当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 第二节:阅读下列材料,从所给的六个选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。___81....

___81. Emma is an oversea college student who enjoys plenty of spare time during her university life. She wants to seek a part time job to pay her tuition fee.
___82. Clifford is an MBA graduate of London University, and he once worked in ABC company as a market researcher for three years, but this company went bankrupt last year. He hopes to find another job relating to his experience.
___83. Jeffrey is a manager of Stone Net Company for ten years. He is skilled in web development and has rich web experience. But he is not satisfied with his current payment. He hopes to find a company offering salary no less than 10,000 per month.
___84. Oliver Clark used to be a tailor, and he is also familiar with sewing machine operation. He wants to apply for a clothing company.
___85. Mathew is a student journalist in the university. His typing speed is about 4,000 wph and has a good knowledge of filling procedures. He will graduate from his university this month. He hopes to find a job before graduate.
A    Net Development Manager
With seven years experience of full lifecycle experience and one year’s experience in leading a web development team. Must have strong web experience, including ASP, ASP. NET,C#, XML, XSL, Html, XHtml and CSS. We are looking for a technical person who is able to specify and deliver solutions.
Salary $156,000 per year
Phone 734 4897 for an appointment
B   Market Researcher
A financial services company requires a market researcher who must be educated to degree level or with a market research qualification and experience of a year in this field.
Salary: $18,000 per year          Tel: 324 7345
C    Emu Airlines Secretary
Emu Airlines is now offering a permanent, part time secretarial position. The position offers a minimum of 20 hours a week, with a view to full time work in the future.
Phone 899 3264 for an appointment.
D    City College Union Inc. Secretary
The Union is a student run organization with a permanent staff of 20. Typing speed of at least 3,600wph. The ability to take shorthand dictation and a working knowledge of filling procedures are essential requirements. The basic salary for the position is $18,500 per year.
Enquires to R. Barbar 387 5075
E    Word Processor Operator (full-time)
Applications are invited for an operator to work in an office associated with the building industry. Only experienced operators need apply.
Starting salary $17,950
Apply in writing to: The Personnel Officer Hill Morgan Pty Ltd. 38 Greenhill Rd. Kensington 2033
F    Sewing Machinist
We are an expanding clothing company located south of the city. Our denim range includes jeans, skirts, jackets and shorts. We are looking for sewing machine operators. The factory works 38 hours a week. Wages and conditions are in line with the current industrial award. If you are interested, call in and pick up an application form from Ripper Jeans, 23 North Ave, Beaudesert. cbafd

81---85   CBAFD

Anna lived on the side of a valley. One winter, there was a very big flood, and a lot of houses  36   Anna"s were washed away. Anna"s house was high enough to escape the flood, so when the water had disappeared and the other houses were __37   there with no roof and no walls and all covered with __38   , her house was   39   quite all right.
Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children ,   40    Anna took in one of the families that had lost   41    in the flood and she  42   her home with them until it was    43   for them to rebuild their houses.
Anna"s friends were   44    when they saw Anna do this. They could not understand why Anna wanted to give   45  so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to   46   .  
"Well," Anna   47  her friends, "at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I  48   lived found herself very poor, because her husband   49    in the war and she had a lot of children,   50    I have now. The day before Christams, this woman said to her children, ‘We won’t be able to have much for   51    this year, so I’m going to   52    only one present for all of us. Now I’ll go and get it.’ She came back   53    a girl who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents. ‘Here’s our present, ’ she said to her children. The children were    54    to get such a present. They welcomed the little girl, and she grew up as their sister.   55    was that Christmas present.”
36.A.down below       B.just around         C.next to       D.above
37.A.rising B.appearing  C.falling         D.standing
38.A.water         B.trees C.dust   D.mud
39.A.just    B.already       C.yet     D.still
40.A.so       B.but     C.for      D.since
41.A.nothing      B.everything C.anything    D.something
42.A.made B.found C.shared        D.built
43.A.possible     B.necessary  C.important  D.valuable
44.A.worried      B.disappointed      C.puzzled      D.impressed
45.A.them B.herself        C.them all     D.her
46.A.support      B.supply         C.grow  D.keep
47.A.explained to       B.asked for   C.talked with         D.spoke as
48.A.actually      B.then   C.before        D.later
49.A.had killed   B.might be killed   C.had been killed  D.killed
50.A.for      B.as       C.like     D.that
51.A.you     B.us       C.Christmas D.your birthday
52.A.get     B.send  C.buy     D.make
53.A.for      B.from  C.like     D.with
54.A.sad     B.happy         C.worried      D.sorry
55.A.It        B.She     C.Such   D.I
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My father was driving us to our grandparents’ house for our annual Christmas dinner. The closer we got to the turnoff (岔道) for my grandparents’ house, the slower the car went. Suddenly, my father U-turned in the middle of the road and said: “I can’t stand it!”
“What?” asked my mother.
“It’s those people back there at the Pan Am, standing in the rain. They’ve got children. It’s Christmas. I can’t stand it.”
When my father pulled into the service station, I saw that there were five of them: the parents and three children – two girls and a small boy.
My father rolled down his window. “Merry Christmas,” he said.
“Howdy (您好),” the man replied. He was very tall and had to stoop (弯腰) slightly to peer into the car.
My sisters Jill, Sharon, and I stared at the children, and they stared back at us.
“You’re getting wet standing here. Just a couple miles up the road there’s a shed (小棚) with a cover there, and some benches,” my father said. “Why don’t you all get in the car?”
The man thought about it for a moment, and then he waved to his family. They climbed into the car.
Once they settled in, my father looked back over his shoulder and asked the children if Santa had found them yet. Three unhappy faces gave him the answer.
“Well, I didn’t think so,” my father said, winking at my mother, “because when I saw Santa this morning, he told me that he was having trouble finding all, and he asked me if he could leave your toys at my house. We’ll just go to get them before I take you to the bus stop.”
All at once, the three children’s faces lit up, and they began to bounce around in the back seat, laughing and chattering.
When we got out of the car at our house, the three children ran through the front door and straight to the toys that were spread out under our Christmas tree. One of the girls spied Jill’s doll and hugged it to her breast. The little boy grabbed Sharon’s ball. And the other girl picked up something of mine.
We left them there at the bus stop in Winborn. As we drove away, I watched out the window as long as I could, looking back at the little girl hugging her new doll.
That was the Christmas when my sisters and I learned the joy of making others happy.
56. The writer’s father U-turned in the middle of the road because ______.
A. he could not stand the people at the service station
B. he could not bear the thought of leaving the people behind
C. he wanted to do something special for his parents
D. he wanted to help the family standing in the rain
57. The reason the father asked the kids if Santa had found them was probably that _____.
A. he knew the mention of Santa would lift their spirits
B. he once promised to receive them as guests in his house
C. he wanted to avoid embarrassing the family
D. he had met Santa and got the presents for the kids
58. How did the author feel at the end of the story?
A. She was pleased that they had been able to give the kids presents and make them happy.
B. She was unhappy remembering that they had been late for the Christmas dinner.
C. She was angry because she realized that she didn’t receive a Christmas gift that year.
D. She was puzzled by why her father had done this on Christmas.
59. What is the article mainly about?
A. How my family found the lost Santa.
B. The people at the service station.
C. The art of celebrating Christmas.
D. The joy of making others happy.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Like many other high school seniors, I eagerly anticipate life after graduation. In less than three months, my belongings will be packed up and shipped to the other side of the country.
I had never imagined, in my wildest dreams, that I would attend college in Ithaca, New York. I had had my heart set on a university in California and of majoring in English.
Nearly all of my friends are staying in state, and I remember thinking to myself, when one friend said she would be going to college in Virginia: Why would someone ever choose to move away from California?
But by a twist of fate, I received a letter from Ithaca College, inviting me to apply for a program in communications. On a while, I decided to apply. What were the chances that I would be selected as a finalist? If I hadn’t applied, I would have always regretted not trying. Yet secretly, I hoped that I wouldn’t be chosen.
But, as things turned out, I was offered one of the scholarships. I also received admission letters from the other colleges I had applied to, all of which were California schools.
As I began to weigh my options, I wrote out a pro/con (利弊) list for each of my schools. I began to realize that my reasons for wanting to go to certain schools in California were based on considerations of comfort. It would be so reassuring to be close to my family and my home.
Then I began to think about the expensive tuitions (学费) and class shortages in the California public school system. These issues were not likely to greatly improve in the next four years. Slowly, I came to the conclusion that Ithaca was the ideal choice for me – culturally, academically and financially.
Fear of the unknown should not be a reason for shying away from opportunities. It might be difficult to adapt to my new situation, but I am confident I have made the right decision.
64. What is the point of the article?
A. To introduce the advantages of studying at Ithaca College.
B. To tell readers what matters when applying to a college.
C. To share the author’s experience of choosing a college.
D. To compare the differences between Ithaca College and California schools.
65. The author decided to go to Ithaca College because ______.
A. she wasn’t accepted by any of her dream schools in California
B. she has a great interest in Ithaca College’s communications program
C. she was offered a scholarship by Ithaca College but not by colleges in California
D. she thinks that teaching and classes are better at Ithaca College than at California schools
66. Judging from the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The author had never thought of going to college in New York.
B. The author is independent and likes adventure.
C. The author believes it will be easy to adapt to college life.
D. The author applied to Ithaca College because Ithaca College is much cheaper than California      schools.
67. Judging from the article, what has the author learned from her experience?
A. That she must make good use of her time in college.
B. Not to let fear put her off something she wants.
C. That nothing we want in life can be achieved without effort.
D. Not to take any risks.
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As a foreigner , I often hear the Chinese calling me laowai ” . If I could not speak Chinese or if I had no understanding of Asian customs , I might be angry when I am called a “ laowai ” . But having lived in the Philippines and China’s Taiwan Province teaching English for several years , I have come to China with a different view from most other foreign teachers here . In such situations , I just answer back in standard Chinese : “ Ni zenmo zhidao wo shi waiguoren ?( How do you know I’m a foreigner ? )” When I hear people shout out “ hello ” in a more impolite way and then laugh , I reply in Chinese with “ Ni de yingyu bi wo de hao .(Your English is better than mine .)”
Speaking Chinese is a way of living an easier life in China . As an English teacher at Hubei University in Wuhan , I was once invited by a student to spend the weekend with his family . Because I can speak Chinese quite freely , I was able to talk with my student’s entire family . From my personal experience , I knew that the Chinese have a “ gift ”for making foreigners in China feel right at home . That fun-filled weekend I spent with my student’s family in Caidian , a small suburb of Wuhan , just showed that my idea was right .
It was an experience I will never forget .
Americans have a saying : If you can’t beat them , then join them .The secret to feeling at home with the Chinese people isn’t to try to make them change over to Western ways . The secret is to become one of them . Just go with the flow , or don’t take things too seriously . In this way you will surely feel at home in China .
If you no longer emphasize (强调) our differences from the Chinese , you will be more willing to concentrate on what “ big noses ” and “ small noses ” have in common .
68. The reply “Ni de yingyu bi wo de hao ” shows _______ .
A. the author likes to talk with the Chinese    
B. the author isn’t angry
C. the author really think so        
D. the author likes to speak Chinese
69. Which of the following is NOT true ?
A. The author has known Chinese customs fairly well .
B. The author can speak Chinese very well .
C. The author doesn’t mind being called a “ laowai ” .
D. The author is difficult to get along with .
70. Shouting out “ hello ” to a strange foreigner is usually considered ______ by foreigners .
A. friendly                      B. curious       
C. rude                         D. brave
71. The phrase “ go with the flow ” here means _______ .
A. feel at home                     
B. when in Rome , do as the Romans do
C. flow with the river                
D. take things easy
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You finish a workout and feel great. Then you get up the next morning and your exercised muscles feel sore. You find it hard to lift your arms and brush your teeth, or bend down to pick up a book. What has happened?
Scientists call this soreness 24 to 48 hours after your exercise “delayed onset (延迟发作) of muscle soreness”, or DOMS. It is caused by microscopic damage to muscle fibers, which releases chemicals. The chemicals irritate (刺激) nerve fibers and cause pain.
Muscle soreness is a good sign. It means that you have challenged your muscles and are getting stronger. Everyone experiences it, even the best athletes. But it can be avoided by using the right exercise methods. Here are some tips:
* Warm up before you work out. This is helpful to avoid muscle soreness, but more importantly to avoid injury. It starts circulation to the muscles and warms the muscles and tendons, getting them ready for exercise.
* Stretch after your workout. After exercising, make sure you stretch your muscles for 15 to 20 seconds before they cool down. They will be warm and elastic (弹性的) so they will stretch well.
* Don’t do too much too soon. Whether it’s jogging, running, whatever workout routine you are starting, just do half of the exercise volume the first week to introduce your muscles to the exercises.
If you are already feeling muscles soreness, here are some ways to help relieve it.
* Get a massage (按摩). Lightly massage the sore muscle and gradually increase the depth of the massage. It might be painful in the beginning but it will gradually ease the muscle soreness.
* Take a hot bath. Nothing beats a long soak in a hot bath for muscle soreness. The heat will increase circulation and provide a soothing (舒缓) effect.
* Flush your muscles. Run hot (as hot as you can bear) water over the sore muscles for two minutes and then immediately switch to cold water for 30 seconds. Repeat this process five times. This has the effect of opening and closing your blood vessels (血管). It will flush the acid (酸物质) from them and ease the soreness.
* Exercise gently. Go for a slow walk and breathe deeply. This helps reduce muscle soreness by increasing blood flow to the sore muscles.
72. What is the purpose of this article?
A. To tell readers to exercise more for fitness.
B. To warn readers of the side effects of exercise.
C. To give readers advice on how to avoid and relieve muscle soreness.
D. To introduce good forms of exercise.
73. The article suggests that before exercise we should ______.
A. stretch our muscles                   B. have a massage
C. have a hot shower                   D. warm up our muscles
74. From this article we can conclude that muscle soreness is caused by ______.
A. damaged muscle fibers               B. damaged nerve fibers
C. a bad circulation to the muscles        D. exercise injuries
75. Judging from the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Only beginners get muscle soreness.
B. Muscle soreness means you have physical problems and should stop exercising.
C. Muscle soreness is a good sign because it means that the muscles are getting stronger.
D. Muscle soreness can be relieved by increasing the amount of exercise.
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