当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > It should be very clear that we live in a most spectacular(壮观的)time. It’s a time...
It should be very clear that we live in a most spectacular(壮观的)time. It’s a time when information is of primary importance. It’s a time when new information technologies are fundamentally transforming the world in every aspect. Among the changes, which have come upon modern society, the ones in education are probably the most obvious and influential. New information technologies are accelerating changes in education, at the same time presenting revolutionary tools with the potential to make education more efficient and more effective than ever.
The application of new information technologies has remarkably promoted the process of education. Online learning is probably the best case in point. As is often the case with “technology”, online learning may appear to be horrible; it can sound like alphabet soup sometimes. Now let’s see whether you can understand all this. You can participate in CBT at a CLC via the convenience of IDL. What does it all mean? Let me translate: GBT—Computer-Based Training; CLC—Computer Learning Center; IDL—Interactive Distance Learning. Sound complicated? Not really. Online learning is much less complicated than it seems. Students can learn at any time, anywhere, at any speed. They can make their own learning schedules and follow their own paths to suit their lifestyles. In my university, every semester there’re several online courses available, which need no class meetings or paper materials. The only thing I have to do is just to get online regularly as I wish, and download necessary learning materials. Then everything I need to know about the course is only a click away.
But online learning is not perfect; it’s like the microwave oven: it does some things better, but it is not a complete replacement for the traditional model. The traditional classroom model for education and learning is hard to leave behind. Because humans are social creatures, there’re times when we need to see each other face-to-face for interactive learning. A social and personal connection often builds effective teams, solves problems, and inspires confidence. So one possible solution is to combine online learning with the old traditional classroom learning , which not only makes the learning process faster and cheaper, but also highlights the interactions between teachers and students.
The bottom line: the Internet is the most important educational tool in the information age and online learning will become a main part of every individual’s learning experience in the future. That’s exactly how we will move knowledge from the ones who have it to the ones who need it faster and cheaper, and that’s how we’re going to survive in the information age.
小题1:The most suitable title for the passage should be “___________.”
A.Education in the information age
B.Advantages and disadvantages of online learning
C.Online learning vs classroom learning
D.How to survive in the information age
小题2:In Paragraph 3 the microwave oven is mentioned as an example to indicate that_________.
A.online learning needs improving
B.online learning doesn’t suit everyone
C.online learning will exist alongside the traditional model
D.online learning is more advanced than the traditional model
小题3:Which of the following descriptions about online learning is NOT true according to the passage?
A.It is more efficient and effective.
B.It is convenient to both teachers and students.
C.It stresses interactions between teachers and students.
D.It is a cheaper way of learning.
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that________.
A.not all the people are in favor of online learning
B.it is not easy to combine online learning with classroom learning
C.in the future all the courses will be available online
D.in a sense our survival in the world depends on online learning



小题1:主旨题:从第一段的句子:Among the changes, which have come upon modern society, the ones in education are probably the most obvious and influential. 可知这篇文章讲的信息时代的教育,选A
小题2:推理题:从第三段的句子:But online learning is not perfect; it’s like the microwave oven: it does some things better, but it is not a complete replacement for the traditional model.可知作者提到微波炉是想说明它是很好的,但是不能取代传统的工具,网上教育也是这样,要和传统的教育方法并存,选C
小题3:推理题:从倒数第二段的句子:The traditional classroom model for education and learning is hard to leave behind. Because humans are social creatures, there’re times when we need to see each other face-to-face for interactive learning.可知网上的教育不强调师生的互动,选C。
小题4:推理题:从最后一句话:That’s exactly how we will move knowledge from the ones who have it to the ones who need it faster and cheaper, and that’s how we’re going to survive in the information age.可知在某种意义上我们在网络时代的的生存取决于网上教育。选D
试题【It should be very clear that we live in a most spectacular(壮观的)time. It’s a time】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
With the Tesla Roadster and other plug­in (插入式) electric vehicles hitting the road,demand is growing for accessible refueling points to recharge(充电) them. Carbon Day Automotive, a Chicago­based company,has now demonstrated(演示)a solar­powered recharging point, known as the Solar Plug­In Station,which lets motorists easily charge their cars using electricity that has been produced without any environmental damage.
The Solar Plug­In Station has gone on show in Chicago as part of the city’s bid(竞标)to host the 2016 Olympic Games. According to Carbon Day Automotive,the Solar Plug­In Station on show in Chicago is part of the vital infrastructure(基础设施) required for electric vehicles in Chicago and was the focus of a recent visit by the International Olympic Committee.
These solar­powered electricity points will be used daily to fuel the city’s electric vehicles with power from the sun. By producing the electricity from pollution­free solar cell, the CO2 emissions are reduced to zero.
“Solar energy and electric vehicles are a partnership that is one more step to reducing our dependence on foreign oil,” says Richard Lowenthal, CEO of Coulomb Technologies.Coulomb Technologies recently developed the components (部件) required for individual recharging stations,marketed as ChargePoint Networked Charging Stations.Carbon Day Automotive is the Midwest distributor for the ChargePoint stations. The Solar Plug­In Station consists of giant solar panels (电池板) that shade the tiny ChargePoint Networked Charging Station.The solar panel is connected to an underground battery pack,ready for everyday refueling.
“Without these stations it would be like driving around in a traditional car without the availability of gas stations,” says Scott Emalfarb,CEO at Carbon Day.“The day of true plug­in electric vehicles will be here sooner than most people realize and the world needs to be ready to accommodate(为……提供场地)them.”
小题1:The Solar Plug­In Station is used as part of the bid to host the Olympics mainly because ________.
A.it’s environmentally friendly
B.it makes up for the lack of electricity
C.it’s a new idea and attracts people’s attention
D.it brings convenience to electric vehicle users
小题2:We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.to recharge the electric vehicles takes a long time
B.the Solar Plug­In Station will come into use in 2016
C.the Solar Plug­In Station has gone on show internationally
D.Chicago is promoting the use of electric vehicles
小题3:According to the passage,how many of the following statements are TRUE?
a. Tesla Roadster is a kind of plug­in electric vehicle.
b. The Solar Plug­In Station uses solar power to charge all of the cars.
c. Chicago is a city,which is rich in oil.
d. The Solar Plug­In Station consists of underground battery packs.
e. Scott Emalfarb is optimistic about the future of plug­in electric vehicles.
小题4:The passage implies that when the Solar Plug­In Station becomes popular,________.
A.more visitors will come to Chicago
B.the citizens of Chicago will be able to go to work faster
C.more space for electric vehicles will be needed
D.the cost of electric vehicles will be lower than traditional cars
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Chicago Will Soon Be Full of Electric Vehicles
B.Chicago Calls on People to Buy Electric Vehicles
C.Chicago Fights for Its Bid to Host the 2016 Olympics
D.Chicago Shows Its Solar­powered Recharging Stations

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak; and when you start using them again, they will slowly become strong again.       knows this, but nobody would think of     the fact.
Yet there are many people who        to know that the memory works in the same way. When someone says that       has a good memory, he       means that he keeps his memory in practice     exercising it very     , either consciously or unconsciously. When someone else says that his memory is     , he means that he does not give it enough      to become strong. The position is exactly the same as that of       people, one of      exercises his arms and legs by playing ball, while the other       in a chair or a car all day. If a friend of yours says that his arms are weak, we know that it is his own      , But if he tells us that he has a poor memory,      of us think that his parents are to blame, or that he is just     , and few of us realize that it is just as it was his arms or legs that were weak. Not all of us can become very strong in body or very clever in mind,       all of us can improve our strength and our memory by the same means that      .
Have you ever       that people who cannot read or write usually have      memories than those who can? Why is this? Of course, because they cannot write down something in a little notebook or something else. They have to remember names, places, songs and stories; so their memory is always being exercised.
In a word, if you want to have a good memory, do practice       things。
A.Everybody B.SomebodyC.NobodyD.Each one
A.withB.inC.to D.by
A.rememberB.remembering.C.to rememberD.remembered

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Can dogs and cats live in peace in the same home? People who are thinking about adopting a dog as a friend for their cat are worried that they will fight. A recent research has found a new way for success. According to the study, if the cat is adopted before the dog, and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats, a year for dogs), it is highly probable that the two pets will get along swimmingly. Two­thirds of the homes interviewed reported a positive relationship between their cat and dog.
However, it wasn"t all sweetness and light. There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes, while attacking and fighting were observed in 10% of the homes. One reason for this is probably that some of their body signals are just opposite. For example, when a cat turns its head away it signals attack, while a dog doing the same signals admitting defeat.
In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully, researchers observed a surprising behaviour. They are learning how to talk each other"s language. It is a surprise that cats can learn how to talk “dog”, and dogs can learn how to talk “cat”.
What"s interesting is that both cats and dogs have appeared to develop their intelligence. They can learn to read each other"s body signals, suggesting that the two may have more in common than was previously thought. Once familiar with each other"s presence and body language, cats and dogs can play together, greet each other nose to nose, and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa. They can easily share the same water bowl and in some cases groom (梳理) each other.
The advantage of this research on cats and dogs may not only about pets — to people who don"t get along, including neighbors, colleagues at work, and even world superpowers. If cats and dogs can learn to get along, surely people have a good chance.
小题1:The underlined word “swimmingly” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to       .
小题2:Some cats and dogs may fight when       .
A.they are cold to each other
B.they look away from each other
C.they understand each other"s signals in a wrong way
D.they are introduced at an early age
小题3:What is found surprising about cats and dogs?
A.They eat and sleep together.
B.They observe each other"s behaviors.
C.They learn to speak each other"s language.
D.They know something from each other"s voices.
小题4:What can we human beings learn from cats and dogs?
A.We should learn to live in peace.
B.We should know more about animals.
C.We should live in peace with animals.
D.We should learn more body languages.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
[1] More than 40 million Americans move each year, but not always by choice. Whether you relocate because of a new job or school for you or your spouse, for a lower cost of living, or for better opportunities, adjusting to life in a new place can be scary and difficult--especially when you’re not in love with your new city. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your relocation and find happiness in your new home.
[2] Treat it as an adventure
Living in a new place is a great opportunity to experience new things and to grow as a person. So stay positive, and get out there and explore! Sample the local cuisine. Visit landmarks and museums. Try local activities that weren’t available or popular in your former city, such as skiing if you came from a beach town or surfing if you lived in the mountains. You may discover a talent or interest you never knew you had.
[3] Get involved
Attend local events that interest you. Visit the weekly farmer’s market or the neighborhood yard sale. Volunteer. Take a class. Join a sports league. All of these things will help you meet people and feel connected to your new town.
[4] Locate the necessities
Driving, riding, or walking around your new neighborhood is the best way to learn where everything is. So head out and take note of the nearest supermarket, pharmacy, post office, library, etc.
[5] Keep pieces of your old home
To keep from getting too homesick, subscribe to your former city magazine or newspaper. Display photos of or souvenirs from your favorite places in your old town. Hang decorations from your former home. Just don’t go overboard—hanging on to too much from your past will keep you from moving forward and really enjoying your new home.
[6] _________
It takes time to get to know a new place, so don’t expect to feel comfortable right away. Give yourself time to adjust. To help the process and to meet new people, find a support group near you at Just Moved.org.
小题1:What does the passage mainly talk about? (within 15 words.)
小题2:What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to? (within 7 words)
小题3:According to the passage, what can you do to learn where everything is?( within 5 words)
小题4:Fill the blank with proper words. (within 5 words)
小题5:If you are a new comer, where to find a support group near you based on this passage? (within 3 words)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
In the second half of each year, many powerful storms are born in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean seas. Of these, only about a half a dozen generate (引起,导致) the strong, circling winds of 75 miles per hour or more that give them hurricane status, and several usually make their way to the coast. There they cause millions of dollars of damage, and bring death to large numbers of people.
The great storms that hit the coast start as innocent circling disturbances hundreds--- even thousands--- of miles out to sea. As they travel aimlessly over water warmed by the summer sun, they are carried westward by the trade winds. When conditions are just right, warm, moist air flows in at the bottom of such a disturbance, moves upward through it and comes out at the top. In the process, the moisture in this warm air produces rain, and with it the heat that is converted to energy in the form of strong winds. As the heat increases, the young hurricane begins to swirl in a counter-clockwise (逆时针方向) motion.
The average life of a hurricane is only about nine days, but it contains almost more power than we can imagine. The energy in the heat released by a hurricane’s rainfall in a single day would satisfy the entire electrical needs of the United States for more than six months.
Water, not wind, is the main source of death and destruction in a hurricane. A typical hurricane brings 6 to 12 inch downpours resulting in sudden floods. Worst of all is the powerful movement of the sea, the mountains of water moving toward the low-pressure hurricane center. The water level rises as much as 15 feet above normal as it moves toward shore.
小题1:When is an ordinary tropical storm called a hurricane?
A.When it begins in the Atlantic and Caribbean seas.
B.When it hits he coastline.
C.When it is more than 75 mils wide.
D.When its winds reach 75 miles per hour.
小题2:What is the worst thing about hurricane?
A.The destructive effects of water.
B.The heat they release.
C.That they last about nine days on the average.
D.Their strong winds.
小题3:The counter-clockwise swirling of the hurricane is brought about by           .
A.the low-pressure area in the center of the storm
B.the force of waves of water.
C.the trade winds
D.the increasing heat
小题4:Apparently the word “downpour” in the fourth paragraph means           .
A.heavy rainfall
B.dangerous waves
C.the progress of water to the hurricane center
D.the increasing heat

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