当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 完形填空。     When she walked in, his eyes lit up. They had both   1    someone they...
完形填空。     When she walked in, his eyes lit up. They had both   1    someone they loved. So this day was a   2  
one. She was  3 , lonely and afraid. He knew how she felt. There was an clear  4    in his heart, too.  5  
what strengthened their love for each other was heartache.
She stood there. He motioned (示意) to her to sit next to him. She hesitated (犹豫)   6  a moment, but
gave in. In fact, she  7  did. Then she held his hand. He looked at her and placed his hand on hers.
Suddenly he reached   8    the pillow(枕头), pulled out a large  9  and nervously   10   it to her. She was
a bit in   11  .Then he handed her a small box, wrapped (包,裹) in paper of hearts and flowers. She
couldn"t   12  what was happening.
     "Now,"he said, "read the card."
     She opened the envelope. It  13  as follows:
     I know that this has been a hard year for  14   of us. I know that Valentine"s Day is a  15  day
for people in love. I want you to know that…
(     )1. A. missed      
(     )2. A. wonderful  
(     )3. A. hurt        
(     )4. A. disappointment
(     )5. A. But        
(     )6. A. in          
(     )7. A. always      
(     )8. A. beside      
(     )9. A. box        
(     )10. A. handed     
(     )11. A. surprise  
(     )12. A. criticise  
(     )13. A. read      
(     )14. A. all        
(     )15. A. special    
(     )16. A. turkey    
(     )17. A. first      
(     )18. A. Steadily  
(     )19. A. word      
(     )20. A. sweet       B. forgot  
B. difficult
B. terrified
B. surprise
B. If      
B. for      
B. never    
B. into    
B. envelope
B. presented
B. peace    
B. consider
B. looked  
B. neither  
B. magic    
B. eggs    
B. last    
B. Rapidly  
B. note    
B. distinctiveC. lost    
C. magnificent
C. injured  
C. excitement
C. So      
C. at      
C. seldom  
C. under    
C. card    
C. supplied
C. silence  
C. wonder  
C. wrote    
C. both    
C. common  
C. chocolate
C. smallest
C. Happily  
C. rose    
C. vivid     D. respected  
D. usual      
D. harmed      
D. pain        
D. While      
D. after      
D. sometimes  
D. on          
D. calendar    
D. imported    
D. fright      
D. believe    
D. seemed      
D. none        
D. formal      
D. trees      
D. best        
D. Slowly      
D. notice      
D. broken      
1-5: CBADC      6-10: BACBA      11-15: ADACA     16-20:  CBDBD
试题【完形填空。     When she walked in, his eyes lit up. They had both   1    someone they】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     The cold wind cut through my enthusiasm (热情) as a tourist in Washington D.C., so I entered the
nearest restaurant for warmth. I ordered a coffee, and began observing people.
     At that time, I saw a man seated nearby and from his eager eyes, I realized that he noticed the
delicious food. His tired body and worn clothes shouted, "Homeless, homeless!"
     "How long has it been since he ate last time?" I wondered. I expected him to approach me for a
handout (施舍物). But he never did. A silent war broke out in my head-one side was telling me to mind
my own business, and the other was urging me to offer him some food.
     While my inner debate moved on, a well-dressed young couple walked up to him. "Excuse me, sir,
"the husband began. "We just finished eating, and our appetites (胃口) weren"t as big as we had thought. We hate to waste good food. Can you help us out and put this to use?" He gave the man some food.
"Thank you. Merry Christmas!" the man replied. The man carefully watched his new food, and was about
to eat.
     Something that happened next shocked me. An old man in pants, an old jacket and open shoes
entered the hall and walked towards us. My neighbor saw the situation. Setting aside his meal, he stood
up and guided the old man to the table.
     "Hi, my name is Jack," he said, "and one kind person brought me this meal. I just finished eating and
hate to waste good food. Can you help me out?" The old man answered gratefully, "Sure, but only if you
go halfway with me on that sandwich."
     I left the restaurant that day feeling warmer than I had ever thought possible.1.The author entered the nearest restaurant to         .A. escape the coldness outside
B .taste the delicious coffee
C. relax as a tourist
D. enjoy watching other people2. What can we learn about the old man according to the text? A. He accepted the food given by the kind couple.
B. He felt ashamed because of his own appearance.
C. He expressed thanks to Jack after being helped by him.
D. He had known Jack before he entered the restaurant.3. It can be inferred from the text that          .A. the young couple always wasted food in the restaurant
B. the old man accepted all the food given by Jack
C. Jack was disappointed that the author didn"t help him
D. Jack gave the food to the old man though he was still hungry4. What can be the best title of the text? A. The Couple"s Kindness                
B. Drawn to the Warmth
C. A Delicious Dinner                  
D. A Homeless Man
题型:重庆市期末题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。      My elder sister Lisa is only four feet ten, but she has a great personality. I learned everything about
   1   from her. She is  2  a brilliant businesswoman. Once she ran nine   3  at the same time just by
herself.   4   she talked to her employees, she"d stand on a box. Thus she could look them straight in the
eye and  5    connect with them.
     These days I work in my sister"s restaurant. Of course, we quarrel with each other   6  , but I think
it"s    7   to be open and honest and let things out.   8   God has given us all kinds of senses, we should
each have our own   9    and, of course, we can"t always  10   with others.
     One day a woman  11  Vicky was helping me prepare a salad for a cooking class. "You forgot sugar
and vinegar," Vicky pointed   12  . "They"re used in most salad cookbooks."
    I   13  to her, "In my family, we don"t  14    sugar and vinegar to our salad" She argued,"We do in my
family, and our salad is very good."
    "Yeah? Well,  15   is great!" I shouted back.
    Back and forth we went   16   we both burst into tears. What are you doing? I asked myself. You
became so angry just  17   a recipe! Then I hugged Vicky 18    and she hugged me right back. We"ve
been best friends ever since. 
    Be real; Make   19  with people; Look them in the eye; Tell them how you feel;  Don"t be afraid to
say  20  you mean. When you let go of the feelings you hold inside, you"ll be amazed at what comes back
to you.(     )1. A. washing    
(     )2. A. also
(     )3. A. restaurants
(     )4. A. Whoever
(     )5. A. slowly
(     )6. A. some time
(     )7. A. dangerous
(     )8. A. Since      
(     )9. A. sentences  
(     )10. A. argue
(     )11. A. named
(     )12. A. to        
(     )13. A. discussed
(     )14. A. get
(     )15. A. we
(     )16. A. while
(     )17. A. because  
(     )18. A. carefully
(     )19. A. friends
(     )20. A. ifB. cooking      
B. either  
B. schools  
B. Whatever  
B. really  
B. sometimes  
B. difficult
B. Although    
B. opinions    
B. help    
B. name    
B. at          
B. explained    
B. place  
B. us      
B. until        
B. instead      
B. closely      
B. connections
B. when   C. shopping    
C. even  
C. hospitals
C. Wherever
C. carefully
C. some times
C. good  
C. If          
C. words        
C. like  
C. names
C. in          
C. answered    
C. make  
C. ours  
C. after  
C. instead of  
C. strictly    
C. business
C. that  D. cleaning    
D. still        
D. stores      
D. Whenever    
D. hardly      
D. sometime    
D. easy        
D. When        
D. tastes      
D. agree        
D. naming      
D. out          
D. show        
D. add          
D. our          
D. when        
D. because of  
D. powerfully  
D. dishes      
D. what        
题型:重庆市期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Three young ladies were receiving trains to be qualified detectives (侦探) by a policeman. To test their
skills in recognizing a suspect (嫌疑人), the policeman showed the first lady a picture for five seconds and then asked how she could recognize him. She thought it easy, for the suspect had only one eye. The policeman felt disappointed at this funny answer. He showed the second lady the picture for five seconds and asked her how she would recognize him. The second girl smiled, flipped her hair, and said, "Ha! It"s easy to
find the one-eared person!" Her answer also made the policeman angry. Turning to the third lady, he asked, "How would you recognize him?" He added quickly, "Think hard before giving a stupid answer. " The
third lady looked at the picture carefully for a moment and said, "HMMMM . . . he is wearing contact
 lenses (隐形眼镜)." The policeman was surprised and speechless, because he really didn"t know himself
if the man wore contacts or not. "Well, that is a good answer. Wait here for a few minutes while I check
his file. He left the room and went to his office, checked the suspect"s file in his computer and returned
with a beaming smile. "Wow! I can"t believe it . . . it"s TRUE! The man does in fact wear contact lenses.
Good work! How were you able to make such a wise observation?" "That"s easy," the girl replied, "He
can"t wear glasses because he only has one eye and one ear!"1. Which of the following cannot be concluded from the passage that detectives should have?A. They must be humorous. 
B. They must have a strong ability of observation.. 
C. They must be good at memorizing. 
D. They must be good at thinking. 2. How did the third lady know the suspect was wearing contact lenses?A. She sold contact lenses before.
B. She just had the same idea as the first two girls
C. She had been wearing contact lenses for a long time.
D. She wouldn"t want to give the stupid answer.3. According to the passage we can infer that ________.  A. the suspect was easy to be recognized
B. the suspect was caught by the policeman
C. the suspect must be a disabled person
D. the picture was just a side of the suspect.4. What will probably happen to the three ladies after this test? A. All of them may be given more training courses or fired.  
B. The second lady may be accepted as a detective at once.
C. The third lady is good at thinking and doesn"t need any training. 
D. The first lady may be accepted as a detective at once.
题型:重庆市期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Every object in the world will tell a story. Even the most ordinary objects can present to us powerful
images. Sometimes it is the ordinary nature of these objects that actually makes them so extraordinary.
Such is the case with an old leather shoe in a museum in Alaska. At first glance it does not look like much. It is a woman"s shoe of a style popular in the 1890s. But what is different about this shoe is where it was
found. It was discovered on the Checkout Pass, the famous trail used by the people seeking gold in
Alaska. Who it belonged to or why it was left there is not known. Was it perhaps dropped by accident as
the woman climbed up the 1500 stairs carved outface? Or did she throw away goods that she didn"t need
in order to travel lighter?
     Over 100, 000 people with "gold fever" made this trip hoping to become millionaires. Few of them
understood that on their way they would have to cross a harsh wildness. Unprepared for such a
dangerous journey, many died of starvation and exposure to the cold weather.
     The Canadian government finally started requiring the gold seekers to bring one ton of supplies with
them. This was thought to be enough for a person to survive for one year. They would carry their supplies
in backpacks (背包) each weighing up to fifty pounds; it usually took at least 40 trips to get everything to
the top and over the pass. Whoever dropped the shoe must have been a brave and determined woman.
Perhaps she was successful and made it to Alaska. Perhaps she had to turn back in defeat. No one will
ever know for sure, but what we do know is that she took part in one of the greatest adventures in the
19th century.1.  An ordinary woman"s leather shoes is considered unusual because _______.  A. it was an important clue to life in the past
B. it was found on a famous trail
C. it at one time belonged to a VIP
D. it was a fashionable shoe at that time 2. According to this passage, in the past many people who went to Alaska _______.  A. eventually became millionaires
B. brought with them many shoes
C. had conflicts with the Eskimos
D. were not properly equipped 3. The Canadian government made gold seekers bring one year"s supplies with them so that _________. A. they would not die of hunger and cold
B. the army would have enough food for fighting a war
C. they would change these goods with the Eskimos
D. the supplies would make Alaska rich 4. No matter what happened to the woman who owned the shoe, _______.  A. she must have lived a happy life
B. she certainly dropped the shoe on purpose
C. her adventurous spirit is definitely admired
D. her other shoes were equally fashionable
题型:重庆市期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。                                                How to take care of the needy
     The charm of a city is not the level of its tolerance (宽容), but the humanistic care and warmth it offers
to disadvantaged groups. Last week, Beijing"s urban administration and civil administration departments
began an intensive winter relief camp to persuade people forced to sleep on the streets to move to relief
centers, which was met with a cold response. But the government wouldn"t abandon their efforts to help
the needy.
     Actually, it is not new for people used to sleeping on the streets to refuse to shift to relief centers.
There are three main reasons why they do so. First, the lack of understanding among the staff at such
centers has produced a sense of fear and strangeness among destitute people. Second, a relief center is
less convenient for such people and many of them, such as professional beggars, could even lose their
"jobs". And third, many of them know that they would finally be sent back home, which they want to
     Since the homeless are quite defensive, it would be better if officials take a friendly and patient attitude
to persuade them to move into relief centers. The officials have to explain to people that relief centers are more comfortable and convenient.
     Besides, the government could build open centers, which are less formal than the existing relief centers, to provide temporary (临时的) place to professional beggars and garbage collectors, instead of forcing
them to return to their villages and towns.
     A more flexible institutional arrangement could help clear the streets of extremely poor people.
     Since the existing relief system is "non-professional", experts argue that more legal methods and
management measures are needed to deal with professional beggars, especially because persuasion alone
cannot stop them from begging.
     Also, more measures have to be taken to make the system perfect.1. Which of the following is NOT the reason why the beggars refused to move to the relief centers?A. The staff at relief centers makes them feel uncomfortable.
B. The existing relief centers are "non-professional".
C. Many beggars do not want to be sent back to their original villages or towns.
D. Moving to relief centers will probably cause economic losses to the professional beggars.2. Which of the following words can take the place of "destitute" in the third paragraph?A. poor          
B. hungry      
C. ordinary        
D. unfriendly3. What can we conclude from the passage?A. The charm of a city is decided by the humanistic care offered to disadvantaged groups. 
B. the existing relief centers are not comfortable or convenient.
C. many homeless people welcomed the winter relief program well.
D. the present relief system for beggars is not perfect4. What is the attitude of the author towards the winter relief camp?A. positive      
B. negative      
C. neutral        
D. not caring about
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