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Every country has its own culture.
Even though each country uses doors. Doors many have_    __functions and purposes which lead to ___  _ differences.
When I first came to America, I noticed that a public building had two different__  ___ and they had distinct(不同的) functions. You have to push the door with the word “PUSH” to go out of the building and to pull the door with the word “PULL” to_   ____the building. This was new to me, because we use the ___  __ door in south Korea. For quite a few times I failed to go out of a shopping centre and was embarrassed.
The way of using school bus doors was also ____  __ to me .I used to take the school bus to classes. The school decided that when the driver opened both the front and back doors, ___    _who were getting off the bus should get off first, and students who were getting on should get on __   _ . In South Korea, we do not need to wait for people to get off. One morning, I hurried to the bus, and when the bus doors opened, I___   ____tried to get on the school bus through the front door. All the students around looked at me, I was totally_     _,and my face went red.



小题1:考查形容词:A. different不同的,B. important重要的,C. practical实际的,D. unusual不寻常的,由本段首句可知门有很多实用的功能。选C
小题2:考查形容词:A. national 国家的,B. embarrassing令人尴尬的,C. cultural文化的,D. amazing令人惊讶的,由本段首句可知,门的功能不同导致了文化差异。选C
小题3:考查名词:A. exits出口,B. entrances进口,C. signs标志,D. doors门,从后面的句子:You have to push the door with the word “PUSH” to go out of the building可知美国的公共大楼有两个标志,选C
小题4:考查动词: A. enter进入,B. leave 离开,C. open打开,D. close 关闭,从前面的You have to push the door with the word “PUSH” to go out of the building与go out of the building相对,应是enter the building。选A
小题5:考查形容词:A. main主要的,B. same同样的,C. front前面的,D. back后面的,与前面23题的different doors相对,应是the same door。选B
小题6:考查形容词:A. annoying令人生气的,B. hard困难的,C. satisfying令人满意的,D. strange奇怪的,联系前一段的This(门的功能) was new (not familiar, not experienced before ) to me可知,门的使用方式对我来说,“也(also一词是重要信息词)很陌生(与new同义应是strange)”。strange的意思是unfamiliar, not known or experienced before(不熟的,不知道或以前没有经历过的)与后文内容吻合。选D
小题7:考查名词: A. parents父母,B. students 学生,C. teachers老师,D. drivers司机,由与之前列的and students who were getting on should get on…可知。选B
小题8:考查形容词:A. sooner更快,B. later 更迟, C. faster 更快,D. earlier更糟与前面的first相对,即要先下后上。,选B
小题9:考查副词:A. politely礼貌地,B. patiently耐心地,C. unconsciously 无意识的,D. slowly慢地,由前文可知,因韩国不必等别人下了再上的习惯,作者习惯这样了,所以看到校车将门打开后,就“无意识地”上车了。C
小题10:考查形容词:A. embarrassed尴尬的,B. annoyed生气的,C. unsatisfied不满意的,D. excited周围所有的人都看着自己,当然就会“感到尴尬”,脸也就红了。选A
试题【Every country has its own culture.Even though each country uses doors. Doors man】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
When you walk along a street in a big city in the United States, you may see clocks in most stores. Radio announcers give the correct time during the day. People there think that it is important to know the time. Most Americans have watches. They want to do certain things at certain times. They do not want to be late. Not all people all over the world value time. Suppose you visit a certain country in South America. You would find that people living there do not like to rush. If you had an appointment(约会)with someone, he would probably be late. He would not care for arriving on time. In some countries in South America, even the radio programs may not begin right on time, nor do the radio announcers think it important to announce the right time. Many people regard a clock as a machine. It seems to them that a person who does everything on time is controlled(控制)by a machine. They do not want a clock or any machine to have that much power over their lives.
小题1:There are clocks in most stores in the US cities because ______.
A.people in the stores want to sell these clocks
B.people think it important to know the time
C.bosses want to make their stores beautiful
D.they needn"t wear watches when they are away from home
小题2:The underlined word “rush” in the passage most probably means ______.
小题3:If you had an appointment with someone in some place in South America,he might not arrive on time,and this is because ______.
A.he didn"t have a watch with him
B.he didn"t think it important to arrive on time
C.he forgot to have a look at a watch or a clock
D.he didn"t like an appointment with someone
小题4:In some countries in South America ______.
A.the radio programs many start a bit early or late
B.the radio announcers do think it important to announce the exact time
C.many people think a clock has much power
D.most people do not want to be controlled by others

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Informal conversation is an important part of any business relationship.Before you start a discussion,however,make sure you understand which topics are suitable and which are considered taboo(禁忌)in a particular culture. Latin Americans enjoy sharing information about their local history, art and customs.You may expect questions about your family,and be sure to show pictures of your children.You may feel free to ask similar questions of your Latin American friends.The French think of conversation as an art form,and they enjoy the value of lively discussions as well as disagreements. For them,arguments can be interesting and they can cover pretty much or any topic ---- as long as they occur in are respectful and intelligent manner.
In the United States,business people like to discuss a wide range of topics,including opinions about work,family,hobbies,and politics. In Japan,China,and Korea,however,people are much more private.They do not share much about their thoughts,feelings,or emotions because they feel that doing so might take away from the harmonious business relationship they’re trying to build.Middle Easterners are also private about their personal lives and family matters.It is considered rude,for example,to ask a businessman from Saudi Arabia about his wife or children.
As a general rule,it’s best not to talk about politics or religion with your business friends.This can get you into trouble,even in the United States,where people hold different religious views.In addition,discussing one’s salary is usually considered unsuitable.Sports is typically a friendly subject in most parts of the world,although be careful not to criticize national sport.Instead,be friendly and praise your host’s team.
小题1:The author considers politics and religion ___________.
A.cheerful topics
C.rude topics
D.topics that can never be talked about
小题2:Which is typically a friendly topic in most places according to the author?
C.Personal feelings.D.Families.
小题3:Why are people from Asia more private in their conversation with others?
A.They don’t want to talk much with others.
B.They don’t want to have their good relationship with others harmed by informal conversation。
C.They are afraid to argue with their colleagues.
D.They want to keep their feelings to themselves.
小题4:What shouldn’t you do when talking about sports with colleagues from another country?
A.Praising your own country’s sports.
B.Criticizing your own country’s sports.
C.Praising the sports of your colleagues’ country.
D.Criticizing the sports of your colleagues’ country.

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A new report says African governments are ill prepared to handle the growing number of people over age 65. The population in Africa  as in other parts of the world, is getting older. Currently, there are 36 million people on the continent 65 years and above. which is 3.6 percent of the population. up from 3.3 percent 10 years ago. That could rise to 4.5 percent by 2030 and 10 percent by 2050. The African development Bank is raising concerns over the shortage of health insurance and pensions (养老金).
The African Development Bank says. "Aging is highly linked with long-term physical and mental  disability and a number of long-term chronic (慢性的) conditions."
"Africa is not well prepared to care for its aging population right now. And it needs to prepare for this fact." said Professor Mthuli Ncube. the African Development Bank"s chief economist. African nations spend far less on healthcare than developed nations do___ about $26per person per year. Not so many countries have well developed medical aid plans for the elderly, whether they are privately provided plans or indeed government plans. If you look at the pension plans, you will find the pension industries are not well developed in some of the countries.
Professor Mthuli Ncube said African governments failed to take action on health insurance
and pensions because they were busy with economic reforms.
Another challenge for Africa is the worsening of informal systems of social protection. That is cash and support from both the extended family and community sources.
. The African Development Bank recommends governments help carry out health insurance and pension plans. Ncube said African governments didn"t have to handle the health insurance burden alone. "It is not only a must but also an opportunity for private companies to add their bit in this regard", he said. The report also recommends that African governments consider providing ways of free health services. medications and long-term health care facilities for the elderly.
小题1: From the first paragraph we know the facts except that ____
A.the speed of people aging is becoming quicker
B.Africa has the largest aging population
C.African governments are not well prepared to deal with the aging population
D.the shortage of health insurance and pensions adds to African governments" difficulty in dealing With the aging population
小题2:Which is not highly linked with the aging according to the passage?
A.Long-term physical disability.B.Long-term mental disability.
C.Long-term chronic illnesses.D.Long-term shortage of care and love.
小题3: What got in the way of developing health insurance and pensions in Africa?
A.The economic reforms.B.Too many old people.
C.The shortage of land.D.The development of the economy.
小题4:How can the aging problem be solved in Africa according to Ncube?
A.African governments should spend as much money on healthcare as developed countries
B.African people should save enough money to insure their health.
C.African governments should combine with private companies to finish health insurance and pension pains.
D.Private sources should take the main responsibility to help the elderly.
小题5:The article is most likely to be seen____
A.in a story bookB.in a newspaperC.on a TV programD.in a textbook

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Ever since he got into the Hong Kong film industry in 1994 with He’s a Woman, She’s a Man, Hong Kong director, Peter Chan has been one of the industry’s most powerful voices. Later in 1996, another milestone Comrades: Almost a Love Story came into being. Chan’s latest film, American Dreams in China is a carefully-calculated film with an eye toward opening the mainland cinema market.
American Dreams in China is a film purely for Chinese audiences, but how it plays there remains to be seen. It sends the right messages, but whether that’s enough to make it a hit is everyone’s guess. Mainland audiences aren’t quite that easy to “speak” to.
The film began during the period of economic reforms in China in the 1980s. The bookish farm boy Cheng Dongqing (Huang Xiaoming), the ambitious and confident boy Meng Xiaojun (Deng Chao) and the poetic Wang Yang(Tong Dawei), were three friends at university in Beijing and preparing for American visa interviews. Wang was the first to be granted the visa but he gave it up for his western girlfriend, and Cheng was repeatedly denied. Only Meng actually got a study visa. As he was leaving, he told his friends that he wouldn’t come back.
Several years later, Cheng and Wang built a successful school, New Dream, from the ashes of Cheng’s misfortune(his girlfriend got a visa too, and Cheng lost his university teaching job) and Wang’s ability to connect with students often through Hollywood movies. In America, Meng suffered a lot. Disappointed, he went home and joined his friends at New Dream. Later, the three friends’ relationship became worsened, but finally was improved under the weight of their common goals.
小题1:Which of the following films made Peter Chan a most influential director in Hong Kong?
A.American Dreams in China
B.Comrades: Almost a Love Story
C.New Dream
D.He’s a Woman, She’s a Man
小题2:The underlined word “granted” (in paragraph 3) probably means “_________”.
小题3:When the three men made preparations for American visa interviews, how many was/were offered a visa?
小题4:What led Cheng and Wang to start a business?
A.The connection with Hollywood movies.
B.The weight of their common goals.
C.Cheng’s misfortune and Wang’s ability.
D.Meng’s disappointment and sufferings.

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No matter how long your life is, you will, at best, be able to read only a few books of all that have been written, and the few you do read should include the best. It is to be expected that the selections will change with the times. Yet there is a surprising uniformity (一致) in the lists which represent the best choices of any period.
What are the signs by which we may recognize a great book? The four I will mention may not be all there are, but they are the ones I’ve found most useful in explaining my choices over the years.
Great books are probably the most widely read. They are not best sellers for a year or two. They are enduring best sellers. GONE WITH THE WIND has had relatively few readers compared to the plays of Shakespeare or DONQUIXOTE. It would be reasonable to estimate that Homer Iliad has been read by at least 25,000,000 people in the last 3000 years.
Great books are popular, not pedantic(卖弄学问的). They are not written by specialists about specialties for specialists. Whether they are philosophy or science, or history or poetry, they treat of human, not academic problems. They are written for men, not professors. To read a textbook for advanced students, you have to read an elementary textbook first. But the great books can be considered elementary in the sense that they treat the elements of any subject matter. They are not related to one another as a series of textbooks, graded in difficulty or in the technicality of the problems with which they deal.
Great books are always contemporary, the most readable and instructive.
Great books deal with the persistently unsolved problems of human life. There are genuine mysteries in the world that mark the limits of human knowing and thinking. Great minds acknowledge mysteries honestly. Wisdom is fortified (加强), not destroyed, by understanding its limitations.
小题1:Which is NOT the standard in the following when evaluating a great book?
A.Although not a best seller for a year or two, it must be the most widely read.
B.A great book can be read without any effort.
C.Great books are never out of date.
D.Great books will not disappoint you if you try to read them well.
小题2:According to the author, GONE WITH THE WIND is ______.
A.a best seller
B.disgusted by readers who like Shakespeare
C.read more often than Don Quixote
D.a great book
小题3:After reading the passage, we can infer that ______.
A.different periods have different lists of best books because there are many books for people to choose from
B.if you don’t read an elementary textbook, you may have difficulty in understanding an advanced one
C.Homer Iliad must be a best seller when it came out
D.great books often deal with unsolved problems of human life for the writers have confidence in settling them
小题4:The best title for this passage is ______.
A.Great Books in Your Life B.Great Books in Your Specialty
C.How to Find a Great Book?D.What Is a Great Book?

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