当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > Cloze test.     When I was young, my father used to grow carnations. He took car...
Cloze test.     When I was young, my father used to grow carnations. He took care of them with so much love and   1  .
Every day, he came home from work he went   2   to see them. He enjoyed watching them every day. He used
to tell us, "No one should touch my flowers."
     One day my elder sister, who   3   my dad very much, had wanted to help him and she   4   the carnations
from their stems one by one and arranged them on the floor. She believed that he would be very   5   to see
them that way.
     When mom and I realized what my sister had done, we became completely speechless. However, my sister
had no idea why no one showed her any   6  . When my dad arrived home and saw his flowers   7   on the floor
like dead animals, he was   8   at first. He looked towards the street, to see if it was any of the   9   children who
could have done it. Then he entered the living room and looked at morn in silence.
     Finally mom, who always taught us to  10  no matter what, looked at dad and said, "We have no bad
neighbors in our area". Then with a nice tone she continued, "No outsider did this great job, only your lovely
daughter Clemence." My dad"s face  11  into a smile and then he said, "Do I have a better helper than my lovely
daughter?" My elder sister smiled and  12  dad tightly.
试题【Cloze test.     When I was young, my father used to grow carnations. He took car】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

(     )1. A. devotion      
(     )2. A. straight      
(     )3. A. disliked      
(     )4. A. cut           
(     )5. A. surprised     
(     )6. A. reward        
(     )7. A. destroyed     
(     )8. A. interested    
(     )9. A. enemies"      
(     )10. A. tell the truth
(     )11. A. grew         
(     )12. A. hugged       

B. spirits           
B. soon              
B. understood        
B. watered           
B. pleased         
B. affection          
B. standing          
B. excited          
B. friends"          
B. behave ourselves  
B. changed         
B. kissed           
C. gratitude        
C. nonstop            
C. loved              
C. separated          
C. disappointed      
C. appreciation      
C. presented          
C. shocked           
C. families"        
C. follow the rules  
C. pulled            
C. grasped         
D. expectation  
D. immediately     
D. misunderstood   
D. cleaned          
D. worried        
D. feeling       
D. lying           
D. struck          
D. neighbors"     
D. keep secret                 
D. made           
D. patted      

     I have two friends who are eager for travel, There is a part of New York"s Adirondack Mountains that is
called the High Peaks. It consists of 46 mountains with the height of over 4 000 feet.
     The Adirondack Mountain Club gives a small piece of land to anyone who   1   all the 46 mountains. My
two friends decided to go for this   2  . It took them several years to accomplish it; it was hard to achieve.
Many of the 46 mountains have   3   and well-used walkways to their tops. However, others are not marked
at all. These mountains are really hard to climb   4   travelers have to bushwhack (在丛林中开道) them using
 a compass and a map.
     My   5   had climbed 45 of the mountains. They had one left that was the highest, requiring bushwhacking.
They left their camp site early one   6   and walked to the foot of the mountains. When they reached the foot
they found that they had   7   their compass and the map in the camp. Rather than returning to the camp, they
decided to bushwhack without the compass and map. For nearly ten hours they walked uphill   8   heat, thick
bushes and black flies. Finally, late in the afternoon they found themselves at the top of a mountain. They were
exhausted but excited. But the excitement   9   disappeared. They saw another higher mountain when they
looked across the valley. They had climbed the  10  hill! It was too late that weekend to correct their mistake.
They had to  11  4 months to climb the right mountain because it was also the remotest one.
     Often in life we use great effort toward some  12 . But without the right map and personal compass, it is
easy to get lost. Knowing your life purpose gives you a powerful personal map and compass that makes sure
you are always climbing the right mountain.

题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. researches
(     )2. A. praise    
(     )3. A. well-marked
(     )4. A. if        
(     )5. A. students  
(     )6. A. morning   
(     )7. A. noticed   
(     )8. A. enjoying  
(     )9. A. quickly   
(     )10. A. lower    
(     )11. A. waste    
(     )12. A. mountains

B. discovers     
B. award         
B. well-designed 
B. because       
B. members       
B. afternoon     
B. mended        
B. expecting    
B. finally         
B. opposite     
B. spend         
B. goals         

C. watches        
C. competition    
C. well-located   
C. as long as     
C. friends        
C. season         
C. hid               
C. experiencing  
C. slowly         
C. wrong        
C. count           
C. honor         
D. climbs       
D. privilege    
D. well-decorated        
D. even though  
D. colleagues   
D. year         
D. left            
D. observing   
D. totally     
D. useless      
D. wait         
D. reward       
     In 1990 my husband, Donald, and I were vacationing in Hawaii. Donald and I had been there many times
over the years.
     The weather was   1   that day and we practically had the beach to ourselves. The   2   reached its top,
close to shore, and I walked   3   into the surf, waiting for a breaker. Within seconds the huge waves knocked
me off my   4  . My legs suddenly felt powerless. I thrust my arms up. "Help! Help!"
     My husband was on the beach with his   5  , ready to take a picture of me riding in on a breaker. "Donald!" I   6  , struggling to signal with my hands. He didn"t   7  . He couldn"t hear my cries. The few others on the
beach were too far away. 
       8   I knew that if I swam with the current (洋流) I"d stay along the   9  , I panicked and fought to get  10  
on the beach. I tried desperately to keep my head  11  water. But I couldn"t get back to shore, no matter how
hard I tried.
     Extremely  12  and out of breath, I looked up. A nice-looking young man was beside me He stood solidly,
as if his feet were  13  in the ocean floor. How strong he  14  be, I thought. "Take my hand," he said, "and relax."
 15  for him and the next thing I knew I was  16  toward my husband.
     Donald held me tight, understanding at last that I had been  17 . "I"m so glad you"re safe," he  18 .
     "Thanks to this young man," I said,  19  to introduce my rescuer.
     "He was here a second ago," Donald said. We looked  20 . No one was anywhere near US.
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. perfect     
(     )2. A. beach       
(     )3. A. anxiously   
(     )4. A. head        
(     )5. A. glasses     
(     )6. A. sighed      
(     )7. A. understand  
(     )8. A. Even if     
(     )9. A. sea         
(     )10. A. off        
(     )11. A. into       
(     )12. A. disappointed
(     )13. A. planted    
(     )14. A. will       
(     )15. A. pointed    
(     )16. A. running    
(     )17. A. in danger  
(     )18. A. answered   
(     )19. A. appearing  
(     )20. A. around     
B. wild         
B. wave          
B. skillfully    
B. shoulders      
B. friends     
B. shouted       
B. worry         
B. Whenever      
B. ship           
B. over         
B. above        
B. painful      
B. reflected    
B. can         
B. asked        
B. walking       
B. in sight    
B. whispered    
B. attempting   
B. up         
C. typical       
C. wind             
C. proudly      
C. hands             
C. camera     
C. begged       
C. react         
C. Ever since      
C. wave            
C. back          
C. near           
C. tired         
C. separated    
C. must         
C. waved         
C. rushing         
C. on time     
C. screamed      
C. beginning     
C. down        
D. special     
D. sun               
D. eagerly     
D. feet               
D. umbrella
D. insisted       
D. mind           
D. Because                  
D. shore           
D. away           
D. toward         
D. puzzled       
D. stuck       
D. may          
D. reached        
D. jogging         
D. on leave   
D. laughed       
D. turning       
D. on          
     The sun was just coming up when I headed out to work last May at 6 a.m. Not quite dark, but dark
enough to need my headlights. I turned onto one of the lonely, rural country roads.
     Maybe it was because I was listening to the radio, maybe it was because I was already thinking about
some projects at work, but I didn"t spot the dark object on the road until it was too late. I ran over it and
felt the back left tyre pull, and then sink. I stopped and got out of the car.
     No mystery here-my back left tyre was cut like a loaf of bread. Back 50 yards was a piece of sharp
iron I"d run over. I"ve never changed a tyre. I looked up the road. Not a car in either direction. The nearest
service station was miles away. I threw up my hands. Then I remembered-my cell phone! I powered it up
before realizing, I didn"t know who to call.
     Wouldn"t you know it, I spotted a car coming from the opposite direction. The driver slowed as he
approached. I guess he could see I was in trouble. He stopped his car, got out and immediately saw the
trouble. "Madam, would you like me to change that tyre for you?" he asked. The man couldn"t have been
more friendly. I was so frightened out there and he put me completely at ease. "There," he said, after putting
on the spare, "you"re all set to go."
     "Good thing for me that you were driving this way," I told him, as I climbed back into my car.
     "Funny you should say that," he said. "Just like you, I was heading to work, but my job"s in the opposite
direction. I made a wrong turn at some point. I don"t know what I was thinking."
1. The writer didn"t notice the object on the road because _____.
A. it was rather dark then
B. she didn"t use her headlights
C. there was much traffic
D. she was careless when driving
2. From Paragraph 4 we learn that _____.
A. the writer felt quite anxious
B. no one would like to help the writer
C. the writer was a new driver
D. the cell phone should be powered up
3. What did the man do when he saw the writer?
A. He stopped and laughed at her.
B. He walked over to frighten her.
C. He helped her without hesitation.
D. He drove away in the opposite direction.
4. The end of the story tells us that the man _____.
A. went a wrong way
B. felt the writer funny
C. didn"t know what he was doing
D. knew the writer needed help
     "Christmas comes but once a year" is a familiar phrase, and indeed for many people the 25th of December
is the highlight of the calendar (日历).
     But for one British man once a year is not enough. Andy Park, who is better known by his nickname
Mr. Christmas, has celebrated Christmas every single day for the last 14 years.
     The 44-year-old electrician claims to have eaten a full roast dinner every day for the last decade and a half,
munching over 5 000 turkeys, 117 000 Brussels sprouts, and around 30 000 roast potatoes in the process.
     He also sends himself a Christmas card every day and looks forward to unwrapping a present he has
bought himself each evening, while watching the Queen"s Speech.
     Mr. Park estimates his festive love costs him £150 (1570 yuan) a week. This year, however, he says he
is short of money for his celebrations due to the global financial crisis.
     His Christmas habit is affecting more than just his wallet. Mr. Park was previously warned by his doctor
that his Christmas addiction could kill him. His habit has caused his weight to 121kg.
     So how did Andy Park"s strong desire for Christmas begin?
     "I"ll never forget the day it started," said Mr. Park. "The sun was shining, but I was just feeling fed up and
bored, so I went home and put the decorations up. Suddenly I was happy. I thought, this is fun. So I did it
again the next day, and the day after that."
1. What"s the best title for this text?
A. Mr. Christmas
B. Habit and weight
C. Christmas celebrations
D. A strong desire for Christmas
2. Which of the following underlined words in the text has the closest meaning to "eat"?
A. unwrap.
B. munch.
C. claim.
D. estimate.
3. What problem does Mr. Christmas now have?
A. His festive love costs him 150 pounds a week.
B. He doesn"t have enough money for Christmas.
C. He often feels fed up and bored with his celebrations.
D. His doctor warned him against celebrating Christmas.
4. We can learn from Mr. Christmas"s habit that _____.
A. every coin has two sides
B. all roads lead to Rome
C. there is no smoke without fire
D. an early bird catches worms
     Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late
thirties that I made this important   1  : giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry
if you   2   money.
     This is how I   3   with giving away. If an idea of improving the window display of a neighborhood store 
  4   to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the   5  . If a car accident happens, I think the   6   will be
needed, so I   7   them up and tell them about it, though I am not in   8   here. One discovery I made about
this world is to give   9   getting something back, though the  10  often comes in an unexpected form.
     One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important  11  letter to my home, though it was  12  
to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of  13 .
     More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was  14 . I was told at the window
that there were  15  boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long  16  list. As I was about to  17 ,
the postmaster appeared in the  18 . "Wasn"t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special
delivery to your home?" I said it was. "Well, certainly you are going to have a box in this post office  19  we
make one for you. You don"t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get  20  but complaints."
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(     )1. A. decision   
(     )2. A. earn       
(     )3. A. experimented
(     )4. A. refers     
(     )5. A. postmaster 
(     )6. A. police     
(     )7. A. put        
(     )8. A. need       
(     )9. A. within     
(     )10. A. return    
(     )11. A. curious   
(     )12. A. realized  
(     )13. A. invitation
(     )14. A. dealing   
(     )15. A. enough    
(     )16. A. admitting 
(     )17. A. leave     
(     )18. A. window    
(     )19. A. in case   
(     )20. A. anything  
B. research   
B. lack       
B. connected  
B. occurs     
B. headmaster 
B. soldiers   
B. turn       
B. trouble    
B. without    
B. goal      
B. immediate  
B. addressed    
B. apology  
B. providing 
B. some       
B. relating   
 B. shout     
B. doorway    
B. now that   
B. everything 
C. speech        
C. spend         
C. combined      
C. sticks        
C. storekeeper   
C. sellers      
C. call          
C. common       
C. for          
C. process      
C. special      
C. forgotten   
C. instruction 
C. doing       
C. no             
C. examining     
C. guess        
C. library       
C. even if        
C. nothing      
D. discovery      
D. steal          
D. agreed          
D. leads          
D. policeman      
D. owners       
D. make          
D. charge         
D. to              
D. concern       
D. heavy         
D. remembered           
D. appreciation
D. starting      
D. more            
D. waiting        
D. conduct        
D. yard           
D. as if          
D. something