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It’s really a tough job for automakers doing marketing and sales in China, where competition is acute and customers have little loyalty. They have tried a range of tricks in recent years.
But there should be a moral bottom line. Unfortunately, a Buick dealership used the tragedy of a two-month-old infant to advertise its cars last week on Weibo – Micro blog. And Hyundai Motor followed suit.
On March 4, an SUV was stolen with the infant left inside alone in the northeastern city of Changchun. The news spread widely on Weibo after the baby’s father called the local police and radio station for help. The next day it was revealed that the infant was choked to death and buried in snow by the thief. The online community expressed its deeply felt sympathy and condolences.
The Buick dealership posted a photo of the baby and two of its cars on its official Weibo account to advertise its GPS system that can locate the stolen car. “A few thoughts on the Changchun stolen car and baby incident: when buying a car it’s entirely OK to choose a brand with advanced technology,” said the post. Though the post was made before tragic fate of the infant was known, the action generated a storm of outrage on Weibo. Some online commentators said it is “marketing at the cost of lives” and “extremely despicable.”
Worse was the post on Hyundai’s official Weibo account that advertised the anti – theft system on its new SUV Santa Fe, an entry made after the child was known to have died. The action also enraged micro bloggers.
Both posts were soon deleted. The Buick dealership made an apology on Weibo to the family of the victim and the public. But screenshots saved by users continued to be posted and the negative impact on both brands persists.
The two brands probably didn’t expect such a firestorm of fury from the Internet community, but they really made a big mistake sinking below the moral bottom line. They certainly ruined their own brand images.
The Chinese have the same proverb as the English language – a little leak will sink a great ship. It takes decades to build the great ship of a respectable brand but it can take just a moment of negligence to make it fail completely.
For those in corporate marketing, two lessons should be learned: first, be careful in the era of social media when one wrong can be easily magnified and have disastrous impacts in just a few clicks.
Second and more importantly, think with your brain and heart. Never break the moral bonds of respect for human life and sympathy for our fellow man.
小题1:Who is to blame for the tragedy of Changchun infant according to the passage?
A.The baby’s fatherB.Buick and Hyundai dealership
C.WeiboD.Not clear
小题2:Which of the following statements is correct?
A.The missing infant was found alive in the stolen car.
B.Micro blog marketing of tragic infant death fuels firestorm of criticism.
C.People can’t see the two posts any more because they were deleted.
D.The two car brands mentioned in the passage spoiled their own reputation by selling the stolen car.
小题3:What does the underlined word – “despicable” in paragraph 4 mean?
小题4:The reason why Hyundai’s post was worse than Buick’s is that _________.
A.Hyundai dealership didn’t make an apology on Weibo
B.Buick dealership expressed its deeply sympathy and condolences
C.Hyundai’s post was made after people knew the infant had died
D.Buick’s car was more advanced on its GPS system
小题5:In the last paragraph, the author encourages people _____________.
A.not to sink below the moral bottom line
B.not to sympathize our fellow man
C.to think twice before making decision
D.to magnify the mistakes people make



小题1:D 细节题。根据文章第二段Unfortunately, a Buick dealership used the tragedy of a two-month-old infant to advertise its cars last week on Weibo – Micro blog. And Hyundai Motor followed suit.
小题2:B 推理题。根据文章第四段最后3行Though the post was made before tragic fate of the infant was known, the action generated a storm of outrage on Weibo. Some online commentators said it is “marketing at the cost of lives” and “extremely despicable.”说明正是微博上的评论让人们对这这样的广告的批评更激烈。故B正确。
小题3:A 推理题。根据本句Though the post was made before tragic fate of the infant was known, the action generated a storm of outrage on Weibo. Some online commentators said it is “marketing at the cost of lives” and “extremely despicable.”说明人们认为以生命为代价进行广告行为是很不道德的行为,故A正确。
小题4:C 细节题。根据文章第五段内容Worse was the post on Hyundai’s official Weibo account that advertised the anti – theft system on its new SUV Santa Fe, an entry made after the child was known to have died. The action also enraged micro bloggers.可知现代公司是在婴儿被发现死亡以后做出的广告,故这种情况更为严重。故C项正确。
小题5:A 推理题。根据最后一段Second and more importantly, think with your brain and heart. Never break the moral bonds of respect for human life and sympathy for our fellow man.生命人们提醒不要挑战人们的道德底线,故A正确。
试题【It’s really a tough job for automakers doing marketing and sales in China, where】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
[1] Weeks after his wife died, Rao Pingru started to paint pictures of her. From the first time he saw her putting on makeup in a mirror, to their wedding at which they promised “to love and cherish”, to her lying in bed on her final days – all the images of their nearly 60 – year marriage have been food for his art.
[2] “ When I create her with brushstrokes, she is there, and our story doesn’t perish,(死亡)” said Rao, 91, a retired military man and former editor. He has filled 18 albums of drawings in the past four years, which he called Our Story.
[3] At first, the Jiangxi native was only trying to pass time and leave something so his grandchildren could “know about their grandparents” who have been through war, poverty, sickness and, perhaps most importantly, love.
[4] Rao met Meitang as a blind date when he came back from war in 1946. “ It’s a strange thing. You just have to meet the right person to have that feeling,” he said, thinking of how lovely she was. During their early dates, Rao _________________ “the three words”. Instead, he sang a pop song of the time, Rosemary, I love you, to express his feelings, on a park bench in Nanchang, Jiangxi province.
[5] The first two years of their marriage was “ the sweetest time” of Rao’s life, as he recalled, in spite of the turbulence following the war. The couple adopted a happy – go – lucky policy wherever they traveled, worked and lived. They managed to escape robbery by hiding their possessions in tires while Rao was working in Guizhou province.
小题1:What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 12 words)
小题2:What does the underlined word “ food”(Para 1) refer to? (no more than 9 words)
小题3:Why did Rao begin his drawings? (no more than 16 words)
小题4:Please fill in the blank (Para 4)with proper words to complete the sentence. (no more than 5 words)
小题5:What is Rao and his wife’s attitude towards life? (no more than 4words)
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[1] Twenty-seven outstanding individuals and organizations have been selected from more than-200 nominations (提名) as finalists for the 2012 National Disability Awards for their valuable contribution to improving the lives of people with disability in Australia. The National Disability Awards, now in their sixth year, celebrate the remarkable achievements of people with disability and those who support them to create a more inclusive (包容的) and diverse society.
[2] The Minister for Disability Reform, Jenny Macklin, and the Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers, Jan McLucas, announced the finalists across the nine award categories.           
[3] The finalists are made up of individuals, support organizations and national companies. Their achievements include improving Community accessibility and employment opportunities for people with disability, promoting the rights of people with disability and advocating (提倡) a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
[4] This year"s awards come at an exciting time for People with disability, their families and carers, as the Gillard Government invests $1 billion in the first stage of an NDIS, which will be launched from the middle of 2013. More man 20,000 people with significant and permanent  disability in five locations __________, receiving a care and support package that is individually adapted to their needs and having decision-making power about their care and support. Important to the success of an NDIS will be the continued commitment of all Australian governments to the   National Disability Strategy, which is a framework (机制) to include disability in policies, programs, services and infrastructure (基础设施) across all areas of the community.
[5] The National Disability Awards form part of the Australian Government"s celebration of International Day of People with Disability, which occurs annually on 3rd December and which this year celebrates its 20th anniversary.
小题1:Why have twenty-seven individuals and organizations been selected as finalists for the 2012 National Disability Awards? (no more than 15 words)
小题2:What are the finalists made up of? (no more than 8 words)
小题3:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)
小题4:What does the word“them”(Line 5, Paragraph 1) refer to? ( no more than 3 words)
小题5:What is the passage mainly about? (no more than 8 words)
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The television news feature about Ben Heckmann, an eighth grader from Farmington, Minn, was breathless in its praise. “At 14, he has accomplished something many adults can’t achieve,” the reporter said, “Ben is a twice-published author.” But Ben’s two “Velvet Black” books, describing a fictional rock band, were not picked from a pile of manuscripts(手稿)by an eagle eyed publisher. They were self-published, at the cost of $400 by Ben’s parents.
Over the past five years, print-on-demand technology and a growing number of self publishing companies whose books can be sold online have inspired writers of all ages to avoid the traditional gatekeeping system for determining who could call himself a “published author.”
The mothers and fathers who foot the bill say they are simply trying to encourage their children, in the same way that other parents buy equipment for a promising baseball player. But others see self-publishing as a lost opportunity to teach children about hardship and perseverance. Mr. Robbins, a critic, thinks it is wonderful to start writing at a young age, but worries self-publishing sends the wrong message. “There are no prodigies(神童) in literature,” he said. “Literature requires experience, in a way that mathematics and music do not.” Alan Rinzler, a publishing industry veteran, suggested parents hire a professional editor like him to work with their child to tear a manuscript apart and help make a better. Ben’s father, Ken, said Ben’s ambitions “weren’t to knock Harry Potter off the list,” but “to get that good feeling inside that you’ve done something.”
Ajla Dizdarevic, 12, who has self-published two books of poetry, has been on television and in local newspapers. “Being a published author,” she said, “was always a dream of mine.” Her new dream: three books by age 15.
小题1:Which of the following is true of Ben?
A.He has achieved something unusual for his age.
B.His self-published books were well received.
C.His manuscripts were favored by the publisher.
D.He was thought little of by the public media.
小题2:What makes it possible for writers of all ages to self-publish their works?
A.The rapid increase of online readership.
B.The increasing number of publishers.
C.The immediate access to marketing agencies.
D.The development of printing and publishing.
小题3:Why do some parents pay the self-publishing bill?
A.They want to offer opportunities to their children.
B.They want to give encouragement to their children.
C.They want to help their children avoid hardship.
D.They want to show love and care for their children.
小题4:What dose Alan Rinzler suggest that children should do?
A.Be forbidden to write books
B.Start writing at an early age
C.Be professionally guided
D.Learn from experience
小题5:Why do some children self-publish works according to the last part?
A.Just to achieve their dreams.
B.Just to earn more money.
C.Just to gain self-confidence.
D.Just to satisfy their parents.

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( C )
In Denmark, parents are allowed to set up a new school if they are dissatisfied with the school in the area where they are living. Although these schools have to follow the national courses, they are allowed a lot of choice in deciding what to teach. Some of these new schools are called “small schools” because usually the number of pupils in them is only sixty, but a school has to have at least twenty-seven pupils.
 Cooleenbridge School in Ireland, is a small school similar to the ones in Denmark, it was set up by parents who came from Holland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, England and other parts of Ireland. They came because they wanted to live in the countryside and to grow their own food. In June 1986, they decided to start a school. They managed to get an old, disused primary-school (小学) building and started with twenty-four children aged from four to twelve.
 The teachers say, “The important thing in school is doing, not sitting.” And so the courses includes yoga(瑜伽), cooking, knitting, kite-making, music, fishing, drama (戏剧) and environmental(环境的) river studies, as well as reading, writing, maths and science.
小题1:What are the rules for setting up a new school in Denmark?
A.Parents are allowed to set up their own school.
B.The school has to follow the national courses.
C.The school has to have at least 27 pupils.
D.All of the above.
小题2: The writer tells about the Cooleenbridge School in Ireland because ____ .
A.it was set up by parents who are not people of Denmark
B.it was taken as an example of this kind of “small school”
C.there were only twenty-four children
D.the pupils there were aged from 4 to 12
小题3:What makes this kind of school special?
A.It is set up by parents not by government.
B.It is free to decide what to teach.
C.The number of pupils in it is only sixty.
D.It has to have at least 27 pupils.
小题4: “The important thing in school is doing not sitting.” What the teachers say actually means ____ .
A.What we should do is teaching in the classroom, not sitting in the office.
B.Children should do more homework at home, not just sit in class to listen to the teachers.
C.Children should learn by themselves not rely on teachers.
D.Children should learn through practice not just from books.
小题5:The courses includes ____ .
A.yoga, cooking, knitting, kite-making, music, fishing, drama and environmental river studies, except reading, writing, maths and science
B.either yoga, cooking, knitting, kite-making, music, fishing, drama and environmental river studies, or reading, writing, maths and science
C.not only reading, writing, maths and science, but also yoga, cooking knitting, kitemaking, music, fishing, drama and environmental river studies
D.mainly yoga, cooking, knitting, kite-making, music, fishing, drama and environmental river studies, and supplemental (补充的) reading writing, maths and science

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Chinese writer Mo Yan has won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature, announced the Swedish Academy in Stockholm on Thursday.The win makes Mo Yan the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel in its Ⅲ-year history.Informed of his win today, the author, who was having dinner at home, was “overjoyed and scared".
Born in 1955 to parents who were farmers, Mo Yan-a pen name for Guan Moye,grew up in Gaomi in Shandong province in eastern China. At the age of 12, he left school to work, first in agriculture, later in a factory. In 1976 he joined the army and during this time began to study literature and writing.
He published his first book in 1981, but found literary success in 1987 with Hong Gaoliang Jiazu, which was successfully filmed in the same year, directed by famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou. In his writing, Mo Yan draws on his youthful experiences and on settings in the province of his birth and his works show the life of Chinese people as well as the country"s unique culture and folk customs. Mo Yan is known as a prolific(多产的)writer. In addition to his novels, he has published many short stories and essays on various topics. Despite his social criticism, he is seen in his homeland as one of the most famous contemporary authors. Dozens of his works have been translated into English, French, Japanese and many other languages.
The awarding ceremony will be held on December 10.The winner will win a medal, a personal diploma and a cash award of about $l  million.
小题1:How did Mo Yan feel when he was told about the news?
A.Excited and proud.B. Happy and surprised.
C.Worried and cautious D. Uncertain and shocked.
小题2:Mo Yan developed his ability for writing when he was      
A.on a farmB.in a factoryC.in a schoolD.in the army
小题3:One of Mo Yan"s characteristics of writing is that he
A.writes about topics he is familiar withB.focuses on social problems in the country
C.describes his characters in a unique wayD.explains difficult matters in simple words
小题4:What"s the best title for this passage? 
A.How Mo Yan Gets Nobel Prize B.An Introduction to Nobel Prize
C.Mo Yan Wins Nobel Prize in LiteratureD.A World Famous Writer, Mo Yan

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