当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解     We have two dogs and offer them good food and a comfortable bed. Howeve...
阅读理解     We have two dogs and offer them good food and a comfortable bed. However, they always try to
run away. One day as I was walking them along the river, Cady broke away from me. I called for her to
return, but she didn"t. I got unhappy and didn"t run after her.
     That afternoon I picked my daughter up from school and I told her that Cady might be missing. "If she
has done something wrong, I will not be paying her fines this time," I said. My daughter asked for the
reason. I insisted that I would not keep a disobedient (不听话的) dog.
     I took a glance over my daughter. It seemed that the thought of losing the dog was very painful to her.
I think I have given Cady a good living environment. If she is silly enough to leave all that behind, then
"bye-bye" is my attitude.
     In a warm and tender moment that brings tears to my eyes, my daughter said, "Dad, you don"t
understand.  Cady is not pretty and not even well trained. If she is missing, no one will adopt her. That
means she will die."
     Then I remembered that the reason why I kept the stray (流浪的) dog in the first place was that we
could not find a home for her and did not want her to be destroyed. My heart softened.
     As we pulled into the driveway, there stood Cady in the backyard with a lovely expression. My
neighbor told me that she was clever enough to find her way back. My daughter jumped with joy.

1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the second paragraph?
A. The author wanted to get rid of the dog on purpose.
B. The author had difficulty getting along with the dog.
C. The owner will be fined if his dog does something wrong.
D. The author was quite worried after the dog lost.

2. What the author"s daughter said in the fourth paragraph suggested that       .
A. she was angry with the stupid dog
B. she was quite worried about the dog
C. she was sure the dog would return
D. she wanted to train the dog well

3. What was the author reminded of after hearing his daughter"s words?
A. How his daughter loved Cady.
B. When Cady became his friend.
C. Where Cady was trained.
D. Why they adopted Cady.

4. We can infer from the text that       .
A. the author was happy about the dog"s return
B. it"s the author"s job to collect stray dogs
C. the author has no experience in keeping dogs
D. the author didn"t want the dog to come back
1-4: CBDA
试题【阅读理解     We have two dogs and offer them good food and a comfortable bed. Howeve】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
     For these people, looking different isn"t just for October 31.
     Star Wars Forever
     The force will always be with Luke Kaye. That"s because this dedicated fan has covered his back,
arms, and legs with tattoos(纹身) of Star Wars characters.
     Kaye got his first tattoo about six years ago. Once he started, he just couldn"t stop. "I kept seeing
characters in the movies and thinking, "That would make a great tattoo!"" he says. Kaye also collects
items related to Star Wars. He recently had to sell a large part of his collection because it became too
expensive to store it. But he can keep the tattoos forever.
     "I am nowhere near finished yet," says Kaye, who lives in England. He plans to get tattoos of large
spaceships down his sides. "You never know with me," he adds, "I could come home one day with my
whole face tattooed.”
     The Hole Story  
     "People often just want to look at me or touch me," says Elaine Davidson. It"s no wonder. Davidson,
who lives in Scotland, is covered with nearly 7,000 piercings (穿环)! According to Guinness World
Records, she is the most pierced woman on Earth.
     Together, Davidson"s studs(耳钉) and rings weigh almost seven pounds. She never removes them.
She keeps them on even when she goes through scanners at airports. All she takes off is her watch!
     In June, Davidson made news when she got married. Opposites must attract. Her new husband has
no piercings at all.
     Goo Goo for Gaga
     Lady Gaga is famous for her outrageous looks. She has worn everything from a dress covered in
bubbles to a coat made out of Kermit the Frog dolls. At the 2010 MTV Music Awards, she even wore
a dress made out of raw meat!
     Some stars try not to stand out in public when they are not performing. They might wear sunglasses
and a big hat when they go out, hoping that no one will recognize them. Lady Gaga, has a distinctive
(与众不同的) approach. She dresses up whether she’s walking through an airport or going shopping.
She might wear a wild wig (假发), a lace bodysuit, or 12-inch heels. She jokes, "I am just trying to
change the world."1. What is the author"s purpose in writing this passage?A. To tell us a few interesting stories.
B. To present three people with distinctive characters.
C. To make fun of some distinctive people.
D. To show us how to become attractive.2. In the section of Star Wars Forever, it is suggested that         .A. Kaye has performed in Star Wars
B. Kaye has a habit of studying and designing tattoos
C. Kaye will continue with his habit of getting tattoos
D. Kaye"s face looks frightening because of the tattoos3. The underlined word "outrageous" in the passage probably means "        ".A. shocking
B. pretty  
C. serious
D. happy  4. Unlike other stars, Lady Gaga         .A. is good at playing music
B. doesn’t avoid being focused on
C. often performs in public
D. does much to improve the world
题型:浙江省期末题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     It was Thanksgiving morning and in the crowded kitchen of my small home I was busy preparing the
traditional Thanksgiving turkey when the doorbell rang. I 1 the front door and saw two small children in 
2 huddling(挤作一团)together on the top step.
     "Any old 3 , lady ?"asked one of them. I was busy. I wanted to say "no" until I looked down at their
feet. They were 4 thin little sandals(凉鞋), wet with heavy snow.
     "Come in and I"ll make you a cup of hot 5 ".
They walked over and sat down at the table. Their 6 sandals left marks upon the floor I served them
coffee and bread with jam to fight against the cold 7 . Then I went back to the 8 and started again on
my household budget.
     The silence in the front room 9 me, so I looked in. The girl held the 10 cup in her hands, looking at it.
The boy asked in a flat 11 ,"Lady, are you rich?" "Am I rich? Mercy, no!"I looked at my shabby slipcovers(破旧的沙发套). The girl 12 her cup back in saucer(茶托)carefully and said, "Your 13 match you saucers. "Her voice was hungry with a need that large amount of food could supply. They left after that, 14 their
bundles of papers against the wind. They hadn"t said "Thank you". They didn"t 15 to. They had reminded
me that I had so much for which to be 16 . Plain blue china cups and saucers were 17 worth five pence.
But they matched.
     I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room. The muddy 18 of small sandals were
 19 wet upon my floor. "Let them be for a while, "I thought. Just 20 I should begin to forget how rich I am.
题型:四川省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:四川省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     ) 1.A.opened  
(     ) 2.A.needs  
(     ) 3.A.clothes
(     ) 4.A.selling
(     ) 5.A.wine    
(     ) 6.A.big    
(     ) 7.A.upwards
(     ) 8.A.kitchen
(     ) 9.A.struck  
(     )10.A.glass  
(     )11.A.noise  
(     )12.A.called  
(     )13.A.cups    
(     )14.A.grasping
(     )15.A.dare    
(     )16.A.crazy  
(     )17.A.well    
(     )18.A.road    
(     )19.A.already
(     )20.A.in case
B.even if    
C.living room
C. as        

D.dining room  
D.so long as    

     My father quit driving in 1927, when he was 25 years old. So my brother and I grew up in a household without a car. In 1951,when my brother turned 16, my parents bought a used 1950 Chevrolet from a friend. Since my parents didn"t drive, it more or less became my brother"s car.
     Having a car but not being able to drive didn"t bother my father, but it didn"t make sense to my mother. So in 1952, when she was 43 years old, she learned to drive. For the next 45 years or so, until she was 90, my mother was the driver in the family.
     After my father retired when he was 70, he almost always accompanied my mother whenever she drove anywhere, even if he had no reason to go along. One day my father said to me, "Do you want to know the secret of a long life?"
     "I guess so," I said, knowing it probably would be something bizarre (稀奇古怪的).
     "No left turns. " he said.
     "What?" I asked.  
     "No left turns," he repeated. "Think about it. Three rights are the same as a left and that"s a lot safer. Several years ago, your mother and I read an article that said most accidents that old people are in happen when they turn left in front of oncoming traffic. As you get older, your eyesight worsens. So your mother and I decided never again to make a left turn. "
     "You"re kidding!" I said, and I turned to my mother for support. "No." she said. "Your father is right. We make three rights. It works. " But then she added: "Except when your father loses count."
     "Loses count?" I asked.
     "Yes," my father admitted, "that sometimes happens. But it"s not a problem. You just make seven rights, and you"re okay again. "
     I couldn"t resist. "Do you ever go for 11 ?" I asked.
     "No," he said "If we miss it at seven, we just come home and call it a bad day.
     Besides, nothing in life is so important it can"t be put off another day or another week. "
     My mother was never in an accident all through her life.
1. When did the parents have their first son according to the passage?
A. In 1952.      
B. In 1951.        
C. In 1935.      
D. In 1927.
2. The mother decided to learn to drive because ____.
A. she didn"t believe in her sons
B. she wanted to drive her own car
C. her sons refused to drive for her
D. she had to drive her husband to work
3. What"s the message the father wanted to leave to his son?
A. Owning a car was too expensive for a family.
B. One could never be too careful when driving.
C. One is never too old to learn a new skill.
D. Old people should never be allowed to drive alone.
4. What does the underlined part "loses count" probably mean?
A. Failing to count correctly.        
B. Losing their sense of direction.
C. Making less turns than they should.
D. Forgetting to count turns.
     When I was six years old, my sister, Sally Kay, was a submissive three-year-old girl. For some
reasons, I thought we needed to    1   some money. So I decided we should "hire out" as maids. We
visited the neighbors,    2   to clean houses for them for $1.    3   our offer was reasonable, there were
no takers. One neighbor even    4   my mom to tell her what we were doing.
     Mother had just hung up the phone    5   we came into the house. "Girls," mother asked, "why were
you two    6   the neighborhood telling people you would clean their houses?" We both denied. That her
dear little girls could be such "boldfaced (厚颜无耻的) liars" made her feel shocked and terribly    7   .
Mom then told us that Mrs. Jones had just called and told her everything.
     Faced with the truth, we    8   what we had done. Mom tried to explain how much a fib (小谎) hurt
    9   she didn"t feel that we really understood. Then Mom cheerfully asked, "Would you two like to go
to see the movie The Matinee this afternoon?"
      "Oh, wonderful!" After lunch, we got bathed and all    10   up.  It was like getting ready for a birthday party. We   11  outside the apartment, not wanting to miss the    12  that would take us downtown. At
the bus station, Mom stunned (使震惊) us by saying, "Girls, we are not going to the    13   today."
     "What?" we objected    14   . "What do you mean? Aren"t we going to The Matinee?" She explained
this was how much a fib could hurt. "It is important that what we say is    15   ," Mom said. "I fibbed to
you just now and I felt   16   . I don"t want to fib again and I"m    17  you don"t want to fib again either.
People  must be    18   to others."
     That was    19   my sister and I learned to be truthful. It was a(n)   20  that we would never forget.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. produce      
(     )2. A. offering      
(     )3. A. Although      
(     )4. A. met          
(     )5. A. until         
(     )6. A. going around  
(     )7. A. encouraged    
(     )8. A. recognized    
(     )9. A. after         
(     )10. A. looked      
(     )11. A. talked      
(     )12. A. ticket      
(     )13. A. cinema      
(     )14. A. sadly        
(     )15. A. humorous    
(     )16. A. happy        
(     )17. A. afraid      
(     )18. A. enthusiastic
(     )19. A. how          
(     )20. A. lesson      
B. earn        
B. telling      
B. Since        
B. found        
B. when        
B. searching for
B. challenged  
B. admitted    
B. but          
B. stood        
B. laughed      
B. bus          
B. house        
B. quietly      
B. valuable    
B. awful        
B. pleased      
B. sympathetic  
B. why          
B. topic        
C. steal      
C. asking      
C. So          
C. persuaded  
C. before      
C. shouting at  
C. hurt        
C. scolded    
C. or          
C. stayed      
C. hurried    
C. film        
C. neighbor"s
C. patiently  
C. true        
C. proud       
C. sure        
C. good        
C. whether    
C. subject    
D. loan            
D. giving          
D. If              
D. telephoned      
D. where            
D. heading for      
D. excited          
D. discussed        
D. as              
D. dressed          
D. reminded        
D. call            
D. barber"s        
D. weakly          
D. worth            
D. funny            
D. curious          
D. honest          
D. there            
D. idea            
     When Meggy finished her double master"s degrees, I can remember watching her get her diploma.
As her line moved forward to the side of the platform, she seemed to have more energy than she could
     Meggy was in the Shriner"s Hospital for months when she was three, and went back for another
series of operations when she was four. When the doctors told her parents that she would never walk,
nobody told baby Meggy. She willingly did the foot exercises each day. Her face reflected much
concentration as she moved across the room, but when she reached her destination, she smiled.
     Her mother, with the same strong determination, would read The Little Engine That Could to
Meggy. I can still hear them repeat the words of the children"s story, "I think I can! I think I can! I think
I can!" When the engine made it over the enormous hill with the toys for the children, Meggy would laugh
as she and her mother sang, "I thought I could! I thought I could! I thought I could!" With that same faith
and hope, Meggy learned to run, skip, play games, and ride a bike.
     The social and academic requirements of colleges and graduate schools were difficult for Meggy. As
she studied far into the night, she kept her eye on her goals, on the people she would help. She graduated
first in her class and continued her preparation for teaching in graduate school.
     As I heard her name being called to receive her master"s diploma, I watched her walk
with grace and purpose toward the Dean. As she went down the stairs of the platform,
a bright smile broke forth, and I could just hear her thinking, "I thought I could!"

1. Meggy can be best described as a girl with       .
A. courage
B. humor
C. patience
D. determination

2. Her mother read The Little Engine That Could to Meggy to        .
A. inspire her
B. make her laugh
C. kill time with her
D. teach her to sing

3. The biggest challenge for Meggy was probably to       .
A. teach others
B. speak before many people
C. learn how to walk
D. find her goals in life

4. What can be the best title for the text?
A. Hope in life        
B. I thought I could
C. Learn to develop yourself
D. Follow what you desire