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Bedfordshire had its fair share of royal visits from the early stages of the 10th Century onwards and the importance that the county placed on this is evident in the monuments, country houses, churches and any number of other structures that are still present there to this day. Bedford Castle is one of those structures and, although it is nowhere near its former glory today, it is an essential attraction to visit if you really want to grasp what its heritage means to the county!
Bedford Castle was built initially as a fortress to help protect Bedfordshire on the south of the River Ouse after the people in the local towns and villages had already been subdued. It was erected in 919 on the orders of King Edward the Elder, although it was destroyed by a Danish invasion years later. This was when it was rebuilt as the castle, of which the ruins exist today!
There is a long history behind the castle that involves several kings as a result of the Duke of Bedford being an ardent royalist. Bedford Castle repeatedly offered the kings of England refuge against various storms in the form of onslaughts from abroad and various domestic threats against them, and this is where much of its fame lies, even though the castle itself is no longer there. There are various tours of the ruins that you can take when you visit though and all of the guides are extremely knowledgeable. They will happily tell you tales of the mound and the castle that preceded it.
The mound is open to the public all year round and is a proud part of the area’s heritage. It is recommended by the majority of people that visit Bedfordshire because it tells you much about why the county is currently how it is. You can view the river from the mound and the surrounding settlements as well as the remains of the castle, and every moment spent there is worth it so enjoy the history and the very nature of the county itself!
小题1:What do we know from the first paragraph?
A.The royals pay regular visits to Bedfordshire.
B.Bedfordshire had it fair share of royal visit.
C.Most of the ancient buildings are in use today.
D.Bedford Castle represents the history of the county.
小题2: The underlined word “initially” in Paragraph 2 probably means _______ .
A.first of all
B.at the beginning
C.for one particular purpose
D.for a short time
小题3:The kings of England came to Bedford Castle ______.
A.to seek temporary protection
B.to visit the Duke of Bedford
C.to enjoy the beauty of nature
D.to escape from the bad weather
小题4:Why are visitors recommended to visit Bedfordshire?
A.It is the major heritage in that region
B.It reflects the history of Bedfordshire
C.The ancient castle is well worth visiting
D.The castle is still in good condition
小题5:The purpose of writing the text is _______.
A.to introduce Bedford Castle
B.to tell the history of Bedfordshire
C.to attract tourists to Bedfordshire
D.to show where the kings used to go



小题1:D 段落大意题。根据第一段2,3行the importance that the county placed on this is evident in the monuments, country houses, churches and any number of other structures that are still present there to this day.说明直到今天Bedford Castle都能够代表着这个国家的历史,是这个国家的象征。故D正确。
小题2:B 猜测词义题。根据本句Bedford Castle was built initially as a fortress to help protect Bedfordshire on the south of the River Ouse after the people in the local towns and villages had already been subdued.说明起初的时候,这个城堡只是为了帮助保卫Bedfordshire,而在the River Ouse的南岸所建的,故B正确。
小题3:A 推理题。根据第三段2,3行Bedford Castle repeatedly offered the kings of England refuge against various storms in the form of onslaughts from abroad and various domestic threats against them说明英国的国王在遇见国内人反对的时候把这里当成难民营来寻求避难,故A正确。
小题4:B 细节题。根据最后一段2,3行It is recommended by the majority of people that visit Bedfordshire because it tells you much about why the county is currently how it is说明这个地方能反应Bedfordshire的历史。故B正确。
小题5:A 主旨大意题。文章主要向我们介绍了Bedford Castle,介绍了它的历史,发展过程。并推荐人们到这里来参观。故A正确。
点评:文章主要向我们介绍了Bedford Castle,介绍了它的历史,发展过程。并推荐人们到这里来参观。本文的难度在于要扫除词汇方面的障碍,可以先审题,再看文章这样就会有的放矢,使阅读更有效率。
试题【Bedfordshire had its fair share of royal visits from the early stages of the 10t】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Welcome to one of the largest collections of footwear(鞋类)in the world that will make you green with envy. Here at the Footwear Museum you can see exhibits(展品)from all over the world. You can find out about shoes worn by everyone from the Ancient Egyptians to pop stars.
Room 1
The celebrity(名人)footwear section is probably the most popular in the entire museum. Started in the 1950s there is a wide variety of shoes and boots belonging to everyone from queens and presidents to pop stars and actors! Most visitors find the celebrities" choice of footwear extremely interesting.
Room 2
Most of our visitors are amazed—and shocked—by the collection of “special purpose” shoes on exhibition here at the Museum of Footwear. For example, there are Chinese shoes made of silk that were worn by women to tie their feet firmly to prevent them from growing too much!
Room 3
As well as shoes and boots, the museum also exhibits shoe­shaped objects. The variety is unbelievable. For example, there is a metal lamp that resembles a pair of shoes, and Greek wine bottles that look like legs!
The Footwear Library
People come from all over the world to study in our excellent footwear library. Designers and researchers come here to look up information on anything and everything related to the subject of footwear.
小题1:Where would you find a famous singer"s shoes?
A.Room 1.B.Room 2. C.Room 3.D.The Footwear Library.
小题2:All exhibits each room ________.
A.share the same theme B.have the same shape
C.are made of the same materialD.belong to the same social class
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the text?
A.The oldest exhibits in Room 1 were made in the 1950s.
B.Room 2 is the most visited place in the museum.
C.Room 3 has a richer variety of exhibits than the other two.
D.Researchers come to the Footwear Library for data. (资料,数据)
小题4:The purpose of the text is to get more people to ________.
A.do researchB.design shoes C.visit the museumD.follow celebrities

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Come for the Latest Movies
It’s summer movie time again. And heroes are ready to try their strength and magic on the silver screen. Check out our list of four films that look most promising to young audiences.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Release Date: June 4
Story: It’s the summer before Harry Potter’s third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A shadow is hanging over Hogwarts. A dangerous murderer, Sirius Black, has escaped the Wizards’ Prison. And he broke out to fulfill one task to kill Harry Potter.
Around the World in 80 Days
Release Date: June 16
Story: This version of the classic novel set in 1872 focuses on Passepartout (Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan), a Chinese thief who seeks refuge with a strange London adventurer, Phileas Fogg. Passepartout uses his martial arts skills to defend Fogg from danger as he travels around the world in 80 days to win a bet.
Spider-Man 2
Release Date: June 30
Story: Peter Parker is still coming to terms with his dual identity as the crime superhero Spider-Man. He wants to reveal his secret identity to Mary Jane, meanwhile, his Aunt May has fallen on hard times. A new villain (坏人), Dr Otto Octavius, has appeared to cause more troubles.
King Arthur
Release Date: July 7
Story: King Arthur is presented as a clever ruler who manages to unite all the knights (骑士) in Britain after the fall of the Roman Empire. Under the guidance of Merlin and the beautiful, brave Guinevere, Arthur will struggle to realize his dreams.
小题1:To enjoy the performance of Jackie Chan, you can go to the cinema on ______.
A.June 4B.June 16C.June 30D.July 7
小题2:In Spider-Man 2, Aunt May’s trouble is caused by ______.
A.Peter ParkerB.Mary Jane
C.Dr Otto OctaviusD.Spider Man
小题3:Which of the following films is set in ancient Britain?
A.King Arthur.B.Spider-Man 2.
C.Around the World in 80 Days.D.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
小题4:In which part of a website are you most likely to find the passage?

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8:30 PM
Outlook is back with a new series of reports to keep you up date with all that’s new in the world of entertainment. Stories go all the way from the technical to the romantic, from stage to screen. There will be reports of the stars of the moment, the stars of the future and the stars of the past. The director with his new film,he designer with the latest fashion and the musician with the popular song are part of the new Outlook . The program is introduced by Fran Levine.
9:00 PM
When a 10-year-old boy gets a first class degree in mathematics or an 8-year-old plays chess like a future grand master, they are considered as geniuses . Where does the quality of genius come from? Is it all in the genes (基因) or can any child be turned into a genius ? And if parents do have a child who might become a genius in the future,what should they do? In this 30-minute film, Barry Johnson , the professor at School of Medicine , New York University will help you discover the answer .
10:00 P
Is it possible to beat high blood pressure without drugs? The answer is “yes”, according to the researchers at Johns Hopkins  and three other medical centers . After a study of 800 persons with high blood pressure , they found that after 6 months , those devoted to weight loss—exercise and eating a low—salt , low-fat food—lost about 13 pounds and became fitter . Plus , 35% of them dropped into the “normal” category(范畴). This week, Dr . Alan Duckworth will tell you how these people reduce their blood pressure to a level similar to what’s achieved with Hypertension drugs .
小题1:The main purpose of writing these three texts is        .
A.to invite people to see films
B.to invite people to topic discussions
C.to attract more students to attend lectures
D.to attract more people to watch TV programs
小题2:From Outlook , you can get a great deal of information about          .
A.story tellersB.famous stars C.film companies D.music fans
小题3:Who will be most probably interested in Discovery ?
A.Parents who want to send their children to a school of medicine .
B.Children who are good at mathematics .
C.Parents who want their child to become another Albert Einstein .
D.Children who are interested in playing chess .
小题4:In Science / Health; “Johns Hopkins” is             .
A.a famous university B.a medical center
C.a well-known doctor D.a drug company
小题5:According to the third text , which of the following has almost the same effect as Hypertension drug ?
A.Exercise plus a healthy diet .B.Loss of thirteen pounds in weight .
C.Six months of exercise without drugs .D.Low-salt and low-fat food .

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Russian dances: The famous “Little White Birth” Dance Troupe will travel from Russia to present performances in Beijing.
The troupe, founded in 1948, is famous for their combination of Russian folk dances and classical dancing art.
It has been invited by the Beijing Foreign Culture Exchange Co. in order to give four performances in Beijing.
Tickets are available through ticket hotlines and website such as www. paio. com. cn, www. chinaticket, com and www. ticket, elong. com.
* Time: 7: 30 pm, January 18 - 21
* Place: Beizhan Theatre, 135, Xiwai Dajie,
Xicheng District
* Tel: 6606-4258
Kite show: All together 81 kites collected by the China National Art Museum is on show in the Yanhuang Art Museum.
Kong Xiangze, an expert on Chinese kites, published a book on kites, explaining the origins of the kite-making process. The exhibited kites are made in a traditional Chinese style.
* Time: 9 am-5 pm until February 11
* Place: 9 Huizhong Lu
* Tel: 6491-2902
Folk music: A concert of classics of Chinese folk music will greet audiences on the first day of the Year of Snake at the Beijing Concert Hall.
The China Song and Dance Ensemble will perform dozens of traditional instrumental pieces, such as “Full of Joy”, “Colourful Cloud Chasing the Moon” and “Spring Festival Suite”.
* Time: 7: 30 pm, January 24   
* Place: 1, Beixinhuajie, Xicheng District
* Tel: 6559-8285
Flower festival: The Beijing Botanical Garden is bringing people a blooming festival with the beautiful flowers in its tropical plants greenhouse.
The garden has introduced nearly 80 kinds of flowers abroad for the exhibition.
There is also an exhibition of potted narcissus (水仙) landscapes (盆景). More than 300 mini landscapes involving imported narcissus will be displayed, people can get a preview of the show by visiting www. beijingbd, com, the garden’s website.
* Time: 8:30 am-5 pm until January 28
* Place: Wofosi Lu near the Fragant Hills
* Tel: 8259-5547
小题1:Suppose you are too far away from Beijing or you can’t spare time to go there in person, which of the following shows can you enjoy all the same?
A.Russian dances.B.Kite showC.Folk musicD.Flower festival
小题2:. The phrase “get a preview of” used in the passage means ______.
A.watch in advanceB.see more clearly
C.get good position ofD.get a general idea of
小题3: If you and your classmates have a free evening to spend on the 19th of January, which is a useful number to call?
A.6606-4258B.6491-2902 C.6559-8285D.8259-5547

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by J. Courtney Sullivan, fiction, $26
The Kellehers are a big, disorderly family who sometimes seem to have only one thing in common: love for their beach house in Maine. Lie there with this novel and listen to a summer’s worth of secrets, quarrels, and misunderstandings.
by Chris Licht, nonfiction, $23
The energetic co-creator of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” was unprepared for the pain, fear, and helplessness he felt after suffering a brain bleed. But as he detailed in this outspoken, thoughtful book, the lessons he took from the event surprised him the most.
by David Browne, nonfiction, $26
This book transports you back to a year — the 1970 of Apollo 13, the first Earth Day — and the turning point of albums by the Beatles, James Taylor, and Crosby, Stills and Nash that provided the sound for a new decade. Rolling Stone contributing editor Browne artfully describes the creation of these classic songs.
by Will Allison, fiction, $22
A moment of anger has life-and-death consequences in this beautifully written novel. Being angry with a speeding teenage driver, Dad Glen Bauer makes a turn of his car in response, causing an accident in which the other driver dies. It’s a story about guilt, responsibility, and how mistrust can tear a loving family apart.
by Bunny Crumpacker and J.S. Picariello, memoir (回忆录),$25
Two authors — a woman who gave up a baby for adoption and the child herself — write alternating chapters in this memoir, which takes readers on a 50-year journey through their separate lives, their meeting, and their following relationship. Its account is both original and heartbreaking.
小题1: Which of the following is TURE according to the text?
A.MAINE talks about a loving happy family.
C.JSSICA LOST is about a mother and her daughter.
D.LONG DRIVE HOME is written in the first person.
小题2:. Which of the following may be favored by music lovers?
小题3:The text is most probably a(n) _______.
A.advertisement.B.literary research report.
C.Collection of novelsD.book review

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