family with security. Only in very few cases did workers have the opportunity (or the education and training) to make such long-term plans.
Nowadays, much has changed. In a large number of cases factory workers earn as much. Social security and laws have made it less necessary than before to worry about “tomorrow”. Working-class people seem slowly to be losing the feeling of inferiority(自卑感)they had in the past. In fact there has been a growing tendency in the past few years for the middle-classes to feel slightly ashamed of their position.
The changes in both life-styles and attitudes are probably most easily seen among younger people. They generally tend to share very similar tastes in music and clothes. They spend their money enjoying themselves, and save for holidays or longer-term plans when necessary. There seems to be much less difference than in precious generations. Nevertheless, we still have a wide gap between the well-paid and the low-paid. As long as this gap exists, there will always be a possibility that new problems will appear between different groups.
小题1:Which of the following is seen as the main cause of class differences in the past?
A.Life style and occupation.
B.Attitude and income.
C.Income and job security.
D.Job security and hobbies.
小题2: The writer seems to suggest that _______.
A.the description of middle-class ways of spending money is quite real
B.working-class ways of spending the weekend remain the same
C.working-class drinking habits differ from the past
D.middle-class attitudes towards their positions have changed greatly
小题3: According to the passage, what was the typical feature of the middle–class in the past?
A.They had to save money for security.
B.They couldn’t make long-term plans.
C.They could make as much money as they do now.
D.They didn’t have the sense of inferiority.
小题4: Working-class people"s sense of security has increased as a result of all the following factors EXCEPT that _______.
A.they are provided with social security
B.they can get much income
C.better jobs are available for all of them
D.the government offers legal protection
小题5:Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A.Changes are slowly taking place in all aspects of the British society.
B.The difference between working-class and middle-class young people is narrowing.
C.The gap in income between the two classes will still remain.
D.Middle-class people may sometimes feel a little inferior.

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