当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 第二节 完形填空(20小题,每题1.5分,共30分)I work in a company in India. And it has___36____in Ge...

第二节 完形填空(20小题,每题1.5分,共30分)
I work in a company in India. And it has___36____in Germany and the UK, so I __37___take business trips to these places. We have a(n)__38__at the office by which anybody coming back to India from a foreign countr gets chocolates for all the__39___. Naturally the chocolates are finished___40___because everyone loves them and____41____to grab as many as possible. I had noticed that the housekeeping staff(勤杂人员)___42___in our company never got to__43___even a single chocolate.
Recently,I came back to__44___after a month-long trip from MUNICH and I’d bought a lot of chocolates for the office staff. I called over___45___of the housekeeping staff members called Babu. I gave him a box of chocolates and told him to distribute it ___46___among the housekeeping staff. His face immediately broke into a wide smile and this made me__47__.
But the story doesn’t___48____here. The best part of it all was that Babu actually distributed the chocolates among everyone equally,___49___giving extra choclates to a woman who has a 5-year-old son. It was so___50___for me to see this. I find it really___51____to understand how we, who have the money to buy chocolates and other goodies, do not even feel like__52___and just think how much we can grab. ___53___, Babu, who earns only just about enough to raise his family, was so__54___and did not even keep one extra chocolate for himself.
It made me__55____one simple question: Which is better, having a little less money but being kind and generous or having lots of money but being selfish?
36. A. goverments     B. machines     C. branches     D. buildings
37. A. seldom         B. frequently    C. hardly      D.never
38. A. order           B. theory       C. example      D. tradition
39. A. employees      B. children      C. leaders       D. managers
40. A. at a time        B. in time       C. in no time    D. on time
41. A. pretends        B. fails         C. hesitates     D. tries
42. A. studying        B. working     C. playing       D. helping
43. A. taste           B. smell         C. buy          D. make
44. A. Germany       B. England       C. India        D. China
45. A. those          B. ones          C. that         D. one
46. A. unfairly        B. equally       C. extremely   D.secertly
47. A. happy         B.sad            C. disappointed D. frightened
48. A.start           B. continue        C. end        D. last
49. A. still            B. yet          C. instead      D.even
50. A.tiring           B. touching     C. worrying     D.interesting
51. A. easy            B. funny        C. hard         D. strange
52. A.sharing          B. dividing    C. changing     D.enjoying
53. A. What’s more     B. In reality   C. Worse still   D. On the other hand
54. A. diligent          B. generous    C. brave     D.intelligent
55. A. make up        B. figure out     C. think of      D. take off

36-40CBDAC   41-45DBACD    46-50BACDB       51-55CADBC

试题【第二节 完形填空(20小题,每题1.5分,共30分)I work in a company in India. And it has___36____in Ge】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

His parents were told to take him home to die after his rare leukaemia(白血病)returned a THIRD time.”They said there was nothing more they could do and gave him a few weeks to live,” says his mum Claire,26. “But that was six months ago and just look at him now! No one can explain why the cancer has suddenly disappeared. The surgeon who phoned me with the news asid he couldn’t believe it. I just burst into tears”.
Jordan, now three, began his amazing battle with leukaemia at just ten weeks old.Claire and her husband Gery,30, were told their son only had a 10% chance of survival. Jordan put up with six months of chemotherapy(化疗) despite being the youngest patient with cancer that doctors at Yorkhill Children’s Hospital in Glasgow had ever treated. And after he had a bone marrow transplant(骨髓移植) in April,2006 it seemed that the cancer was gone.”He started nursery and we really thought we had put this behind us,” says Claire. But in February the following year Jordan fell ill again and was saved by more chemotherapy and a transplant of matching stem cells(干细胞) from a baby in Barcelona. His family sighed with relief again. But in November, 2008 blood tests showed it was back. “The doctors told us to enjoy what few weeks he had left,” says Claire.
But just before Christmas after further bolld tests, came the phone call Claire and Gerry had never dared dream of. Jordan had another test in February which was also clear. Ken Campbell, of the Leukaemia Research Fund, told us: “There is no medical explanation for his recovery.”
56.Which is the right order of the following events?
a.Jordan started nursery.
b.Jordan had the important blood test showing he was all right.
c.Jordan got a terrible disease leukaemia.
d.Jordan had a transplant of matching stem cells from a baby.
A. a-c-b-d-e     B. c-a-d-e-b       C.c-e-d-b-a        D.c-e-a-d-b
57.From the passage we can know_________________.
A. Jordan’s mother didn’t believe what the doctor said about his son’s recovery.
B. Jorda was not the youngest patient with leukaemia in Yorkhill Children’s Hospital
C. it was the doctors who saved little Jordan’s life
D. nobody knows the reason for the disappearance of the cancer.
58.The underlined part in Paragraph 2 probably means”_________”.
A.our son had been left behind us
B.life was too hard for us
C.the difficulties were gone
D.only doctors knew the story behind our son
59.Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Cancer, not frighting any more
B.A brave boy
C.An unbelievable wonder
D.An interesting story
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In July 2008, Zheng Jie mad her own bit of sporting history for China. At the Wimbledon Tennis Championships in London, Zheng beat Ana Ivanovic, who was then the world number one, on the way to a place in the semifinals. It was the first time that a Chinese player had reached a Grand Slam tournament semifinal(大满贯半决赛).
“After my performance at Wimbledon when I returned to China, I was welcomed by a huge crowd at the airport. I was excited that I could turn so many people’s attention to the tennis,” said Zheng.
Zheng was born in Chengdu, Sichuan in July, 1983 and donated her winning from Wimbeldon to the Sichuan earthquake relief-fund.(救济金)
She followed up her Winbledon performance with a bronze medal at the Beijing Olympic Game.
“To me the Olympic is a wonderful memory of my career path. When I watched the five-starflag rising up in my own country,it’s hard to describe or expressthe feelings of pride with words,” she said. Zheng’s singles displays in 2008 represented new progress in her career and reminded the world of the potential of Chinese tnnis.
Zheng’s parents didn’t play tennis themselves but encouraged her to take up the sport just to stay fit, but Zheng became lost in the game.
In fact, Zheng was often overlooked by her coaches. She said,”Acutally I played really well, but just because I want taller or stronger than others,the coaches didn’t think I was fit for tennis. But I really like playing tennis. If you say I can’t make it ,I’ll prove it to you that I can.”
Now Zheng Jie has become the top fof Asian tennis. She may prove to be the first of many Chinese players to make a great impact in the tennis world in the years to come.
63.According to the first two paragraphs, Zheng Jie____________
A. is the first Chinese player to join in an international tennis competition.
B.got a bronze prize at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships in July 2008
C.is the first Chinese tennis player to reach a Grand Slam tournament semifinal
D. makes more and more Chinese people interested in playing volleyball
64.Zheng Jie’s original purpose of playing tennis was to__________.
A. realize her parents’ dreams
B.win prizes in future cpmpetitions
C. become simmer and more beautiful
D. keep in good health
65.What can we know from the passage?
A. Zheng Jie won her coaches’ attention at the very beginning
B. Zheng Jie’s height affected her performance in the training
C. Zheng Jie didn’t like playingtennis much at the beginning
D. Zheng Jie’s success proved the potential of Chinese tennis
66.The following word can all be used to discribe Zheng Jie EXCEPT________.
A. warm-hearted    B. careless    C. determined  D. self-confident
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第三节:完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1分,满分 20 分)
Not long ago, I had a hard week at work. __16__ just kept popping up(出现) everywhere and I was struggling to keep from __17__ my cool. I felt like I was at the __18__ point.
One day, I made a trip across town to the store. After I __19__, I realized I had left my purse with credit cards at home. __20__, I had a small amount of cash in my pocket, so I __21__ it, my coupons(优惠券) and went inside. The store was really __22__, but I just found what I needed, waiting for the cashier(收银员) to check out my __23__. I waited and waited, meanwhile my anger grew. I had a bad day and all I wanted to do was go home, but I was __24__ in the line.
Finally, I got to the front, but the cashier didn’t __25__ my coupons. I was upset because I had used __26__ coupons there before. It didn’t __27__ me. I would just pay in cash. Then the cashier said it was 10 dollars. SHOCK! I was a little __28__. Now I was mad at myself for forgetting my purse and only taking a small amount of cash. Without a credit card or anything else, I __29__ my things and started to go back out to my car, wondering to myself why everything had __30__ for me.
Just as I was headed out, an employee __31__ me and said a lady in the __32__ had paid the difference for me and left. __33__ the amount she paid was small, the act was huge. A stranger, whom I had never met, completely changed my attitude with her __34__. Maybe next time I see someone having a __35__ day, I’ll do the same as her. After all, you never know whose day you might change.
16. A. Problems         B. Chances          C. Stories          D. Suggestions
17. A. enjoying         B. gaining          C. losing            D. continuing
18. A. growing          B. boiling          C. turning           D. beginning
19. A. adjusted         B. practiced        C. returned          D. parked
20. A. Finally          B. Thankfully       C. Gradually         D. lately
21. A. opened           B. closed           C. grabbed          D. found
22. A. quite            B. big              C. clean             D. busy
23. A. purses           B. goods            C. cards           D. pockets
24. A. stuck            B. served           C. followed        D. defeated
25. A. pay             B. use              C. accept          D. fill
26. A. extra            B. different        C. ordinary        D. similar
27. A. disappoint       B. change           C. move            D. surprise
28. A. foolish          B. short            C. proud           D. curious
29. A. made             B. did              C. collected       D. left
30. A. ended            B. failed           C. passed          D. disappeared
31. A. stopped          B. recognized       C. saw             D. helped
32. A. room             B. corner           C. line            D. company
33. A. Unless           B. Once             C. Although        D. Since
34. A. intelligence     B. humor            C. smile           D. generosity
35. A. tough            B. lonely           C. lucky           D. simple
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第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Mrs. Williams became a foster grandparent to Mary when she was nine years old. At first Mary was ___16   . She was afraid because Mrs. Williams was a stranger. But she came to see Mary every day. Gradually, she began to   17   Mrs. William.
At last Mary let Mrs. Williams do things for her. She came at lunchtime and fed her. One day she   18  _ her the spoon and guided it to her    19   . She told her she must learn to feed herself.
"Most of the   20   ended up on us instead of in Mary"s mouth.” Mrs. Williams remembers. “But it was a ___21    for Mary. Mary learned to feed herself in a few months.”
Then Mary was ready for more treatment. Thanks to Mrs. Williams, after she had learned to do one simple thing, she could learn to do other simple things. Mrs. Williams was   22   to help with Mary"s _  23   .
To become foster grandparents, people must be at least sixty-five years old and in good __24   . They must be willing to give their   25   to disabled children. They are volunteers, so they are not paid.
Mrs. Williams  26   for most foster grandparents when she says, “We all benefit. The  ___27   children benefit because we help them live more useful lives. And we benefit because we know the children   28    us and love us. For any   29  , there is no greater __30   than that!”
16. A. sorry           B. glad                 C. surprised                  D. shy
17. A. know         B. realize               C. recognize                D. trust
18. A. awarded          B. handed             C. returned                        D. hit
19. A. nose               B. eye                 C. mouth               D. ear
20. A. supper              B. dinner                     C. lunch                 D. breakfast
21. A. job                 B. start              C. invention              D. help
22. A. trained            B. forced              C. afraid               D. tired
23. A. treatment       B. medicine            C. food                D. drink
24. A. wealth             B. health              C. position              D. heart
25. A. money             B. life                  C. house               D. time
26. A. tells                B. speaks             C. announces                       D. informs
27. A. poor                B. sick                C. disabled                         D. unhealthy
28. A. help               B. need               C. treat                D. touch
29. A. place             B. person             C. time                            D. chance
30. A. progress          B. responsibility         C. happiness              D. work
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Napoleon Bonaparte died on May 5, 1821, on the island of St. Helena off the coast of Africa. He was 51 years old at the time. When doctors examined Napoleon’s body, they said that the former emperor of France had died from cancer of the stomach. That was the cause of death recorded in the official report. However, other doctors disagreed. One doctor who was present during the examination of the body said that Napoleon died of hepatitis. Other historians and medical experts have suggested that Napoleon died of syphilis, tuberculosis, or perhaps malaria. Now, after careful research, a British chemist thinks that Napoleon might have been poisoned -- not by a person, but by his wallpaper.
Napoleon was sent to the island of St. Helena in 1815 after he lost the battle of Waterloo. He was a prisoner on the island. Although he had servants to attend to him, he had to live in one small building. St. Helena is a very wet island, so the walls of the building were always covered with mold. Napoleon became ill from spending too much time inside his house. Almost constantly he had a fever, chills, and felt sick to his stomach. He often felt pain in his shoulders and in his side. His skin turned yellow. He got frequent headaches, and he would become dizzy and vomit(吐). None of the medicine that the doctors gave Napoleon seemed to help. They were not sure what was the matter. Finally, Napoleon was too weak to leave the house. One night, while he was sleeping, he went into a coma and died.
Many doctors who later reviewed the reports of Napoleon’s illness found that the symptoms(症状) did not show a man who suffered from stomach cancer. It seemed obvious that Napoleon had died from some other cause. In 1961, a Swedish doctor examined some of Napoleon’s hair and found a high level of arsenic, a chemical poison. Was Napoleon murdered? It is doubtful. Arsenic was used in many types of medicine during Napoleon’s time, so he might have taken the arsenic as a cure for his illness. Then, in 1982, Dr. David Jones from England began to look into the mystery and suggested that Napoleon might have breathed in arsenic which was in the air of his house. In the 1700s and 1800s, arsenic was used to make a kind of green paint used on cloth and wallpaper. If the paint was used on a wet wall, the arsenic would go into the air. A person in the room might breathe that air. After studying the wallpaper in the room where Napoleon died, Dr. Jones found high levels of arsenic in the green paint on the walls.
小题1:Why did Napoleon live on St. Helena?
A.He owned the island.B.He was a prisoner there.
C.His family lived there.D.He liked the island.
小题2:The official report said that Napoleon died of____________.
A.cancerB.a comaC. moldD.poison
小题3:Napoleon suffered from the following symptoms except __________.
A. chills      B. fever      C  dizziness     D. bleeding
小题4:According to Dr. Jones, how did the arsenic probably get into Napoleon’s body?
A.He drank it..B.He touched it.C.He breathed it in.D.He ate it
小题5:The passage says that                      .
A.a British doctor thinks he has found the cause of Napoleon’s death
B.many doctors have tried to guess the cause of Napoleon"s death
C.Napoleon could have died from poison
D.all of the above

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