当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解诶。     "Good evening, everybody!" said the teacher, Donna. "Where is everybo...
阅读理解诶。     "Good evening, everybody!" said the teacher, Donna. "Where is everybody?" That was sort of a daily
joke by Donna. Usually the class started with only two or three students present, and then filled up as the
minutes went by. It was summertime. Summer school was only eight weeks long. Class attendance was
always smaller than during fall and spring semesters.
     "I don"t know, teacher. Maybe they late or no come," said one student. "Maybe watching TV football
     "Is there a soccer game tonight? It seems like there"s a soccer game every night. Oh, well. Let"s get
started, okay? We"re on page 36 in the workbook. Tonight we"re studying participles as adjectives. Students
are always confused when they learn about the present and past participles, so we will practice this a lot.
Tonight, we"re just going to practice the present participle.
     "The present participle tells us what emotion or feeling the subject is causing. For example, "Grammar
is boring" means that the subject-grammar-causes an emotion of boredom. If we say, "The movie is
interesting," we are saying that the movie causes a feeling of interest. If we say, "The roller coaster is exciting,"
we are saying that the roller coaster causes a feeling of excitement. Any questions so far? Am I confusing
you? Is everyone confused?"
     The classroom was quiet. Donna looked at blank faces. They were confused. She knew this would take
a while. But eventually, the faster students would grasp it, and then they would help the slower students. By
the end of the evening, most of the class would feel comfortable using the present participle.
     Donna erased the board and put some new examples on it. She loved guiding her students through difficult
topics like this one. She always felt a little bit thrilled when the look of understanding came to their faces. 1. What do you think the class is about? A. Going over homework.
B. English grammar.
C. Football.
D. British culture. 2. We can infer from the first paragraph that _____ in summer time. A. some students are often late for school
B. some students often watch football games with the teacher
C. more students often ask for leave
D. more students often go to school 3. The underlined work "blank" probably means _____. A. excited
B. interested
C. confused
D. pleased 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Donna was experienced in teaching English grammar.
B. Donna made the students practice using the present participle.
C. Donna didn"t use any examples to help the students.
D. Donna made herself understood at last.
1-4 BACC
试题【阅读理解诶。     "Good evening, everybody!" said the teacher, Donna. "Where is everybo】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空。     In our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life, a woman remembered the
first meeting of an introductory   1   course about 20 years ago.
     The professor   2   the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans (豆), and invited
the students to   3  how many beans the jar contained. After   4   shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor
smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the   5   answer, and went on saying, "You have just   6   an important
lesson about science. That is: Never   7   your own senses."
     Twenty years later, the   8   could guess what the professor had in mind. He   9   himself, perhaps, as
inviting his students to start an exciting  10  into an un- known world invisible (无形的) to the  11 , which can
be discovered only through scientific  12 . But the seventeen-year-old girl could not accept or even  13  the
invitation She was just  14  to understand the world. And she  15  that her firsthand experience could be the
  16 . The professor, however, said that it was  17 . He was taking away her only  18  for knowing and was
providing her with no substitute (替代) "I remember feeling small and  19 ." the woman says, "and I did the
only thing I could do. I  20  the course that afternoon, and I haven"t gone near science since."
题型:高考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:高考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:贵州省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. art            
(     )2. A. searched for   
(     )3. A. count          
(     )4. A. warning        
(     )5. A. ready          
(     )6. A. learned        
(     )7. A. lose           
(     )8. A. lecturer       
(     )9. A. described      
(     )10. A. voyage        
(     )11. A. professor     
(     )12. A. model         
(     )13. A. hear          
(     )14. A. suggesting    
(     )15. A. believed      
(     )16. A. growth        
(     )17. A. firm          
(     )18. A. ask           
(     )19. A. cruel         
(     )20. A. dropped       
B. history     
B. looked at   
B. guess       
B. giving      
B. possible    
B. prepared    
B. trust       
B. scientist   
B. respected   
B. movement    
B. eye         
B. senses      
B. make        
B. beginning   
B. doubted     
B. strength    
B. interesting       
B. tool        
B. proud       
B. started     
C. science        
C. got through    
C. report         
C. turning away   
C. correct        
C. taught         
C. sharpen        
C. speaker        
C. saw            
C. change        
C. knowledge 
C. spirit         
C. present        
C. pretending     
C. proved         
C. faith          
C. wrong          
C. success        
C. frightened     
C. passed         
D. math         
D. marched into 
D. watch        
D. listening to 
D. difficult    
D. taken        
D. show         
D. woman        
D. served                       
D. rush         
D. light        
D. methods      
D. refuse       
D. waiting      
D. explained    
D. truth        
D. acceptable   
D. connection   
D. brave        
D. missed       
                                                   When milk arrived on the doorstep
     When I was a boy growing up in New Jersey in the 1960s, we had a milkman delivering milk to our
doorstep. His name was Mr. Basille. He wore a white cap and drove a white truck. As a 5-year-old boy,
I couldn"t take my eyes off the coin changer fixed to his belt. He noticed this one day during a delivery
and gave me a quarter out of his coin changer.
     Of course, he delivered more than milk. There was cheese, eggs and so on. If we needed to change
our order, my mother would pen a note-"Please add a bottle of butter- milk next delivery"-and place it in
the box along with the empty bottles. And then, the buttermilk would magically (魔术般) appear.
     All of this was about more than convenience. There existed a close relationship between families and
their milkmen Mr. Basille even had a key to our house, for those times when it was so cold outside that
we put the box indoors, so that the milk wouldn"t freeze. And I remember Mr. Basille from time to time
taking a break at our kitchen table, having a cup of tea and telling stories about his delivery.
     There is sadly no home milk delivery today. Big companies allowed the production of cheaper milk,
thus making it difficult for milkmen to compete (竞争). Besides, milk is for sale everywhere, and it may
just not have been practical to have a delivery service.
     Recently, an old milk box in the countryside I saw brought back my childhood memories. I took it
home and planted it on the back porch (门廊). Every so often my son"s friends will ask what it is. So I
start telling stories of my boyhood, and of the milkman who brought us friendship along with his milk.
1. Mr. Basille gave the boy a quarter out of his coin changer _____.
A. to show his magical power
B. to pay for the delivery
C. to satisfy his curiosity
D. to please his mother
2. What can be inferred from the fact that the milkman had the key to the boy"s house?
A. He wanted to have tea there.
B. He was a respectable person.
C. He was treated as a family member.
D. He was fully trusted by the family.
3. Why does home milk delivery no longer exist? 
A. Nobody wants to be a milkman now.
B. It has been driven out of the market.
C. Its service is getting poor.
D. It is forbidden by law.
4. Why did the author bring back home an old milk box?
A. He missed the good old days.
B. He wanted to tell interesting stories.
C. He needed it for his milk bottles.
D. He planted flowers in it.
     The host poured the tea into the cup and placed it on the small table in front of his guests, who were a
father and his daughter, and put the lid on the cup with a clink. Obviously thinking of something, he hurried
into the inner room, leaving the thermos (热水瓶) on the table. His two guests heard a chest of drawers
opening and rustling.
     They remained sitting in the sitting room, the ten-year-old daughter looking at the flowers outside the
window, the father just about to take his cup, when the crash came, right there in the sitting room. Something
was hopelessly broken.
     It was the thermos, which had fallen to the floor. The girls looked over her shoulder suddenly, shocked,
staring. It was mysterious; neither of them had touched it, not even a little bit. True, it hadn"t stood steadily
when their host placed it on the table, but it hadn"t fallen then.
     The crash of the thermos caused the host, with a box of sugar cubes in his hand, to rush back from the
inner room. He looked foolishly at the steaming floor and blurted out. "It doesn"t matter! It doesn"t matter!"
     The father started to say something. Then he said in a low voice, "Sorry I touched it and it fell."
     "It doesn"t matter," the host said.
     Later, when they left the house,the daughter said, "Daddy, did you touch it?"
     "No. But it stood so close to me."
     "But you didn"t touch it. I saw your reflection in the window. You were sitting perfectly still."
     The father laughed. "Then how would you explain the cause of its fall?"
     "The thermos fell by itself. The floor is uneven. It wasn"t steady when Mr. Li put it there. Daddy, why
did you say that?"
     "That won"t do,girl. It sounds more acceptable when I say I knocked it down. There are things which
people accept less true it sounds." The daughter was lost in silence for a while. Then she said, "Can you
explain it only this way?"
     "Only this way." her father said.
1. Which statement is a possible main idea of this story?
A. People seldom tell the truth.
B. You can"t always make people believe the truth.
C. If you try to defend yourself,people will believe you.
D. People never believe others.
2. It can be inferred from the story that the father _____.
A. didn"t know Mr. Li very well
B. was sorry that he hadn"t told the host the truth
C. didn"t think Mr. Li would believe the truth
D. was glad that he had told the truth
3. From the story,we know that the daughter _____.
A. thought her father should have told the truth
B. knew the thermos would fall and stepped out
C. thought her father shouldn"t have told the truth
D. thought her father must have known the cause
4. From the passage, we can see the reason why the thermos fell was that _____.
A. the table was too small
B. the father sat too close to the thermos
C. the father wanted to help himself with some water
D. something impossible to explain happened
     It was freezing outside my car. I did not want to get out of it when we passed by a small grocery shop.
Suddenly I   1   a tiny figure, bent and covered with some bits of cloth, trembling with the   2   from the
harsh winds that were blowing so   3   that night.
     It was only 5 degrees that evening, which was freezing cold indeed. Here was an old man of 75,   4   in
the corner of this store, waiting for anyone who would think of   5   him a single coin or a cup of hot tea.
     I asked my   6   to go over and hand this old man   7  . He looked into my husband"s face and smiled,
and said, "Thank you." I felt so   8   and I prayed for the old man to live   9   the cold night.
     I was sure to visit again and find out  10  he was the next day, as I have to pass this way every day. I did
so the  11  evening, and he remembered the car and came up to my  12  and smiled at me. This time I  13  him
a bag of food. He reached out for the bag  14  I gave him my hand. He held it and smiled and said, "May God
bless you." I looked at the old man and asked my husband, "Doesn"t he  15  you of someone? With that cap on
his head and the  16  in his eyes and the warmth of his hand, I could tell you this: he reminds me of my  17 ."
     At a closer look, I saw my Daddy in this old man, waiting for anyone to show him some mercy or  18 . I
do hope all of you who read this, will remember that maybe one day, it could happen to one of us, so please do
not  19  by a poor person without offering at least a word of love and a kind smile or a(n)  20  of kindness of
any kind.
题型:云南省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. watched  
(     )2. A. cold    
(     )3. A. fast   
(     )4. A. sitting  
(     )5. A. paying   
(     )6. A. driver   
(     )7. A. anything 
(     )8. A. happy    
(     )9. A. across   
(     )10. A. what    
(     )11. A. former  
(     )12. A. seat    
(     )13. A. offered 
(     )14. A. but     
(     )15. A. remind  
(     )16. A. anger  
(     )17. A. friend  
(     )18. A. love    
(     )19. A. run     
(     )20. A. deed    
B. looked      
B. anger         
B. hard       
B. sleeping     
B. serving        
B. husband     
B. something   
B. upset       
B. off           
B. where       
B. next        
B. kitchen      
B. supplied     
B. yet          
B. warn        
B. worry         
B. brother     
B. hate         
B. pass         
B. behavior       
C. observed       
C. excitement      
C. heavy          
C. selling        
C. leaving            
C. friend          
C. everything     
C. disappointed    
C. over           
C. how             
C. last           
C. room            
C. provided         
C. and              
C. remember     
C. calm               
C. father         
C. praise          
C. drive           
C. act         
D. noticed      
D. warmth         
D. strong       
D. working      
D. borrowing        
D. brother       
D. nothing     
D. thankful      
D. through       
D. why              
D. latter      
D. window                 
D. sold           
D. or            
D. inform      
D. smile           
D. mother       
D. surprise       
D. ride          
D. step       
     The D-word, it"s most people"s worst fear, but, in a bittersweet way, it was my greatest joy. In divorce,
you gain something and you   1   something.
     I"m thirteen years old, and I know what it   2   like when parents split up, because mine did last fall.
     My parents had been   3   for years. When my father started cheating my mom things went downhill, I   4   
they would divorce instantly. I tried to picture my life after my parents   5   up-living at my mom"s house during
the week, and my father"s house on the weekend. But my mom decided to be the bigger person and try to   6   
it out, so that my siblings and I would know   7   it was like to have a family. Things didn"t get better,   8  .
     I would always strain to hear the quiet   9   they didn"t want me to hear. They weren"t getting along and they
weren"t happy,
     My father has never really been there for me. He was there physically but not emotionally. He yelled a lot and
never really showed any  10  in going to my piano recitals or watching my dance performances,  11  we asked
him to do and he had another  12 -a lie. We just ignored it and went on with our lives as if nothing was the
     Then last summer, there was real  13  in paradise. My siblings and I want out to Los Angeles to pursue acting
and while we were out there, my father  14  my mom again, and this time my brother, sister, and I all found out.
We decided to stay in L.A and leave my father in Florida.
     Our 15  resulted in divorce. We didn"t know if we were making the right  16  or not. My mom went back and forth. She wanted what was best for her children. She asked me if I thought we should go back to Florida or stay
in Los Angeles, I replied mom "There is nothing in Florida for us any more. Out here in L.A, we have so many
  17 , that can come true. We shouldn"t let him abuse us any more." Finally, we are free.
     The  18  was the best thing that had ever happened to me and the rest of my family. I now know that taking
chances is the best thing to do. I accept that  19  doesn"t always. If, in your heart, you can feel something that is
not right, then follow your heart. In the end it"s going to be your only true guide, to have and to hold, for richer
or poorer, your heart will never  20  you down.
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(     )1.A. lose         
(     )2.A. smells       
(     )3.A. happy        
(     )4.A. hoped        
(     )5.A. got          
(     )6.A .keep         
(     )7.A. how          
(     )8.A. though       
(     )9.A. talk         
(     )10.A. dislike     
(     )11.A. Everything  
(     )12.A. explanation      
(     )13.A. happiness   
(     )14.A. cheated     
(     )15.A. words       
(     )16.A. Judgment   
(     )17.A. dreams      
(     )18.A. experience  
(     )19.A. prejudice   
(     )20.A .get         
B. enjoy             
B. feels             
B. satisfied         
B. wished            
B. split             
B. run               
B. that              
B. however           
B. conversation      
B. care             
B. Something        
B. excuse           
B. puzzle           
B. beat             
B. actions          
B. plan             
B. imagination      
B. divorce          
B. preference       
B. set            
C. give           
C. sounds         
C. unhappy        
C. doubted          
C. looked        
C. stick            
C. which           
C. meantime      
C. argurments       
C. concern        
C. Nothing         
C. reason         
C. difficulty     
C. trusted         
C. thoughts      
C. decision        
C. realities      
C. conflict        
C. love           
C. put         
D. own          
D. looks        
D. unsatisfied  
D. thought      
D. stood        
D. speak        
D. what         
D. while        
D. dialogue     
D. interest     
D. All thing    
D. cause          
D. trouble      
D. scolded       
D. ideas        
D. arrangement                
D. wishes      
D. separation    
D. hate         
D. let