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Eat, drink and be merry. That’s what Spring Festival is all about. But there are millions of people, too, who love to let happiness go up in smoke.
Offering cigarettes to guests is a traditional Chinese way of showing respect to them. A cup of tea and cigarettes are perhaps the most common way of welcoming a guest in China, especially during festive occasions.
No wonder, 40 percent of the people surveyed(调查) recently said they would smoke at least twice the usual number of cigarettes during the Spring Festival because of all those gatherings and parties. Only 20 percent of the respondents said they would refuse a cigarette when offered one. Why can’t the others do the same? Because they could be seen as being rude, said more than half in the respondents. 15 percent feared they could be taken as “someone who cannot get along well with others”.
The Think-tank Research Centre for Health Development and sohu. com survey shows 61 percent Chinese think offering a cigarette is useful for socialising, and 52 percent have offered cigarettes to others. The study surveyed 3,800 people, and 64 percent of them were men.
One-third of those surveyed were smokers, out of which 57 percent said they couldn’t give up smoking because of the offering-and-accepting culture. “People have accepted offering cigarettes as an effective way of making friends,” research centre director Wu Yiqun says.
China has more than 350 million smokers, catering to the tobacco market that is worth 500 billion yuan. “The survey shows we still have a lot of work to do,” Wu says. “It is time to let people know that offering a cigarette is a bad habit and it should be given up immediately.”
59. The passage is written with the purpose of ________.
A. telling us a custom about the Chinese Spring Festival
B. introducing a way to make friends with Chinese
C. stopping smoking during the Chinese Spring Festival
D. telling us that offering cigarettes is a bad habit
60. The third paragraph mainly tells us ________.
A. the fact that smokers are greatly increasing during the festival
B. the reason why refusing cigarettes is acceptable
C. the fact that many people have to smoke more cigarettes during the festival
D. it is rude to attend parties without smoking cigarettes
61. Which of the following may NOT be the reason that makes many people fail to refuse the offered cigarettes?
A. It’s impolite to refuse.                  B. Smoking is harmful for non-smokers.
C. They want to be friendly                 D. It’s a kind of social habit.
62. The writer mentions the 500 billion yuan tobacco market because ________.
A. the tobacco market is not developing smoothly
B. the writer thinks that smoking wastes a lot of money
C. smoking is helpful to the tobacco market
D. the tobacco market attracts too many smokers

试题【Eat, drink and be merry. That’s what Spring Festival is all about. But there are】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

We cannot feel speed. But our senses let us know that we are moving. We see things moving. We see things moving past us and feel that we are being shaken.
We can feel acceleration, an increase in speed. But we notice it for only a short time. For instance, we feel it during the takeoff run of an airliner.
We feel the plane’s acceleration because our bodies do not gain speed as fast as the plane does. It seems that something is pushing us back against the seat. Actually, our bodies are trying to stay in the same place, while the plane is carrying us forward.
Soon the plane reaches a steady speed. Then, because there is no longer any change in speed, the feeling of forward motion stops.
56. We can feel that we are moving by _____.
A. watching things move past     B. feeling the speed
C. feeling ourselves being shaken  D. both A and C
57. In the second paragraph, the underlined word “ acceleration” means _____.
A. an increase in speed     B. a steady speed
C. any kind of movement   D. the movement of a plane
58. During the takeoff of a plane, we feel that we are being _____.
A. thrown forward        B. pushed back against the seat
C. lifted out of the seat     D. pushed down into the seat
59. We feel the plane’s acceleration because our bodies gain speed _____.
A. just as fast as the plane      B. faster than the plane
C. more slowly than the plane   D. before the plane
60. This feeling stops when _____.
A. the plane stops climbing            B. the plane lands
C. there is no longer a change in speed   D. we begin to feel speed
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Americans: Restless? Illiterate(没文化的)?
Americans are queer people: they can’t rest.They have more time, more leisure, shorter work hours, more holidays, and more vacations than any other people in the world.But they can’t rest.They rush up and down across their continent as tourists; they move about in great herds to conferences; they search the wilderness; they flood the mountains; they keep the hotels full.But they can’t rest.The scenery rushes past them.They learn it.Battles and monuments are announced to them on a tour bus.They hear them, but they don’t get them.They never stop moving; they rush up and down as Shriners, Masons, Old Graduates, Bankers—they are a new thing each day, always rushing to a reunion or something.So they go on rushing about till eventually the undertaker (殡葬工) gather them to a last conference.
Americans are queer people: they can’t read.They have more schools, and better schools and spend more money on schools and colleges than all Europe.But they can’t read.They print more books in a year than the French print.But they can’t read.They cover their country with one hundred thousand tons of Sunday newspapers every week.But they don’t read them.They’re too busy.They use them for fires and to make more paper with.They buy eagerly thousands of new novels at two dollars each.But they read only page one.Their streets are full of huge signs.They won’t look at them.Their streetcars are filled with advertising; they turn their eyes away.Transparent colors, cart wheels, and mechanical flares whirl and flicker in the crowded streets at night.No one sees them.Tons of letters pour into the mail boxes, through the houses, and down the garbage cans.No one reads them.
68.The underlined word “queer ” means ___________.
A.strange     B.difficult    C.forgetful   D.friendly
69.According to the text, when do the Americans stop rushing about ?
A.When they are to allowed to.B.When they feel tired and sleepy
C.When they stop breathing eventually      D.When they are seriously ill in bed
70.The Americans know the places of battles and monuments ___________.
A.by driving there in person      B.when they are on the tour bus
C.from books and magazines      D.by visiting them
71.Why does the writer write this passage?
A.To tell people the Americans are illiterate
B.To prove the Americans to be a queer nation
C.To make fun of the American way of life
D.To give the readers information about USA
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Children are keen Internet shoppers with more than half having bought something online, research has shown.
Around 53 percent of children aged between 7 and 16 said they had bought something over the Internet, 10 percent more than in 2004, according to Halifax.
Boys were more likely to be Internet shoppers than girls, with 60 percent of boys saying they had bought items online, compared with just 46 percent of girls.
Unsurprisingly, older children were more likely to use the Internet to shop than younger ones, with nearly three quarters of 12-16-year olds shopping online, compared to just 29 percent of 7-to-11-year olds who said they had bought something.
More than half of children preferred buying things over the Internet to buying them on the high street, while 61 percent of those who had bought things online said it was easier to buy certain items over the Internet than in shops.
However, boys were more likely to always prefer buying things online, while girls were more likely to still like the actual high street shopping experience.
The most common items for young people to buy over the Internet were CDs, tapes and computer games and equipment. Some children had bought DVDs and videos, while some had bought gifts.
Children spent most money on computer games and equipment, with 13 percent saying they spent more than $20 online on these items a year, followed by 12 percent who spent more than $20 a year on mobile phones and 11 percent who spent the same amounts on clothes.
Cheryl Millington, head of savings at Halifax, said, “ We are not only seeing the emergence of a generation of young consumers, but also keen cyber-consumers. While children often lead the way in Internet use within the family home, parents have an important role to play in ensuring they stay safe while online.”
73. From the passage, which of the following is NOT correct?
A. Children are keen on internet shopping          
B. Boys are more likely to buy things over the Internet than girls
C. Older children want to buy things in actual streets             
D. Children like to buy some fashionable items over the Internet
74. We can infer from the last paragraph that ________
A. Cheryl Millington is against children’s online shopping         
B. parents should play an active role in ensuring their children’s safety
C. Cheryl Millington holds a conservative (保守的) view about children’s online shopping             
D. children will become the main composition of online shopping
75. Which of the following can best show the organization of the text?
a. the number of children’s online shopping      b. items bought over the Internet
c. money spent on online shopping             d. safety problems
A. a, b, c, d       B. a, d, c, b      C. a, c, d, b       D. d, a, c, b
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Most parents, I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story to their children. And they must have   36   how difficult it is to write a   37   children"s book.  Either the author has aimed too   38. , so that the children can"t follow what is in his (or more often, her) story,   39   the story seems to be talking to the readers.
The best children"s books are  40   very difficult nor very simple, and satisfy both the 41  who hears the story and the adult who   42    it. Unfortunately, there are in fact  43   books like this,  44   the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not   45   to solve.
This may be why many of books regarded as  46   of children"s literature were in fact written for   47 . “Alice"s Adventure in Wonderland” is perhaps the most   48   of this.
Children, left for themselves, often 49  the worst possible interest in literature. Just  leave a child in bookshop or  50 and he will more  willingly choose the books 51 in an imaginative way, or have a look at most children"s comics (连环画), full of the stories and jokes to which both teachers and right-thinking parents  52  .
Perhaps we parents should stop trying to persuade children into   53   our taste in literature. After all children and adults are so   54  that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the  55  books. So I suppose we"ll just have to compromise(妥协) over that bedtime story.
36.A.hoped     B. realized      C. told    D. said
37.A.short      B. long    C. bad     D. good
38.A. easy      B. short   C. high    D. difficult
39.A. and       B   . but          C. or          D. so
40.A. both      B. neither       C. either                D. very
41.A. child     B. father  C. mother              D. teacher
42.A. hears     B. buys   C. understands              D. reads
43.A. few       B. many  C. little         D. much
44.A. but B. however     C. so                          D. because
45.A.hard       B. easy    C. enough              D. fast
46.A.articles   B. work        C. arts              D. works
47.A. adults    B. girls    C. boys          D. children
48.A. difficult B. hidden       C. obvious             D. easy
49.A. are B. show   C. find           D. add
50.A. library   B. school       C. home         D. office
51.A. read      B. designed     C. printed              D. written
52.A. favor    B. interest       C. object        D. read
53.A.receiving       B. accepting    C. having              D. refusing
54.A.same      B. friendly      C. different            D. common
55.A.common B. average      C. different            D. same  
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I was parked in front of the mall wiping off my car. Coming my way from across the parking lot was  1  society would consider a bum(无业游民). From the  2  of him, he had no car, no home, no clean clothes, and no money. He sat down in front of the bus stop but didn’t look like he could have enough money to even  3  the bus. “That’s a very pretty car,” he said. He was  4  but he had a(n)  5  of dignity around him. I said, “thanks,” and  6  wiping off my car. He sat there  7  as I worked. The  8  beg for money never came. As the silence between us widened something inside said, “ask him if he needs any help.” I was  9  that he would say “yes”. “Do you need any help?” I asked. He answered in three  10  but profound(深远的) words that I shall never  11 . “Don’t we all?” he said.
I had been feeling high, successful and important  12  those three words  13  me like a shotgun. Don’t we all? I needed help. Maybe not for bus fare or a place to sleep, but I needed help. I  14  my wallet and gave him not only enough for bus fare, but enough to get a warm meal and  15  for the day. Those three little words still ring  16 . No matter how much you have, no matter how much you have  17 , you need help too. No matter how  18  you have, no matter how  19  you are with problems, even without money or a place to sleep, you can  20  help.
1. A. that              B. what          C. which       D. how  
2. A. expressions        B. manners       C. looks             D. attitudes 
3. A. ride                B. buy         C. drive          D. stop    
4. A. generous          B. disappointed  C. modern          D. ragged 
5. A. air                   B. atmosphere     C. appearance     D. figure 
6. A. finished            B. stopped          C. continued        D. began 
7. A. quietly                  B. casually                C. aimlessly               D. eagerly 
8. A. intenting            B. expected            C. boring            D. supposed 
9. A. afraid                  B. glad              C. doubtful         D. sure
10. A. simple             B. complex           C. strange              D. rigid 
11. A. accept                B. forget             C. respond          D. choose  
12. A. unless                B. after              C. until              D. when  
13. A. fightened        B. moved           C. wounded        D. hit  
14. A. reached in               B. searched for    C. looked up       D. exposed to 
15. A. shelter             B. clothes            C. reward            D. blanket 
16. A. nice                   B. ridiculous       C. true                D. proper 
17. A. submitted           B. devoted         C. applied          D. accomplished
18. A. few                 B. many              C. little               D. enough 
19. A. loaded             B. puzzled           C. angry             D. unsatisfied 
20. A. receive             B. give                 C. need              D. seek 
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