当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     As they migrate (迁移), butterflies and moths choose the winds they want...
阅读理解。     As they migrate (迁移), butterflies and moths choose the winds they want to fly with, and they change
their body positions if they start floating in the wrong direction. This new finding suggests that insects may
employ some of the same methods that birds use for traveling long distances. Scientists have long thought
that insects were simply at the mercy of the wind.
     Fascinating as their skills of flight are, migrating behavior has been difficult to study in insects because
many long distant trips happen thousands of feet above ground. Only recently have scientists developed
technologies that can detect such little creatures at such great heights.
     To their surprise, though, the insects weren"t passive travelers on the winds. In autumn, for example,
most light winds blew from the east, but the insects somehow sought out ones that carried them south and
they positioned themselves to navigate directly to their wintering homes.
     Even in the spring, when most winds flowed northward, the insects didn"t always go with the flow. If
breezes weren"t blowing in the exact direction they wanted to go, the insects changed their body positions
to compensate. Many migrating birds do the same thing.
     The study also found, butterflies and moths actively flew within the air streams that pushed them along.
By adding flight speeds to wind speeds, the scientists calculated that butterflies and moths can travel as fast
as 100 kilometers an hour. The findings may have real-world applications. With climate warming,migrating
insects are growing in number. Knowing how and when these pests move could help when farmers decide
when to spray their crops. 1. What"s the main idea of the text? [     ]
A. Insects migrate with the seasons.
B. Wind helps insects greatly in migrating.
C. Windsurfing insects have real direction.
D. Scientists have trouble in observing insects. 2. Scientists originally thought that _____. [     ]
A. insects always waited for their favourable winds
B. insects chose the winds they wanted to ride
C. insects were just blown about by the wind
D. insects positioned themselves in the winds 3. It is not easy to study the migrating behavior of the insects because _____. [     ]
A. the little creatures can fly very fast
B. they have no regular migrating courses
C. the wind"s direction is hard to foresee
D. their flight is long and high above ground 4. We can learn from the text that _____. [     ]
A insects fly in the way birds do
B. insects travel more easily in autumn
C. insects never position themselves when flying low
D. insects rest a lot when the wind pushes them along 5. According to the passage, the findings can _____. [     ]
A. increase insects in number 
B. instruct farmers when to spray
C. prevent climate warming
D. help protect insects
1-5: CCDAB
试题【阅读理解。     As they migrate (迁移), butterflies and moths choose the winds they want】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。                                                           Shaping the Future of TV
     Nobody can predict the future of TV with any certainty but some major figures in the industry have
recently put forward their thoughts on what will shape TV of the future.
     The shaping of a personalized television future is starting to take place, says Intel. The chip giant,
who makes the processors found in most personal computers, states that by 2015 there will be just over
12 million devices using IPTV services that will be capable of connecting to over 500 billion hours of TV
& video.
     This supports the idea to make television a more social, personalized and readily accessible device
available anywhere through IPTV services. As more and more people consume TV & video through various
mediums, there is now a greater need to distribute and manage this content.
     As such, companies like TV Genius are accepting this announcement made at Intel"s Developer Forum
(IDF) in the USA by their chief technology officer, Justin Rattner.
     With such a variety of content likely to become available, technology firms will need to assist in making
personalized TV recommendations more readily accessible.
     Mr. Rattner, speaking to the BBC said, "TV will remain at the centre of our lives and you will be able to
watch what you want and where you want. We are talking about more than one TV-capable device for every
man and woman on the planet. People are going to feel connected to the screen in ways they haven"t in the
     One way in which this will happen will also be assisted by a more united service of material combining
including video content, internet content, broadcast content, and personal content.
     This content will become much more accessible through remote devices like mobile phones using IPTV
technology. This means that users will be able to watch their favorite programs away from the traditional
media hub, the home. 1. The author uses the passage mainly to _____. [     ]
A. recommend a new type of TV
B. introduce a possible shape of future TV
C. describe the function of future TV
D. support the new type of TV 2. We know from the passage that the future TV might have major features like _____.
    a. being capable of connecting to many more hours
    b. changing the shape very easily c. receiving programs at any place
    d. displaying the advanced materials e. using services accessing the Internet, video, radio, etc [     ]
A. a, b, c
B. c, d, e 
C. a, c, e
D. b, c, e 3. The underlined word"this" in the third paragraph refers to _____. [     ]
A. Intel, the chip giant
B. TV and video
C. readily accessible device
D. widely used IPTV services 4. We can infer from the passage that _____. [     ]
A. the present TV will disappear in the near future
B. the future TV will have a beautiful look
C. people are developing the technology of TV very quickly
D. people will spend more time watching TV at home
题型:江苏模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。                                                     Two Earthquakes in Two Months:
                                    Comparing the Quakes in Haiti (海地) and Chile (智利)
     Overview (概要) How do the earthquakes in Chile and Haiti compare? Here, students perform a gallery
walk to learn more about the earthquakes from a specific point, and then do a specific research and
presentation project or response activity. Finally, they seek answers to their unanswered questions.
      Materials Print copies of photographs, charts, documents and other visuals to display, as described
below; computer(s) with Internet access (optional), research materials, handouts.
     Warm-up Choose and prepare a "gallery" of photographs, graphics, news reports and other materials to
display around the room to enable students to consider the 2010 earthquake in Chile.
     Depending on course program, choose materials for the gallery that provide a window on the two quakes,
through one of the following specific points, or the focus of your choice:
     Earthquakes through History Putting the 2010 Chilean and Haitian quakes into historical view related to
other earthquakes, including the 1960 Chilean quake and the 2004 Asian earthquake and tsunami.
     Rescue and Aid Considering domestic and international response to the disasters by militaries, governments
and aid organizations, including rescue and recovery as well as efforts to provide food, water, health care and
shelter to those affected.
     Related The article Underwater Plate Cuts "400 Mile Gash compares several earthquakes:
     Mr. Lin figured that the quake on Saturday was 250 to 350 times more powerful than the Haitian quake.
     But Paul Caruso noted that at least on land, the effects of the Chilean tremor (震动) might not be as bad.
For one thing, he said, the quality of building construction is generally better in Chile than in Haiti. And the fact
that the quake occurred offshore should also help limit the destruction. In Haiti, the rupture (断裂) occurred
only a few miles from the capital, Port-au-Prince. The rupture on Saturday was centered about 60 miles from
the nearest town, Chillan, and 70 miles from the country"s second-largest city, Concepcion.
     Read the article using the following questions.
     Questions For discussion with others and reading comprehension:
     How does the 2010 Chilean earthquake compare to the 1960 Chilean earthquake?
     Why do scientists believe that the 2010 Chilean earthquake will not cause the same level of damage as
January"s Haitian earthquake did?
     How does the 2010 Chilean earthquake compare to the 2004 Indonesian earthquake?
     What reasons do scientists give to explain why the Indonesian quake caused so much more damage than
the recent Chilean earthquake? 1. Which of the following shows one of the reasons for slighter losses in Chile than in Haiti? [     ]

A. Position
B. Power
C. Building
D. Rescue

2. We can infer that the article Underwater Plate Cuts 400 Mile Gash includes _____.[     ]
A. the causes of the 2010 Chilean earthquake and the 1960 Chilean earthquake
B. the comparison between the 2010 Haitian and the 2004 Indonesian earthquakes
C. the reason for the 2010 Chilean quake being more powerful than January"s Haitian earthquake
D. the reason for less damage in the 2010 Chilean quake than in the 2004 Indonesian earthquake 3. What is the passage most likely to be? [     ]
A. A program for research.
B. A guide to earthquake study.
C. An advertisement for students.
D. An introduction to quakes.
题型:江苏模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Quickly, the picture comes alive with hyperlinks (超链接), offering the names of the buildings, towers
and street features that appear in the photo. The hyperlinks lead to information about the history, services
and context of all the features in the photo. You have just hyperlinked your reality.
     That might be a little unbelievable, but the technology exists and is no fevered imagination. This is not
a cool small machine invented for the next James Bond movie; this is a working technology just developed
by European researchers. It could be coming to a phone near you, and soon.
     This, as the marketing types say, is a game changer. It develops a completely new interface (界面) that
combines web-technology with the real world. It is big and fresh, but it goes much further and has much
greater influence.
     The development of the system is most outstanding because image recognition technology has long been
pregnant with promise, but seemed to suffer from an unending labour.
     Now MOBVIS has not only developed image recognition; it has also developed more applications for the
technology; and it has adapted it to the world"s most popular technology: the mobile phone.
     The MOBVIS system completely rewrites the rules for exploration and interaction with your physical
environment. The system begins with panoramas (一连串景象). These panoramas form the basis of a city
database. It can match buildings, towers, banners and even logos that appear in the panoramas.
     A user simply takes a picture of the street feature, MOBVIS compares the user"s photograph to the
panoramas and then identifies the buildings from the picture you take and the relevant links are returned.
     Then you simply click on the Imks, using a touch-screen phone, and the MOBVIS system will provide
information on the history, art, architecture or even the menu, if it is a restaurant, of the building in question. 1. Which is introduced in the passage? [     ]
A. A new game software. 
B A popular mobile phone.
C. A cool small machine.
D. An image recognition system. 2. What can we learn about the new technology? [     ]
A. It can only be put into use on mobile phones.
B. It is a little unbelievable and just a fevered imagination.
C. It has taken an unending labor to bring the technology into our lives.
D. It will encourage the users to take more pictures of the street features. 3. What is the right order of the operation of MOBVIS? 
    a. A city database forms in the system
    b. MOBVIS recognizes the picture and links are returned
    c. A user touches the links on the phone screen
    d. A user takes a picture of the street feature.
    e. MOBVIS provides information in question[     ]
A. a; e; c; d; b;
B. a; d; b; c; e
C. d; c; e; a; b
D. c; a; e; b; d 4. From the passage, we can infer that _____. [     ]
A. MOBVIS has already been widely used all over the world
B. the writer is trying to promote the sales of the MOBVIS system
C. this new technology will soon be very popular in our lives
D. the sales of mobile phones will decrease as MOBVIS comes on market
题型:江苏模拟题难度:| 查看答案
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。      The organization, Keep Time for Children, was started in 2002 to make people realize the importance of
family time on weekends, particularly for families with school age children. 1_____ We will try to help parents
take one day off on weekends to be with their family. 
     2_____ What children want and need most is to spend time with their parents, not with toys or taking part
in activities. But with more and more people working on weekends, many children of school age don"t see their
parents anywhere near as often as they should. 
     3_____ The movement is designed for families of all types and sizes under increasing pressure to work on
weekends. Because weekends are the very time when school age children are at home and in need of their
parents, we are going to put forward a Family Day Bill (议案) to the government. 4_____ It is aimed to solve
the problems of increasing "shift (换班的)-parenting" and of young children being left "home alone" on
     5_____ If parents have a day off, they can spend a lot of time and energy with their children to share their
happiness. A. Keep Time for Children is now starting a movement.
B. The law is likely to make sure that parents take good care of their children.
C. Our aim is mainly to encourage parents to spend time with their children.
D. An American set up the organization.
E. It would give every parent of children under the age of 16 the right in law to a weekend day off each week.
F. Our time is the most important thing that we can give our children.
G. Parents who do not share enough time with their children are to blame.
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Children and young people tend to have certain role models-people they want to be like when they grow
   1  .Though   2   children would have wished to copy their mother, father or a(n)   3   relative, gradually
these role models are thought of as famous people or popular   4  . People have different opinions about   5  
 popular stars or other famous people are good role models for children Charming models, such as Katie Price,
are often admired and   6   by young girls. This is the biggest worry of parents and teachers. They wish to
   7   the concept that success is achieved through hard work and   8   rather than an attractive looking.
     Most people tend to grow up to be those who are   9   home-their parents or family friends. Some decide
to be like their favorite teacher. A child who loves to  10  may want to grow to be the next Picasso or Van
Gogh; Someone who loves to  11  might imagine themselves as a famous writer; if a child enjoys dancing,
he or she  12  well admire a famous dancer, but this is not the  13 . A lot of dance students wish to be like
their  14  teacher.
     Therefore, the job of a teacher is  15  just providing knowledge of a given subject. They should be able
to  16  their students" trust and  17  them well. Helping youngsters to learn from models, to learn how to
accept  18  with grace and losing with dignity, is central to any parent"s or teacher"s job. Manners are very
important and a dance teacher can  19  his or her position and influence to  20  good behaviors to youngsters.  
题型:安徽省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1.A.younger         
(     )2.A.at first        
(     )3.A.generous        
(     )4.A.fans            
(     )5.A.that            
(     )6.A.looked down upon
(     )7.A.encourage       
(     )8.A.luck            
(     )9.A.similar to      
(     )10.A.read and write  
(     )11.A.write           
(     )12.A.should          
(     )13.A.deal            
(     )14.A dance           
(     )15.A.better than     
(     )16.A.receive         
(     )17.A.communicatc with  
(     )18.A.challenging     
(     )19.A.make use of     
(     )20.A.turn            
B.at last        
B.thought highly of    
B.different from  
B.sing and dance  
B.less than      
B.keep up with    
B.lose control of 
C.at least        
C.caught up with  
C.far from        
C.listen and speak     
C.more than      
C.negotiate with  
C.take charge of  
D.at most         
D.made fun of      
D.close to        
D.draw and paint            
D.rather than     
D.put up with      
D.get rid of       