当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 第II卷(非选择题,共35分)注意事项:1. 用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题纸上。2. 本卷共6小题,共35分。第三部分:写作第一节   阅读表达(共5...

1. 用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题纸上。
2. 本卷共6小题,共35分。
第一节   阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Sleepless in Seattle? Hardly. West Virginia is where people are really staying awake, according to the first government study to monitor state-by-state differences in sleeplessness. West Virginians’ lack of sleep was about double the national rate, perhaps a side effect of health problems such as obesity(肥胖), experts said.
Nearly 1 in 5 West Virginians said they did not get a single good night’s sleep in the previous month. The national average was about 1 in 10, according to a federal health survey. Tennessee, Kentucky and Oklahoma also were notably above average with nearly 1 in 7 people reporting in a lack of sleep. In contrast, North Dakota was below average, with only 1 in 13 reporting that degree of sleeplessness. Health officials do not know the exact reasons for the differences.
In the survey, people weren’t required to answer the question why they were not able to get enough rest or sleep. But experts noted several possible explanations: West Virginia ranks at or near the bottom of the nation in several important measurements of health, including obesity, smoking, heart disease and the proportion of adults with disabilities.
Studies have increasingly found that sleeping problems often occurred among people with certain health problems, including obesity. “You would expect to see poorer sleep within a chronically (慢性地) diseased population,” noted Dr Ronald Chervin, a sleep disorders expert in University of Michigan.
Financial stress and work shifts(倒班)can play roles in sleeplessness, too, Chervin added. He suggested those may be contributing factors in West Virginia, an economically depressed state with tens of thousands of people working in coal mining.
The report was based on results of an annual telephone survey of more than 400,000 Americans, including at least 3,900 in each state. The survey did not include people who use only cellphones.
56. What is the main idea of Paragraph 1? (No more than 15 words.)
57. What does the underlined word “notably” in Paragraph 2 mean? (No more than 3 words.)
58. What was the possible reason for the high rate of sleeplessness in West Virginia according to Paragraph 3?  (No more than 12 words.)
59. List three factors that contribute to sleeplessness based on the passage.
(No more than 8 words.)
①____________________ ②_____________________ ③______________________
60. How was the research carried out? (No more than 10 words.)

56. West Virginians suffer from lack of sleep the most perhaps due to health problems.
57. Highly
58. West Virginia had a low level of several important measurements of health.
59. ①being too fat         ②financial stress            ③work shifts
60. By interviewing over 400,000 Americans on the telephone.

试题【第II卷(非选择题,共35分)注意事项:1. 用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题纸上。2. 本卷共6小题,共35分。第三部分:写作第一节   阅读表达(共5】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Richard Charles Rodgers was born in New York City on June 28th, 1902. Both his parents enjoyed singing and playing the piano. His grandparents loved opera and took their grandson to many productions. Richard attended many Broadway (百老汇) shows as a child. Richard began playing the piano by the age of three. At the age of fifteen, he decided that he would work in the musical theater. In the same year, he wrote the music for a stage show presented by a local group of young people. Then, he wrote music for a production of the students at Columbia University.
Richard and his wife Dorothy had two daughters and six grandchildren. One daughter and two grandsons also write music. Richard died in 1979. Books written about his life describe him as a cold man who was often depressed (消沉的). Family members say he was only able to express himself through music.
Other future show business leaders were also involved in the Columbia productions. Two of these men would be very important in Richard’s life — Oscar Hammerstein and Lorenz Hart. Richard once said the show he liked the best was Carousel, the second musical (音乐剧) he wrote with Oscar Hammerstein. Music experts say that a Richard show is always playing somewhere in the world — on Broadway, in theaters in different countries, and in local school productions. And people all over the world still enjoy the movies linked to Richard, such as State Fair, South Pacific, Pal Joey, The Sound of Music, Oklahoma and Carousel.
小题1:When did Richard Charles Rodgers decide that he would work in the musical theater?
A.In 1967.B.In 1917.C.In 1907.D.In 1905.
小题2:Which musical is the one that he likes most?
A.Oklahoma.B.The Sound of Music.
C.State Fair.D.Carousel.
小题3:Which is the first musical he wrote with Oscar Hammerstein?
A.Carousel.B.South Pacific.C.Not mentioned.D.State Fair.
小题4: What’s the best title for the passage?
A.All the life of Richard Charles RodgersB.Richard Charles Rodgers’ Family
C.Richard Charles Rodgers’ MusicD.Richard Charles Rodgers’ Stage

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Section C
Directions: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph.  There is one extra heading which you do not need.
A. Value of rare skills
B. Dangerous jobs paid more
C. Social demand decides reward
D. Developing skills
E. Women’s skills rewarded
F. Reason for taking low-paying jobs
1. _________________________
The rewards of a skill that is in strictly limited supply depend upon the demand for that skill. Men’s professional basketball is extremely popular, and the top NBA players make millions of dollars per year. There are some great women basketball players, too, but because women’s professional basketball has not become popular, these women’s skills go comparatively unrewarded.
2. _________________________
Some people with very rare skills can make enormous salaries in a free market economy. Paula Abdel has a voice that millions of people are willing to pay to hear in person, and on tapes, CDs, records, and videos. Before Pablo Picasso died, he could sell small sketches for vast sums of money. Were they worth it? They were worth exactly what the highest bidder (出价人) was willing to pay.
3. _________________________
Not all skills are inborn, however. Some people have invested in training and schooling to improve their knowledge and skills. When we go to school, we are investing in human capital that we expect to yield dividends, partly in the form of higher wages, later on. Human capital is also produced through on-the-job training.
4. _________________________
Some jobs are more desirable than others. Entry-level positions in attractive industries such as publishing and television tend to be low-paying. Since talented people are willing to take entry-level jobs in these industries at salaries below what they could earn in other occupations, there must be other, non-wage rewards. It may be that the job itself is more personally rewarding, or that a low-paying apprenticeship is the only way to acquire the human capital necessary to advance.
5. _________________________
On the other hand, compensating differentials are required when an occupation is very dangerous. Workers on skyscrapers and bridges command additional wages. Fire fighters in cities that have many old, run-down buildings are usually paid more than those in relatively tranquil rural or suburban areas.
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.
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A Love Oriented “Family”
“Jia” or “Family” in English, is one of the most widely read novels by Chinese literature giant Ba Jin. It has been again adapted into a TV series, with its main plot telling the love story between the young heroes, according to a report by the Beijing Times. “Family” is among Ba Jin’s most acclaimed(受称赞的)novels and is one of his three semi-autobiographical novels known as the “Torrent” trilogy(三部曲), composed of “Family”, “Spring” and “Autumn”. Written between 1931 and 1940 in pre-revolutionary China, the novel attacked the traditional Chinese family structure and depicted the struggles and tragedies, love and hatred of the young generation in a story of family decline. It has attracted extensive readers for its anti-feudal(封建的) thoughts and unique artistic charm, winning an important position in contemporary Chinese literature.
In China, family is closely related to country, hence the appearance of the very country of five thousand years" civilization. The ideal of ancient people, namely, “self-cultivation, regulating the family, managing the nation, and establishing peace all over the world”, fully reflects the close relation between the family and the country.
“Our version is not as depressing as the original story. It is modern and cater to a younger audience,” said the director Wang Jun at the press release in Beijing. Starring family faces including Huang Lei, Huang Yi and Li Xiaoran, the drama focuses on the complicated relationships between the characters and throws light on the resistance against feudal(封建的) restrictions. “We have to act as teenage boys, it is quite a challenge,” said Huang Lei, an experienced actor who is 36 years old. Huang Yi said “Family” is a good chance for her to switch style because she has to play a virtuous wife whose life ends in tragedy.
81. What are the three novels known as the “Torrent” trilogy by Ba Jin?
82. According to paragraph three, we know the original story is ____________.
83. The underlined word “depicted” probably means ____________.
84. What’s the TV series “Family” about?
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II 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分35分)
I take the firm position that parents do not owe their children college education.If they can __21__ it, they can certainly send them to the best universities.But they must not feel guilty if they can’t.If the children really want to go, they’ll find a __22__.There are plenty of loans and scholarships for the bright and eager ones who can’t afford to pay.
When children grow up and want to __23__, their parents do not owe them a down payment on a house.They do not have the duty to baby-sit their grandchildren.If they want to do it, it must be considered a __24__ not an obligation.
Do parents owe their children anything? Yes, they owe them a great deal.
One of their obligations is to give their children a personal __25__.A child who is constantly made to feel stupid and unworthy, constantly compared to brighter brothers, sisters, or cousins will become so __26__, so afraid of failing that he (or she) won’t try at all.Of course they should be __27__ corrected when they do wrong, but it’s often better to let children learn their mistakes by themselves __28__.All our parents should do is to trust them, respect them, tolerate them and give them chances to try and fail.They must learn to stand __29__.When criticisms are really needed, they should be __30__ with praises, with a smile and a kiss.That is the way children learn.
21.A.find                      B.get                         C.afford                     D.receive
22.A.supply                    B.help                       C.hand                       D.way
23.A.get married             B.get a job                 C.go abroad               D.live alone
24.A.pleasure                  B.favor                      C.habit                      D.service
25.A.worth                     B.affair                      C.belief                            D.respect
26.A.unknown                B.unusual                   C.unsure                    D.unfair
27.A.properly                 B.gently                     C.nearly                    D.possibly
28.A.now and then          B.in time                   C.at once                   D.right now
29.A.failure                    B.honor                     C.progress                  D.test
30.A.mixed                    B.satisfied                  C.shared                    D.balanced
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第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
阅读下列图书馆的各个区域的相关信息,然后为每个人物选择相应的区域。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。   (如选E请涂AB,如选F请涂CD)
A.Bing Wing Carrels
Study desks with a lockable storage compartment are located on the third floor of the Bing Wing of Green Library. Graduate students and Visiting Scholars are given priority for carrel assignments. Undergraduate students, if assigned, may use a carrel for one quarter at a time.
B.The Velma Denning Room
The Velma Denning Room provides a focused environment for the data and software services offered by Social Science Data and Software (SSDS).SSDS provides access to an extensive collection of datasets from consortia, foreign governments, international organizations and U.S. agencies and offices on CD-ROM and diskette. Users can view, download, or transfer numeric data on CD-ROM and diskette from computer workstations.
C.Bender Room
The Albert M. Bender Room, with its wonderful views of the Quad and the hills beyond the campus, offers comfortable seating and a quiet atmosphere for study, leisure reading, and reflection. The Bender Room contains a collection of good books of current and classic interest in fiction and non-fiction. This collection has been made possible by a generous gift from the Stanford University Bookstore.
D.Lane Reading Room
The Lane Reading Room, houses the Humanities and Area Studies Resource Center. From the beginning, the room has served as a reading room, first for general purposes, and later for the study of rare books and manuscripts(手稿). Traditional study and reading space is now complemented by Internet access (available from all seating in the room) and computer workstations. The Lane Reading Room houses the Humanities Digital Information Service (formerly the Academic Text Service), which provides access to SUL/AIR"s electronic library of humanities texts as well as to electronic indexes, publications, and the Internet.
E. Dissertation(专题论文) Rooms
Dissertation Rooms are available to currently registered doctoral students. Priority is given to those students in the Humanities and Social Sciences who use the Green Library collections. Because the rooms are in high demand, all rooms are double-assigned and are available only to students who are both currently registered and advanced to candidacy.
F.Jonsson Social Sciences Reading Room
The Jonsson Social Sciences Reading Room is designed to facilitate a range of social science learning and research activities. A social science reference collection of over 15,000 volumes as well as classic texts, new and notable publications, and current issues of core journals in the social sciences are available. The Jonsson Reading Room is also home to the Social Sciences Resource Center computer cluster. 
请阅读以下人物信息, 并为这几个人选择他们今天要去的区域:
56. Lisa intends to go into studies on Humanities and Area Studies, and she is considering which specific question should be focused on. Rather than getting easy access to electronic texts, she would like to take a quick look at the new publications in the printed form first.
57. Ali is on a visit to the university. He has been invited to stay on campus for 2 weeks. At the library, he may need a place that can be locked up to keep his belongings.
58. Jack has finished his project on humanities. For several months he was seated in front of the computer screen writing his dissertation. Today he wants a change. A comfortable place with interesting novels, short stories, or even fairytales is most favorable.
59. Ann, with a Master’s degree in Social Sciences, is one of the currently registered doctoral students. Her supervisor has asked her to search for some information in the SUL/AIR"s electronic library. This is an urgent task.
60. Nick is doing a research on the Middle East. He badly needs a wide range of datasets from the area. He also plans to store the data on CD-ROM so that he can use them later.
56.   Lisa           A.    Bing Wing Carrels
57.   Ali             B.    The Velma Denning Room
58.   Jack         C.    Bender Room
59.   Ann           D.    Lane Reading Room
60.   Nick              E.    Dissertation Rooms
F.    Jonsson Social Sciences Reading Room
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