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It is easy to find your way about in New York. It is laid out so regularly. Instead of streets winding and twisting (迂回) as they do in London, they are all regular and well planned. The streets running north and south are called “avenues” and are numbered, e.g. 1st Avenue, 2nd Avenue, etc. The streets going east and west are called “streets” and are also numbered, e.g. 51st Street, 63rd Street. It is all much more logical (合理的) than London’s street names. But I couldn’t help thinking how much more interesting than these dull cold numbers are London’s illogical but colorful names of streets, e.g. “Bishopgate” (which is not a gate and hasn’t a Bishop in it); “Haymarket” or “Corn market” (where you won’t see any hey or corn) or “Poultry” (without a living chicken anywhere in sight) or “Thread needle Street” (where you won’t find little girls learning to sew).
小题1:In the second sentence of the passage, “laid out” means ______.
A.builtB.be putC.designedD.cut down
小题2:The streets running from north to south are called _______.
A.avenues in LondonB.streets in America
C.avenues in New YorkD.streets in London
小题3:According to the writer’s opinion, ______.
A.avenues and streets are the same
B.streets in America are better than avenues in England
C.streets in New York are better than those in London
D.the writer didn’t agree with the London streets planners
小题4:The names of streets both in London and New York ______.
A.are quite goodB.are interesting
C.are not practicalD.differ greatly in form
小题5:The writer tells his readers that he prefers (更喜欢) _____.
A.London streetsB.New York streets



小题1:C 推理题。根据本句It is easy to find your way about in New York. It is laid out so regularly.说明该词是指纽约的路的设置很合理,很有规则。故C正确。
小题2:C 细节题。根据文章2,3行The streets running north and south are called “avenues” and are numbered, e.g. 1st Avenue, 2nd Avenue, etc.说明南北向的街道被命名为avenue故C正确。
小题3:D 细节题。根据文章第6行It is all much more logical (合理的) than London’s street names.说明作者认为纽约的道路设置比伦敦要合理,故D正确。
小题4:D 细节题。根据文章6,7,8三行But I couldn’t help thinking how much more interesting than these dull cold numbers are London’s illogical but colorful names of streets, e.g.说明作者认为纽约的道路名称的设置与伦敦的道路设置很不相同,故D正确。
小题5:B 推理题。根据It is all much more logical (合理的) than London’s street names.说明作者认为纽约的道路设置更合理,故更喜欢纽约的道路设置,故B正确。
试题【It is easy to find your way about in New York. It is laid out so regularly. Inst】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
It helps us understand the world better if we know a little geography and have some maps at hand. But with maps in Chinese only, misunderstanding is possible in studying world events. Chinese names are long, hard to pronounce and without meaning to a foreigner. For the opening of the country maps are important and helpful and needed badly.
I wish maps various languages, such as those used in the United Nations, would come out and be sold in all bookstores open to Chinese.
小题1:The writer is mainly talking about ____.
C.Chinese namesD.the opening of the country
小题2:Knowing a little geography and having some maps in Chinese only, a foreigner ____.
A.can study world events easily
B.can study world events without misunderstanding
C.can’t study world events without misunderstanding
D.will fell joy in studying world events
小题3:What are the difficulties for a foreigner to use a map in Chinese?
A.A foreigner has nowhere to buy a map
B.All the bookstores only open to Chinese.
C.The names of Chinese people are long, hard to pronounce and without meaning.
D.The names of places on a map in Chinese are long, hard to pronounce and without meaning.
小题4:In the United Nations people use maps in ____.
A.foreign languages only B.Chinese only
C.various languages D.English only
小题5:According to the passage maps in foreign language are badly needed ____.
A.in a country open to other parts of the world
B.if a country is going to join the United Nations
C.when we are learning geography
D.if there are no maps in bookstores open to Chinese

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In Taiwan, “motorpool “ is commonly known as a place for the maintenance(维修) of official business and government cars. In ­___36___ it is a place for vehicle maintenance.
More than ten years ago, I came to America on business and I __37__advantage of the chance to visit my friend. My friend drove a car to ___38__ me at the airport, and took me to his home__39    the airport. My friend drove his car into the innermost lane, ___40__ had a sign ‘carpool only’ I wondered what “carpool” meant. I wondered ___41____he was going to a motorpool. So I thought myself ____42__ in asking:” Is there anything wrong with the car?” “Nothing.____43___?” said he. “Well then, why are you going to a carpool?” I responded. My friend couldn’t help ___44__ and told me that “ carpool” ___45___to the lane that only the cars with two or more passengers can ____46___. I felt rather embarrassed __47__ that.
After dinner, my friend’s neighbor  48  to ask whether he could carpool the next day. “ 49 ”, my friend said, “ I will accompany my friend to go shopping tomorrow.” I was puzzled again,  50 why he could not “ carpool” with him since we had “ carpooled” 51.  My friend explained to me again that the “ carpool” with him that ____52____ used meant they in turn drove the car to work so as to save  53  . The first” carpool” is a noun; ____54___ the second “carpool” is a verb. It is really difficult for   55 in America to understand it in a short time.
A.InB.Out ofC.InsideD.From
A.pass throughB.go overC.drive inD.sit in
A.in sayingB.for doingC.on hearingD.at listening to
A.went outB.came overC.arrivedD.got off
A.YesB.I’m afraidC.Sure .D.No
A.yesterdayB.tomorrowC.the last dayD.today
A.his neighborB.his friendC.he.D.I
A.andB.while .C.soD.or

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When I first saw the book Alice in Lace, I thought I was going to like it. And as it turned out, I love it! I love books about life and being a kid. And Alice in Lace is just that kind. It’s a humorous book about being thirteen and the problems kids might face. Alice and her friends get a strange assignment from their totally cool teacher, Mr. Everett. It was like playing the game of “Life,” but you had to act it out.
So Pamela is pregnant, Elizabeth buys a car and Alice gets married. Well, of course, Pamela wasn’t really pregnant, but she walked around with a pillow under her shirt to get people’s reactions. Elizabeth didn’t really buy a car, but she went to the car lot and made the sales guy think she was. The whole class got assignments like these! I would love to do something like that for school.
In the book Alice has a lot to think about. “Getting married is hard!” Alice says. She has to plan the ceremony, the honeymoon, find a place to live, pay for furniture and two months’ rent and food. Maybe she and her “husband” could work it out — if they were getting on fine!
Although this book was funny, it really made me think about how problems like these could really mess up your life. Take teenage pregnancy for example. How could you have a baby and stay in school? You couldn’t find a babysitter every day to stay with your kid. A child really consumes your life. I understand what the teacher was trying to do. He was trying to discourage the class from getting into these problems by giving them a glimpse of life. As someone about to become a teenager myself, I can say sometimes a story makes you think about what’s up ahead.
Overall, I would say this book is wonderful. My favorite part of the book is discovering that if I like it, there are seven other Alice books I can check out at my local library. I love this book, and I hope you will too.
小题1:We can infer from the passage that Pamela, Elizabeth and Alice _______.
A.turn out to be the author’s classmates
B.are characters in Alice in Lace
C.get along quite well
D.become dismissed from school
小题2:By saying “getting married is hard” in the paragraph 3, Alice means ______.
A.life isn’t easy as expected
B.it is hard to deal with her husband
C.she regrets getting married
D.it’s fun to get married
小题3:Why did Mr. Everett give his students such assignments?
A.To encourage them to enjoy a meaningful life.
B.To prevent them getting into those troubles at an early age.
C.To make them realize the hardship of life.
D.To teach them how to make a living.
小题4:The author writes the passage mainly to _____.
A.advise us to buy Alice in Lace
B.tell us how wonderful Mr. Everett’s idea is
C.share her inspiration from Alice in Lace
D.show off her reading ability

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“Slow City” — a recently launched project focused on preserving the traditional quality of life enjoyed in some of Italy’s smaller cities and towns. The project was born from the idea of the “Slow Food” movement — started in Italy in the 1980s — which promotes leisurely eating and the growing of local, healthy products to fight against the American fast-food style.
“The American urban model has invaded our cities, making Italian towns look the same. We want to stop this kind of globalization,” says Paolo Saturnini, an Italian mayor.
The “Slow City” project plans to emphasize the rich, cultural, culinary(厨房的) and artistic local traditions of each community.
Walking areas will be enlarged and squares and parks will be made greener with more plants. Car alarms and other noise that disturbs the peace will be banned, and ugly TV aerials(天线), advertising posters, and signs will be taken down.
City councils will also insist on the use of recycling and renewable energy sources, and will also introduce ecological transport systems. Parking will be made stress-free by creating more public parking areas, and easily accessible walkways and bike lanes will cross the city. But in the “Slow City” way, all improvements will probably come about slowly.
Thirty-two Italian city councils, which joined the “Slow City” program, have decided to take further steps in this direction by increasing the numbers of traditional family-style eating establishments, reducing noise pollution, and concentrating on making their towns friendlier for people to live in.
Organic local produce will be promoted in all restaurants and genetically modified foods(转基因食品) will be banned. “We can’t stop large, fast-food chains from coming here, but we hope that people who come to our towns will not want to eat exactly the same hamburger they can eat in Melbourne, London or Paris, but want something genuine and different,” said Saturnini.
小题1:According to the passage, the “Slow City” project aims at _____.
A.preventing Italy from being affected by America
B.beautifying the environment of small Italian cities and towns
C.calling on Italians to enjoy stress-free life
D.protecting the traditional Italian lifestyle
小题2:From Paragraphs 4-5, we can infer that ______.
A.cars in “Slow City” will have to go slowly
B.people can park their cars free of charge in “Slow City”
C.“Slow City” will take on an environmentally friendly look
D.advertising in “Slow City” will be banned
小题3:Further measures will be included in the “Slow City” program EXCEPT _____.
A.cutting down noise pollution
B.stop genetically modified foods
C.getting more towns involved in the project
D.building more family-style restaurants
小题4:In Saturnini’s opinion, when traveling in “Slow Cities”, visitors_____.
A.aren’t provided with fast food
B.will see few fast-food chains
C.can enjoy themselves like in London
D.can enjoy real Italian-style healthy food

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It may seem to be a hard task to trace back the history of rap music, though you often see the informal music associated with highly informal dance style. As far as the origin of rap music is concerned, most people agree that it is from Afro-American and Latino Street culture of New York City. Not only in this city but in the surrounding areas there is the influence of African people and their culture.
Rap is a vocal (口头的) style in which the performer speaks rhythmically and in rhyme, generally to a beat. The term of rap music is the same with hip-hop music typically-consisting of a rhythmic vocal style called rap. If we see it carefully, then we will definitely notice that the music usually is sung at higher pitches (调). Most of the time rap music is associated with chorus. Though rap music was primarily an American music style with African influence over its music and lyrics, recently it has been spread to almost the entire world.
There is hardly any country or nation where rap music cannot be seen in some form or another, and it is one of the most popular music styles among the youngsters. However, when it comes to its history, it is believed that hip-hop or rap music started in the early 1970s,and gained much popularity throughout the world during the late 1970s and early 1980s.
The history of rap music and hip-hop music is full of controversies (争议) and bans, as the lyrics sometimes relate to drugs and crime; even most famous pop stars and hip-hop musicians and singers were found to be associated with the controversies in their life. For that reason, no matter how popular this music style was or still is, it has always had a bad reputation in the eyes of mainstream society.
小题1:The passage is mainly about _____.
A.when rap music started B.how rap music develops
C.what rap music is like D.why rap music is popular
小题2:The characteristics of rap music are _____.
A.solo, rhymes,beats and pops
B.speaking, rhythms,beats and solo
C.repeating, speaking, pops and chorus
D.speaking, rhymes, beats and chorus
小题3:Rap music is now one of the music styles mostly run after by _____.
A.the teenagers in Africa
B.all kinds of people in the world
C.the youngsters all over the world
D.the young people in the US
小题4:Rap music is often not well thought of by the mainstream because _____.
A.it comes from the lower class
B.it has a short history
C.it is associated with crimes and drugs
D.its music is full of controversies

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