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Natural ways of keeping time

In ancient times, people had to use the sun and the moon to tell time. They got up when the sun came up and worked in the fields until the sun went down.
Man-made things
The sand clock is made of two glass balls joined by a narrow neck. The top ball was filled with sand. The sand slowly moved through the neck into the bottom ball. People knew how much time had passed when all the sand had fallen to the bottom ball.
People also made the water clock. They made a small hole near the bottom of a pot. Then they filled the pot with water. Markings inside the pot showed how much time passed as the water dripped (滴) out of the hole.
Nature’s Clocks in Living Things
◆Animals’ Body Clock
Animals do not need clocks to know time. They have a way of telling time by their bodies. Birds know when to fly to warmer places before winter. Some animals know when to keep more food for the cold winter months. Some fish know when it is time to move up the river and lay eggs.
◆Plants have their own clocks
Plants also have their own clocks to keep time. Plants know when to open flow­ers or when to drop their leaves.
◆The Body Clock in Human Beings
People also have their own body clocks. When we get used to our lives, our body clocks can be very accurate (准确的). It can tell us when it is time to wake up. It can also tell us when to eat or to go to sleep.
小题1:How could an ancient farmer know when to go back home in the daytime?
A.By looking at the moon.B.By looking at the stars.
C.By looking at the sun.D.By feeling whether tired or not.
小题2: How many kinds of living things with nature’s clocks are mentioned here?
小题3:From the passage, we know what man-made things have in common is that_______.
A.both of them have a hole.B.both of them are designed with glass balls.
C.both of them can be used only once.D.both of them tell time in the same way



试题【Natural ways of keeping timeIn ancient times, people had to use the sun and the 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and each course which he attends gives him a credit (学分) which he may count towards a degree. In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for one semester (学期). A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks; while attending a university a student will probably take four or five courses during each semester. Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year. It is possible to spread the period of work for the degree over a longer period. It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course, though this is not in fact done as a regular practice.
For every course that he follows, a student is given a grade, which is recorded, and the record is available for the student to show to prospective(预期的) employers. All this imposes a constant pressure and strain of work, but in spite of this some students still find time for great activity in student affairs. Elections to positions in student organizations arouse much enthusiasm (热情). The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities (权威). Any student who is thought to have broken rules, for example, by cheating has to appear before a student court. With the enormous numbers of students, the operation of the system does involve a certain amount of activity. A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be of benefit to him later in his career.
72. Normally a student would at least attend ______ classes per week.
A. 36      B. 12     C. 20       D.15
73. According to the first passage an American student is allowed ______.
A. to live in a different university
B. to take a particular course in a different university
C. to live at home and drive to classes
D. to get two degrees from two different universities
74. American students are usually under pressure of work because ______.
A. their academic performance will affect their future careers
B. they are heavily involved in student affairs
C. they have to observe university discipline
D. they want to run for positions of authoring
75. Some students are enthusiastic for positions in student organizations probably because_____.
A. they hate the constant pressure and strain of their study
B. they will then be able to stay longer in the university
C. such positions help them get better jobs
D. such positions are usually well paid
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Have you ever tried to draw a straight line, only to find it turns out all wrong? Or, have you ever wanted to show ___36___ at a party and found the song you’d practiced so many times suddenly__37_ more difficult? I’ve had both these__38___. As a senior student, I have to ___39__ many exams. Each time, I think, “ I__40___ fail this time,’’ but I get a low mark. Don’t be surprised---it’s not __41___ I don’t try, do enough preparation, __42__ take it seriously. On the contrary, it is because I give it too _43__ attention. The thought “ I must pass” makes me taste the terrible flavor of failure.
I often___44___ to my friends, “ Don’t be too hard ___45____ yourself.” However, when I __46___ my own goals, I do not listen to my own advice. So why not ___47__ this crazy thought of achieving the best? Just face the problem__48____before you with a calm mind, work and you will succeed.
In my opinion, __49___ a calm state of mind is a skill for life. People__50__ want to succeed realizing this is of __51______ importance. So __52___ time you’re trying to draw a straight line or ___53___ a performance, tell yourself, “ If I can just do it _54___ than last time, it’s a success.” Keep a calm state of mind, and you will be happy __55____you succeed or fail.
A.experiencesB.experienceC.times D.difficulties
A.won’tB. can C.needD.needn’t
A.because ofB./C.thereforeD.because
小题12: A. throw away      B. get away         C. take up         D push off
小题16: A no                B. little         C. very           D. great
A.lastB.the lastC.nextD.the next
小题18:A. put on             B play on                C. give on         D show on

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

The exact number of English words is not known. The large dictionaries have over half a million entries, but many of these are compound words (schoolroom, sugar bowl) or different derivatives of the same word (rare—rarely, rarefy), and a good many are obsolete words to help us read older literature. Dictionaries do not attempt to cover completely words that we can draw on: the informal vocabulary, especially slang, localism, the terms of various occupations and professions; words use only occasionally by scientists and specialists in many fields; foreign words borrowed for use in English; or many new words or new senses of words that come into use every year and that may or may not be used long enough to warrant being included. It would be conservative to say that there are over a million English words that any of us might meet in our listening and reading and that we may draw on in our speaking and writing.
Professor Seashore concluded that firstgraders enter school with at least 2,000 words and add 5,000 each year so that they leave high school with at least 80,000. These figures are for recognition vocabulary, the words we understand when we read or hear them. Our active vocabulary, the words we use in speaking and writing, is considerably smaller.
You cannot always produce a word exactly when you want it. But consciously using the words you recognize in reading will help get them into your active vocabulary. Occasionally in your reading pay particular attention to these words, especially when the subject is one that you might well write or talk about. Underline or make a list of words that you feel a need for and look up the less familiar ones in a dictionary. And then before very long find a way to use some of them.
Once you know how they are pronounced and what they stand for, you can safely use them.
46. In the author´s estimation, there are ____ words in English.
A. more than half a million                B. at least 24,000
C. at least 80,000                       D. more than a million
47. The word “obsolete” most probably means ____.
A. no longer in use  B. profound   C. colorful or amusing   D. common
48. One´s recognition vocabulary is ____.
A. less often used than his active vocabulary
B. smaller than his active vocabulary
C. as large as his active vocabulary
D. much larger than his active vocabulary
49. The author does not suggest getting recognition vocabulary into active vocabulary by ____.
A. making a list of words you need and looking up the new ones in a dictionary
B. everyday spending half an hour study the dictionary
C. consciously using the words you recognize in reading
D. trying to use the words you recognize
50. From this passage we learn that ____.
A. dictionaries completely cover the words we can make use of
B. “schoolroom” is used in the passage as an example of a specialized term
C. once you know how a word is pronounced and what it represents, you have turned it into your active word
D. active vocabulary refers to words we understand when we read and hear them
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Liberal education is becoming the task of teachers. It is   36  not only to teach and learn knowledge, but also develop a person" s character. Its   37  is to teach each student to think for himself and make   38  decisions. Now liberal education has a great effect on the world. Much work has been done to   39  a better way of teaching.
In a liberal 40  , students are encouraged to have their own thoughts and their own ideas   41 they have lessons which are often held in the form of   42  . They are properly guided to   43  the knowledge learned. Punishment   44  exists. Teachers and students are just like   45
The   46  is of course a perfect one if it can really be carried out. However, it  47  exists in the imagination and will never be realized. We must admit that children should at least be   48  properly. Just close your  49  and think how many students will   50   the duties of a student if they are not pushed. What is the  51  of advice only if it is not supported by a reasonable   52  of control and punishment?
It is   53  for us to judge the success and failure of the kind of education now, but   54  the behavior of the children, which is actually the   55  of liberal education, we can see that something must be done to help these children.

C. refused
C. reason
C. wild
C. find
C. classroom
C.      when
C.outside activities
C.      write
C.       no longer
C.          parents
C.      case 
C.       even 
C.      considered
C.       minds
C.       perform 
C.  use
C.       person
C.       hard
C.       about 
C.  result

D. reported
D. cause
D. wide
D. teach
D. playground
D. where
D.group discussions
D. review
D. once more
D. partners
D. truth
D. never
D. punished
D. classes
D. return
D. kind
D. master
D. proper
D. from
D. purpose

B. needed
B. aim 
B. wise
B. make 
B. school
B. before 
B. practice
B. use 
B. more or less
B. enemies 
B. fact
B. only
B. guided
B. eyes
B. make
B. matter 
B. request 
B. possible
B. against
B. goal

36. A. designed                    37. A. result                            
38. A. quick                     
39. A. hold                              
40. A. class                              
41. A. after                              
42. A. playing                         
43. A. remember                           
44. A. for ever                          
45. A. strangers                            
46. A. idea                                 
47. A. also                                 
48. A. liked                               
49. A. doors                               
50. A. order                               
51. A. meaning                              
52. A. degree                              
53. A. easy                                
54. A. with                                 
55. A. progress                             
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Under normal conditions the act of communication requires the presence of at least two persons: one who sends and one who receives the communication. In order to communicate thoughts and feelings, there must be a conventional system of signs of symbols which mean the same to the sender and the receiver.
The means of sending communications are too numberous and varied for systematic classification, therefore, the analysis must begin with the means of receiving communication. Reception of communicatio isachievedbyourenses.Sight,hearing,andtouch play the most important roles. Smell and taste paly very limited roles, for they cannot receive intellectual expression from fully developed systems of signs and symbols        
Examples of visual communication are gesture and mimicry (模仿). Although both frequently ac- company speech, there are systems that rely solely on sight, such as those used by deaf and dumb per- sons. Another means of communication visually is by signals of fire, smoke, flags and flashing lights. Feelings may be simply communicated by touch, such as by handshaking or backslapping, although a highly developed system of handstriking has enabled blind, deaf, and dumb persons to communicate intelligently. Whistling to someone, applauding in a theater, and other forms of communication by sound rely upon the ear as a receiver. The most fully developed form of auditory communication is, of course, the spoken language.
The means of communication mentioned so far have two features in common: they last only a short time and the persons involved must be relatively close to each other. Therefore, all are restricted in time and space.
64. The author explains he will deal with reception of communication first because   
A. communication actually takes place when the message is received
B. there are more means of receiving than of sending cmmunication
C.reception of communications involves use of the senses
D.it is difficult to organize by type the means of sending communication
65. Persons who cannot see, hear, or speak are able to communicate through a system of
A. gesturing       B. handshaking      C. backslapping       D. handstriking
66. A form of visual communication often used with a type of auditory communicati      
A. gesturing     B. handshaking        C. backslapping       D. handstriking
67. The author specifically mentions that speech is
A. often used when communication by touch
B. necessary for satisfactory communication by gesture
C. the only highly developed system of communication
D.the most developed form of communication based on hearing
68.Which of the following statements about communication by touch is true?
A. Touch is less important than taste as a means of communication.
B. There is no well-developed system of communication based on touch.
C. It is possible to communicate intelligently by touch alone.
D. Touch must accompany visual communication.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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