当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > We have spoken of marriage as a formal contract.It should be noted, however, tha...
We have spoken of marriage as a formal contract.It should be noted, however, that this contract does not 1 the same form in different societies.In Western societies, the 2 of a man and a woman 3 given the status of legal marriage by being registered by an official 4 by the state.In some African so cieties, 5 , marriage has nothing to do 6 an official registration of this kind but is legalized by the formal 7 of goods.Generally 8 is the bridegroom who is required to make a 9 of goods to the bride"s kin(亲戚), though sometimes a payment is 10 made by the bridegroom"s kin to that of the bride.
Among the Nuer, a 11 living in Southern Sudan, the payment made to the bride"s kin, 12 as bridewealth, is in the 13 of cattle.Once the 14 of bridewealth is agreed 15 , and the formal payment is made, the marriage becomes a 16 union and the offspring of the union become the acceptable 17 of the husband.They remain 18 children even 19 the wife subsequently leaves him to live with 20 man。
1.A.make B.get C.take D.do
2.A.condition B.difference C.union D.divorce
3.A.is B.are C.was D.were
4.A.recognizing B.recognize C.to recognize D.recognized
5.A.however B.yet C.though D.still
6.A.with B.from C.for D.to
7.A.exchange B.contact C.communication D.connection
8.A.that B.this C.one D.it
9.A.money B.payment C.cost D.consumption
10.A.also B.too C.either D.as well
11.A.a person B.a people C.a man  D.a couple
12.A.called B.known C.named D.looked
13.A.shape B.size C.form D.type
14.A.amount B.number C.figure D.volume
15.A.upon B.with C.to D.for
16.A.legal B.casual C.direct D.progressive
17.A.bride B.cattle C.wealth D.children
18.A.his B.her C.their D.ones
19.A.before B.because C.while D.if
20.A.other B.another C.more D.farther

1. C
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. B
13. C
14. A
15. A
16. A
17. D
18. A
19. D
20. B
1.本句意为在不同的社会里,这种合约采取不同的形式。take the form of是固定搭配,意为“采取……形式”。
3.主语是the union,为单数,从上下文的时态看应用现在时。
6.have nothing to do with,与……无关,固定搭配。
8.此处是强调句型,It is…who/that结构,故只能用it.
9.make a payment of是固定搭配,意为“支付”。money是不可数名词,故不能用a money。cost和consumption是花费、消费的意思,后面一般没有to的结构。
10.also一般跟着谓语动词;too与as well一般放在句尾,too有时也放在句中,用逗号隔开。
11.a people“一个民族”,a people living in southern Sudan是Nuer的同位语,从among the Nuer中可以看出,选项不可能是a man或a person或a couple。
12.be known as,作为……而得名;如用call或name,后面的as应去掉。
13.in the form of“以……形式”,固定搭配。
15.动词agree后面可接不同的介词,agree on/upon表示就一点双方达成一致意见;agree to同意对方建议;agree with同意某人意见,双方在观点意见上的吻合。无agree for的说法。
19.根据上题的译文,本句用even if“即使”,符合句意。
试题【We have spoken of marriage as a formal contract.It should be noted, however, tha】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Today the car is the most popular sort of transportation in all of the United States.It has completely 1 the horse as a 2 of everyday transportation.Americans use their car for 3 90% of all 4 business.Most Americans are able to 5 cars.The average price of a 6 made car was ,050 in 1950, ,470 in 1960 and up to ,750 7 1975.During this period American car manufacturers set about 8 their products and work efficiency.As aresult, the yearly income of the 9 family increased from 1950 to 1975 10 than the price of cars.For this reason 11 a new car takes a smaller 12 of a familys total earnings today.In 1951 13 it took 8.1 months of an average familys 14 to buy a new car.In 1962 a new car 15 8.3 of a familys annual earnings, by 1975 it only took 4.75 16 income.In addition, the 1975 cars were technically 17 to models from previous years.The 18 of automobile extends throughout the economy 19 the car is so important to American.Americans spend more money 20 keeping their cars running than on any other item.
1.A.denied B.reproduced C.replaced D.ridiculed
2.A.means B.mean C.types D.kinds
3.A.hardly B.nearly C.certainly D.somehow
4.A.personal B.personnel C.manual D.artificial
5.A.buy B.sell C.race D.see
6.A.quickly B.regularly C.rapidly D.recently
7.A.on B.in C.before D.after
8.A.raising B.making C.reducing D.improving
9.A.unusual B.smallest C.average D.biggest
10.A.slower B.equal C.faster D.less
11.A.bringing B.obtain C.bought D.purchasing
12.A.part B.half C.number D.quality
13.A.clearly B.proportionally C.percentage D.suddenly
14.A.income B.work C.plans D.debts
15.A.used B.spent C.cost D.needed
16.A.months B.years C.family D.year
17.A.famous B.superior C.fastest D.better
18.A.running B.notice C.influence D.affect
19.A.then B.as C.so D.which
20.A.to B.in C.of D.for
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Shopping habits in the United States have changed greatly in the last quarter of the 20th century. 1 in the 1900s most American towns and cities had a Main Street.Main Street was always in the heart of a town.This street was 2 on both sides with many 3 businesses.Here, shoppers walked into stores to look at all sorts of merchandise: clothing,furniture,hardware,groceries. 4 ,some shops offered 5 .These shops included drugstores, restaurants, shoerepair stores, and barber or hairdressing shops. 6 in the 1950s, a change began to 7 .Too many automobiles had crowded into Main Street 8 too few parking places were 9 shoppers.Because the streets were crowded, merchants began to look with interest at the open spaces 10 the city limits.Open space is what their cardriving customers needed.And open space is what they got 11 the first shopping centre was built.Shopping centres, or rather malls, 12 as a collection of small new stores 13 crowded city centres. 14 by hundreds of free parking space, customers were drawn away from 15 areas to outlying malls.And the growing 16 of shopping centres led 17 to the building of bigger and betterstocked stores. 18 the late 1970s,many shopping malls had almost developed into small cities themselves.In addition to providing the 19 of onestop shopping, malls were transformed into landscaped parks, 20 benches,fountains,and outdoor entertainment.
1.A.As early as B.Early C.Early as D.Earlier
2.A.built B.designed C.intented D.lined
3.A.varied B.various C.sorted D.mixed up
4.A.Apart from B.However C.In addition D.As well
5.A.medical care B.food C.cosmetics D.services
6.A.suddenly B.Abruptly C.Contrarily D.But
7.A.be taking place B.take placeC.be taken place D.have taken place
8.A.while B.yet C.though D.and then
9.A.available for B.available to C.used by D.ready for
10.A.over B.from C.out of D.outside
11.A.when B.while C.since D.then
12.A.started B.founded C.set up D.organized
13.A.out of B.away from C.next to D.near
14.A.Attracted B.Surprised C.Delighted D.Enjoyed
15.A.inner B.central C.shopping D.downtown
16.A.distinction B.fame C.popularity D.liking
17.A.on B.in turn C.by turns D.further
18.A.By B.During C.In D.Towards
19.A.cheapness B.readiness C.convenience D.handiness
20.A.because of B.and C.with D.provided
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Who won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play? 1 an event takes place, newspapers are on the streets 2 the details.Wherever anything happens in the world, reports are on the spot to 3 the news.
  Newspapers have one basic 4 , to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to 5 it.Radio, telegraph, television, and 6 inventions brought competition for newspapers.So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. 7 , this competition merely spurred the newspapers on.They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the 8 and thus the efficiency of their own operations.Today more newspapers are 9 and read than ever before.Competition also led newspapers to branch outsintosmany other fields.Besides keeping readers 10 of the latest news, today"s newspapers 11 and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters.Newspapers influence readers" economic choices 12 advertising.Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very 13 .Newspapers are sold at a price that 14 even a small fraction of the cost ofproduction.The main 15 of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising.The 16 in selling advertising depends on a newspaper"s value to advertisers.This 17 in terms of circulation.How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends 18 on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment 19 in a newspaper"s pages.But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspaper"s value to readers as a source of information 20 the community, city, country, state, nation, and world—and even outer space. 1.A.Just when B.While C.Soon after D.Before
2.A.to give B.giving C.given D.being given
3.A.gather B.spread C.carry D.bring
4.A.reason B.cause C.problem D.purpose
5.A.make B.publish C.know D.write
6.A.another B.other C.one another D.the other
7.A.However B.And C.Therefore D.So
8.A.value B.ratio C.rate D.speed
9.A.spread B.passed C.printed D.completed
10.A.inform B.be informed C.to be informed D.informed
11.A.entertain B.encourage C.educate D.edit
12.A.on B.through C.with D.of
13.A.forms B.existence C.contents D.purpose
14.A.tries to cover B.manages to coverC.fails to cover D.succeeds in
15.A.source B.origin C.course D.finance
16.A.way B.means C.chance D.success
17.A.measures B.measured C.Is measured D.was measured
18.A.somewhat B.little C.much D.something
19.A.offering B.offered C.which offered D.to be offered
20.A.by B.with C.at D.about
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 Demands for stronger protection for wildlife in Britain sometimes hide the fact that similar needs are felt in the rest of Europe. Studies by the Council of Europe, of which 21 countries are members, have shown that 45 per cent of reptile (爬行动物) species and 24 per cent of butterflies are in danger or dying out.
  European concern for wildlife was outlined by Dr Peter Baum, an expert in the environment and natural resources division of the council, when he spoke at a conference arranged by the administrators of a British national park. The park is one of the few areas in Europe to hold the council’s diploma for nature reserves of the highest quality, and Dr Baum had come to present it to the park once again. He was afraid that public opinion was turning against national parks, and that those set up in the 1960s and 1970s could not be set up today. But Dr Baum clearly remained a strong supporter of the view that natural environments needed to be allowed to survive in peace in their own right.
  “No area could be expected to survive both as a true nature reserve and as a tourist attraction,” he went on. The shortsighted view that reserves had to serve immediate human demands for outdoor recreation should be replaced by full acceptance of their importance as places to preserve nature for the future.
  “We forget that they are the guarantee (保证) of life systems, on which any built-up area depends,” Dr Baum went on. “We could manage without most industrial products, but we could not manage without nature. However, our natural environment areas, which are the original parts of our countryside, have become mere islands in a spoiled and highly polluted land.”
59. Recent studies by the Council of Europe have declared that ____ .
 A. wildlife needs more protection only in Britain
 B. all species of wildlife in Europe are in danger of dying out
 C. there are fewer species of reptiles and butterflies inEurope than elsewhere
 D. many species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe need protecting
60. Why did Dr Baum come to a British national park?
 A. Because he needed to present it with a council"s diploma.
 B. Because he was concerned about its management.
 C. Because it was the only national park of its kind in Europe.
 D. Because it was the only park that had ever received a diploma from the council.
61. The last sentence in the second paragraph implies that ____ .
 A. people should make every effort to create more environment areas
 B. people would go on protecting national parks
 C. certain areas of the countryside should be left intact (完整的)
 D. people would defend the right to develop the areas around national parks
62.Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?
 A. We have developed industry at the expense of countryside.
 B. We have forgotten what our original countryside looked like.
 C. People living on islands should protect natural resources for their survival.
 D. We should destroy all the built-up areas.
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Three years ago, five parrots were set free in a wild place of Arizona, thousands of miles from the Channel Islands in Jersey where they had been looked after by zookeepers. No evolutionary strategies informed them how to behave in this new landscape of mountainous pine forest unoccupied by their kind for 50 years. To the researchers’ surprise, they failed to make contact with a group of wild parrots imported from Mexico and set free at the same time. Within 24 hours the reintroducing ended in failure, and the poor birds were back in cages, on their way to the safety of the Arizona reintroduction programme.
Ever since then, the programme has enjoyed great success, mainly because the birds now being set free are Mexican birds illegally caught in the wild, confiscated (没收) on arrival north of the border, and raised by their parents in the safety of the programme. The experience shows how little we know about the behaviour and psychology (心理) of parrots, as Peter Bennett, a bird researcher, points out: “Reintroducing species of high intelligence like parrots is a lot more difficult. People like parrots, always treating them as nothing more than pets or valuable ‘collectables’.”
Now that many species of parrot are in immediate danger of dying out, biologists are working together to study the natural history and the behaviour of this family of birds. Last year was an important turning point: conservationists founded the World Parrot Trust, based at Hayle in Cornwall, to support research into both wild and caged birds.
Research on parrots is vital for two reasons. First, as the Arizona programme showed, when reintroducing parrots to the wild, we need to be aware of what the birds must know if they are to survive in their natural home. We also need to learn more about the needs of parrots kept as pets, particularly as the Trust’s campaign does not attempt to discourage the practice, but rather urges people who buy parrots as pets to choose birds raised by humans.
小题1:What do we know about the area where the five parrots were reintroduced?
A.Its landscape is new to parrots of their kind.
B.It used to be home to parrots of their kind.
C.It is close to where they had been kept.
D.Pine trees were planted to attract birds.
小题2:The reintroducing experience three years ago shows that man-raised parrots
A.can find their way back home in Jersey
B.are unable to recognize their parents
C.are unable to adapt to the wild
D.can produce a new species
小题3:Why are researches on parrots important according to the passage?
A.The Trust shows great concern for the programme.
B.We need to know more about how to preserve parrots.
C.Many people are interested in collecting parrots.
D.Parrots’ intelligence may some day benefit people.
小题4:According to the passage, people are advised ______.
A.to treat wild and caged parrots equally
B.to set up comfortable homes for parrots
C.not to keep wild parrots as pets
D.not to let more parrots go to the wild

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