当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     A study now lends support to the idea that meal-time distractions (分散注...
阅读理解。     A study now lends support to the idea that meal-time distractions (分散注意) can mask the clues that
we really have eaten quite enough. Moreover, it finds, the caloric fallout of not paying attention to what
we"re eating doesn"t necessarily end when a meal is over.
     Rose Cooper from England and her colleagues gathered 22 men and an equal number of women for an
experiment. Each person dined alone, continuously receiving nine small shares of food items. These ranged
from cheese twists and potato chips to carrots, cherry tomatoes and sandwiches or sausage rolls.
     Because the goal was to test the potential impacts of distraction on fuUness, the researchers randomly
assigned half of the participants to eat in front of a computer-and to gain as many wins as possible at the
"card" game. Everyone else was told to focus on the sensory qualities of their meal.
     According to their instructions, the participants ate all of the food given to them. Yet people who played
a computer game during lunch found their meal less filling than the mindful eaters had. Game players also
swallow clown twice as many cookies, almost an hour later, when they were allowed all the dessert they
wanted (in the name of a taste test). The British scientists present their findings in the February American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
     The real question is why distracted eating should impact snacking. It appears, the scientists say, that
memory plays some tricky role in how we register what we eat and the degree to which it satisfies.
     Interestingly, eight years ago, Britta Barkeling of Huddinge University in Stockholm and her colleagues
reported somewhat related findings. Their 18 overweight subjects had no choice other than to get rid of
everything but lunch, on one day-because they were blindfolded. Compared to a day when they could view
what they were dining on, these people consumed only three quarters as many calories. Yet even hours
afterward, they reported being no less full than on the day they had been able to see their plates.
     Of course dining in the dark isn"t practical. And sometimes what we eat doesn"t really invite our absolute
attention. But there is certainly a growing mountain of data indicating that mindless eating is a waste of
resources, a risk to our waistlines-and a costly threat to health. 1. Rose Cooper and her colleagues did the experiment in order to _____. A. show that all the people enjoy snacks
B. prove that playing computer games is harmful while dining
C. find the possible effects of distraction on fullness
D. test the impacts of eating snacks on different people 2. Which is the most effective way to concentrate on your food when dining? A. Viewing your food.
B. Blindfolding your eyes.
C. Playing computer games.
D. Eating by oneself. 3. The reason why mindless eating influences snacking may be that _____. A. you eat less in that case
B. you are cheated by your memory
C. you have consumed more calories
D. you digest what you"ve eaten faster 4. We can conclude from the passage that _____. A. distracted eating may damage your health
B. eating snacks will make you feel full
C. Britta became famous because of the experiment
D. playing is more important than what people eat
1-4 CBBA
试题【阅读理解。     A study now lends support to the idea that meal-time distractions (分散注】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     The best way to experience the web, email, photos, video and other features. "All of the built-in programs
on iPad were designed from the ground up to take advantage of the large Multi-Touch screen and advanced
capabilities of iPad. And they work in any orientation. So you can do things with these programs that you can"t
do on any other device.
     iPad is the best way to experience the web. View whole pages in portrait or landscape on the large Multi-
Touch screen. And let your fingers do the surfing. All iPad models come with built-in Wi-Fi, and safari can
make iPad connect to the web via high-speed Wi-Fi. And when you"re away from a Wi-Fi network, you should
choose iPad with Wi-Fi +3G, which will make you surf the Internet anywhere, and sign up for access to 3G
data service.
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    There"s nothing like the Mail program on iPad. With a split-screen view,
and expansive onscreen keyboard, it lets you see and touch your email in
ways you never could before.
    A vivid LED-backlit IPS display (显屏) makes viewing photos on iPad
extraordinary. Open albums with a tap. Flip through your pictures one by
one. Or play a slideshow and share your photos.
     What makes one person more intelligent than another? What makes one person a genius, like the brilliant
Albert Einstein, and another person a fool? Are people born intelligent or stupid, or is intelligence the result
of where and how you live? 1_____
     We know, however, that just being born with a good mind is not enough. In some ways, the mind is like
a leg or an arm muscle. 2_____ Mental exercise is particularly important for young children. Many child
psychologists think that parents should play with their children more often and give them problems to think
about. 3_____ If, on the other hand, children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do, they are more likely
to become dull and unintelligent. 
     4_____ According to some psychologists, if parents are always telling a child that he or she is a fool or an
idiot, then the child is more likely to keep doing silly and foolish things. So it is probably better for parents to
say very positive things to their children, such as "That was a very clever thing you did." or "75 "
A. A healthy body contributes to one"s intelligence.
B. Parents should also be careful about what they say to young children.
C. What people want to express is like this.
D. The children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelligent.
E. It needs exercise.
F. You are such a smart child.
G. These are very old questions and the answers to them are still not clear.
     Superman had it right if you want to keep something safe, build a mountain fortress (堡垒) above the
Arctic Circle. That"s the thinking-more or less-behind the Svalbard Global Seed Vault (地窖). Almost every
nation keeps collections of native seeds so local crops can be replanted in case of an agricultural disaster.
The Global Seed Vault, opened on the far-northern Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, is a backup for the
backups. It"s badly needed-as many as half the seed banks in developing countries are at risk from natural
disasters. The vault can hold up to 4.5 million samples, which will be kept dry at about -18℃. Even if the
facility (设施) loses power, the Arctic climate should keep the seeds alive for thousands of years.
     On an unusual old farm in New York City, workers are also storing away the seeds of the future. In this
unlikely place, researchers are putting the seeds from flowering plants and trees in a sleeplike state called
suspended animation (假死状态). Many years from now, other workers will wake up the sleeping seeds and
plant them where they"re most needed. These seeds are like the legendary (传说中的) Rip van Winkle, who
fell asleep under a tree and woke up 20 years later. The small farm, called the Greenbelt Native Plant Center,
is part of a global effort to save threatened (受到威胁的) plants and trees. The most important step is to
collect seeds at exactly the right time-when they are just about ready to fall from the plant. The seeds are
being kept in storage at the Greenbelt Center. When planted in the future, these seeds could help restore
damaged parklands and forests.
1. Why is the Global Seed Vault located in a far-northern Norwegian island?
A. Because it is a place to keep everything safe.
B. Because half the seed banks in developing countries are at risk.
C. Because the climate there is fit for keeping seeds for a long time.
D. Because it is the best place to fight against agricultural disasters.
2. The Greenbelt Native Plant Center in New York City is unusual because _____.
A. it is an old farm in a big city
B. it is the largest seed company in the world
C. it is set up to save the threatened plants and trees
D. it stores the seeds of most kinds of plants in New York City
3. To store the seeds well and last as long as possible, the most important thing is to _____.
A. collect seeds at the right time
B. store them at a constant temperature
C. dry them in specially designed rooms
D. make it enter a state of suspended animation
4. The passage is mainly about _____.
A. Global Seed Vault
B. saving seeds for the future
C. the challenges of collecting seeds for storage
D. the efforts made by Greenbelt Center to save plants
     Looking back on China"s road to outer space, people can easily find it has not been very smooth. In the
past years, Chinese people have made hard and determined efforts to realize the dream their ancestors had
for thousands of years.
     After China"s first satellite into the Earth"s orbit in 1970 came four flights of unmanned Shenzhou missions
(飞行) from 1999 to 2002. The country carried out its first one-piloted space flight in October, 2003, making
China the third country in the world to have independent human spaceflight ability after the Soviet Union and
the United States. Then came another breakthrough on October 12, 2005, when Shenzhou 6, China"s second
human spaceflight, was launched, with a crew of two astronauts. What"s more, the landmark (具有里程碑意
义的) spacewalk done by Zhai Zhigang, one of the three boarding Shenzhou 7, launched on Sept. 25, 2008,
leads the country further in its space exploration.
     Meanwhile, China"s moon exploration project, started in 2004, has also been progressing satisfactorily.
Fifty years after the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the world"s first man-made satellite, China"s first
circumlunar (绕月的) satellite Chang"e l took off on Oct. 24, 2007, which became another milestone in China"s
space achievements after the above-mentioned manned flights. Chang"e l was expected to fulfill four scientific
goals, one of which was to probe (勘探) mineral elements on the moon, especially those not existent on Earth.
It"s said that the lunar regolith (月壤) is abundant in helium-3, a clean fuel that may support the Earth"s energy
demands for more than a century. Nearly 3 years later, Oct. 1, 2010 witnessed the blasting off of Chang"e 2,
China"s 2nd unmanned lunar probe, marking another step forward in moon exploration. This time the aim is to
test the key techniques of Chang"e 3 and Chang"e 4, as a preparation for a soft lunar landing in the future.
     With great expectations, people all over the world are looking forward to China"s greater space
1. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?
A. China sent its first satellite into the Moon"s orbit in 1970.
B. China is the third country in Asia to make human spaceflight.
C. By now, altogether 5 astronauts have made successful spaceflight by Shenzhou spaceship.
D. The launching of Chang"e l became the third milestone in China"s space achievements.
2. Paragraph 2 mainly deals with information about China"s _____.
A. landmark spacewalk
B. manned Shenzhou missions
C. first circumlunar satellite
D. unmanned Shenzhou missions
3. We can infer from the text that _____.
A. China"s road to outer space has not been very smooth for a long time
B. the lunar regolith is believed to be rich in a clean fuel called helium-3
C. China"s lunar exploration project was started in 2004 and completed in 2007
D. China"s scientists are researching into techniques for soft lunar landing
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A. Ancient Chinese"s Dream
B. China"s Major Space Achievements
C. China"s Moon Exploration
D. The World"s Great Expectations
     A scientist turns out to be able to see the future by offering each of some four-year-olds a piece of candy
and watching how he or she deals with it. Some children reach eagerly for the treat they see. Some last a few
minutes before they give in. But others are determined to wait until the last moment.
     By the time the children reach high school, something remarkable has happened. A survey found that those
who as four-year-olds had enough self-control to hold out generally grew up to be more popular, adventurous,
confident and dependable. The children who gave in to temptation (诱惑) early on were more likely to be lonely,
easily frustrated (沮丧) and inflexible (固守己见的).
     Actually, the ability to delay reward is a sign of emotional intelligence which doesn"t show up on an IQ test. 
     The hardware of the brain and the software of the mind have long been scientists" concerns. But brain
theory can"t explain what we wonder about most, like the question why some people remain upbeat in the face
of troubles that would sink a less resistant soul.
     Here comes the theory of Daniel Coleman, writer of Emotional Intelligence: when it comes to predicting
people"s success, brain ability as measured by IQ may actually matter less than the qualities of mind once
thought of as "character".
     EQ is not the opposite of IQ. What researchers have been trying to understand is how they work together;
how one"s ability to handle stress, for instance, affects the ability to concentrate and put intelligence to use.
Among the ingredients (要素) for success, researchers now generally agree that IQ counts for about 20%; the
rest depends on everything from social class to luck.
     While many researchers in this relatively new field are glad to see emotional issues finally taken seriously,
some few fear EQ invites misuse.
1. The experiment with the four-year-olds makes it clear that _____.
A. the age of 4 is a proper time for scientific experiment
B. emotional intelligence won"t show up until adolescence
C. the ability of self-control plays a role in personal success
D. candy can be used to measure a person"s emotional intelligence
2. Which of the following is true of EQ and IQ according to the text?
A. The higher a person"s EQ is, the higher his or her IQ is.
B. The higher a person"s IQ is, the higher his or her EQ is.
C. Some people can be blessed with lots of both, but some with little of either.
D. Scientists have already discovered the way in which EQ and IQ work together.
3. The underlined word "upbeat" in Paragraph 4 probably means _____.
A. kind
B. floating
C. excited
D. optimistic
4. Why does the author mention the experiment at the beginning of the text?
A. To amuse both the children and readers.
B. To prove the scientist"s wisdom.
C. To introduce the topic of the text.
D. To show us how to do an IQ test.
5. What is most likely to be written in the paragraph that follows?
A. Information about famous people with high EQ.
B. Examples showing the opposite voice about EQ.
C. Some reasons why EQ is a relatively new field.
D. Strong demand for basic emotional education.