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Air pollution is one of the hottest topics at present because poor air quality is an important factor in both the incidence and cause of respiratory(呼吸道) diseases.
Zhong Nanshan, a deputy to the NPC and a member of the CAE, said recently when the concentration of PM2.5 rises by 10 micrograms per cubic meter, hospitalization may rise by as much as 3.1 percent. Meanwhile, when the concentration of PM2.5 rises from 25 mgs per cubic meter to 200, the average daily death rate may rise to 11 percent.
Zhi Xiuyi, a leading expert in lung cancer treatment and also vice-president of the CATS, said medical authorities used to focus on tobacco control as a primary means of preventing lung cancer. "But in fact, air pollution is no less harmful than smoking and our research team released a report earlier this year showing that the cancer rate in Beijing is closely related to industrialization," he said.
The report, conducted by the Beijing Institute of Cancer Research, shows that the number of cancer patients in China has increased markedly during the past ten years. Chaoyang District, the city"s main area of industrialization, has the highest incidence of cancer, almost double that of Yanqing, an area on the outskirts of the city. About four out of 1000 Chaoyang residents have some form of the disease, with lung cancer at the top of the list.
"The risk of having cancer largely depends on the length of exposure and the concentration of noxious gases(有毒气体的浓度)," said Zhi. In response to the doubt whether seven years" exposure to poor air quality will almost result in cancer, Zhi said the time scale was taken from research overseas that suggested the rate of incidence generally peaked in the seventh year of exposure to a heavily polluted environment.
小题1: What is the passage mainly about?
A.Medical researches on environment.
B.The disadvantages in big cities.
C.The only reason for the lung cancer.
D.Poor air quality contributing to lung cancer.
小题2:What can you conclude from the 3rd paragraph?
A.Compared with smoking, air pollution is more harmful.
B.Air pollution is as harmful as smoking.
C.It is very important to prevent people from smoking.
D.People realize the importance of keeping healthy.
小题3:If there were 3,000,000 people in Chaoyang District, how many would have respiratory diseases?
小题4:What can you infer from the passage?
A.Industrialization has its weakness as well as strengths.
B.The average death rate rises with different ages and places.
C.The air in Beijing is much more polluted than that in the other cities.
D.The more heavily-polluted air you breathe in, the sooner you’ll have cancer.



小题2:B段落大意题。根据文章第三段所讲的But in fact, air pollution is no less harmful than smoking可知空气污染和吸烟一样有害。故B正确。
小题3:B推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句About four out of 1000 Chaoyang residents have some form of the disease, with lung cancer at the top of the list.可以计算出答案。故B正确。
小题4:D推理判断题。根据最后一段“Zhi said the time scale was taken from research overseas that suggested the rate of incidence generally peaked in the seventh year of exposure to a heavily polluted environment.可以得出答案。故D正确。
试题【Air pollution is one of the hottest topics at present because poor air quality i】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
What will power your house in the future?Nuclear,wind,or solar power?According to scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US,it might be leaves — but artificial (人造的) ones.
Natural leaves are able to change sunlight and water into energy. It is known as photosynthesis (光合作用).Now researchers have found a way to imitate this seemingly simple process.
The artificial leaf developed by Daniel Nocera and his colleagues at MIT can be seen as a special silicon chip with catalysts (催化剂).Similar to natural leaves,it can split water into hydrogen and oxygen when put into a bucket of water. The hydrogen and oxygen gases are then stored in a fuel cell,which uses those two materials to produce electricity,located either on top of a house or beside the house.
Though the leaf is only about the shape of a poker card,scientists claimed that it is promising to be an inexpensive source of electricity in developing countries. “One can imagine villages in India and Africa not long from now purchasing an affordable basic power system based on this technology,” said Nocera at a conference of the American Chemical Society.
The artificial leaf is not a new idea. The first artificial leaf was invented in 1997 but was too expensive and unstable for practical use. The new leaf,by contrast,is made of cheap materials,easy to use and highly stable. In laboratory studies,Nocera showed that an artificial leaf prototype (原型) could operate continuously for at least 45 hours without a drop in activity.
The wonderful improvements come from Nocera"s recent discovery of several powerful,new and inexpensive catalysts. These catalysts make the energy transformation inside the leaf more efficient with water and sunlight. Right now,the new leaf is about 10 times more efficient at carrying out photosynthesis than a natural one. Besides,the device can run in whatever water is available;that is,it doesn"t need pure water. This is important for some countries that don"t have access to pure water.
With the goal to “make each home its own power station” and “give energy to the poor”,scientists believe that the new technology could be widely used in developing countries,especially in India and rural China.
小题1:Which of the following orders correctly shows how the artificial leaf is used to produce electricity?
a.artificial leaves split water into hydrogen and oxygen
b.the hydrogen and oxygen gases are stored in a fuel cell
c.the artificial leaves are put in water
d.the fuel cell uses hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity
A.c,a,b,d B.c,b,a,d
小题2:The purpose of the scientists at MIT in developing the new artificial leaf is to________.
A.build up more power stations in the world
B.provide cheaper energy for developing countries
C.offer people in developing countries access to pure water
D.gain a deeper understanding of the photosynthesis process
小题3:The main idea of this passage is ________.
A.an introduction to the history of artificial leaves
B.a mixture of water power and solar energy
C.giving energy to the poor
D.an invention copying photosynthesis

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Most people know that awkward feeling when you walk into an elevator with other people and try not to make eye contact(接触). But a new research suggests it may be down to a subconscious power struggle being played out as you make your way up and down.
A study found that people decide where they stand based on a micro social status,established within seconds of entering the lift.
Rebekah Rousi.a Ph. D.student in cognitive(认知)science,conducted an ethnographic(人种论)
Study of elevator behaviour in two of the tallest office buildings in Adelaide,Australia.As part of her research,she took a total of 30 lift rides in the two buildings,and discovered .There was an established order to where people tended to stand
In a blog she writes that more senior men seemed to direct themselves towards the back of the elevator She said:“In front of them were younger men,and in front of them were women of aII ages.”She also notice there
was a difference in where people directed their gaze(注视)half way through the ride.“Men watched the monitors,looked in the side mirrors(in one building)to see themseIves.And in the door mirrors(of the other building)to also watch others Women would watch the monitors and avoid eye contact with other users(unless in conversation)and the mirrors,”she writes.
She concluded it could be that people who are shyer stand toward the front,where they can’t see other passengers,whereas confident people stand in the back,where they have a  view of everyone else.
小题1:The passage is mainly about      
A. elevator riding manners   
B communication in the elevator
C. elevator riders’ standing positions 
D. micro social status in the elevator
小题2:The underlined word“it”in the first paragraph probably refers to“     
A.an elevatorB.the new researchC.eye contactD.social status
小题3:A person who stands in the back of the lift is probably      
A confident    B shy    C honest
小题4:The conclusion of the research in the passage is          
A. subjective    B.objective    C critical     D doubtful
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Way back in 1662,John Evelyn,a brilliant Englishman known for his detailed diaries,wrote about disastrous effects of coal-burning on the city of London .In it,he described an infernal scene of smog.air filled with “Columns and Clouds of Smoke’’given out by small industries and residences that burned coal for fuel.
I found the description in the 2003 book When Smoke Ran like Water,by epidemiologist(流行病学家)and environmental advocator(倡导者)Devra Davis.In it,Davis looks back at several historic pollution events and their disastrous effect on human human health-and at how these phenomena were often Ignored or even actively covered up by then people in charge at that time.
As Davis points out,John Evelyn was ahead of his time when writing about how London’s polluted air affected  the well-being of its residents.It wasn’t  until nearly 300 years later,after what became well-known as the Great Smog of 1952,that the government began to address the problem in a systematic way.
For four days.Between December 5th“and 9th“,due to all accident of the weather pattern,the city was buried in a heavy fog .People were still burning coal for fuel,and low-grade coal at that time, because 0f wartime condition.A temperature inversion(转向)trapped the smoke from the city’s fires, creating a black cloud in which people could barely find their way down the most familiar streets
Some tried to protect themselves,but most people simply went about their business. But l952’s fog was far worse than any other in memory.In the same week of the previous year, 1852 people had died in London;inl952,that number was 4703 And the deaths didn’t stop when the weather changed and the fog lifted.Davis and her colleagues analyzed data from the next several months and found that about 13000 more people died between December and March than one would have predicted from historical averages Many of them died of pneumonia(肺炎).The government,she writes.Tried to blame a bad flu season.Her detailed analysis found that explanation simply did
not pan out.
Davis writes that even today in this country ,we still have not completely absorbed the lessons of similar events.Sixty years the killer fog lifted in London,people are dying preventable deaths and suffering life.changing illnesses,simply because they must breathe the air of the cities where they live
小题1:The passage is written to     
A.warn people of the danger from air pollution
B.introduce London’s Great Smog of l952
C.blame the government for the smog
D.explain the reasons for air pollution
小题2:The underlined word‘‘infernal” in the first paragraph probably means“    ”
小题3:One of the reasons for the Great Smog of l952wasthat——
A.people burned wood for fuel
B.a forest fire created a black cloud over the city
C.the government ignored the smog
D.most people went abouttheirbusine00
小题4:How does the writer feel about the present air condition in London?
A. lndifferent   B Concerned    C.Hopeless.D. Panic
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Growing strawberries in pots

·The best way to start growing strawberries is to buy pot-grown strawberry plants m spring:5plants are plenty for a hanging basket and 10 for the average 13 inch-sized pot.
·Plant them immediately in soil-based compost(混合肥料) and they will produce a modest crop in their first year.The second year should see a bumper(特大的)crop,followed by a slightly lower yield(产量)the third summer .Then start again with fresh stock
·Careful watering and feeding are essential Ifyou are to harvest a good crop,you must never
let the compost dry out,particularly when the fruit is forming and ripening;if you do.most of your
crop will drop off血e bush almost immediately.
·Water well then leave the pots for up to 3 weeks,until they reach the point of drying out Be
Careful not to overwater them during the winter months.
Pruning apple trees
·A one-year-old tree is known as a “maiden”. It has a single stem when purchased. Immediately after planting, cut it back by about half to leave 4 good buds at the base of the stem.. This will force growth from the base or the plant during the summer.

·In the second year ,prune in winter by cutting all side branches back by about one-third, Make sure each cut is made cleanly just above an outward-facing bud. In the third and fourth years, new side branches will have emerged from the previous year’s growth. Cut back all these new side branches by a third, pruning to an outward-facing bud.
·By the fifth year the tree should have a well-balanced shape. From then on ,cut back all new branches by one-third in winter .Remove any diseased wood and broken branches, and ensure the centre is open to air circulation
小题1:The two pieces of advice probably appear in          
A.a scientific repotB.a gardening guideC.a book reviewD.a fashion column
小题2:A good crop of strawberries mainly depends on             
A.the size of a potB.the season of harvesting
C.the number of plants in a potD.careful watering and feeding
小题3:Cutting back all  side branches by a third is to        
A.remove the diseased and broken branches
B.keep the whole tree open to air circulation
C.force the apple tree to grow from the base in winter
D.help the apple tree to form a well-balanced shape
小题4:The two pieces of advice suggest that planting is closely related  to               

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There are quite a few advantages of wearing school uniforms. The idea may seem disagreeable at first, but considering all the positive effects coming from wearing uniforms you would be more likely to enjoy them.
Teachers love school uniforms because it helps provide an orderly learning environment. Having students dressed in uniforms may teach them how to present themselves in a neat and professional manner. It gives students the opportunity to learn how to dress like young ladies and gentleman. And they can focus their attention on academics rather than style.
Purchasing (购买) school uniforms is easy and needs less hesitation and consideration. No matter what the school’s policy is, there are only specific essential (基本的) pieces to the wardrobe (服装) that are necessary, so it won’t break the bank. A few wardrobe items can last a long time. Parents could also enjoy an easy morning, as it will take less time to choose a set of clothes for the school day.
Students wearing uniforms will feel less pressure about what to wear or not to wear when their classmates are dressed similarly. Getting dressed before school becomes less of a chore(琐事) when students are limited in their choices, so there shouldn’t be any trouble about choosing an outfit for the day and getting ready quickly. Some students may not like the lack of individuality(个性) with a uniform, but some school dress code policies may offer them the opportunities to show their unique styles.
Uniforms today are also becoming trendier and can be seen in many areas of pop culture. Celebrities(名人)and fashion designers are using uniforms as inspiration for new looks which also appeal to students.
小题1:What would be the best title for the text?
A.How to dress properly.
B.The history of school uniforms.
C.The advantages of school uniforms.
D.How to deal with pressure in school.
小题2:Teachers think that wearing school uniforms ________________.
A.is just a tradition that students should follow
B.makes students feel less pressure in study
C.helps students put more effort into their studies
D.makes students lose their independence and identity
小题3:The underlined part “it won’t break the bank” in Paragraph 3 probably means “__________”.
A.a school uniform doesn’t cost a lot of money
B.a school uniform should be worn every day
C.parents will have to go to the bank many times
D.parents who work in a bank can afford the uniform
小题4:We can infer from the text that school uniforms _________.
A.are not popular with fashion designers
B.were not accepted by parents in the past
C.will be designed by students themselves
D.will be more fashionable in the future
小题5:The author’s attitude towards students’ wearing school uniforms is ___________.
A.negative B.supportive C.doubtful D.unclear

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