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How Many Lies Do the Children Tell You?
Mothers who feel their children don" t appreciate them can add another grievance to the list: half the time, their children are lying to them. A study designed to expose the truth about lying shows that undergraduates lie to their mothers in 46% of their conversations. Still, mums should feel better than total strangers, who are told lies an astonishing 77 % of the time.
Bella Depaulo and a team of psychologists from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, asked 77 undergraduates to keep a record of all their conversations for a week, and write down whether they lied at any time. DePaulo named lying broadly, as "when you intentionally try to mislead someone", so she would catch the smallest of lies.
The students told an average of two lies a day. They said they had been studying when they had been out drinking. One told his parents that a textbook cost $50 rather than $20 so that they would send him extra money. Female students constantly told their plain-looking roommates that they were pretty. "They are everyday lies," says DePaulo.
DePaulo and her colleagues conclude that people tend to tell fewer lies to those they feel closest to. College students lied to their best friends 28% of the time but lied to acquaintances 48% of the time. In close relationships, people were more likely to tell "kind-hearted" lies, designed to protect feelings, rather than self-serving lies.
Romantic(浪漫的)partners lie somewhere between close friends and acquaintances. Students lied to romantic partners about a third of the time. DePaulo thinks that unmarried lovers can expect less honesty than best friends because of the insecurity that comes with romance.
Mothers can take heart from one other finding. They may have been lied to, but at least their children talked to them. The students were recorded telling few lies to their fathers because they had little interaction with them.
小题1:What is the meaning of the underlined word "grievance" in Paragraph 1?
A.opinion. B.complaint.C.belief.D.difficulty.
小题2: According to the passage, college students felt closest to ______ .
A.mothersB.best friends
C.acquaintancesD.romantic partners
小题3:Female students lied to their roommates to          .
A.get money from themB.offer them the services
C.gain more securityD.make them happy
小题4:What is the purpose of this article?
A.To present a fact.B.To argue an idea.
C.To tell a story.D.To explain a theory.



小题1:猜词题:从冒号后面的内容:half the time, their children are lying to them. 孩子会对父母撒谎,这是父母对孩子的抱怨的话,"grievance" 相当于complaint,选B
小题2:细节题:从第三段的句子:DePaulo and her colleagues conclude that people tend to tell fewer lies to those they feel closest to. College students lied to their best friends 28% of the time but lied to acquaintances 48% of the time.可知大学生和朋友感觉最亲密。选B
小题3:推理题:从第三段的句子:Female students constantly told their plain-looking roommates that they were pretty. "They are everyday lies,"可知女学生经常和长相一般的室友说她们很漂亮,是因为想让她们高兴。选D
小题4:写作目的题:从第一段的句子:A study designed to expose the truth about lying shows that undergraduates lie to their mothers in 46% of their conversations. 可知这篇文章就是为了陈述事实。选A  
试题【How Many Lies Do the Children Tell You? Mothers who feel their children don" t a】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
It may be one of Britain’s most successful exports – Miss World. This 53-year-old event took place in China last week and attracted over 120 women worldwide with knockout looks in a mad struggle for the crown.
Traditional values have long kept the Chinese, especially women, from displaying beauty. But Chinese people have now changed their attitude toward beauty contest, although some men will still be shouting that the winner is no more beautiful than his wife or his former girl friend or even his mother in a sour tone. But such men are not shouting for the right reason. The question to be asked is : Why isn’t there a Mr. World Beauty Contest?
And a further question to be asked is: Does taking part in a beauty contest show a woman’s  courage, wisdom and liberation or rather the opposite – a forced choice and a revolting act made under conditions of long-term discrimination?
Organizers of such beauty contests claim that the contestants are judged on qualities other than just their physical appearance. But still no answer is given to why there isn’t a Mr. Beauty or a Mr. World Contest? Or at least, why isn’t that kind of contest popular? Why is it that only women’s “qualities” need to be recognized but not men’s?
Think about who is always standing beside a fancy car on show? Is it a boy or a girl? And this is how “qualities” are judged: if the girl looks good, there is little reason why the car beside her is not of high quality.
The beauty contests go on year after year, with winners enjoying fame which quickly disappears. While such events go on and on, what never changes is the routine practice that in every fancy car show, a girl stands beside a fancy car. What never changes is the need to hold a women’s conference every year to appeal for the promotion of respect for and improvement of women. What never changes is the fate of women as a class. So let’s put more time and resources into trying to change all this rather than holding beauty contests.
小题1:Miss World Beauty Contest in Britain has a history of ______.
A.120 yearsB.about half a century
C.100 yearsD.about half a year
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE to the passage?
A.Miss World Beauty Contest first began in China.
B.Women were not allowed to show their beauty in China.
C.120 women took part in Beauty Contest last week.
D.Miss World was 54 years old.
小题3: According to the writer,        .
A.Chinese women are not allowed to display beauty
B.the winner of Miss World is not as beautiful as his wife
C.some men are not shouting for the right person
D.people can accept a beauty contest in China now
小题4:From the passage we can know the writer thinks that _____________.
A.contestants’ qualities are more important than their physical appearance
B.a Mr. World Contest should be held instead of a Miss World Contest
C.a boy should stand by a fancy car
D.women’s social status is still low
小题5:The best title for this passage is ____________.
A.What about a Mr. World Contest?
B.History of Miss World Contest.
C.Quality or Appearance?
D.A Boy Standing beside a Fancy Car.

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I had once helped a friend of mine run a watermelon stall. I noticed something interesting. Almost every buyer would lift the melon up to their ear,smartly tap it, apparently trying to listen to something. I wondered what they expected to hear.
Finally I could no longer hold back my curiosity and made bold to ask a customer—an elderly gentleman—about this. Hearing my question,he roared with laughter. Then he replied in a self­mocking(自嘲)tone.“Young lady,I have been doing this for more than fifty years. All I know is that everybody would stare at you as if you were a fool if you just pick up the melon and leave!”
Not long after that,my watermelon stall friend unexpectedly sent me an invitation for her wedding,which really surprised me. I asked her, “How come you are seized by a sudden desire to get married? I don"t remember ever hearing you mention that yon"ve got a boyfriend.” She answered while counting money,“Everyone has to get married anyway,so it is better to get married sooner than later.”
I could think of no word to refute(反驳)her. It seems that everybody is living for everybody else and has forgotten the need of their own heart. It may be safe and save a lot of worries by following others" suit in doing things. The use of We or Us will give one a steady and sure sense of pride. But using the pronoun “I” would often give one a guilty conscience.
I find all these things somewhat funny. We have got used to taking cue from(模仿) others and follow their suit. In turn,we also take it for granted that we should judge the right and wrong of others by our own standard. As a matter of fact,this massive practice is still wrong though we all follow others" suit like this, but we feel at ease and, justified simply because this is the way of us, and so we can have an easy conscience because this has been practiced by so many people.
小题1:The writer probably feels that it is ________.
A.necessary for the buyer to tap the watermelon
B.foolish of the buyers to buy watermelon without tapping it
C.funny that the buyers will tap the watermelons when buying them
D.wise of the elderly gentleman to tap watermelons before buy them
小题2:The writer uses the example of her friend"s decision of getting married to show that ________.
A.her friend took no account of others"s feeling
B.her friend decided to marry just to follow the crowd
C.her friend was a person who has strong personality
D.everybody in the world should marry for others
小题3:Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.It may be safe to follow others" suit in doing things.
B.I was surprised to receive my friend"s invitation for her wedding.
C.My experience of helping my friend run a watermelon stall was interesting.
D.The use of We or I will give speakers themselves quite different senses.
小题4:Which word can replace the underlined word“justified”in the last paragraph?
小题5:In which section of a magazine can you read the passage?
A.Art and LifeB.Sport and Health
C.Culture and SocietyD.Science and Technology

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Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated (人口密集的)cities in the world, but with night skies around 1,000 times brighter than globally accepted levels, it gains a bad reputation for its light pollution.
A study by Hong Kong University found that brightness levels in the southern Chinese city"s popular shopping district of Tsim Sha Tsui were 1,200 times greater than the international dark sky standard.
The crowded city of 7 million residents(居民), full or residential high-rises, towering office blocks and neon(霓虹灯) advertisements, has no laws to control outdoor lightning.
The result is that light pollution is thought to be much worse than in other large cities, including London, Sydney, Tokyo and Shanghai.
“In Hong Kong , you can’t go anywhere outdoor in the evening without your eyes being blinded by this really disturbing outdoor lightning,” the light pollution survey’s head Jason Pum told AFP.
“The fact that we have all this light in the sky means energy is wasted,” he said, adding that too much artificial lightning also affects nightly wildlife.
Research has suggested that light pollution can cause a number of harmful health effects in humans, including sleeplessness and headaches and can also interrupt body clocks and hormones(荷尔蒙).
The university survey, the result of five million measurements taken from points across the city, was released just days before the start of the annual Earth Hour event, organized by the World Wildlife Fund.
People around the world will be encouraged to turn off the lights for an hour on Saturday night to raise awareness of climate change. Last year, a number of Hong Kong’s major buildings along Victoria Harbour went dark to mark Earth Hour.
“Anyway, we should do our best to reduce the amount of lightning and adjust it for the benefit of the environment.”
小题1:If you walk out at night in Hong Kong, you can see all those things except ______.
A.neon advertisementsB.residential buildings
C.a dark sky with twinkling starsD.high office blocks
小题2:.which of the following statements about too much lightning is NOT true?
A.Too much lightning means a waste of energy.
B.It can make the sky and the city more beautiful.
C.It may have a bad effect on nightly wildlife.
D.It can lead to some health problems.
小题3:.We can know from the passage that__________
A.light pollution in Hong Kong is among world’s worst.
B.light pollution is the biggest problem in Hong Kong.
C.Earth Hour is simply organized to reduce pollution.
D.light pollution is the primary causes of sleeplessness.
小题4:.what will the author probably discuss after the last paragraph?
A.Bad effects of light pollution
B.Causes of light pollution
C.Worries about light pollution
D.Ways to reduce light pollution

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An old problem is getting new attention in the United States—bullying. Recent cases included the tragic case of a 15-year-old girl whose family moved from Ireland. She hanged herself in Massachusetts following months of bullying. Her parents criticized her school for failing to protect her. Officials have brought criminal charges against several teenagers.
Judy Kuczynski is president of an anti-bullying group called Bully Police USA. Her daughter Tina was also the victim of severe bullying starting in middle school in the state of Minnesota. She said,“Our daughter was a very outgoing child. She was involved in all kinds of things and had lots of friends. And over a period of time her grades fell completely. She started having health issues. She couldn"t sleep. She wasn"t eating. She had terrible stomach pains and didn"t want to go to school.”
Bullying is defined as negative behavior repeated over time against the same person. It can involve physical violence, or it can be verbal—for example, insults or threats. Spreading lies about someone or excluding a person from a group is known as social or relational bullying.
And now there is cyber-bullying, which uses the Internet, e-mail or text messages. It has easy appeal for the bully because it does not involve face-to-face contact and it can be done at any time.
The first serious research studies into bullying were done in Norway in the late 1970s. The latest government study in the United States was released last year. It found that about one-third of students age twelve to eighteen were bullied at school.
Susan Swearer is a psychologist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and co-director of the Bullying Research Network. She says schools should treat bullying as a mental health problem to get bullies and victims the help they need. She says bullying is connected to depression, anxiety and anti-social behavior and bullies are often victims themselves.
小题1: From the case of Tina, we can know that ________.
A.bullying is rare
B.victims suffer a lot
C.schools are to blame
D.personalities are related
小题2:Which of the following is NOT bullying?
A.To beat someone repeatedly.
B.To threaten someone verbally.
C.To isolate someone from friends.
D.To refuse to help someone in need.
小题3:Why is cyber-bullying appealing to the bully?
A.Because it can involve more people.
B.Because it can create worse effects.
C.Because it is more convenient.
D.Because it can avoid cheating.
小题4:According to Susan Swearer, ________.
A.bullies are antisocial
B.bullies should give victims help
C.students are not equally treated
D.bullies themselves also need help

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For decades, families settled on the sofa to share the latest news and TV series, until additional bedroom TV, computer games and the Internet almost put an end to family rows over who held the remote control. Now, however, the traditional living room scene is making a comeback. A study by the communications watchdog Ofcom has found families are once again gathering around the main television set, but they are bringing their pads and smartphones with them.
“The 1950s living room is making a comeback as a family entertainment centre,” said Jane Rumble, head of media research at Ofcom. “We are watching on much better, bigger, and more delicate television sets, but we are coming into the living room holding our connected devices.” While the family are coming together once more, comparisons with the past end there. With a range of smaller screens on hand, not everyone sitting on the sofa shares the same viewing experience.
The coronation (加冕礼) may have drawn the undivided attention of 20 million viewers in 1953, but those watching the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations 50 years later were as likely to be commenting online about BBC’s broadcast as watching it. “Just a few years ago, we would be talking about last night’s TV at work or at school,” said a viewer, “Now, we’re having those conversations live while watching TV, using social media, text and instant messaging.”
It is a behaviour of media meshing(联网), whose influence was underlined during this year’s Wimbledon men’s tennis final. As Andy Murray pushed towards his victory, 1.1 million people worldwide sent an average of over two microblogs about the match.
People use the Internet to enhance their television experience, for example, by reading a newspaper live blog about a football match while watching the action on the main screen. For a huge number of younger viewers, the portable screen offers a chance to do something unrelated, such as online shopping, listening to music or watching another television programme.
Some 70% of 16-to-24-year-olds claim to be absorbed in what Ofcom calls “media stacking” at least once a week. For TV viewers, the Internet scanning is the most popular activity, but they are also calling friends on the phone or sending emails and texts. Surprisingly, 12% claim to have listened to the radio with the television on, and 6% say they have watched another video in the meanwhile.
小题1:According to the study by Ofcom, family members nowadays _______.
A.care more about who holds the remote control
B.share the same programmes in the living room
C.watch better and more delicate television programmes
D.enjoy TV together with various smaller screens on hand
小题2: This year’s Wimbledon men’s tennis final is mentioned to indicate _______.
A.so many people worldwide are watching TV
B.people like watching live matches on TV
C.the great influence of media meshing
D.the average amount of microblogs
小题3:Which shows the phenomenon of “media stacking” in the last paragraph?
A.People are watching TV while shopping online.
B.People are watching a broadcast of a coronation.
C.The Internet makes people spend less time on TV.
D.The Internet enriches people’s television experience.
小题4:The passage is written to _______.
A.describe the changes connected devices bring to TV watching
B.report the comeback of the traditional living room scene
C.show the influence of connected devices on people
D.present the different roles TV plays in people’s life

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