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Vampires (吸血鬼), creatures of myth, have been around in one form or another for centuries. Terrifying but also attractive, they are as popular in the early 21 st century as ever, as the current popularity of Twilight series, and its hero Edward Cullen, show.
Vampires first appeared in fiction in the 1700s. in 1895 Irish novelist Bram Stoker published Dracula, introducing the world’s most famous vampire.
But just what is it about these drinkers of human blood that continues to fascinate us? Speaking to Eric Lewis of the Times and Transcript website, academic Deborah Wells said that vampires are “culturally adaptive”. “We create very different vampires to fit different times. Edward Cullen is not the same as Count Dracula,” she said.
Different as they are, Wells believes vampires are “the perfect containers into which we can pour our current cultural anxieties”, Bram Stoker’s Dracula is powerful, yet old and physically ugly. Stoker’s book dealt with fear of the fall of the British Empire, real fears in the day in which it was written.
According to the website Bookrags, today’s vampires have all our cultural desires, money, power and sexual attraction. Represented by Cullen, they are noble, handsome young men whom women find irresistible. What’s more, vampires challenge traditional ideas about death, science and parental authority. This may be why teenagers are drawn to vampire tales.
“In many ways, the vampire story shows up teenage concerns,” said wells. “The emotional intensity (强度) of the relationship with the vampire matches the intensity of how it feels to have your first real love affairs. Your first real love, it really feels like life and death.”
55.The best title for this passage should be_______.
A.Vampires may continue to drink our blood
B.Vampires have been around us for long
C.Why Twilight is so popular nowadays
D.We still like the story about vampires
56.What is the image of the vampire in Bram Stoker’s book?
A.Anxious but perfect.
B.Powerful, old and ugly.
C.Terrifying but also attractive.
D.Afraid of the fall of the British Empire.
57.According to the website Bookrages, today’s vampires_______.
A.desire money, power and sexual attraction
B.may not think highly of parental authority
C.dare to give up traditional ideas
D.are likely to be resisted by women
58.Which of the following statements is true according to Wells?
A.People need different vampires in different times.
B.Our current cultural anxieties are hidden in vampires.
C.The vampire story reflects the conches of the teenagers.
D.The relationship with the vampire equals your first real love.

55—58 CBAD

试题【Vampires (吸血鬼), creatures of myth, have been around in one form or another for c】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Women might have a higher position at work, but at home their careers tend to give way to their husband’s job, with women most likely to quit when both are working long hours, according to a U.S.study.
Researcher Youngjoo Cha, from Cornell University, found that working women with a husband who worked 50 hours or more a week found themselves still doing most of the housework and the care giving and were more likely to end up quitting their jobs.
An analysis of 8,484 professional workers and 17,648 nonprofessionals from dual-earner (双职工) families showed that if women had a husband who worked 60 hours or more per week it increased the woman’s possibility of quitting her paid job by 42 percent.Cha said the possibility of quitting increased to 51 percent for professional women whose husbands work 60 hours or more per week, and for professional mothers the possibility they would quit their jobs jumped 112 percent.
However, it did not significantly affect a man’s possibility of quitting his job if his wife worked 60 hours or more per week, according to the study published in the American Sociological Review in April.For professional men, both parents and non-parents, the effects of a wife working long hours were negligible, according to the study.
“As long work-hours introduce conflict between work and family into many dual-earner families, couples often solve conflict in ways that prioritize husbands’ careers,” Cha, who used data from the U.S.Census Bureau, said in a statement.“This effect is magnified (突出) among workers in professional and managing occupations, where the criterion of overwork and the culture of looking after children tend to be strongest.The findings suggest that the popularity of overwork may lead many dual-earner couples to return to a traditional family pattern — breadwinning men and homemaking women.”
66.According to the text, we know that ______.
A.men prefer work long hours   B.women prefer to work outside
C.men’s careers are unimportant   D.women are more likely to quit jobs
67.The underlined word “negligible” in Paragraph 4 most probably means ______.
A.unimportant B.limited            C.different      D.obvious
68.Which statement is true according to the text?
A.When there’s conflict between work and family, a husband will give up his work.
B.Women may still do most of the housework and care for babies or children.
C.Professional women are more likely to quit the job than professional mothers.
D.A man’s chance of quitting jobs was influenced if his wife works long hours.
69.We can infer from the last sentence that ______.
A.all the workers pay more attention to looking after children
B.overwork may have no influence on dual-earner couples
C.traditionally, men usually worked to support the family
D.most dual-earner couples will return to a traditional family pattern
70.In which column of China Daily can you find this passage?
A.Health      B.Life       C.Sport   D.Entertainment
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第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)
阅读下面短文、掌握其大意、然后从 36~55 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,
Once, it was in the middle of a personal development workshop. One of the people present stood up and began   36   out diamond rings to each of the one hundred people in the room.
He was a   37   jeweler, he said, and he had made these expensive   38   as gifts to open people’s eyes to the abundance(富裕) of life.
On his fifth birthday, the man   39  , his uncle had taken him to a candy (糖果)   40   and told him that he could take   41   he wanted, and as much as he wanted.   42   he was very pleased and decided to   43   something he liked best.
The entire store was   44   to him. He had looked at the jars and plates, and he hadn’t known where to   45  . At last, he filled a bag with all his   46   candies. He didn’t take everything,   47   that feeling of being able to have whatever he wanted seemed to make him very   48  .
Since then, he said, he had been able to   49   the abundance of life. He saw the world as full of   50  , riches and beauty — all you had to do was, take your pick and fill your bag.
The sad truth is that most of us grow up with the   51   feeling —we develop a poverty mentality(贫穷心理). We   52   believe that there simply isn’t enough. We think we have to   53  , fight and struggle, so that we can get what we need and want. If we can’t   54  our hands to get,  someone else will be searching through our pockets. The   55   of that mentality is that we all have to go hungry.
Get a taste of abundance and try to have a great life.
36. A. giving                B. lending                    C. showing                   D. borrowing
37. A. poor                   B. strong                      C. rich                         D. popular
38. A. necklaces            B. watches                    C. medals                            D. rings
39. A. complained         B. explained                 C. suggested                 D. expected
40. A. school                B. factory                            C. store                        D. yard
41. A. whatever             B. wherever                  C. whichever                D. whomever
42. A. Unfortunately      B. Sadly                       C. Silently                    D. Certainly
43. A. refuse                B. accept                      C. choose                            D. change
44. A. small                 B. open                        C. empty                      D. closed
45. A. begin                  B. work                        C. stay                         D. end
46. A. cheap                 B. famous                    C. expensive                 D. favourite
47. A. and                    B. or                            C. but                          D. nor
48. A. worried                     B. excited                     C. interested                 D. surprised
49. A. search                 B. invent                      C. lose                         D. notice
50. A. opportunities              B. troubles                    C. sorrows                    D. quarrels
51. A. boring                B. normal                            C. opposite                   D. natural
52. A. hardly                B. always                            C. never                       D. less
53. A. leave                  B. continue                   C. stop                         D. compete
54. A. reach out            B. put up                      C. take back                  D. work with
55. A. promise                     B. result                       C. success                     D. hope
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Accidents happen almost daily. Some accidents are minor and some are serious but others may be fatal. We read about such accidents nearly every day in the newspapers. It is wrong for people to think that accidents occur only on the roads or highways, or even at worksites. Home accidents are just as common. Because very few home accidents are reported, people tend to think that there are few accidents which happen in homes.
There have been many cases where people fall to their deaths from high-rise flats. Children often fall from staircases while coming down the stairs. Old people may slip on wet or slippery floors if they are not careful.
Nowadays there are a lot of modern electrical appliances such as rice-cookers, electric irons, and kettles which make life easy for the modern housewives. These appliances can kill if they are not used in the proper way.
Gas stoves used for cooking are also dangerous if they are not properly handled. They may cause burns or, in more serious cases, they may even cause fires.
But all such accidents can be prevented if we are careful and obey simple rules of safety. For example, it is unwise for people to try repairing their own electrical appliances if they do not know how. It is safer for them to get their faulty appliances repaired by a qualified electrician.                                       
61. Accidents take place_______.
A. mostly in homes                          B. mostly on roads and highways
C. mostly on worksites and factories  D. almost everywhere
62. People think accidents happen only on the roads or highways because ______.
A. there are more road accidents
B. many home accidents are not reported in newspapers
C. home accidents are not serious
D. such accidents happen nearly every day
63. Which of the following accidents may NOT happen in homes?
A. People may fall to deaths from high buildings.
B. People may be knocked down by cars on the roads.
C. Gas stoves may caused burns or even fires.
D. People may get a shock from an electrical appliance
64. Which of the following is true about the modern electrical appliances?
A. They help modern housewives a lot.
B. They are very dangerous and should not be used.
C. They are usually safe unless they are used carefully.
D. They are not dangerous even if they are used carelessly.
65. People are advised________.
A. to avoid using electrical appliances
B. to repair their own faulty electrical appliances
C. not to repair their own faulty electrical appliances
D. not to throw away their faulty electrical appliances
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第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36----55各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, 和D)中,选出最佳选项。
Enid"s wedding(婚礼) dress arrived at five o"clock in the evening, just seventeen  36  before her marriage!
“I must try it on Mother!” she cried, as she ran   37  .Three minutes later Enid"s cries brought her   38  .The dress was much   39   for her. It was like a bag in the front, and the neckline(领口) looked all  40   . Enid was in   41  .
“Take it back to the dressmaker"s,” Mrs Bale said. “She must   42  it tonight. Hurry now. Take it off and go.” The dressmaker"s shop was closed. “Closed for One Week"s Holiday,” said a   43  on the door. Fresh tears rose to Enid"s eyes. She ran home again to her mother.
“This is unlucky,” Mrs Bale said.” But what are we going to do?  44  I ask Mrs. Peters to help? She was a dressmaker once. I"m sure she could change it for you.”
Mrs. Peters was   45  in and began to work. She could see  46  was wrong. She had to   47  it narrower at the front, and that was a big job. Then she changed the neckline. In fact she made it again. At ten o"clock the work was finished, and Enid tried the dress on. It fitted her beautifully.
The three women were having a cup of tea   48   the doorbell rang .Mrs. Bale answered it and   49­­   into the worried eyes of a   50  woman. The woman was carrying a large flat   51  .
“Does Miss Enid Bale   52   here?" she asked breathlessly. “Yes, she"s my daughter.” “Oh, I am   53   I"ve found you! There"s been a   54   .Your daughter has my wedding dress, and I"ve got   55   . And I"m getting married tomorrow!” She held out the box to Mrs. Bale.
36. A. weeks        B. minutes              C. days          D. hours
37. A. upstairs         B. outside             C. back home     D. about
38. A. husband        B. daughter            C. mother        D. neighbour
39. A. smaller         B. shorter             C. too big        D. too long
40. A. wrong        B. pleased             C. right          D. waste
41. A. love           B. tears               C. surprise        D. danger
42. A. measure        B. make               C. repair         D. change
43. A. voice          B. sound              C. notice         D. saying
44. A. Will           B. Would              C. Shall          D. Should
45. A. sent           B. brought            C. pushed        D. taken
46. A. neckline        B. all                 C. nothing       D. what
47. A. make                B. keep               C. change        D. take
48. A. then           B. until               C. when        D. while
49. A. came         B. got                C. saw         D. looked
50. A. short pretty       B. fat young           C. slim old        D. little quiet
51. A. cup          B. dress               C. bag         D. box
52. A. live            B. work              C. stay           D. wait
53. A. thankful        B. sorry              C. angry         D. glad
54. A. dress           B. change             C. mistake        D. wish
55. A. yours          B. hers                C. the other       D. others
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The January fashion show, called FutureFashion, exemplified how far green design has come.Organized by the New York-based nonprofit Earth Pledge, the show inspired many top designers to work with sustainable fabrics for the first time.Several have since made pledges to include organic fabrics in their lines.
The designers who undertake green fashion still face many challenges.Scott Hahn, cofounder with Gregory of Rogan and Loomstate, which uses all-organic cotton, says high-quality sustainable materials can still be tough to find.“Most designers with existing labels are finding there aren’t comparable fabrics that can just replace what you’re doing and what your customers are used to,” he says.For example, organic cotton and non-organic cotton are virtually indistinguishable once put into a dress.But some popular synthetics, like stretch nylon, still have few eco-friendly equivalents.
Those who do make the switch are finding they have more support.Last year the influential trade show Designers & Agents stopped charging its participation fee for young green entrepreneurs(企业家) who attend its two springtime shows in Los Angeles and New York and gave special recognition to designers whose collections are at least 25% sustainable.It now counts more than 50 green designers, up from fewer than a dozen two years ago.This week Wal-Mart is set to announce a major initiative aimed at helping cotton farmers go organic: it will buy transitional cotton at higher prices, thus helping to expand the supply of a key sustainable material.“Mainstream is about to occur,” says Hahn.
Some analysts are less sure.Among consumers, only 18% are even aware that ecofashion exists, up from 6% four years ago.Natalie Hormilla, a fashion writer, is an example of the unconverted consumer.When asked if she owned any sustainable clothes, she replied: “Not that I’m aware of.” Like most consumers, she finds little time to shop, and when she does, she’s on the hunt for “cute stuff that isn’t too expensive.” By her own admission, green just isn’t yet on her mind.But—thanks to the combined efforts of designers, retailers and suppliers—one day it will be.
67.What is said about FutureFashion?
A.It inspired many leading designers to start going green.
B.It showed that designers using organic fabrics would go far.
C.It served as an example of how fashion shows should be organized.
D.It convinced the public that fashionable clothes should be made durable.
68.According to Scott Hahn, one big challenge to designers who will go organic is that        .
A.much more time is needed to finish a dress using sustainable materials
B.they have to create new brands for clothes made of organic materials
C.customers have difficulty telling organic from non-organic materials
D.quality organic replacements for synthetics are not readily available
69.What is Natalie Hormilla’s attitude toward ecofashion?
A.She is doubtful of its practical value.     B.She doesn’t think it is sustainable.
C.She doesn’t seem to care about it.   D.She is very much opposed to the idea.
70.What does the author think of green fashion?
A.Green products will soon go mainstream.
B.It has a very promising future.
C.Consumers have the final say.         
D.It will appeal more to young people.
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