当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解Dear Lower School Parents,       I hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer ...
阅读理解Dear Lower School Parents,  
     I hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer and taking the time to be lazy before school begins
August 11.I have taken some time off to visit family and friends and I"m enjoying having time to read.
But I have also been very busy preparing for the upcoming year.I have noted below some information
to keep you updated before August.
     We will continue to offer Extended Day Care for any Lower School student who needs to stay after
their school day ends.Extended Day runs until 5:30 p. m.under the direction of one of our teachers,
Becky Hahn with assistance from two other teachers.We will also continue to offer Homework Hour
for 1st~5th graders.Debbie Green will run the 1st~3rd grade hour and Dale Cofield will run the 4th
an 5th grade hour.
     I will also be hosting Lower School coffees throughout the year for anyone who would like to come
and visit.The coffees will be at 8:00 a. m.and will not have an agenda.Our first coffee will be held in the
Lower School Turner Library on Wednesday, September 15th.
     The teachers are already missing their students and have started returning to their classrooms to
prepare for the upcoming year.And Mr.Charles has finished cleaning and polishing our building.The halls
are bare but soon they will be bright and cheerful as we prepare for the children.
     Please watch for a letter from your child"s new teacher giving details about the upcoming year.In the
meantime you can access the Valwood web page and find the summer reading assignments for 3rd~5th
graders. Additionally, this year all information regarding the beginning of the 2010~2011 school year
will be posted on the Valwood website.Please visit www.Valwood.org and click on "Back to School"
to view and print the forms.Complete and return them to the school by August 10.
     If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Lower School, please do not hesitate to call me
at Valwood, extension(电话分机) 7333.
                                                                                                             Rhonda Hamman
                                                                                                          Lower School Dean
1. Who will be in charge of Extended Day Care?
A. Becky Hahn.  
B. Debbie Green.
C. Dale Cofield.  
D. Mr.Charles.

2. Which of the following is TRUE about Lower School coffees?
A. They are intended for students only.
B. They will be held every Wednesday.
C. The first one will be held in August.
D. They will be hosted by Rhonda Hamman.

3. From Paragraph 4 we learn ________.
A. how the students miss their teachers
B. how the teachers prepare their lessons
C. how the parents prepare for the new term
D. how the school gets ready for the new school year

4. According to Paragraph 5, parents ________.
A. are asked to help their children learn online
B. may offer their suggestions on the school"s website
C. will receive a letter from their children"s new teacher
D. need to fill in the forms online and email them to the school
试题【阅读理解Dear Lower School Parents,       I hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     Studying volcanoes is a demanding profession. Hazel Rymer frequently has to struggle through
rainforests, climb to the top of mountains, then climb 200 metres into the crater of active volcanoes.
But the 38-year-old volcanologist does her best to make it sound less alarming than it is. “Driving to
work is more risky,” she insists. “And the deepest I go into the crater of a volcano is about 300 metres,”
she adds, trying to make it all sound as ordinary as taking the dog for a walk.
     Hazel has been studying volcanoes for a long time, so it’s not surprising she is used to the danger.
Her interest in volcanoes began at school. A teacher gave her a book about Pompeii. “I remember
reading about the eruption of Vesuvius and the destruction of the city,” she explains. “The thought of
all those people just frozen in time had quite an effect on me and I am still excited by their dangerous
beauty today.”
     Nowadays, volcanoes are getting more and more unpredictable. There have been many changes
in sea level caused by global warming and melting ice caps. These have resulted in some dormant
volcanoes erupting, so studying them is more dangerous than ever before. Hazel says that although she
doesn’t take any unnecessary risk she has had some frightening moments. Her worst experience was
on the slopes of Mount Etna in Sicily, when she was slowly surrounded by lava. “I had a choice of
walking ten hours to get around the lava flow or just walking across it,” she explains. She chose to pick
a path across the cooler rocks in the lava stream. “I guess it was five metres. The flow was 1,000°C,
so if you hesitated your boots would begin to melt. It was scary, but it really was a practical decision -
there wasn"t time to do anything else.”
     And what about the future? “I haven’t been to the volcanoes in Indonesia yet. And I would love to
spend some time working in the Antarctic,” she says. “I would also like to know why quiet lava flows
erupt from some volcanoes and why other volcanoes go bang.” In other words, Hazel Rymer won’t
be exchanging her volcanoes for the relative safety of driving to work just yet. 1. Hazel’s claim that “driving to work is more risky” than exploring volcanoes shows that ______. A. people have exaggerated the dangers of volcanoes in the past
B. Hazel does not really understand the dangerous situations she puts herself in.
C. there are many bad drivers in the place where Hazel lives
D. Hazel is being modest and understating the dangers she faces 2. When did Hazel first become interested in volcanoes? A. When she was visiting Italy.
B. When she was at school.
C. When she was twenty.
D. When she saw Vesuvius. 3. The underlined word “these” (in paragraph 3) refers to __________. A. melting ice-caps
B. volcanic eruptions
C. changes in sea level
D. higher temperatures 4. When Hazel was on Mount Etna she had to ________. A. take a dangerous route
B. take an unnecessary risk
C. leave her boots behind
D. walk for ten hours around the mountain 5. In the future, Hazel wants to ________. A. revisit volcanoes she knows
B. go on holiday to the Antarctic
C. find a less dangerous job
D. discover new things about volcanoes
题型:广东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
     Next Halloween, a small vegetable that looks like a pumpkin may appear in a garden near you. The
vegetable is a type of pepper that is called "Lil" Pumpkin." It"s very special because it has orange,
pumpkin-like fruit.
     You might think that all vegetables are grown to provide food to eat. But some vegetables are grown
mainly for the lively color and holiday spirit that they bring to gardens. These are called "ornamentals
(观赏性植物)." Just like lights decorate a Christmas tree, they decorate a garden.
     The peppers were bred(培育) by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists John Stommel and
Robert Griesbach. Another pepper the scientists developed is called "Pepper Jack." Because Pepper
Jack has orange and black cone shaped(锥形的) fruit, it might remind you of the popular Halloween
treat "candy corn."
     Stommel says that vegetable crops such as peppers were first widely grown in Europe in the 15th
century. At that time, people liked these crops more because they looked pretty than because they
provided food.
     Back then, when a gardener grew plants for decoration and plants for food, the garden was called a
"potager." An example of this is the large gardens on the lawns(草坪) of castles and very large homes
where kings and queens lived, One of those large royal homes was the French king"s palace at
Versailles during the 1600"s. The palace is still there today, and people from all over the world still go
there to visit and see the gardens.
     Today, Stommel says using vegetables as decorations in gardens has become popular again.
     So you might be wondering, if these peppers are for decoration, can people eat them? Yes, but the
fruit from both of these peppers has a sharp taste (kind of like onions!)
     These peppers are scheduled to become available in mid2011. These pretty peppers can be grown
in containers and also in garden beds. They grow best with plenty of light and warm temperatures,
Stommel says.1. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Different kinds of peppers.
B. The history of peppers.
C. Peppers with the Halloween spirit.
D. Food for the Halloween festival.2. What do we know about "Lil" Pumpkin" and "Pepper Jack"?A. They are used to decorate Christmas trees.
B. They are grown mainly to provide food to eat.
C. Their fruits have different shapes.
D. Their fruits are the same color.3. The underlined word "they" in Paragraph 2 refers to "______". A. these vegetables  
B. these holidays
C. these lights  
D. these scientists4. According to the passage, a potager was ______.A. the place where kings and queens lived
B. the garden in the French king"s palace
C. a place providing vegetables for the royal homes
D. a garden with plants for decoration and for food
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     After a discussion last week, "Do School Libraries Need Books?", the comments from readers
included some firsthand views from students.Below are excerpts(摘录) from their observations on
how studying has changed and how they use libraries.
      It makes little difference whether the book you are reading is electronic or paper.But if you want
a place to read, a library is still the place to go.As a kid in school, I often avoid the study hall noises
and go to the quiet school library.The library is a place.A learning place.Modern technology won"t
change the library as long as things are learned.
      Being a student I am aware that many of us seldom look at the books in the library unless told to
do so by a teacher as a requirement for an assignment.It takes time to find the very book you want at
the library, and it may not be necessary to do so.More and more students, such as myself, use the
Internet for nearly every assignment.There are countless online resources for us to use with a click of
the mouse.What"s more, books are very expensive and schools could put that money toward charities.
     I hope schools continue to have libraries.As a student, I know there is a difference between reading
something on a screen and something printed.When I read something in a book that I do not understand
or want to look further into, I record it and will research later or discuss with someone.With a screen
(especially online) I will instantly access the information and look into the question at hand, which
interrupts my reading and especially my imagination.
      To me, it depends on the purpose of the book.As a student, I prefer to do research online.Online
research is faster and more efficient.But when I"m reading for pleasure, I absolutely refuse to give up
a real book.The tactile sensation(触感) and freedom that real books give you really makes the reading
experience more enjoyable.So, my suggestion is that schools have more digital collections for research
and scholarly work, and a good selection of interesting and ageappropriate fiction and nonfiction for
pleasure reading.

1. In Scott"s opinion, ________.
A. it"s necessary for a school to have a library
B. there are many learning places better than a library
C. the school library is noisy and crowded in most cases
D. electronic books are totally different from paper books

2. According to the text, HayleyH ________.
A. hopes school libraries can provide more books
B. often searches for information at the library
C. suggests schools spend less money on books
D. thinks students rely on paper books to learn

3. Allie believes that compared with book reading, screen reading________.
A. takes more time
B. interrupts her imagination
C. provides more information
D. allows her to discuss with others

4. Who prefers printed books when reading for fun?
A. Scott.
B. HayleyH.
C. Allie.  
D. CM.
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     For most students, the most difficult part of any exam is the actual studying.Typically, there is so much
material to study that students begin to delay, putting off studying until the night before.After a latenight cram session, students arrive at the exam tired and feeling dazed by large amounts of information they"ve tried to
absorb.The easiest way to study, for an exam, and avoid the cram sessions, is to make a study plan.
The first step to making a study plan is to decide whether you want to study alone or in a group.When
planning study times and organizing study sessions for a group, the needs and schedules of the group are a
factor.As a result, you must decide whether you will be studying with a group before continuing with making a study plan.
     There are two time elements that are important to an effective study plan.The first time element to consider is the amount of time you have until the exam, while the second is the amount of time during the day that
you can set aside for studying.Try to study for at least two hours per day for major exams, like entrance
exams, and at least thirty minutes per day for lecture exams.If you are limited on the amount of time until the exam, such as one week or less, then you will need to increase your daily study time.Set up a schedule with clearly marked study times for each day.
     The content to be studied depends on the type of exam.For placement exams, entrance exams, and
licensure exams, there are no specific textbooks or prior lecture notes.There are, however, commercially
available review guides, and textbooks and lecture notes from past classes often contain a great deal of
material that will help with the exam.By looking at the content areas  of the test, you can determine what
readily available material to study.For coursebased exams, textbooks and lecture notes are both ideal study content.Break the content into chunks(块), and then assign specific chunks to the study times that you have
listed on your schedule.
     Once you have set up study times and assigned material to them, it is time to study.When reading
textbooks, take notes on the information.With lecture notes, write notes in the margin.Use a highlighter.The
idea is to make key information readily available for review.In addition, making notes and looking up ideas
to supplement notes reinforces the material in your mind.Quiz yourself as you finish each area you are
studying to determine what you still need to review.
     Study plans are as unique as the person making them.The most effective study plan will take into
account your schedule, the times each day when you are able to study without interruption, and the amount of material that needs to be reviewed.By spreading out the study times and breaking up the information,
you make it easier to absorb and retain the necessary material before the exam.
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:河北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
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  1    The easiest way to study for an exam and avoid the cram sessions
Making a  study plan
   2    or solo An important   3  :the needs and schedules of the group
TimeTaking two time elements into
__5__the time according to the kinds of exams
Increasing your daily study time, if necessary.
__6__up a schedule clearly
ContentDepending on the type of exam
Breaking the content into chunks and__7__specific chunks to the study times listed on the schedule
The studying  process Taking__8__while reading textbooks
Using a highlighter making the review more easier
__9__the material in your mind by making notes and looking up ideas
Having a quiz as you finish each area
ConclusionBy spreading out the study times and breaking up the information, you"ll have less__10__in absorbing and retaining the necessary material before the exam.
     Scientists at Harvard University and Bates College find female chimpanzees (黑猩猩) appear to
treat sticks as dolls, carrying them around until they have children of their own. Young males engage
in such behavior much less frequently.
     The new work by Sonya M. Kahlenberg and Richard W. Wrangham, described this week in the
journal Current Biology, provides the first evidence of a wild nonhuman species playing with dolls, as
well as the first known sex difference in a wild animal"s choice of playthings.
     The two researchers say their work adds to a growing body of evidence that human children are
probably born with their own ideas of how they want to behave, rather than simply mirroring other
girls who play with dolls and boys who play with trucks. Doll play among humans could have its origins
in object-carrying by earlier apes (猿类), they say, suggesting that toy selection is probably not due
entirely to socialization.
     "In humans, there are obvious sex differences in children"s toy play, and these are remarkably similar
across cultures," says Kahlenberg. "While socialization by elders and peers has been the primary
explanation, our work suggests that biology may also have an important role to play in activity
     In 14 years of data on chimpanzee behavior at the Kibale National Park in Uganda, Kahlenberg
and Wrangham counted more than 100 examples of stickcarrying. Some young chimpanzees carried
sticks into the nest to sleep with them and on one occasion built a separate nest for the stick. "We have
seen juveniles occasionally carrying sticks for many years, and because they sometimes treated them
rather like dolls, we wanted to know if in general this behavior tended to represent something like
playing with dolls," says Wrangham, a Professor at Harvard. "If the doll hypothesis (假设) was right,
we thought that females should carry sticks more than males do, and that the chimpanzees should stop
carrying sticks when they had their first child. We have now watched enough young chimpanzees to
prove both points."
1. What does a female chimpanzee do with sticks?
A. She gives them to her child to play with.  
B. She treats them as dolls.
C. She makes useful tools from them.  
D. She treats them as weapons.
2. What causes the different toy selection of chimpanzees, according to the passage?
A. Sex difference.  
B. Socialization.
C. Environment.
D. Cultural difference.
3. We can infer from the fourth paragraph that ________.
A. socialization has nothing to do with human"s choice of playthings
B. sex difference is the only factor in human"s choice of playthings
C. the biology factor may also influence toy choice
D. people choose different toys in different cultures
4. It can be concluded from the passage that ________.
A. both humans and chimpanzees choose their playthings due to sex difference
B. different factors cause humans and chimpanzees to choose different playthings
C. only female chimpanzees have playthings
D. chimpanzees usually choose playthings for their children