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Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didn’t have modern machines. There was no modern medicine, either.
Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air    pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. It’s bad to all living things in the world.
Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. Sometimes the polluted air is so thick that it is like a quilt over a city. This kind of quilt is called smog.
Many countries are making rules to flight pollution. Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away, and they mustn’t blow dirty smoke into the air.
We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin and do not throw them on the ground, there will be less pollution.
Rules are not enough. Every person must help to fight pollution.
小题1:Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today because ______.
A.there were not any modern machines
B.there was no modern medicine
C.both A and B
D.there were not many people
小题2:What is the biggest problem in today’s life?
A.Water pollution
B.Air pollution
小题3:The most serious kind of pollution is ______.
A.noise pollution
B.air pollution
C.water pollution
D.A, B and C
小题4:Factories must clean their water ______.
A.before they are thrown away
B.when they are thrown away
C.after it is thrown away
D.before it is thrown away
小题5:From the passage we know that ______.
A.a few years ago, there was no smog at all
B.today people don’t have to talk to each other in a loud voice
C.we can drink water from the polluted rivers and lakes
D.people are making rules in order to fight pollution


小题1:C 细节题。根据第一段life was much harder than it is today. People didn’t have modern machines. There was no modern medicine, either.可知C正确。
小题2:D 细节题。根据文章第二段One of the biggest is pollution。可知D正确。
小题3:B 细节题。根据第二段第3行Air    pollution is the most serious kind of pollution.可知B正确。
小题4:D细节题。根据文章第四段Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away可知D正确。
小题5:D 细节题。根据文章第四段Many countries are making rules to flight pollution.可知D正确。
试题【Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didn’t have】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Popeye the Sailor first became a popular cartoon in the 1930s.The sailor in that cartoon ate lots of spinach(菠菜) to make him strong. People watched him, and they began to buy and eat a lot more spinach. Popeye helped sell 33 percent more spinach than before! Spinach became a necessary part of many people’s diets. Even some children who hated the taste began to eat the vegetable.
Many people thought that the iron in spinach made Popeye strong, but this is not true. Spinach does not have any more iron than any other green vegetable.
People only thought spinach had a lot of iron because the people who studied the food made a mistake. In the 1890s, a group of people studied what was inside vegetables. This group said that spinach had ten times more iron than it did. The group wrote the number wrong, and everyone accepted it.
Today, we know that the little iron there is in spinach cannot make a difference in how strong a person is. However, spinach does have something else which the body needs—folic acid(叶酸).
It is interesting to point out that folic acid can help make a person strong. Maybe it was really the folic acid that made Popeye strong all along.   
小题1:A good title for this reading passage is______.
A.Popeye the Sailor
B.The Truth About Spinach
C.A Mistake with Numbers
D.Folic Acid Makes You Strong
小题2:Why did many people eat spinach after they saw Popeye the Sailor?
A.They thought spinach made them strong.
B.They thought Popeye was funny.
C.Spinach had a lot of iron.
D.People liked folic acid.
小题3:A research group told people that spinach______.
A.made Popeye strong
B.was a green vegetable
C.had less iron than other green vegetables
D.had more iron than other green vegetables
小题4:Folic acid is ______.
A.something in food
B.a vegetable
D.a certain kind of spinach

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The koala, one of Australia’s most treasured creatures, is in trouble.

Affected by habitat (栖居地) loss and climate change, like many other uniquely Australian animals, koalas are being squeezed into smaller regions. But at present, it is a deadly disease, a somewhat silent killer that causes a further decline in the koala population, that is worrying many scientists about the fate of the koala.
The killer is Chlamydia, which has caused symptoms in up to 50 percent of the wild koalas, with probably even more infected (感染) but not showing symptoms. It has been particularly severe in Queensland, where nearly all koalas are infected. The disease causes many symptoms including eye infections, which can lead to blindness, making it difficult for them to find their primary food.
Treating Chlamydia in wild koalas is a challenge. There is no treatment available for it. Only a small percentage of the animals can be treated successfully and returned to the wild. Besides, there is no national plan in Australia to save the koala; it is up to each region to make management plans for its koala population.
The good news is that researchers are working to test a vaccine (疫苗) that would help prevent further spread. If all goes well, plans can be carried out to distribute the vaccine more widely. But it’s impossible to vaccinate (给注射疫苗)  all wild koalas.
Another possibility would be to make vaccine distribution a routine part of treatment for the thousands of koalas brought into care centers every year after they are injured by cars or dogs.
While it is a combination of problems that are affecting the wild koala population, many experts believe this vaccine would be an important step in helping koalas survive longer. It may be enough time to give researchers a chance to solve some of the other problems facing Austalia’s koalas.
小题1:Which isn’t considered the main cause of koala’s population decline?
A.A deadly disease.
B.Injuries from cars and dogs.
C.Climate change.
D.Habitat loss.
小题2:The third paragraph mainly tells us         .
A.the serious result Chlamydia has caused to the koala
B.Chlamydia affected the koala only in particular regions
C.the most serious symptom of Chlamydia is eye infections
D.Chlamydia can seriously affect koala’s primary food
小题3:We can learn from the text that the vaccine      .
A.would cure the killer Chlamydia quite effectively
B.would only be distributed in koala care centers
C.has already been put into practical use in Australia
D.cannot be distributed to all the infected koalas
小题4:It can be inferred from the text that        .
A.a national plan for saving koalas will be made soon in Australia
B.koala population is declining only in a few regions
C.researchers need enough time to solve the koala problems
D.experts have lost the best chance to save the infected koalas

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When you see homework covering the kitchen table and toys are piling up around the sofa, you probably wish there was a bit more space. You are not alone. Nearly a third of parents say they feel squeezed into their homes but cannot afford to move to a bigger property, a report reveals today.

Twenty-nine percent say "their property is too small to fit the size of their family—rising to 40 percent for those 34 and under". One in four children is "forced to share" a bedroom, according to the Finda-Property. Com website. Property analyst Samantha Baden said: "Afford-ability remains a key issue for families, with the average cost of a three-bedroom home around £193,000."Very few can afford to buy or to rent a property of the size they want and in the area they desire to live in, according to Miss Baden.
A recent report, from investment firm LV, also found that many "space-starved parents’are pushed into a two-bedroom home which was perfect when they were a young couple, but has no space for three or so children. Grown-up children who cannot afford to leave homo are also adding to the problem facing families in Britain"s "big squeeze".
For a home to be the correct size, which means it is not overcrowded, parents must have their own bedroom. Children under ten can share, as well as same-sex children between ten and 20.Anyone over 21 also needs their own room.
The report comes as official figures, published yesterday by the Land Registry, revealing house prices are falling sharply in every region except London. The worst – hit area is the North East where average house prices have fallen to below £100, 000 for the first time in seven years. However, they remain unaffordable for millions.
小题1:According to Paragraph 1, the report reveals        .
A.children like to do homework in the kitchen
B.some families can"t afford a bigger property
C.only a few families have housing problem
D.people are satisfied with their living condition
小题2:What Miss Baden said in Paragraph 2 means        .
A.most families don"t have enough money yet
B.no family could afford a three - bedroom home
C.it is common to live in a three - bedroom home
D.the price of a bigger property is still acceptable
小题3:The report from the investment firm LV shows        .
A.young couples should live in a two - bedroom home
B.families with three or so children couldn"t afford a home
C.parents should buy houses for their grown - up children
D.some grown - up children couldn"t afford a separate home
小题4:What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.House prices are falling down everywhere.
B.People are able to buy a home of correct size.
C.The house prices in London has not fallen down.
D.The North East is now an area suitable to live in.

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In a growing number of English classes, teachers are leaving the classic novels on the shelf and letting students select the books they read. Supporters say that the new approach, called reader’s workshop, helps develop a love for reading in students who are bored by classic literature. They argue that the best way to motivate students to read more is to offer them more choices.
Not all educators are on the same page, however. They worry that students who choose trendy, less challenging titles over the classics won’t be exposed to the great writing and key themes of important works of literature.Student reporters Donald and Sarah express their ideas about this new approach.
Donald thinks that we should turn the page. Students should be allowed to select the books they read in English class. He says he and his classmates are allowed to pick their own books in class. That makes them more focused, and they look forward to class time. Tristin, a classmate of his at Clinton Middle School agrees. “I’m reading books that I want to read, which makes class more fun and interesting,” he says. Offering students a choice may also improve test scores. Studies by Professor John Guthrie of the University of Maryland found that students in grades 4 through 6 who had some choices in the books they read showed improved reading comprehension skills during testing. Giving students the chance to decide what they read helps build a lifelong love for reading. Isn’t that what we want for our students?
Sarah holds a different view. She thinks teachers know more about books than students do. When an English teacher assigns a book, he or she keeps in mind the reading level of most students in the class. Students who choose their own books might be cheating themselves by picking books that are not up to their reading level or that are too difficult. Furthermore, a whole class can discuss a book it reads together. That makes it easier for some kids to understand what they are reading. “The students wouldn’t be able to hold a meaningful conversation if they were all reading different books,” says Kristin, an English teacher at Fleetwood Area Middle School. “If they read the same book, their conversations would be more in-depth.”
小题1:What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence “Not all educators are on the same page”?
A.Educators have different opinions.
B.Educators didn’t appear at the same time.
C.Educators wrote in different pages.
D.Educators didn’t agree with the author.
小题2:Donald thinks that the new approach could __________.
A.helped students be more focused in class
B.draw students to reading classic novels
C.make students less worried in English class
D.encourage students to red more challenging books
小题3:Sarah thinks that the new approach might __________.
A.help students improve reading comprehension skills
B.help students hold meaningful conversations in class
C.make some students read books not suitable for them
D.make some students ignore the important works of literature
小题4:Who has the same attitude towards the new approach with Kristin?
A.Donald.B.Sarah.C.Tristin.D.John Guthrie.
小题5:The author develops the text mainly by __________.
A.listing cases
B.making comparisons
C.following time order
D.explaining causes and effects

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Too many cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion(拥塞), accidents and fast fuel consumption(消费), cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. All the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful, causing disease and even death. Last winter, car fumes(烟雾) formed heavy smog over Beijing, making the sky gloomy for weeks and deteriorating people"s health.
One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. In Tsinghua University, campus buses are driven by electricity. In Beijing some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas, which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as the petrol. But it may take decades for the new models of clean cars to completely replace the traditional ones.
Another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict (限制)the use of private cars. If the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles(交通车辆) are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not use private cars. And the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly.   
On the whole, the elimination (根除)of air pollution needs the co-efforts from the government, the public and the environments. This problem will be solved only with the help of science and technology.
小题1:What is the main reason for air pollution in big cities?
C.fast fuel consumptionD.cars
小题2:What is the best title of this passage?                               
A.Air Pollution and Cars
B.Air Pollution
C.the Cause of the Pollution
D.Ways to Solve the car Problem
小题3:How many ways are mentioned to solve the pollution caused by cars?      
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?               
A.New models of clean cars will soon replace the traditional cars
B.Public transportation should replace all the private cars
C.In some university, electricity is used in school buses
D.It is only the government’s efforts that can help solve air pollution caused by cars

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