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完形填空。     It was a Friday morning and two lovers were going through a heart-searing breakup.
     As he was being away from his lover,he banged on the fence 2 them. She was 3 desperate,
and with all her 4 squeezed through the fence and rushed to him.
    A sweet kiss followed.
    No,this was not a passionate Romeo-and-Juliet love 5 .The couple is not_6 human. He is a ram,
and she a doe. They have been living together in the Yunnan
     Wild Animal Park and have been in love since last year. In a fenced area the amorous ram, 7 Long
Hair,has fascinated the doe,Chunzi. Liu Gencheng,has been   8 the couple for more than a year. "The
two have 9 a lot of time together since they were little."
     The pair became famous after the local TV channel reported their relationship. Thousands, 10  some
celebrities,left their  11. Many gave their blessings but some, 12 animal experts,left doubts.  
     Cai Yue,is one of the fanatic web followers of the unusual love affair.
     "I first thought this might be a joke,but when I saw these photos,the love in their eyes 13 my heart. "
The zoo manager vowed not to separate them. But after Long Hair fathered a baby lamb with the only
female sheep in the zoo last month,the manager   14   .
     "The baby sheep needs care from both parents,"he said. "  15   the sheep and the deer are not able
to have kids,we decided to separate them."
     The zoo"s plan was to form a "normal family" for Long Hair,letting him live with the female sheep and
his baby 16 staying with Chunzi all the time.
       17 ,the separation,was like a dramatic scene from a love story.
     "Long Hair even hurt his baby and the female sheep with his horns. It 18 us,"Li said. "And Chunzi has
been trying to lick Long Hair   19  the fence."
     The zoo promised to let them "live happily ever after". "We 20 do anything to separate them." Li said.  
试题【完形填空。     It was a Friday morning and two lovers were going through a heart-sear】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
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(     ) 1. A. dragged    
(     ) 2. A. surrounding  
(     ) 3. A. disappointedly
(     ) 4. A. strength      
(     ) 5. A. stage        
(     ) 6. A. still        
(     ) 7. A. known as    
(     ) 8. A. taken care    
(     ) 9. A. cost          
(     )10. A. contain      
(     )11. A. comments    
(     )12. A. in special  
(     )13. A. touch      
(     )14. A. kept his mind
(     )15. A. because      
(     )16. A. other than    
(     )17. A. Still        
(     )18. A. surprised    
(     )19. A. pass          
(     )20. A. can"t        
B. pushed        
B. separating    
B. separately    
B. efforts      
B. scene        
B. yet          
B. considered as
B. taken care of
B. paid        
B. include      
B. praise        
B. in practical  
B. warm        
B. gave his mind
B. for          
B. in stead      
B. But          
B. afraid        
B. across        
B. don"t        
C. left        
C. dividing      
C. equally      
C. power        
C. spot        
C. ever        
C. looked as    
C. taking care    
C. took        
C. including    
C. criticize      
C. in rather    
C. move      
C. made his mind
C. since        
C. instead of    
C. However      
C. scared        
C. though      
C. mustn"t    
D. brought              
D. trapping            
D. surprisingly        
D. energy              
D. place                
D. even                
D. taken as            
D. taking care of      
D. spent                
D. containing          
D. words                
D. in especial          
D. leave                
D. changed  his mind    
D. because of          
D. or rather            
D. Though              
D. astonished          
D. past                 
D. won"t          
1-5: ABCBB 6-10:  DADDC 11-15:  ABADC  16-20:  CCCCD
     Two years ago,Wendy Hasnip,47,experienced a brain injury that left her speechless for two weeks.
When she finally recovered, she found herself talking with what seemed to be a French accent. "I phoned
a friend the other day, and she spent the first ten minutes laughing," Hasnip said at the time, "while I have
nothing against the French."
     Hasnip suffered from foreign accent syndrome(外国口音综合症), a rare condition in which people
find themselves speaking their own language like someone from a foreign country. The condition usually
occurs in people who have experienced a head injury or a stroke -a sudden loss of consciousness,
sensation,or movement caused by a blocked or broken blood vessel(血管)in the brain.
     The condition was first identified during the Second World War in a Norwegian woman whose head
was injured during an attack by the German military. The woman recovered but was left with a
German-sounding accent, to the horror of fellow villagers who avoided her after that.
     Researchers have discovered that the combined effect of the damage to several parts of the brain
makes victims lengthen certain syllable,mispronounce sounds,and change the normal pitch(音高)of their
voice. Those changes in speech add up to what sounds like a foreign accent.
     Another researcher,a phonetician(语言学者),says victims of the syndrome don"t acquire a true
foreign accent. Their strangely changed speech only resembles the foreign accent with which it has a few
sounds in common.
     When an English woman named Annie recently developed foreign accent syndrome after a stroke,
she spoke with what seemed to be a Scottish accent. However, Annie"s Scottish coworkers said she
didn"t sound at all like a Scot.
1. According to the passage,people __________ may have foreign accent syndrome.
A. whose parent has experienced a head injury
B. who have lived in a foreign country for a long time
C. who have lost their consciousness owing to a stroke
D. who have learned foreign language from their coworkers
2. If a person suffers foreign accent syndrome, __________.
A. his coworkers will be afraid of him and avoid contacting with him
B. he has more chance of suffering stroke again
C. he will speak a fluent foreign language like native speakers
D. his speech only has a few sounds in common with the foreign accent
3. Writing this passage,the writer"s main purpose is to __________ .
A. introduce foreign accent syndrome and some related information
B. warn people not to be at the risk of experiencing a stroke
C. make it clear that foreign accent syndrome can be cured
D. tell a story of an injured woman during the Second World War

     I woke up one morning last week to read a story about an athlete who had seemed to have
     US track star Marion Jones owned a trophy (奖杯) case filled with medals. She had worldwide
fame. She held the high honor of being the first female track and field athlete to win five medals at an
Olympics- the 2000 Sydney Games.
     But last Friday, the 31-year-old track star tearfully confessed that she had lied to fans, sports
official and US federal agents about taking steroids.
The five Olympic medals in her trophy case? Gone. Meaningless. The worldwide fame? Exchanged
for infamy. The honor of being the first female track and field athlete to win five medals at an
Olympics? Forgotten, wiped off the record books.
     "It is with a great amount of shame that I stand before you and tell you that I have betrayed your
trust." Jones confessed.
     She"d posed for pictures with fans. She"d attended parties and talked about her accomplishments.
But for years she"d slept - or tried to sleep - knowing that much of what she had done was built on a lie.
     Now, finally, she"d decided to tell the truth.
     "If she had trusted her own natural gifts and allied them to self-sacrifice and hard work, I sincerely
believe that she could have been an honest champion at the Sydney Games." IAAF President Lamine
Diack said over the weekend. "Instead, Mario Jones will be remembered as one of the biggest frauds
in sporting history."
     Sadly, she won"t be the last. There are still others lurking(潜伏) behind their trophies. They too
appear to have everything. They"re superstars, the envy of every young person who has played a
 sport. But for how long? And at what cost? Every time they look at their trophies and medals they
remember that the awards really belong to someone else.

1. The main character in this passage is__________.
A. the writer himself
B. Marion Jones
C. IAAF president
D. US federal agents
2. It is still a worry that __________.
A. Marion Jones has cheated the public so long
B. Marion Jones may be remembered as a fraud in sporting history
C. IAAF president will not forgive Marion Jones
D. cheating is still widely existing in sports competition
3. The writer values __________ most in this passage.
A. Marion Jones" deciding to tell the truth
B. the honesty and hard work in sports competition
C. trophies, medals and champions
D. the spirit of Olympic Games          
     I am a man who has been egoistic (自我为中心的) and I have had a lack of respect for myself and
others around me. I participated in(参加) various transformation workshops, however, it made no
difference. I remained stuck in my life. As a result, I became separated from my family and reached rock
bottom in my life. Having reached there, I resisted transforming myself.    
     After some time, I thought to myself, start believing in yourself and it will make a difference in your life.
I first started loving myself and then all those around me. I started respecting myself and then others
around me. My selfworth increased.    
     Sangeeta is my workmate. She"s transparent, honest and respectful. She"s very poor and has a large
family to support. In addition, her husband doesn"t hold a regular job. In short, she"s struggling in life.    
     On a cold winter morning, when she came to work, I found her shaking. I asked whether she had a
pullover (毛线套衫). She didn"t reply. I had my answer. The next day when she came to work again, I
gave her the money to buy a pullover for herself. The expression of thankfulness in her eyes was
something that will remain with me for a long time.    
     A few weeks ago, she was ill and didn"t come to work. Instead, she sent her friend to do her work.
The moment I realized Sangeeta was sick, I gave her friend the money to buy medicines for her
treatment. It took Sangeeta some time to recover from her illness. The first thing I cared about was
whether she needed any more help of any kind. And she said, "Sir, you"ve done enough for me. I"m
grateful to you."    
     That was the moment when I realized that I"m walking my path. Sometimes, I still fall down, but I get
up and start walking again even though I may have hurt myself in the process.
1. According to the passage, attending transformation workshops ________.
 A. made the author closer to his family
B. changed the author"s attitude
C. had little effect on the author
D. helped the author get along well with others
2. What did the author mean by saying "I had my answer" in Paragraph 4?
A. He knew Sangeeta had no pullover.
B. He knew Sangeeta was too proud to admit her poverty.
C. He knew Sangeeta was in danger at that time.
D. He had the chance to change Sangeeta"s attitude towards him.
3. When Sangeeta was ill, the author ________.
A. gave her financial help              
B. helped Sangeeta do her work
C. bought her medicines for treatment                  
D. met with refusal when offering help
4. The passage is mainly about ________.
A. an unforgettable experience
B. changes which happen to the author
C. a woman who changed the author"s life
D. the relationship between Sangeeta and the author
     One of my closest friends has a family tradition that I quite like, and I"ve been slowly trying to
implement(实施) in my own family. Basically, each year after Thanksgiving dinner, all of the people sit
around in the living room and each person takes a few minutes and talks about the thing they are most
thankful about over the last year. Everyone in the family takes the question seriously and answers it
honestly, giving thanks for what really matters and adds value to their life.    
     This is something I"ve actually thought about a lot in the last year, and I really came up with two things, one obvious and one not so much.    
     The first one, obviously, is the conception and birth and healthiness of my daughter. She"s a healthy,
happy twomonthold baby who smiles a lot and very much enjoys sitting on her dad"s lap. I am so thankful
for having this wonderful baby in my life, and thankful that she has the gift of good health.    
     The second one isn"t my financial turnaround (as some of you might have expected-that was what I
was most thankful for last year). Instead, I am thankful for the discovery of the value of writing in my life.
A year ago, The Simple Dollar was only a few weeks old and was far from popular yet-according to my
data, on Thanksgiving Day last year I had about 60 subscribers. The process of writing was bringing me
enjoyment. This past year showed me otherwise, and I am deeply thankful for it. After thinking about it
for a while, I began to realize that it is a very powerful and wonderfully positive exercise. You spend time
reflecting deeply on the positives in your life, and you often realize that even when things are bad, you do
have lots to be thankful for because there is a lot of good in your life, and it can shine a bright light even
in a dark spot in your life. I hope to repeat this each year on Thanksgiving, because it brought forth a
pretty strong joy in my life today.
1. What does the family tradition mentioned in the first paragraph refer to?  
A. Having Thanksgiving dinner together.  
B. Enjoying the warm family atmosphere together.  
C. Talking about the things they appreciate most.  
D. Talking about their attitude towards future life.
2. The author is thankful for the fact that ________.  
A. she has a happy and healthy baby  
B. her daughter likes playing with her dad  
C. her daughter makes her dull life full of fun  
D. her daughter is losing weight
3. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.  
A. the author keeps doing exercise to strengthen her body  
B. the author once suffered financial difficulty  
C. the author will not go on writing until she discovers the value of writing  
D. writing has made the author known nationwide
4. According to the last paragraph, what does the author realize?  
A. People should have low expectation.  
B. People should find a suitable career.  
C. People should reflect on their mistakes.  
D. People should hold a positive attitude.