当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解     When Meggy finished her double master"s degrees, I can remember watchin...
阅读理解     When Meggy finished her double master"s degrees, I can remember watching her get her diploma.
As her line moved forward to the side of the platform, she seemed to have more energy than she could
     Meggy was in the Shriner"s Hospital for months when she was three, and went back for another
series of operations when she was four. When the doctors told her parents that she would never walk,
nobody told baby Meggy. She willingly did the foot exercises each day. Her face reflected much
concentration as she moved across the room, but when she reached her destination, she smiled.
     Her mother, with the same strong determination, would read The Little Engine That Could to
Meggy. I can still hear them repeat the words of the children"s story, "I think I can! I think I can! I think
I can!" When the engine made it over the enormous hill with the toys for the children, Meggy would laugh
as she and her mother sang, "I thought I could! I thought I could! I thought I could!" With that same faith
and hope, Meggy learned to run, skip, play games, and ride a bike.
     The social and academic requirements of colleges and graduate schools were difficult for Meggy. As
she studied far into the night, she kept her eye on her goals, on the people she would help. She graduated
first in her class and continued her preparation for teaching in graduate school.
     As I heard her name being called to receive her master"s diploma, I watched her walk
with grace and purpose toward the Dean. As she went down the stairs of the platform,
a bright smile broke forth, and I could just hear her thinking, "I thought I could!"

1. Meggy can be best described as a girl with       .
A. courage
B. humor
C. patience
D. determination

2. Her mother read The Little Engine That Could to Meggy to        .
A. inspire her
B. make her laugh
C. kill time with her
D. teach her to sing

3. The biggest challenge for Meggy was probably to       .
A. teach others
B. speak before many people
C. learn how to walk
D. find her goals in life

4. What can be the best title for the text?
A. Hope in life        
B. I thought I could
C. Learn to develop yourself
D. Follow what you desire
1-4: DACB
试题【阅读理解     When Meggy finished her double master"s degrees, I can remember watchin】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空     Do some animals have certain mental powers which human beings do not? Of course they have
instincts(本能),    but  __1__  this,    I am sure that they can feel  __2__  things which we humans
cannot.A personal experience __3__ this to me.
     Some years ago,    I had a dog named Howard.From the time that he was a baby dog,    he was
timid,    so we named him "Howard" to  __4__   with "coward"(胆小鬼) ! He was especially afraid
of  __5__. At the first hint of them,    he would run crying into the house and hide under a table.What
a hero!
     I often went for walks with Howard. __6__,    as we were walking along a road,    it began to rain.
I quickly ran to a bus stop for  __7__.The bus stop had a roof supported by metal poles.Soon after I
had got there,    Howard caught my   __8__  in his teeth and tried to pull me away.  __9__,    I was
puzzled and a little angry at his    10   .
    However,    I decided to humour him and walked away from the shelter into the rain and   11   for
       12     I was about two hundred metres away from the shelter,    there came a blinding flash of
lightning and    13  ,    there was a crash of thunder which nearly     14   me. Howard stopped walking
and began crying. Knowing that he was afraid,    I    15     to pick him up.
     As I straightened up,    I   16   the bus shelter which we had just left.I was shocked to see that two
of the    17     were bent and the roof was lying on the ground,     18   .The shelter had been struck by
the lightning.I gave Howard a big hug to express my heartfelt    19   . He had just saved my life.He was
truly my     20  !
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. for           
(     )2. A. certain        
(     )3. A. expressed      
(     )4. A. rhyme        
(     )5. A. people        
(     )6. A. However      
(     )7. A. peace        
(     )8. A. collar        
(     )9. A. At first        
(     )10. A. teeth        
(     )11. A. looked      
(     )12. A. Because        
(     )13. A. long after  
(     )14. A. deafened    
(     )15. A. went        
(     )16. A. glared at    
(     )17. A. buses        
(     )18. A. broken      
(     )19. A. happiness    
(     )20. A. dog          
B. besides        
B. few            
B. conveyed        
B. meet            
B. buses          
B. Once            
B. relief          
B. sleeve          
B. At last        
B. behaviour      
B. dreamt          
B. Since          
B. minutes later  
B. struck          
B. bent            
B. stared at      
B. trees          
B. unharmed        
B. thanks          
B. son            
C. with             
C. several           
C. proved            
C. fight              
C. cats              
C. Unfortunately      
C. shelter          
C. hat              
C. At once          
C. courage          
C. headed            
C. When              
C. at the same time  
C.  killed          
C. rushed            
C. glanced at        
C. walls            
C. dangerous        
C. luck              
C. hero              
D. except              
D. great              
D. applied            
D. compete            
D. thunderstorms      
D. Suddenly            
D. comfort            
D. trousers            
D. At present          
D. idea                
D. asked              
D. Before              
D. soon after          
D. defeated            
D. turned              
D. aimed at            
D. poles              
D. dead                
D. wish                
D. friend              
     For years I wanted a flower garden. I"d spend hours thinking of different things I could plant that
would look nice together.
     But then we had Matthew. And Marvin. And the twins,    Alisa and Alan. And then Helen. Five
children. I was too busy raising them to grow a garden.
     Money was tight,  as well as time. Often when my children were little,    one of them would want
something that cost too much,    and I"d have to say,    "Do you see a money tree outside?Money
doesn"t grow on trees,    you know."
     Finally,   all five got through high school and college and were off on their own. I started thinking
again about having a garden.
     I wasn"t sure,  though. I mean,   gardens do cost money,    and after all these years I was used to
living on a pretty lean,   nofrills budget.
     Then,  one spring morning,    on Mother"s Day,  I was working in my kitchen. Suddenly,  I realized
that cars were tooting their horns as they drove by. I looked out of the window and there was a new
tree,   planted right in my yard. I thought it must be a weeping willow,    because I saw things blowing
around on all its branches. Then I put my glasses on-and I couldn"t believe what I saw. There was a
money tree in my yard!
     I went outside to look. It was true!There were dollar bills,    one hundred of them,    taped all over
that tree. Think of all the garden flowers I could buy with one hundred dollars! There was also a note
attached:"IOU eight hours of digging time. Love,    Marvin."
     Marvin kept his promise,  too. He dug up a nice tenbyfifteen foot bed for me. And my other children
bought me tools,    ornaments,  a trellis(棚架),  a sunflower stepping stone and gardening books.
     That was three years ago. My garden"s now very pretty,  just like I wanted. When I go out and
weed or tend my flowers,    I don"t seem to miss my children as much as I once did. It feels like they
are right there with me.
     I live up in Michigan"s Upper Peninsula,  where winters are long and cold,  and summers are too
short. But every year now,    when winter sets in,  I look out of my window and think of the flowers I"ll
see next spring in my little garden. I think about what my children did for me,    and I get tears in my eyes
every time.
     I"m still not sure that money grows on trees. But I know love does!

1. By saying "Do you see a money tree outside…"the mother actually means "________".
A. Observation is the best teacher
B. Seeing is believing
C. The outsider sees the most of the game
D. It is not easy to gain money

2. The best title for the passage would probably be "________".
A. My flower garden
B. Marvin helps to realize my dream
C. Love in Michigan
D. Money grows on trees

3. The underlined word "nofrills"in the fifth paragraph is similar in meaning to "________".
A. wasteful  
B. tight
C. absurd  
D. helpful

4. From the last three paragraphs we can infer that the mother is________.
A. divorced when she was young
B. not caring for her kids any longer
C. alone but not at all lonely
D. prouder with her garden than with her kids
     In a land far away,  once upon a time there was great poverty (贫困),   and only the rich could
manage without great__1_. Three of those rich men and their servants were__2_together on a road
when they came to a very__3_village.
     The first could not stand seeing the poverty,  __4__he took all the gold and jewels from his wagons
(四轮载重马车) and shared__5_out among the villagers. He wished them all the best of luck,   and
he left.
    The second rich man,   seeing the__16__situation,   stopped for a short time and gave__7_all his
food and drink,   since he__8_see that money would be of little__9_to them. He made sure that they
each  10    their fair share and would have enough food to  11   for some time. Then,   he left.
     The third rich man,   on seeing such poverty,    12  and went straight through the   13  without
stopping.The two other rich men saw this from a distance and commented with each other   14    the
third rich man lacked sympathy. It was  15    that they themselves had been there to offer help.
     However,   three days later,   they   16  the third rich man,   who was coming in the opposite
direction. He was   17   travelling quickly,   but his wagons,    18    the gold and valuables they had
been  19   ,   were now full of farming tools and bags of  20  . He was rushing back to help them out
of poverty.
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. loss      
(     )2. A. standing      
(     )3. A. faraway      
(     )4. A. unless        
(     )5. A. them          
(     )6. A. curious      
(     )7. A. the villagers
(     )8. A. could    
(     )9. A. interest  
(     )10. A. returned
(     )11. A. remain  
(     )12. A. turned back
(     )13. A. village  
(     )14. A. whether  
(     )15. A. good    
(     )16. A. welcomed  
(     )17. A. still    
(     )18. A. except for
(     )19. A. loading  
(     )20. A. food    
B. expectations    
B. travelling        
B. poor              
B. because          
B. anything          
B. worrying          
B. his servants    
B. might          
B. concern          
B. gained          
B. last            
B. set out          
B. land            
B. how              
B. certain          
B. met              
B. already          
B. instead of        
B. treasuring      
B. jewels          
C. success      
C. gathering      
C. different      
C. so            
C. nothing        
C. dangerous      
C. the others    
C. should      
C. use          
C. offered      
C. supply       
C. showed off    
C. field        
C. where        
C. true         
C. accepted      
C. always        
C. apart from    
C. carrying      
C. money         
D. problems          
D. running          
D. ancient          
D. if                
D. those            
D. puzzling          
D. the rest          
D. must              
D. attraction        
D. received          
D. share            
D. speeded up        
D. road              
D. when              
D. strange          
D. persuaded        
D. indeed            
D. along with        
D. earning          
D. seeds            
    Last weekend,   my kids along with few other kids from the neighborhood volunteered to help me
wash my car. My 10yearold daughter came up with the idea of __1 _ other people"s cars as well. It
was pretty __2__ outside and I had no plans to __3__ being in the bright sun. She __4__ wanted to
give lemonade(柠檬汽水)to passersby for free. I had seen little kids  __5__ and sell fresh lemonade
for a small cost but not free. Although I felt  __6__,   I decided to help her.
     __7__  she asked me,   "What if we __8__  this a smile car wash?" I couldn"t hold back my tears
and     9    her and the other kids to go outside the house and come up with    10    ideas. While I kept
myself busy in drying the car,   the gang walked up to me with a(n)     11    with beautiful images of
smiles. They had "Free Car Wash" written on it and the     12    of their exercise was "smile". It was
pretty neat to see a team of kids ranging 5-11 years with the    13      to do something for others.
      All that seemed     14  and came right from their heart. Nothing seemed to      15     to them: their
playtime,   the heat outside-they just wanted to   16    others and do something nice in the community!
      I helped them make some fresh lemonade and brought out some additional      17     to help clean
cars. Passersby were     18     and one even shouted back to them saying "God Bless You,   my kids…"
One of them even tried giving them 5 dollars,   which they refused. A pretty heartwarming    19  !
     I feel blessed by being    20    by such wonderful and loving souls.
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. drying      
(     )2. A. quiet      
(     )3. A. suggest    
(     )4. A. further    
(     )5. A. choose      
(     )6. A. worried    
(     )7. A. Finally    
(     )8. A. show        
(     )9. A. challenged  
(     )10. A. creative  
(     )11. A. board      
(     )12. A. purpose    
(     )13. A. need      
(     )14. A. important  
(     )15. A. matter    
(     )16. A. relax      
(     )17. A. food      
(     )18. A. interested
(     )19. A. scene      
(     )20. A. supported  
B. repairing      
B. hot            
B. avoid          
B. therefore      
B. enjoy          
B. popular        
B. Simply          
B. leave          
B. expected        
B. ready        
B. picture        
B. trouble        
B. duty            
B. disappointing  
B. mean            
B. try            
B. rags            
B. amazed        
B. scenery        
B. understood      
C. washing    
C. different  
C. continue    
C. already    
C. buy        
C. confused    
C. Then        
C. make        
C. invited    
C. changed    
C. idea        
C. secret      
C. imagination
C. hopeful    
C. belong      
C. help        
C. money      
C. bored      
C. story      
C. refused   
D. decorating        
D. dirty            
D. practise          
D. hardly            
D. serve            
D. difficult        
D. Luckily          
D. order            
D. encouraged        
D. familiar          
D. car              
D. theme            
D. sense            
D. natural          
D. refer            
D. smile            
D. fruit            
D. frightened        
D. view              
D. surrounded        
      At the age of sixteen,   I joined a volunteer group with my dad. I went on my first volunteer project
in West Virginia. On the night we arrived,   we discovered that "our family" was living in a trailer(拖车)
that was in poor condition. A crew had been working on it for two weeks,   but every time they finished
one problem,   another surfaced.
     We decided the only reasonable solution was to build a new house-something unusual but necessary
under these circumstances. The family was overjoyed with their new house that was twenty by thirty feet
with three bedrooms,   a bath and a kitchen.
    On Tuesday of that week,   while we were eating lunch together,   I asked the family"s three boys,  
Josh,   Eric and Ryan,   "What do you want for your new room?"Expecting toys and other gadgets that
children usually ask for,   we were astonished when Josh responded,   "I just want a bed."
      The boys had never slept in a bed! They were accustomed to plastic mats. That night we had a
meeting and decided that beds would be the perfect gift. On Thursday night,   a few adults in our group
drove to the nearest city and bought beds and new bedding.
    When we saw the delivery truck coming,   we told the family about the surprise. We could hardly
contain ourselves. It was like watching excited children on Christmas morning.
     That afternoon,   as we fitted the frames of the beds together,   Eric ran into the house to watch us.
Too dirty to enter his room,   he observed with wideeyed enthusiasm from the doorway.
     As my father slipped a pillowcase onto one of the pillows,   Eric asked,   "What is that?"
     "A pillow,   " he replied.
     "What do you do with it?" Eric continued to ask.
     "When you go to sleep,   you put your head on it,   " I answered softly. Tears came to my eyes as my
father handed Eric the pillow.
     "Oh…that"s soft,   " he said,   hugging it tightly.
     Now,   when my sister or I start to ask for something that seems urgent,   my dad gently asks,  
     We know exactly what he means.

1. The writer"s first volunteer project was________.
A. working on a poor trailer
B. helping a poor family
C. donating beds and bedding
D. dealing with a housing problem

2. On hearing Josh"s answer,   the writer was shocked because________.
A. the family lived in a trailer
B. he expected to get some toys
C. he didn"t know what a bed was
D. the boys had no bed to sleep in

3. From the passage,   we can learn that Eric had never seen________ before.
A. a trailer  
B. a truck
C. a pillow  
D. a house

4. By saying "Doyouhaveapillow?",   the writer"s father means that________.
A. what they want to get may be unnecessary
B. they should not waste money on small things
C. they should do more volunteer work for the poor
D. what he will buy is not what they want but a pillow