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In Egypt, smoke-filled offices are common along with taxi drivers who light one cigarette after another while stuck in Cairo’s heavy traffic. Non-smoking sections in restaurants are unheard of and water pipes which fill cafes often overflow onto sidewalks, leaving the sweet smell of fruit-flavored tobacco lingeringon the streets.
But some doctors and lawmakers here want to change this culture of Egypt’s. The country’s parliament recently passed laws banning smoking in some public places including government buildings, schools and hospitals. It also calls for health warnings to be put on cigarette packs and allows the government to increase the price of tobacco, according to parliament member Hamdiel-Sayyed, who proposed the new laws. If individuals break the law, they could be fined up to $17. Tobacco factories can be forced to pay about $3,500, if they don’t follow the law and advertise their products.
Egypt’s laws are modest compared to other countries including Britain and some American cities where smoking in all indoor public places is banned. But they are a start, especially for a country where 80 billion cigarettes are smoked a year. “Part of the objective is to keep children and young people from becoming smoking addicts,” said el-Sayyed.
But in a country burdened by poverty and high unemployment, will the laws be able to force people not to smoke?
Mustafa Ahmed, 25, said laws to ban smoking are a good idea in principle but are not realistic. “Smoking is popular in Egypt. There is a lot of pressure on people here, especially because the economy is bad. People smoke because they think it will relax them.”
Sherif Omar, a parliament member, also has his doubts about the new laws. “Laws by themselves don’t work well unless you have education in schools and in the media,” he said.
59. What does the underlined part “this culture” in the second paragraph refer to?
A. Heavy traffic — a big headache for drivers.    B. No non-smoking areas in buildings.
C. The wide-spread smoking habit in Egypt. 
D. No effective measures taken to stop smoking.
60. Which of the following is NOT a part of the new laws passed by the parliament?
A. Not allowing tobacco advertising.      B. Warning people of the danger of smoking.
C. Allowing the government to increase the price of tobacco.
D. People who break the law will be fined up to $3,500.
61. Compared with Britain, Egypt’s laws _______.
A. will be more effective in reducing smoking     B. set stricter limits on smoking
C. do not set very strict limits on smoking        D. will not be effective
62. According to Sherif Omar, the new laws are hard to carry out because _______.
A. Egyptians face high work pressure     B. Egyptians are addicted to smoking
C. many people are strongly against these laws 
D. people don’t receive anti-smoking education
63. What would be the best title of the passage?
A. Egypt starts to ban smoking everywhere.
B. Egypt attempts to control smoking in public places.
C. Egypt’s laws increase people’s sense of health.
D. Egypt’s laws aren’t supported by the common people.

59---63   CDCDB  

试题【In Egypt, smoke-filled offices are common along with taxi drivers who light one 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

A.How did you find this volunteer opportunity?
B.What are the advantages and disadvantages of student volunteers?
C.Based on your observation, what makes a good volunteer stand out?
D.How has volunteering helped you?
E. Have you had any volunteers who quit half-way?
F. What suggestions can you give to students who want to be volunteers?
An interview with a volunteer.
I am a member of our school’s volunteer association. During my freshman(大学一年级新生) year, I was asked to write up a plan for volunteers who assisted patients there. So I visited the hospice (末期病人疗养所) several times. Later, I realized I could do more for the patients and so began volunteering.
When I was a freshman, I was not used to college life. I sometimes felt the hospice was like home. Here, many grannies treated me like their own relative, and I could feel strongly that I was needed. Just shaking hands made them come to life. I not only get great comfort from helping many patients get through the last period of their lives. I also learn a lot from their experiences.
You have to be prepared both mentally and physically. Most people at this hospice are facing death. So you have prepared to be patient and make them happy and relaxed. Also, persistence is needed. After seeing so many people here die, I know that persistence is hard. But you have to remember that you job is to help them feel less pain before death.
Good volunteers have something in common: They regard their job as a career, rather than some task that’s been assigned. They learn to enjoy what they are doing, no matter how boring it is. We have a volunteer who has been with us for more than a year. His job is translating letters from kids we helped. Even when he was busy with his classes, he would take a taxi to our office to pick up the letters. When we asked him why, he told us he enjoyed the kids’ stories and learned a lot from them.
Students are often very enthusiastic and direct. They give us feedback that helps us improve our work. And they value the opportunity we give them to broaden their horizons. However, they are still young and some are not responsible enough. And sometimes, they are lazy and careless.  
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IV. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Every year when the Italian artist Michelangelo’s (1475-1564,意大利文艺复兴时期著名雕刻家、画家、建筑师) birthday comes around, computer users all over the world are filled with fear (害怕) and use their computers with care. Some may even choose not to turn on their computers on March 3. All this fear and care are just because a deadly computer virus is ready to cause damages on that day.
What’s a computer virus then? Why do people get so afraid of it?
A computer virus is, in fact, a little program that is put into other programs and that does something bad. It is called a virus because, like any real-life viruses such as AIDs virus, it reproduces itself. And when these programs are run, the virus is brought to life. It hides itself in your computer system waiting for the right moment to make damages. And at the same time it keeps producing itself by copying itself onto other programs.
The Michelangelo virus waits until the artist’s birthday comes around, and then it will wake up to do very bad things like destroying you files (毁坏文档) . So next time when you turn on your computer, look out for computer viruses!
56. The Italian artist Michelangelo ____________.
A. was born six centuries ago                            B. was born on March 3, 1475
C. died six centuries ago                            D. died on March 3, 1564
57. Why are computer users full of fear on March 3?   Because _________.
A. it is the birthday of a famous Italian artist.
B. a kind of computer virus will be produced on that day
C. “the Michelangelo virus” will wake up and then cause damages on that day.
D. everything will go wrong with computers on that day.
58. In fact, a computer virus is __________.
A. a program which can be put into computers with some damages to them.
B. a kind of real-life virus.
C. a kind of virus like AIDS virus
D. a kind of program which is placed into other programs and which makes damages
59. In fact, a computer virus is ready to cause damages _________
A. on any day                                   B. only on March 3   
C. on Fridays                                    D. only on some famous artists’ birthdays
60. What should we do to protect our computers from virus according to the passage?
A. Don’t turn any computer on.    
B. Be careful.
C. Destroy our files before viruses. 
D. Don’t use computers to do important work.
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Do you have bright ideas? Ideas or inventions that change society or, at least, make life easier for somebody? Perhaps we all do sometimes, but we don’t often make the idea a reality. Recently, in Britain, there was a competition called British Designers for Tomorrow. The competition encourages young people to carry out their bright ideas. There were two groups in the contest: Group One was for schoolchildren under 16; Group Two was for schoolchildren over 16, and there were eleven prize-winners altogether.
Neil Hunt, one of the prize-winners, was called “Sunshine Superman(超人)”. It’s important when people study the weather to be able to record sunshine accurately. We need to know how many hours of sunshine we have and how strong it is. Most sunshine recorders only record direct sunlight. Neil’s is more accurate(精确的) and this is very important for research into the way of using solar(太阳的)power.
You can do so much with animated(模拟有生命物体的)cartoon. Look at Simon West’s idea for animated road signs. He uses pictures which appear to move as you go nearer to or farther from them. This isn’t a new idea. But it is new to use these pictures on road signs. “We found that people were more likely to see moving signs,” said Simon. So now, you can really see rocks falling, trains moving , horses running or a car falling over the edge of a cliff(悬崖). Quite a warning!
The ideas in the competition were so inventive that we are surprised that British industry doesn’t ask more schoolchildren for suggestions. Perhaps this will be the start of “pupil power!”
61. The writer thinks that people seldom ______.
A. have bright ideas                            B. turn their bright ideas into reality
C. make their life easier                         D. think of inventing something
62. The organizers of the competition hoped the schoolchildren who joined in it would ___.
A. become good designers for future Britain      
B. invent something for immediate use
C. design something useful for the next day       
D. win as many prizes as they could
63. Neil Hunt’s design would finally lead to the improvement of the way of _______.
A. recording direct sunshine                       B. recording the hours of sunshine
C. using the energy of the sun              D. knowing how strong sunlight is
64. What’s the use of Simon West’s animated road signs?
A. To warn people to be careful while working.  
B. To warn people on the roads of the danger ahead.
C. To add to the beauty of a city.                       
D. To help make a car trip more exciting.
65. The writer seems to be encouraging the British industry to ______.
A. take better care of schoolchildren               
B. help schoolchildren in their studies
C. stop asking schoolchildren for suggestions                   
D. pay more attention to schoolchildren’s inventive power
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Tracking Stations
One night in February 1962, John H. Glenn, Jr., flew over Australia. The man in the Mercury(水星)capsule(宇宙飞行容器)was alone, but friendly voices reached him by radio. Over the dark land 100 miles below, he saw sparkling lights.  It marked the city of Perth, where people had turned on their lights as a greeting to him.
"In Friendship 7," Glenn radioed, "the lights show up very well. Thank everybody for turning them on." His capsule needed on to the east.
During his three orbits of the earth, Glenn could always reach one of the eighteen tracking stations. Some of them were on ships at sea. Others were in the United States.
Many of the stations had been built with the help of other countries. These countries allowed Americans to bring in radio equipment and set it up. Without the help of such lands as Nigeria, Zanzibar, and Mexico, there would have been breaks in the worldwide radio network. John Glenn, Jr., was the first American to orbit the earth. For his flight, the tracking network(跟踪网络)covered 60,000 land or statute miles(法定英里). Five hundred men worked in the stations along the route. Since his flight, the network has grown. Today, it covers more than 100, 000 statute or land miles and has about one hundred stations. One-third of these stations are outside the United States.
66.This passage is mainly about________.
A.talking to ships at sea around the world
B.breaks in the worldwide network
C.the first American to orbit the earth
D.a satellite which fell into the ocean
67.From the passage we can see that________.
A.Friendship 7 stopped in Perth, Australia
B.all tracking stations are inside the United States
C.radio equipment is important in space flight
D.many people could see Glenn in his capsule when he made the flight
68.During his flight Glenn could always________.
A.see lights turned on the ground      B.reach ships at sea
C.reach one of the tracking stations    D.arrive at Mercury in his Friendship 7
69.Why did people in Perth turn on the lights?
A.They wanted to guide him to land.
B.It was too dark for them to see in the room.
C.They wanted to see the Friendship 7.
D.They wanted to greet Glenn.
70.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Countries must work together to track satellites.
B.There are now about 30 tracking stations outside the United States.
C.The tracking network covers many more statute miles now than before.
D.Nobody has orbited the earth except Glenn.
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On 27th February 2008, something very unusual happened in the UK; there was a rather large earthquake. It was the biggest earthquake in 25 years in the UK. There have been very small tremors in the past but they pale into insignificance compared to this one.
It was felt in a large area across the country too, from as far north as Edinburgh in Scotland to as far south as Plymouth on the south coast of England.
The epicenter of the earthquake was in a small town in Lincolnshire, which is an area about two and a half to three hours north of London by car. A magnitude of 5.2 was registered on the Richter scale.
There were lots of reports in the news from people who felt the earth move. One man said, "We had loads of vibrating and wall shaking and stuff, noise coming off the roof. I came outside – the chimney"s on the floor!"
A collapsed chimney was the cause of what was probably the worst injury from the earthquake; a man broke his pelvis when the chimney fell on him.
Another man who spoke to the BBC described the moment the earthquake occurred, "Everything was shaking. As soon as it happened we all went outside and saw everyone else down the street, coming out and just realized it was an earthquake."
The huge rumble, which was felt by a lot of people, surprisingly caused very little structural damage to property.
Most British people would be surprised to learn that there are 200-300 earthquakes in Britain every year, but most of them are so small, they go unnoticed. The magnitude of this earthquake is fairly small in comparison to some other natural disasters that have made international news, but for the people affected, it certainly came as quite a surprise.
60. Before this earthquake _______.
A. there was no signs of any shakings at all.
B. people did not feel anything unusual.
C. many people realized there would be a bigger one to come.
D. some small quakes were only too small to be ignored.
61. From this passage we know ______ is in the south of Great Britain.
A. Lincolnshire                      B. Edinburgh
C. Plymouth                         D. Scotland
62. This earthquake  _____.
A. hardly caused any damages to the people’s belongings..                
B. brought down many buildings in England.
C. scared many people to death.
D. made the world greatly surprised.
63. After reading this passage we can infer_______.
A. people in England faced the earthquake bravely.
B. this earthquake seemed to be felt all over Great Britain.
C. this earthquake is the biggest one in history.
D. the chimneys in Britain are the most poorly built parts of the houses.
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