Kate"s weakness is more acceptable-she is unable to walk past a cake shop without overeating Sophin Cartier
finds her cigarette habit a headache, while Alice"s thumb-sucking drives her boy friend crazy. Four people
with very different habits, but they all share a common problem anxiety disorder or, in serious cases. Obessive
Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
From nail-biting to too much hand-washing, overeating and internet addiction (上瘾),OCD is widespread
in almost every workplace and countless home."It is a relatively common form of anxiety," says Dr. Mootee.
"The main feature of OCD is the repetition of unwanted obsessive (过度的) thoughts such as worries that
doors are left unlocked, gas or electrical appliances are left on." In order to fight against the an essay checking
door locks and gas or electrical appliances.
Dr. Mootee says that repetitive washing, particularly of the hands, is the most common type of OCD. She
has treated many patients who wash their hands up to 30 times a day. The technique Mootee uses to treat
people with OCD is called cognitive-behavioral therapy (认知行为疗法). "It is based on the general idea that
people have the ability to change the way they think and behave," says Mootee.
But when does a habit become a problem? "It"s personal," says Mootee. "Everyone has something unusual,
but if you can"t put up with it, then it"s a problem and you need to do something to change it." Mootee says
many people ready for treatment because they fear they are "crazy". But as people become more knowledgeable about these problems they will go and get help. The only way to cure is to conquer.
B. hurting himself
C. sucking fingers
D. biting nails
B. gets into unwanted habits to relieve stress
C. has unwanted thoughts about habits
D. has unwanted thoughts because of illness
B. people can put up with their problems
C. people can change their way of thinking and action
D. people tend to repeat their obsessive actions
B. must cure his illness by himself
C. must overcome many physical illnesses
D. should have a right attitude towards the problem
Unlike the other disciplines (学科), philosophy cannot e defined by what you study,because it si actually
unlimited. Anything can be the subject matter of philosophy: are, history, law, language, literature,
mathematics, and in fact, the other academic disciplines are directly related to philosophy. For this reason
you get a Doctorate (博士学位) of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in biochemistry, or computer science, or
Two broad sub-fields of philosophy are logic and the history of philosophy. Logic is the science of
argument and critical thinking. It provides sound methods for distinguishing good from bad reasoning.
The history of philosophy involves the study of major philosophers and period in the development of
Of what use is philosophy? First it is useful in educational advancement. It is necessary for understanding
other disciplines. Only philosophy question the nature of the concepts used in a discipline, and its relation to
other disco[;ones. And through the study of philosophy, one develops sound methods of research and analysis
that can be applied to any field.
There are a number of general uses of philosophy. It strengthens one"s ability to solve problem, to
communicate, to organize ideas and issues, to persuade, and to take what is the most important form a large
quantity of data. These general uses are of great benefit in the career filed, not necessarily for obtaining one"s
first job after graduation,but for preparing for positions of responsibility, management and leadership later on.
It is very short sighted after all, to take a course of studies only for the purpose of getting one"s first job. The
useful skills developed thought the study of philosophy have significant long-term benefits in career
advancement. No other discipline systematically follows the ideals of wisdom, leadership, and capacity to
resolve human conflict.
B. natural sciences
C. both social and natural sciences
D. the subject matter of politics
B. succeed in everything
C. find a good job soon after graduation
D. make progress in your career development
B. Logic helps you to become a better thinker.
C. The study of philosophy brings you immediate benefits.
D. The meaning of philosophy is too limited to define.
B. a person will get a Ph. D. if he/she studies philosophy
C. philosophy can be helpful for the study of any other subjects
D. philosophy is the only solution to all the problems in the world
Today about 70 countries use Daylight Saving Time (DST). Daylight Saving was first introduced during
World War I in Australia. During the world wars, DST was used for the late summers beginning January
1917 and 1942, and the full summers beginning September 1942 and 1943.
In 1967, Tasmania experienced a drought (干旱). The State Government introduced one hour of daylight
saving that summer as a way of saving power and water. Tasmanians liked the idea of daylight saving and the
Tasmanian Government has declared daylight saving each summer since 1968. Persuaded by the Tasmanian
Government, all states except two passed a law in 1971, for a test use of daylight saving. In 1972, New South
Wales, South Australia and Victoria joined Tasmania for regular daylight saving, but Queensland did not do so
until 1989.
Tasmania, Queensland and South Australia have had irregular plans, often changing their dates due to politics
or festivals (节日). For example, in 1992, Tasmania extended (延长) daylight saving by an extra month while
South Australia began extending daylight saving by two weeks for the Adelaide Festival. Special daylight saving
plans were made during the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.
The differences in daylight saving in Australia continue to cause serious problems in transport and many
other social activities. It also reduces the number of hours in the working day that are common to all centers
in the country. In particular, time differences along the east coast cause major differences, especially for the
broadcasters of national radio and television.
B. to support government officials
C. to pass a special law in the state
D. to save water and electricity
B. Queensland.
C. South Australia.
D. New South Wales.
B. It is not used in festivals.
C. Its plan was changed in 2000.
D. It lasts for two weeks.
B. It helps little to save energy.
C. It brings about longer working days.
D. Radio and TV programs become different.
is no new Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling"s wizard is not alone: the past decade has been a harvest for good
children"s books, which has set off a large quantity of films and in turn led to increased sales of classics
such as The Lord of the Rings.
Yet despite that, reading is increasingly unpopular among children. According to statistics, in 1997 23%
said they didn"t like reading at all. In 2003, 35% did. And around 6% of children leave primary school each
year unable to read properly.
Maybe the decline is caused by the increasing availability of computer games. Maybe the books boom has
affected only the top of the educational pile. Either way, Chancellor Gordon Brown plans to change things for
the bottom of the class. In his pre-budget report, he announced the national project of Reading Recovery to
help the children struggling most.
Reading Recovery is aimed at six-year-olds, who receive four months of individual daily half-hour classes
with a specially trained teacher. An evaluation earlier this year reported that children on the scheme made 20
months" progress in just one year, whereas similarly weak readers without special help made just five months"
progress, and so ended the year even further below the level expected for their age.
International research tends to find that when British children leave primary school they read well, but read
less - often for fun than those elsewhere. Reading for fun matters because children who are keen on reading
can expect lifelong pleasure and loving books is an excellent indicator of future educational success. According
to the OECD, being a regular and enthusiastic reader is of great advantage.
B. Many high-quality children"s books have been published.
C. The sales of classics have led to the popularity of films.
D. The sales of presents for children have increased.
B. a decreasing number of children showed interest in reading.
C. a minority of primary school children read properly.
D. a large percentage of children read regularly.
B. Weak readers on the project were the most hardworking.
C. It aims to train special teachers to help children with reading.
D. Children on the project showed noticeable progress in reading.
B. shows the potential to enjoy a long life.
C. is likely to succeed in their education.
D. would make excellent future researchers.
B. to encourage the publication of more children"s books.
C. to remind children of the importance of reading for fun.
D. to introduce a way to improve early childhood reading.
of the television have been devised in the UK.
The shoes-named Square Eyes-contain an electronic pressure sensor and a tiny computer chip to
record how many steps the wearer has taken in a day. A wireless transmitter passes the information to
a receiver connected to a television, and this decides how much evening viewing time the wearer deserves,
based on the day"s efforts.
The design was inspired by a desire to fight against the rapidly ballooning waistlines among British
teenagers, says Gillian Swan, who developed Square Eyes as a final year design project at Brunel University
in London, UK. "We looked at current issues and childhood overweight really stood out," she says. "And I
wanted to tackle that with my design."
Once a child has used up their daily allowance gained through exercise, the television automatically
switches off. And further time in front of the TV can only be earned through more steps.
Swan calculated how exercise should translate to television time using the recommended daily amounts
of both. Health experts suggest that a child take 12,000 steps each day and watch no more than two hours
of television. So, every 100 steps recorded by the Square Eyes shoes equals precisely one minute of TV
Existing pedometer (计步器) normally clip onto a belt or slip into a pocket and keep count of steps by
measuring sudden movement. Swan says these can be easily tricked into recording steps through shaking.
But her shoe has been built to be harder for lazy teenagers to cheat. "It is possible, but it would be a lot of
effort," she says. "That was one of my main design considerations."
B. deal with overweight among teenagers.
C. enable children to resist the temptation of TV.
D. prevent children from being tricked by TV programs.
B. They determine a child"s daily pocket money.
C. They have raised the hot issue of overweight.
D. They contain information of the receiver.
B. The precise number of hours spent on TV.
C. The proper amount of daily exercise and TV time.
D. The way of changing steps into TV watching time.
A. make it difficult for lazy teenagers to cheat.
B. counts the wearer"s steps through shaking.
C. records the sudden movement of the wearer.
D. sends teenagers" health data to the receiver.
B. Smart Shoes Guarantee More Exercise
C. Smart Shoes Measure Time of Exercise
D. Smart Shoes Stop Childhood Overweight
hopeless about it. Can you learn to read better, or must you agree that nothing can be done about it?
To be sure, people are different. You cannot to do everything as well as certain other people do. It al the
students in a class tried out for basketball, some would be very good players; others would be very poor;
and many would be in between. But even the very poor players can become much better players if they are
guided in the right way, and with plenty of practice. It is the same with reading. Some seem to enjoy reading
and to read well without any special help. Others find reading a slow and tiring job. In between, there are all
degrees of reading ability.
Many experiments have shown that just about every poor reader can improve his reading ability. In these
experiments, the poor readers were given tests of reading ability. After some of the causes of their poor
reading were discovered, they were given special instruction and practice in reading. After a few months,
another test of the same kind was given. In nearly all cases, these people had raised their reading scores.
B. that there are differences in people"s abilities
C. why some people are good basketball players
D. that good basketball players can be good readers
B. that there are differences in people"s abilities
C. why some people are good basketball players
D. that good basketball players can be good readers
B. almost all poor readers can make progress
C. causes of poor reading are difficult to find out
D. tests help people improve their reading ability
- 1长方形的长为2a+3b,周长为6a+4b,则该长方形的宽为 .
- 2舰A在舰B的正东6千米处,舰C在舰B的北偏西30°且与B相距4千米,它们准备捕海洋动物,某时刻A发现动物信号,4秒后B、
- 3观察图,下列说法错误的是 A.讽刺达尔文的生物进化理论B.在当时生物进化论被普遍接受C.达尔文
- 4玉米是我省重要的粮食作物。下面关于玉米的正确叙述是 [ ]A.玉米是单子叶植物,一粒玉米是由一个胚珠发育来的 B
- 5离子化合物AB2的阴、阳离子的电子层结构相同,1 mol AB2中含54 mol电子,且有下列反应:①H2+B2C②B2
- 6飞行中的鸟要改变飞行方向时,鸟的身体要倾斜(如图所示).与车辆不同的是,鸟转弯所需的向心力由重力和空气对它们的作用力的合
- 7可利用下图中的实验装置测定足量铜与适量一定浓度的浓硝酸反应生成的NO气体和NO2气体的物质的量之比(用m表示),其中装置
- 8有关发达国家和发展中国家的说法,不正确的是[ ]A.发达国家工农业生产发达,经济发展水平高B.发达国家以高技术制
- 9已知一次函数y=kx+4的图象与两坐标轴围成的三角形面积为12,求k的值.
- 10小范2008年上半年自办豆腐坊,取得了好的效益;下半年又雇佣工人成立豆制品厂,扩大了生产规模。他一年的收入包括[
- 1阅读下面的文字,回答后面的问题。被上帝咬过的苹果
- 2下列图示实验操作中,不正确的是( )A.B.C.D.
- 3试在下述简化情况下由牛顿定律导出动量守恒定律的表达式:系统是两个质点,相互作用力是恒力,不受其他力,沿直线运动,要求说明
- 4某同学用刻度尺测定如图所示的容器内某种液体的折射率,实验步骤如下: a.用刻度尺测出容器瓶口内径为l2 cm;b.在瓶内
- 5对下列实验现象的解释正确的是选项实验现象解释AC12使鲜艳的红色花瓣褪色Cl2具有强还原性BNH3与HCl气体接触时有白
- 6决定人的肤色、头发是直发还是卷发、眼皮是双眼皮还是单眼皮的是[ ]A.细胞核 B.染色体 C.DNA
- 7阅读理解。 Scientists have learned a lot about the kinds of
- 8阅读下列材料:材料一今皇帝并有天下,别黑白而定一尊。私学而相与非法教之制,人闻令下,则各以其学议之,入则心非,出则巷议,
- 92011年高校毕业生人数为660万,“十二五”期间应届毕业生年平均规模将达到近700万人,大学生就业形势十分严峻。目前,
- 10下列说法中正确的是( )A.某溶液与NaOH溶液共热,产生能使湿润的蓝色石蕊试纸变红的气体,说明原溶液中存在铵根离子B