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Every time you go to the supermarket, you come away with your purchases in plastic bags. But wouldn’t it be kinder to the environment if you asked for paper bags instead?
The answer is not the easy as it might seem. Environmentalists say there are drawbacks to using both plastic bags and paper bags.
According to the American Plastics Council 80 percent of groceries in the US are packed in plastic bags.
“The numbers are becoming huge,” said Vincent Cobb, a businessman from Chicago who set up “reusable bags. com” on the Internet. He notes that consumers use between 500 billion and 1 trillion plastic bags per year worldwide.
Some experts believe that all these bags harm the environment. Plastic takes hundreds of years to break down and, as it does so, poisonous materials are released into the water and soil.
Further damage is caused if plastic bags enter the sea. For example, endangered sea turtles cannot tell the bags from jellyfish(水母), their main source of food, and often choke on them.
Floating plastic bags have been spotted as far north as the Arctic Ocean and as far south as the southern end of South America. One expert predicts that, within ten years, plastic bags will wash up in Antarctica!
However, this kind of bag does have its advantages.
“Plastic grocery bags are some of the most reused things around the house,” explained Laurie Kusek of the American Plastics Council.
According to the Film and Bag Federation, a trade group in the US plastics industry, paper bags use more energy and create more waste than plastic bags. Plastic bags require 40 per cent less energy to produce and cause 70 per cent less air pollution, the group explained. They also release as much as 94 percent less waste into the water than paper ones.
But paper bags do break down more quickly than plastic bags. They don’t endanger wildlife, either.
So what should we do? One possible solution would be to use biodegradable(能被生物分解的)plastic bags. But until biodegradable technology improves, it might be easier to pack things you buy in reusable cloth bags.
小题1:The best title of the passage is _____.
A.Paper Causes Less Pollution
B.Plastic Causes Less Pollution
C.Paper and Plastics Cause Pollution
D.Paper Bags Break Down More Quickly
小题2:The underlined word “drawbacks” might mean “_____”.
A.AdvantagesB.disadvantagesC.air pollutionD.waste
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following in NOT true?
A.Plastic takes longer to break down than paper.
B.Sea turtles usually mistake the plastic bags for jellyfish.
C.Paper bags require less energy than plastic bags.
D.You’d better pack things in reusable cloth bags.
小题4:Which of the following shows that paper bags are better than plastic ones?
A.Paper bags take less time to rot.
B.Paper bags cause less air pollution.
C.Paper bags are more reusable.
D.Paper bags cause less water pollution.



小题1:主旨题:从第二段的句子:The answer is not the easy as it might seem. Environmentalists say there are drawbacks to using both plastic bags and paper bags.可知塑料袋和纸袋都污染环境,选 C
小题2:猜词题:从倒数第五段的句子:However, this kind of bag does have its advantages.可知后面讲的是这两种袋的优点,那么前面应该是这两种的缺点。选B
小题3:推理题:从倒数第四段的句子:“Plastic grocery bags are some of the most reused things around the house,” explained Laurie Kusek of the American Plastics Council.可知塑料袋大多数是回收的材料,需要的能源比纸袋少,还有倒数第三段的句子:paper bags use more energy and create more waste than plastic bags. 都表明C表达错误。
小题4:细节题:从倒数第二段的句子:But paper bags do break down more quickly than plastic bags. They don’t endanger wildlife, either.可知纸袋腐烂的速度比塑料袋快,选A
试题【Every time you go to the supermarket, you come away with your purchases in plast】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
A successful scientist is generally a good observer.  He makes full 36  of the facts he observes.  He doesn’t accept ideas which are not  37   on obvious facts,  and therefore refuses to accept authority as the only   38   for truth.  He always  39    ideas carefully and makes experiments to prove them.
The rise of    40    science may perhaps be considered to    41   as far back as the    42    of Roger Bacon,  the wonderful philosopher of Oxford,  who live    43    the years 1214 and 1292.  He was probably the first in the Middle    44    to suggest that we must learn science    45    observing and experimenting on the things around us,  and he himself    46   many important discoveries.
Galileo,  however,  who lived more than 300 years later (1564-1642),  was the greatest of several great men,     47    in Italy,  France,  Germany,  or England,  began by    48    to show how many important    49    could be discovered by observation.  Before Galileo,  learned men believed that large bodies fell more    50    towards the earth than small ones,     51    Aristotle said so.  But Galileo,  going to the    52     of the leaning Tower of Pisa,  let fall two  53    stones and proved Aristotle was wrong.  It was Galileo’s    54    of going direct to Nature,  and proving our    55    and theories by experiment,  that has led to all the discoveries of modern science.
A.plansB.opinions C.worldD.ability

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Most students try to learn English grammar using grammar textbooks. They study grammar rules and take grammar tests. They use an analytical approach, attempting to memorize, and then apply, a great number of rules.
However, research has proved this method inefficient and ineffective. The truth is, the human brain simply cannot consciously remember process and use hundreds of or thousands of grammar rules. Real speech is too fast.
Native speakers do not learn grammar in this way, but rather intuitively (凭直觉地) and unconsciously. They learn in a complete way, not by attempting to memorize individual grammar rules. As a result, native speakers use correct grammar fluently and easily.
Fortunately, it is possible for English learners to learn grammar this way. Language teacher Blaine Ray has developed a unique "intuitive" approach to teach English grammar. Her system uses "point of view" stories to teach the patterns of English grammar, allowing students unconsciously to acquire correct grammar without ever studying grammar rules.
In this system, the teacher first tells a simple story from one point of view. It may be told about the past, then repeated, but beginning with "since he was a child"; then repeated again, but this time about the future.
Listening to these stories allows students intuitively and effortlessly to learn English grammar and makes them be able to use it correctly when they speak.
Point of View Stories is a creative new way to study English grammar, and offers hope to millions of frustrated English learners.
小题1:Which of the following ways is approved by the author?
A.Remembering grammar rules
B.Taking grammar tests.
C.Analyzing grammatical structure
D.Applying language to situations.
小题2:What does the underlined part "this way" in the fourth paragraph refer to?
A.Talking to native speakers when learning.
B.Learning English grammar in a complete way.
C.Using correct English grammar.
D.Learning English grammar 4from a teacher.
小题3:From this passage we learn that ______.
A.native speakers learn English grammar by listening to stories
B.Blaine Ray’s method gets students to grasp correct grammar unconsciously
C.Blaine Ray teaches grammar rules by asking students to tell stories
D.it’s hard for students to speak correct English in the new system
小题4: This passage wants to ______.
A.criticize the traditional way of learning grammar
B.introduce a new way to study English grammar
C.ask students to learn English grammar by listening to stories
D.tell us how the native speakers learn English grammar
小题5:why shouldn’t the English learners use an analytical approach?
A.because the analytical approach can let them learn English grammar effortlessly
B.because the analytical approach makes them be able to use English correctly when they speak.
C.because the analytical approach can’t let them memorize and then apply a great number of rules.
D.because Real speech is too fast.

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As soon as I saw her, I understood I was in trouble. The tiny 10-year-old girl was staring at me with that specific facial expression which probably only dentists have to enjoy all day long!
Whatever question I asked, whatever activity I suggested, her reaction was pretty much the same — she was frozen with horror. She was sent to our private language school after having been the worst in English at her key school with a pretty strict ELT syllabus(教学大纲), with her peers teasing her for her mistakes in English. Moreover, her state school teacher called her name. To make things worse, she was under pressure from her family for getting bad marks in English. She was definitely expecting me to carry on the same way with her.
I have to admit that I had been staring at her with probably the same expression for a while before eventually she handed in an absolutely incredible composition which I had previously asked the class to write. It was written in perfect handwriting, was full of clever ideas and had correct paragraphing. The girl got her first excellent mark in English, and I praised her generously and from then on I started using her writing skills to support the others. Before doing an oral retelling of a story, she wrote it down. Before presenting her oral project, she was allowed to do the same thing. The day she first put up her hand to orally answer my question addressed to the class I was incredibly happy.
She taught me how to approach withdrawn students — find the skill which they can excel at, in her case writing, and help the student use it to develop other skills!
小题1:The writer is probably a teacher    
A.in a language training center
B.in a private language school
C.in a state school
D.in a key public school
小题2:The writer’s first impression of the little girl was that she was    
A.incredibly dullB.hard to cope with
C.far too lovelyD.pretty confident
小题3:The girl came to the school because    
A.she had some special skills
B.she was good at writing poems
C.she felt very uncomfortable at her previous school
D.she is poor at her pronunciation

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Children, especially at young ages, are very creative. And creativity can be a glorious(极好的) thing. Look at all the amazing artists and architects that have created glorious pieces of history. Look at all the authors with the award winning books. Now I am not saying everyone is going to end up this way but creativity is an important part of growing up and becoming who you are. This should be encouraged in young children as well as the older children.
Young children grow up playing with make-believe. And so many people try to make their young child see that their invisible friend isn’t real or that talking when someone is not in the room is weird. To adults it is, but for small children it is them being creative. May it be them playing house, or chef, or playing with stuffed animals, it is their creative part coming out. Some kids can have fun playing with rocks and sticks and it’s because of their creativeness that they can do this. The invisible friend part is another part of being imaginative, and is not a bad thing since they will grow out of that phase(阶段). So encourage this and play along with them, play house, or stuffed animals or whatever they want to play. Help keep their imagination running. You can even make up games, like treasure hunts, or dinosaurs, super heroes; there is just so much you can choose from.
All this can help your children’s minds stay creative. The arts and music, even thoughts are an important part of life and important in our society. If we didn’t have and encourage creative thinking, we wouldn’t have had inventors, or philosophers, or as I said before, artists.
小题1:The underlined word “weird” is close in meaning to            .
小题2:According to the author, if a child talks alone in a room, we should          .
A.let him be
B.stop him from doing so
C.give him some advice
D.know that he is suffering from loneliness
小题3:What is mainly talked about in the passage?
A.How creative artists and architects are born.
B.How to help children grow up in a healthy way.
C.What kind of activities children like.
D.How to help children to be creative.
小题4:The author of the passage would agree that          .
A.every child can become creative artists or inventors
B.creative people all show strange behaviors when young
C.creativity brings out great artists and architects
D.creativity is a natural ability to be born with

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The State Council declared Wednesday it would restart China"s nuclear power program, ending the hiatus(中断)in nuclear construction since Japan"s Fukushima nuclear disaster last year.
China has been the most courageous country in building nuclear power, with the largest number of plants currently under construction. Nuclear power is facing a tough time in developed countries. The Japanese public is demanding the closure of all the country"s nuclear power plants. China is at the forefront of nuclear power development. But it has been forced into this position.
Rapid economic development coupled with improvements in people"s life both demand more electricity. It is impossible to exploit fossil resources forever as the supply of coal, oil and natural gas is limited. China has no choice but to develop nuclear power.
China must be the safest user of nuclear power. It should become a leading country in developing nuclear power technologies and increasing the world"s knowledge of nuclear power. 
It needs to do at least two things. First, it needs to promote safety in nuclear power plants, based on the technologies of the West. The former Soviet Union, the US and Japan all had severe nuclear accidents, proving there are risks. China should try to remove these risks.
Second, China should establish effective communication mechanisms(机制)between the government, power plants and the public. It"s wrong to think the government can control every aspect of nuclear power plant construction.
The opposition to nuclear power program in developed countries has prevented them from building new plants, but they already have many. These governments are reluctant to close these plants despite strong opposition, because they cannot find better substitutes. 
Nuclear power only occupies 1.8 percent of China"s current electricity grid(输电网), much lower than the proportion in many developed countries. China"s nuclear power plan should introduce the advantages of the technologies of other countries and also be creative in providing security. Its space technology is not the most advanced, but its launch safety measures have proven to be among the best.
China"s high-profile high-speed railway development has drawn a lot of controversy, as will the active attitude towards developing nuclear power. But China cannot just copy what the developed countries have done. The development of nuclear power must be unique to China and it must be a ground-breaking success. But now, the real test lies ahead.
小题1:In the third paragraph the writer focuses on ______.
A.the reason why China is to develop nuclear power
B.the difficulty China has in developing nuclear power
C.the measures China will take to develop nuclear power
D.the benefits China will have by developing nuclear power
小题2:What attitude do people in developed countries have towards nuclear power program?
A.Supportive. B.Opposed. C.Indifferent.D.Objective.
小题3:. If the Chinese government is to develop nuclear power, it needs to ______.
A.copy exactly what the developed countries have done
B.depend entirely on domestic scientists and technologies
C.avoid people’s involvement in nuclear power plant construction
D.do everything in its power to guarantee safety in nuclear power plants
小题4:What is the future of China’s nuclear power program according to the text?
A.It will be unique but can hardly pass too many tests.
B.It will be full of controversy but carried out firmly.
C.It will be on a smooth way to a ground-breaking success.
D.It will receive much opposition from developed countries.

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